Wykonywanie i remont termicznych izolacji przemysłowych
Wykonanie i remont termicznych izolacji przemysłowych
1. Film in the standard version.
2. Film with subtitles.
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.
4. Film with narration.
After listening to the dialogue above, mark the correct answer. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The job is to renovate the underground heat pipeline. | □ | □ |
The maintenance shutdown will last two months. | □ | □ |
The renovation covers 200 m of the heat pipeline. | □ | □ |
The disassembly of the old insulation will be performed by four teams consisting of three people. | □ | □ |
Having removed the insulation, it is required to check the condition of the pipeline. | □ | □ |
Having removed the insulation, it will possibly be necessary to renew the anti-corrosion coating. | □ | □ |
The casing segments are 2.5 long. | □ | □ |
In order to join the segments of the casing, it is necessary to remove 0.5 m from each pipe for a joint. | □ | □ |
Izolacja rur grzewczych
After watching a film, mark the correct answer. Po obejrzeniu filmu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Thermal insulation reduces heat losses. | □ | □ |
Pipe insulation by means of an insulating sleeve protects the pipes from mechanical damage. | □ | □ |
Insulation of pipes with cold water is redundant. | □ | □ |
Thermal insulation work must be performed when the system is cold. | □ | □ |
The insulating sleeve may be cut by means of a knife with a replaceable blade or by means of a saw. | □ | □ |
The insulating lagging does not have to be leak-proof | □ | □ |
Special connectors are necessary for insulation of pipe bends. | □ | □ |
The joints between the insulation elements must be wrapped tightly with the insulation tape. | □ | □ |
Narzędzia do wykonywania termicznych izolacji przemysłowych
Drag and drop.Przeciągnij brakujące elementy z sekcji dolnej do górnych.
<span lang="en">forty-eight</span>, <span lang="en">fifth</span>, <span lang="en">twelve</span>, <span lang="en">fifty-fifth</span>, <span lang="en">three</span>, <span lang="en">forty-eighth</span>, <span lang="en">third</span>, <span lang="en">first</span>, <span lang="en">one</span>, <span lang="en">nineteen</span>, <span lang="en">twelfth</span>, <span lang="en">five</span>, <span lang="en">ninth</span>, <span lang="en">fourth</span>, <span lang="en">fifty-five</span>, <span lang="en">second</span>, <span lang="en">nine</span>, <span lang="en">eleventh</span>, <span lang="en">nineteenth</span>, <span lang="en">eleven</span>, <span lang="en">two</span>, <span lang="en">four</span>
Cardinal numbers | |
Ordinal numbers |
/ədˈhiːsɪv ænd kɒmpaʊnd skwiː.zər/ [noun, countable] wyciskarka do klejów I mas
/ æntiˈ kəˈrəʊʒən prəˈtekʃən/ [noun, countable] powłoka antykorozyjna
/ˈkeɪ.sɪŋ/ [noun, countable, uncountable] płaszcz osłonowy
/ˈdɪstrɪkt hiːtɪŋ plɑːnt/ [noun, countable] zakład ciepłowniczy
/ɪˈlektrɪkəl mɔːtər mɪksər/ [noun, countable] mieszadło elektryczne do zapraw
/ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒəbl bleɪd naɪf/ [noun, countable] nóż z wymiennym ostrzem
/ˈfɪkstʃər/ [noun, uncountable] armatura
/fləʊt/ [noun, countable] paca
/ fəʊm æplɪˈkeɪʃən ɡʌn/ [noun, countable] pistolet do nakładania piany
/fəʊm spreɪn juːnɪt/ [noun, countable] agregat do natrysku piany
/ˈɡælvənaɪz stiːl/ [noun, uncountable] blacha ocynkowana
/ˈhæmər/ [noun, countable] młotek
/hiːt paɪplaɪn/ [noun, countable] ciepłociąg
/ hiːtɪŋ paɪp/ [noun, countable] rura grzewcza
/ˈɪnsjəleɪtɪŋ ˌteɪp/ [noun, uncountable] taśma izolacyjna
/ ɪnsjəˈleɪʃən fɪtɪŋz/ [noun, countable] kształtka izolacyjna
/ˌɪnsjəˈleɪʃən læɡɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] otulina izolacyjna
/ ɪnsjəˈleɪʃən wɜːks/ [noun, countable] roboty izolacyjne
/naɪf /fɔːr ˈmɪnərəl wʊl/ [noun, countable] nóż do wełny mineralnej
/ læɡɪŋ/ [noun, countable] otulina
/ˈlevəl/ [noun, countable] poziomica
/ˈmeɪntənəns ʃʌtdaʊn/ [noun, countable] przerwa technologiczna
/ˈmeʒərɪn riːl/ [noun, countable] miara zwijana
/ˌəʊvəˈhed paɪp sɪstəm/ [noun, countable] sieć napowierzna
/ˈpɪnsərs/ [noun, countable] obcęgi
/ paɪplaɪn/ [noun, countable] rurociąg
/ˈplaɪəz/ [noun, uncountable] kombinerki
/ˌpɒl.ɪˈjʊə.rə.thetaeɪn fəʊm / [noun, countable] pianka poliuretanowa
/sɔː/ [noun, countable] piła
/ˈsuːɪdʒ paɪp/ [noun,countable] rura kanalizacyjna
/stiːl paɪp/ [noun, countable] rura stalowa
/ˈthetaɜːməl ˌɪnsjəˈleɪʃən/ [noun, uncountable] izolacja termiczna
/traʊəl/ [noun, countable] kielnia
/ˈʌndəɡraʊnd paɪp sɪstəm/ [noun, countable] sieć podziemna
/ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəl sɔ wɪð ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒəbl bleɪds/ [noun, countable] piła uniwersalna z wymiennymi brzeszczotami
/vælv/ [noun, countable] zawór
/wɜːks ˈʃedjuːl/ [noun, countable] harmonogram robót