Wykonywanie i rozbiórka kominków
Dobieranie konstrukcji kominka w zależności od przeznaczenia
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1MceZp8sFEn4
Commissioning building an indoor fireplace - Zlecenie wykonania kominka wewnętrznego
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/Rw4ejv2DsPnAf
Commissioning building an indoor fireplace - Zlecenie wykonania kominka wewnętrznego
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R4e2gtEMomXTo
Commissioning building an indoor fireplace - Zlecenie wykonania kominka wewnętrznego
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RuuXZXrsKLALa
Commissioning building an indoor fireplace - Zlecenie wykonania kominka wewnętrznego
After watching the film put the dialogue in the correct order. Po obejrzeniu filmu ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- Is a design plan necessary?
- Would it be an electric, gas-powered or wood- burning fireplace?
- Do you have a design plan of this fireplace?
- I will show you a catalogue with different technical solutions and I will suggest the best choice.
- No, it’s not but you will have to choose a fireplace buildout.
- I would like to have a traditional fireplace, a wood-burning one.
- Could you help me to make the choice?
- Are we talking about an indoor or an outdoor fireplace?
- I would like to have a fireplace inside my house. An indoor fireplace.
- I would like to commission building a fireplace.
Rodzaje konstrukcji kominków zależnie od przeznaczenia

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RBdmaPwL2jOgv
Types of fireplaces - Rodzaje kominków
Dobieranie materiałów, narzędzi i sprzętu związanych z wykonaniem kominka
Narzędzia używane przy budowie kominków
Complete the gaps by choosing the correct names of tools. Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach przeciągając odpowiednie nazwy narzędzi.
trowel, brick hammer, metal cutting shears, jigsaw, screwdriver, try square, level, electric mixer
1. You need a ........................................ (wyrzynarka) to cut a plasterboard.
2. A ........................................ (kątownik) is used to determine right angles.
3. To mix glue or mortar you can use an ........................................ (mieszadło elektryczne).
4. With a ........................................ (poziomnicy) you can check the horizontal and vertical position of an element.
5. You can fix plasterboards with screws by using a ........................................ (wkrętarka).
6. You use ........................................ (nożyce do cięcia metalu) to cut steel profiles.
7. To lay mortar on bricks you use ........................................ (kielnia)
8. A ........................................ (młotek murarski) is used to cut bricks.
Match the names of tools with their English equivalents. Połącz nazwy narzędzi w języku polskim z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
screwdriver, brick hammer, level, metal cutting shears, try square, jigsaw, trowel
kielnia | |
nożyce do metalu | |
kątownik | |
wyrzynarka | |
młotek murarski | |
poziomnica | |
wkrętarka |
Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. Uzupełnij zdania wpisując poprawne zaimkami osobowe.
1. The boss has promised to help ............ (they).
2. Do you like Mike? No, I don’t like ............ (he).
3. Who did it? Sir, I swear it wasn’t ............ (I).
4. Don’t tell ............ (she) what she should do!
5. Before I employ you I must watch how ............ (you) cooperate with others.
6. Can you help ............ (we)?
7. Can you do ............ (I) a favour?
Don’t say a word now and listen to ............ (we), please!
Choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
prepares, Be, Is, Are, deliveres, need, delivering, uses, using, arranging, Are, preparing, arranges, Is, to need, Am, deliver, needs, Are, Is, prepare, arrange, Am
1. A gas fitter .................... a clinker brick to make a wood-burning fireplace.
2. You .................... fireproof glue to perform all the necessary repairs around the fireplace.
3. A client and a gas fitter .................... a meeting for Monday.
4. A gas fitter .................... a cost estimate after a telephone conversation.
5. .................... a client satisfied with chimney repairs?
6. .................... gas fitters busy in three days?
7. A supplier .................... gutters every Monday.
8. .................... screwdrivers out of stock?
Choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
Why, where, Who, Where, How, Where, What, What, How, Why, Where, How, How, why, Why, Who, When, What, What, What, How, what, Where, How
1. ............ shapes/size can fireplaces have?
2. ............ chamotte brick does a gas fitter need to buy?
3. ............ exactly needs to be repaired?
4. ............ will the gas fitter come to do the chimney repairs?
5. ............ can I help you?
6. ............ is free on Monday to do some chimney flashings?
7. ............ do you need to have the chimney works?
8. The gas fitter will come and see ............ he can do.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective or the adverb. Uzupełnij zdania wpisując odpowiedni stopień przymiotnika lub przysłówka.
1. That was ...................... explosion we have ever heard. (loud)
2. These machines should be stored in ............ conditions than this warehouse. (good)
3. This is .................................. technique of measuring I have ever used. (accurate)
4. You must wear ear protection because it’s .............. than in the other areas. (noisy)
5. This hammer is ................ quality we produce. (good)
6. Working on this fireplace is ............................ than I expected. (difficult)
7. This gypsum-plasterboard is .............. than that one. (heavy)
8. It’s .............. to buy these materials in a warehouse than in a shopping center. (cheap)
Match the cardinal and ordinal numbers into pairs. Połącz liczebniki główne i porządkowe z ich zapisanymi odpowiednikami.
33 try squares, 14 brick hammers, The <math><msup><mn>1</mn><mrow><mi>s</mi><mi>t</mi></mrow></msup></math> electric fireplace, The <math><msup><mn>2</mn><mrow><mi>n</mi><mi>d</mi></mrow></msup></math> chimney flashing, 13 air grates, 5 screws, The <math><msup><mn>20</mn><mrow><mi>t</mi><mi>h</mi></mrow></msup></math> steel profile, Come on <math><msup><mn>3</mn><mrow><mi>r</mi><mi>d</mi></mrow></msup></math> of May
five | |
thirteen | |
thirty three | |
fourteen | |
third | |
second | |
first | |
twentieth |
Change the sentences into passive voice. Zamień zdania ze strony czynnej na stronę bierną.
1. The builder used these wires to connect all the metal parts.
These wires ........................ to connect all the metal parts.
2. Manufacturers choose plastic containers for many different reasons.
Plastic containers .................... for many different reasons.
3. Tomorrow the carpenter will cut the big logs into smaller parts.
The big logs ...................... into smaller parts.
4. The roofer should remove unnecessary roof debris.
Unnecessary roof debris .................................. .
5. John has installed a wood-burning fireplace in my living room.
A wood-burning fireplace .................................... in my living room.
6. A businessman will prepare a cost estimate for Monday.
A cost estimate ................................ for Monday.
7. You must read a manual before you try to repair it yourself.
A manual ........................ before you try to repair it yourself.
8. You mustn’t use this jigsaw if you don’t wear protective goggles.
This jigsaw .................................. if you don’t wear protective goggles.
Decide if these pairs of nouns are written in plural or singular form. Zdecyduj czy podane pary rzeczowników są zapisane w liczbie pojedynczej czy mnogiej.
measuring tape/person, soft lead tapes/scissors, ventilation pipes/knives, metal cutting shears/men, screws/people, chimney liner/shelf, gas/analysis, flue/door
/eər ɡreɪt/ [noun, countable, singular] kratka wentylacyjna
/æljəˈmɪniəm teɪp/ [noun, countable, and uncountable] taśma aluminiowa
/brɪk hæmər/ [noun, countable, singular] młotek murarski
/shuhmot brɪk/ [noun, countable, and uncountable] cegła szamotowa
/tʃænəl/ [noun, countable, singular] kanał
/tʃɪmni laɪnər/ [noun, countable, singular] przewód kominowy
/klɪŋ.kər brɪk/ [noun, countable, singular] cegła klinkierowa
/kləʊzd faɪəpleɪs/ [noun, countable, singular] kominek zamknięty
/ɪˈlektrɪk faɪəpleɪs/ [noun, countable, singular] kominek elektryczny
/ɪˈlektrɪk mɪksər/ [noun, countable, singular] mieszadło elektryczne
/ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒəbl bleɪd naɪf/ [noun, countable, singular] nóż z wymiennymi ostrzami
/faɪəpleɪs bɪldaʊt/ [noun, uncountable] obudowa kominka
/faɪəpleɪs ɪnˈsɜːt/ [noun, countable, and uncountable] wkład kominkowy
/faɪəpleɪs wɪð wɔːtər dʒækɪt/ [noun, countable, singular] kominek z płaszczem wodnym
/faɪə.pruːf ɡlu/ [noun, uncountable] klej ognioodporny
/fluː/ [noun, countable, singular] rura dymowa
/fluː ɡæs/ [noun, countable, and uncountable] spaliny
/fluː paɪp/ [noun, countable, singular] przewód kominowy
/ɡæs paʊ ɜːd faɪəpleɪs/ [noun, countable, singular] kominek gazowy
/dʒɪp.səm plɑː.stə.bɔːd/ [noun, uncountable] płyta gipsowo‑kartonowa
/hɑːtheta/ [noun, countable, singular] palenisko
/dʒɪɡsɔː/ [noun, countable, singular] wyrzynarka
/levəl/ [noun, countable, singular] poziomica
/meʒə rɪŋ teɪp/ [noun, countable, singular] taśma miernicza
/metəl kʌtɪŋ ʃɪəz/ [noun, countable, plural] nożyce do cięcia metalu
/əʊpən faɪəpleɪs/ [noun, countable, singular] kominek otwarty
/skruː/ [noun, countable, singular] wkręt
/skruːˌdraɪvər/ [noun, countable, singular] wkrętarka
/sɪl.ɪ.kət kælsiəm bɔːd/ [noun, countable, singular] płyta krzemianowo wapniowa
/stiːl prəʊfaɪl/ [noun, countable, singular] profil stalowy
/traʊəl/ [noun, countable, singular] kielnia
/ventɪˈleɪʃən paɪp/ [noun, countable, singular] przewód wentylacyjny
/wʊd bɜːnɪŋ faɪəpleɪs/ [noun, countable, singular] kominek opalany drewnem