Wykonywanie obróbek dekarskich i odwodnień połaci dachowych
Types of roof flashings and roof drainage systems
Elements of roof construcion
Match English terms with their Polish equivalents.Połącz angielskimi terminy z ich polskie odpowiednikami.
szczyt, kosz, wole oko, kalenica, okap, naroże, wykusz, połać
ridge | |
field of roof | |
eave | |
hip | |
valley | |
gable | |
ox-eye window | |
dormer |
Examples of roofing materials
Match in pairs names of roof coverings with their English equivalents. Połącz nazwy pokryć dachowych z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
concrete tile, sphalt shingles, metal tile panels, wood shingles, slate tile, clay tile
dachówka gliniana | |
dachówka łupkowa | |
dachówka betonowa | |
blachodachówka | |
gonty drewniane | |
gonty asfaltowe |
Commissioning installation of roof flashings
1. Film in the standard version.
2. Film with subtitles.
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.
4. Film with narration.
Types of roof
Match in pairs types of roofs with their English names. Połącz w pary nazwy typów dachów z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
a building with a shed roof, a building with a flat roof, a building with a gable roof, a building with a gambrel roof, a building with a butterfly roof, a building with a saw-tooth type roof, a building with a pyramid hip roof, a building with a mansard roof, a building with a hip roof, a building with a jerkinhead roof
dach jednospadowy | |
dach dwuspadowy | |
dach czterospadowy | |
dach mansardowy czterospadowy | |
dach mansardowy dwuspadowy | |
dach naczółkowy | |
dach namiotowy | |
dach pogrążony | |
dach pilasty | |
dach płaski |
Match the time. Połącz godziny.
It’s 8.45, It’s 12.00, It’s 10.27, It’s 2.02, It’s 1.58, It’s 7.30, It’s 8.15, It’s 24.00
It’s a quarter past eight. | |
It’s twenty seven past ten. | |
It’s two past two. | |
It’s a quarter to nine. | |
It’s two minutes to two. | |
It’s midnight. | |
It’s noon. | |
It’s half past seven. |
Match the beginnings of the sentences with the endings. Połącz początki i końce zdań współrzędnie złożonych.
so is his workmate., yet he doesn’t want to become a builder., and went to a construction site., or we might buy a gas-powered one., for I have studied the manual very carefully., but he hasn’t made any profit yet., nor can he mount a gypsum plasterboard wall., or I will only show you the plan design.
The builder took his toolbox, | |
The businessman opened the warehouse, | |
I will do my job straightaway, | |
He is very good at fixing broken things, | |
I think I will repair this fireplace myself, | |
Kevin can’t lay mortar, | |
Tom is a very talented plumber, | |
We might install a wood burning fireplace, |
/tʃɪmni/ [noun, countable, singular] komin
/tʃɪmni liːd teɪpv/ [noun, countable, singular] taśma ołowiana
/kleɪ taɪl/ [noun, countable, singular] dachówka gliniana
/dɔːmər/ [noun, countable, singular] wykusz
/daʊnpaɪp/ [noun, countable, singular] rura spustowa
/iːv/ [noun, countable, singular] okap
/fiːld ɒv ruːf/ [noun, countable, singular] połać dachowa
ɡeɪbl/ [noun, countable, singular] szczyt (ściany)
/hɪp/ [noun, countable, singular] kalenica narożna
/ɪnsjəˈleɪʃənl/ [noun, uncountable] izolacja
/metəl flæʃɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] obróbka blacharska
/ɒks aɪ wɪndəʊ/ [noun, countable, singular] wole oko
/reɪn ɡʌtər / [noun, countable, singular] rynna
/rɪdʒ/ [noun, countable, singular] kalenica
/ruːf dreɪnɪdʒ sɪstəm/ [noun, countable, singular] odwodnienie połaci dachowej
/ruːf flæʃɪŋb/ [noun, uncountable] obróbka dekarska
/ruːf vent/ [noun, countable, singular] wywietrznik
/ruːf wɪndəʊ/ [noun, countable, singular] okno dachowe
/ruːfər/ [noun, countable, singular] dekarz
/siːlə/ [noun, uncountable] izofolia
/sleɪt taɪl/ [noun, countable, plural] dachówka łupkowa
/sɒft zɪŋk/ [noun, uncountable] miękki cynk
/stiːl ɡælvənaɪzd ʃiːt/ [noun, countable, singular] blacha stalowa ocynkowana
/væli/ [noun, countable, singular] kosz