Wykonywanie płaszczy ochronnych oraz konstrukcji wsporczych i nośnych izolacji przemysłowych
Ocena jakości wykonanych robót
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1XG6s2I05M4F
Ocena jakości wykonanych robót
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RsxSo5WBbm74H
Ocena jakości wykonanych robót
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RRlNlJjo5fepo
Ocena jakości wykonanych robót
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R5uGUgLncNfHW
Ocena jakości wykonanych robót
After watching the movie, put the dialogue in the correct order.Po obejrzeniu filmu ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- That is great! In such a case the next stage of work is behind us. And did you, perhaps, remember about the tank and the boiler which are inside this building?
- Fantastic. So the installation in this building is ready?
- Yes, they are installed.
- But how?
- I think so.
- I suggested that you make protective coats for these two elements.
- Good morning, we have finished this part of the installation that we talked about yesterday.
- I saw they were installed a week ago, but you were supposed to secure them as well.
- Great. It means that the installation in this building is ready.
- It’s all done!
Rodzaje płaszczy ochronnych
Translate the words in brackets into English and drag the appropriate ones.Przetłumacz słowa w nawiasach na język angielski i przeciągnij odpowiednie wyrażenie.
moisture, protect, aesthetic, aggression, mineral, acidified, inside, metal sheet, mechanical, acid-resistant
1. Protective coats made of steel sheet occur in the form of galvanized steel sheet, stainless steel sheet or ............................ steel sheet. (kwasoodporna)
2. The main division of the protective coats is their division in terms of the type of the used ............................ . (blacha)
3. Protective coats made of aluminium sheet, galvanized steel sheet and stainless steel sheet are used to ............................ the insulation. (zabezpieczenie)
4. The proper insulation is made of ............................ wool, polyurethane, synthetic rubber, polyethylene and other insulation materials. (mineralna)
5. Thermal insulation is used to protect against ............................ damage. (mechaniczne)
6. Thermal insulation can also play a protective role against destructive impact of ............................ and UV radiation. (wilgoć)
7. Protective coats also have qualities ............................ the system. (estetyzujący)
8. Protective coats are used both ............................ and outside the rooms. (wewnątrz)
9. Protective coats made of acid-resistant steel sheet are applied in the environment with intensified chemical ............................ . (agresywność)
10. Acid-resistant steel sheet is also applied in strongly ............................ environment. (zakwaszony)
Match the words to make correct phrases.Połącz wyrazy tak, aby tworzyły poprawne zwroty.
<span lang="en">sheet </span>, <span lang="en">insulation </span>, <span lang="en">synthetic </span>, <span lang="en">chemical </span>, <span lang="en">strong </span>, <span lang="en">mineral </span>, <span lang="en">protective </span>, <span lang="en">galvanized </span>
coats | |
type | |
aggression | |
acidified | |
rubber | |
materials | |
wool | |
sheet |
Przykłady płaszczy ochronnych
Match protective coats to their types.Przyporządkuj płaszcze ochronne do ich typów:
płaszcz ochronny na armaturę, osłona „trójnik”, płaszcz ochronny na rurociągi, kaptur na kołnierz, płaszcz ochronny na kanały wentylacyjne, kolano, osłona na powierzchnie walcowe, osłona na króciec, osłona na powierzchnie walcowe, powierzchnie płaskie kopertowana, kaptur na armaturę, obróbka blacharska, oflachunek, przepłaszczenie, mijanka, pierścień, płaszcz ochronny na kocioł lub zbiornik
protective coat for pipelines | |
elbow | |
casing 'tee' | |
protective coat for fixtures | |
access box | |
flange box | |
protective coat for a boiler or tank | |
casing for cylindrical surfaces | |
enveloped casing for flat surfaces | |
protective coat for ventilation ducts | |
casing for a stub pipe | |
casing for cylindrical surfaces | |
flashings | |
ring | |
flattening,bypass |
Match the type of protective coat to its description.Dopasuj rodzaj płaszcza ochronnego do jego opisu.
<span lang="en">enveloped casing for flat surfaces </span>, <span lang="en">casing pipe </span>, <span lang="en">casing tee </span>, <span lang="en">flange box </span>, <span lang="en">square box </span>, <span lang="en">casing for a stub pipe</span>, <span lang="en">access box </span>, <span lang="en">elbow </span>, <span lang="en">ring</span>, <span lang="en">plug </span>
designed for insulation of simple heating and process pipeline sections | |
designed for insulation of bends and elbows of heating and system pipelines | |
designed for the insulation of tees and branches of pipelines constituting part of heating and process systems | |
designed for pipeline insulation ends or for masking the openings of the system, stub pipes used on a temporary basis. | |
designed for the insulation of valves, gate valves and all other elements of the heating and system’s infrastructure | |
designed for insulation of screwed flanges or other elements of circular cross-section of the heating and system’s infrastructure | |
designed for insulation of moulded elements of the heating and system’s infrastructure | |
designed for the insulation of, among other things, ventilation ducts, tanks, boilers, and other elements on flat surfaces | |
designed for the insulation of tees and branches of pipelines constituting part of heating and process systems | |
designed for pipeline insulation ends |
Płaszcze ochronne na rurociągach

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RwrqPprYIbiVT
Płaszcze ochronne na rurociągach - podstawowe informacje
After watching the film, mark the correct answer.Po obejrzeniu filmu, zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Protective coat fulfils a protective function of the insulation against the detrimental impact of external factors. | □ | □ |
Protective coat does not affect the lifetime of the insulation. | □ | □ |
Protective cloats are only applied on external insulation. | □ | □ |
Flat sheets are more often than not galvanized steel sheets or aluminium sheets with a thickness of no more than 1 mm. | □ | □ |
No protective layer is applied on steel sheets. | □ | □ |
A typical procedure related to the flashings is the so called “enveloping”. | □ | □ |
Steel sheets are mainly steel or aluminium sheets. | □ | □ |
In the case of ducts in the open air, the air void at the temperature not higher than 120° C between the coat and insulation minimum level of 15 mm must be ensured. | □ | □ |
Protective coat is subject to damage under the influence of sun. | □ | □ |
Designing and installing a protective coat, it must be remembered that it may be subject to thermal expansion of an insulated area. | □ | □ |
Translate the words in brackets into English and drag the appropriate ones.Przetłumacz słowa w nawiasach na język angielski i przeciągnij odpowiednie wyrażenie.
flat, protective, galvanized, insulation, expansion, external, profile , enveloping , mechanical, heating up
1. Protective coat fulfils a protective function of the insulation against the detrimental impact of ...................... factors. (zewnętrzny)
2. The lifetime of the insulation is subject to following factors: precipitations, ...................... dust, oil etc. (mechaniczny)
3. As a protective coat ...................... sheets which are applied, but it is also possible to encounter protective coats made of profiled sheets profiled. (płaskie)
4. Flat sheets are more often ...................... steel sheets or aluminium sheets with a thickness of no more than 1 mm. (ocynkowane)
5. A typical procedure related to the flashings is the so called ...................... . (kopertowanie)
6. ...................... sheets are applied mainly on large flat surfaces or on walls of tanks. (profilowe)
7. Designing and installing a protective coat, it must be remembered that it may be subject to thermal ...................... of an insulated area. (rozszerzalność)
8. Protective coat may be subject to thermal expansion under ...................... its surface by the sun. (nagrzewanie)
9. Steel sheets are covered with a ...................... layer. (ochronna)
10. Protective coat should not be in contact with the ...................... . (izolacja)
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
theirs, his, yours, mine, your, Theirs, their, he, their, , our, ours, my, ours, Their, our, theirs
1. You can use ............ paint sets.
2. Use ............ support for more stable structures.
3. They own the sandblasting machine. It is ............ .
4. Can you use ............ plant installations?
............ synthetic rubber is unavailable on the market.
6. These new boilers are ............ .
7. Can I take a look at ............ roof, please?
8. I wish to talk to ............ sub-contractors as the access box is misplaced.
Translate the words in brackets into English. Przetłumacz słowa w nawiasach na język angielski.
1. I believe that stainless steel sheet is .............. than aluminum sheet. (thick)
2. Funnels are ............ in this case. (good)
3. It is ............ to install the flange box than anything else. (easy)
4. The pipeline is the .............. in the country. (long)
5. They should be ...................... during the disassembly. (cooperative)
6. What is the length of this feeder .............. ? (exact)
7. Synthetic rubber is the ................ one to use. (cheap)
8. It is advised to put the tees ................ . (proper)
Drag and dropPrzeciagnij brakujące elementy z sekcji dolnej do górnych
<span lang="en">fifty</span>, <span lang="en">fifty-five</span>, <span lang="en">third</span>, <span lang="en">eleven</span>, <span lang="en">nineteen</span>, <span lang="en">second</span>, <span lang="en">eleventh</span>, <span lang="en">forty-eight</span>
Cardinal numbers | |
Ordinal numbers |
/ˈæk.ses bɒks/ [noun, countable] kaptur na armaturę
/ˈæs.ɪd rɪˈzɪs.tənt stiːl ʃiːt/ [noun, countable] blacha stalowa kwasoodporna
/kɑːst aɪən/ [noun, uncountable] żeliwo
/eər vɔɪd/ [noun, countable] pustka powietrzna
/ˈbaɪ.pɑːs/ [noun, countable] mijanka
/kənˈdens/ [verb] wykraplać
/kəʊn/ [noun, countable] stożek
/sɪˈlɪn.drɪ.kəl/ /flæt ˈsɜː.fɪs/ [noun, uncountable] powierzchnie walcowe / płaskie
/ˈel.bəʊ/ [noun, countable] kolano
/ɪnˈvel.əpin/ [verb] kopertowanie
/flændʒ bɒks/ [noun, countable] kaptur na kołnierz
/flæʃing/ [noun, uncountablelar] obróbka blacharska
/ˈflæt.ənin/ [noun, countable] przepłaszczenie
/ˈfʌn.əl/ [noun, countable] lejek
/ˈɡæl.və.naɪzd stiːl ʃiːt/ [noun, uncountable] blacha stalowa ocynkowana
/faɪərɪŋ dɔːr/ [noun, countable, singular] drzwiczki paleniskowe
/ˈhiː.tɪŋ/ /ˈprəʊ.ses paɪp.laɪn/ [noun, countable,] rurociąg grzewczy / technologiczny
/ˌɪn.sjəˈleɪ.ʃən prəˈtek.ʃən/ [noun, uncountable] zabezpieczenie izolacji
/məʊld/ [noun, uncountable] wełna mineralna
/paɪp/ [noun, countable,] rura
/plʌɡ/ [noun, countable] zaślepka
/ˌpɒl.iˈetheta.əl.iːn/ [noun, uncountable] polietylen
/ˌpɒl.ɪˈjʊə.rə.thetaeɪn/ [noun, uncountable] poliuretan
/rɪˈdʌk.ʃən/ [noun, countable] redukcja
/rɪŋ/ [noun, countable] pierścień
/skweər bɒks/ [noun, countable] kaptur prostokątny
/ˈsteɪn.ləs stiːl ʃiːt/ [noun, countable] blacha stalowa nierdzewna
/ˈstrɒŋ.li /əˈsɪd.ɪ.faɪd/ [adjective] silnie zakwaszone
/stʌb paɪp/ [noun, countable] króciec
/sɪnˈthetaet.ɪk rʌb.ər/ [noun, uncoutable] kauczuk syntetyczny
/tiː/ [noun, countable] trójnik
/ˈthetaɜː.məl ɪkˈspæn.ʃən/ [noun, uncountable] rozszerzalności termiczna
/ˈthetaɜː.məl ˌɪn.sjəˈleɪ.ʃən/ [noun, uncountable] termoizolacja
/trɒft/ /ˈkɒr.ə.ɡeɪ.tɪd/ [adjective] trapezowe faliste