Title: What to play?

Lesson plan elaborated by: Katarzyna Maciejak


What to play? Developing vocabulary related to fun.

Target group

4th‑grade students of an elementary school.

Core curriculum

I. Literary and cultural education

2. Perception of cultural texts. Student:

1) identifies the statement as an informational, journalistic or advertising text;

2) searches in the text for information expressed directly and indirectly;

3) defines the topic and main thought of the text;

5) distinguishes between important and secondary information contained in the text;

11) refers to the content of cultural texts for personal experience;

II. Language education

3. Language communication and language culture. Student:

1) identifies the text as a message; distinguishes the types of messages: information, literary, advertising, iconic;

2) identifies the sender and recipient of the statement;

III. Creating statements

1. Elements of rethoric. Student:

1) participates in a conversation on a given topic, separates its parts, construction signals strengthening the bond between the participants of the dialogue, explaining the meaning;

IV. Self‑education. Student:

1) perfects reading quietly and out loud;

3) uses information from various sources, collects messages, and selects information;

5) uses general Polish and special dictionaries as well as a dictionary of literary terms;

9) develops skills in effective use of information technology and online resources and uses these skills to present their own interests.

The general aim of education

Developing vocabulary related to fun.

Key competences

  • communicating in the mother tongue;

  • communicating in foreign languages;

  • learning to learn;

  • social and civic competences.

Learning outcomes


  • reads with understanding and answers questions about the text;

  • collects vocabulary related to the discussed topic (definitions of words: fun, toy, game, game names from different places in the world);

  • uses the Polish language dictionary;

  • learn about the culture of other countries;

  • creates definitions;

  • speaks about own experiences.

Methods / techniques

  • problematic: classical, activating (snowball methodology, chat);

  • exposing: exposition, recording

  • programmed: using computer, using e‑textbook;

  • practical: guiding text, subject exercises.

Forms of work

  1. uniform individual activity

  2. uniform group activity

  3. collective activity

Lesson plan overview


  1. The teacher defines the purpose of the class: students learn about old and modern games from different cultures.

  2. The teacher talks with students about favorite games. What kind of games they preferred when they were kindergarteners, what they like to play while being students of the 4th‑grade. He/she can use the following questions:

  • are children only ones that play?

  • what games do you know?

  • do you know what your grandparents or parents were playing?

  • do you know any games from other parts of the world?


  1. The teacher and students start the „What to play” lesson. Students listen to the first part of the recording.

  2. Students work in groups, perform task 1 from abstract: create a glossary of words related to fun. The use of snowball technique: writing associations on the sheet with the word „fun”; comparing associations in groups and writing repeating words; comparison of associations with all groups and implementation of a glossary of words associated with play; displaying the collected words.

  3. The teacher asks students about the meanings of words: fun, toy and game. Then, students perform task 2: searching for the definition of words in the Polish language dictionary (online or in traditional). Supplementing the glossary with terms found in the glossary.

  4. Then the students read Władysław Kopaliński's text „Zabawy,zabawki i gry” in the lesson „W co się kiedyś bawiono?” On the epodreczniki.pl portal. Instead of reading, you can recreate the recording of this text to students.

  5. Students answer single‑choice questions by themselves, signaling possible problems by raising their hand or using the method / colored sticky notes. Students themselves check the result and questions in which they made mistakes.

  6. Presentation of photos of children's games from different countries and a conversation about them directed by the teacher's questions (eg Which of the toys is popular in China? Which comes from Sweden? With which  one children are playing in Israel? Which of these games and toys do we know in Poland? ).

  7. Students perform interactive exercise No. 9, consolidating: matching definitions with concepts.


Summary of classes in a short teacher's conversation with students. Evaluation of students' own work, eg in the form of a note.


Conduct an interview with an elderly person, eg your grandfather or grandmother. Find out how they spent their free time being children, what they were having fun with, what toys they had. What materials were made of? Which games were popular? Write a note about it in your notebook.


The following terms and recordings will be used during this lesson


fun or play
fun or play
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: fun or play


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: toy


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: game


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: entertainment


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: relaxation


Texts and recordings

nagranie abstraktu

What to play?

What do you like playing? Do you prefer playing at home or outdoors? On your own or with friends? Do you know any games your parents or grandparents played?

We already have a mini‑dictionary associated with fun. Do you know the definitions of these words? „zabawa”, „zabawka” and „gra”?

Some of the games we know today come from very old times. Sometimes, to play something, all you need is a good idea and some simple items.

You have learned many new words today. Check again if you don't understand their meaning.