Advertising dizziness

Times Square, New York
Source: domena publiczna.

Link to the lesson

You will learn
  • you will determine what the functions of advertising are

  • you will explain what persuasionpersuasionpersuasion is

  • you will define which linguistic measures are used in persuasion

  • you will analyse advertising sloganssloganslogans with regard to linguistic techniques

  • you will create your own graphic and advertising slogan

nagranie abstraktu
Exercise 1
Wysłuchaj nagrania abstraktu, ułóż do niego pytania i zadaj je koledze.
Wysłuchaj nagrania abstraktu, ułóż do niego pytania i zadaj je koledze.

Words can inform but they can also influence our mind and emotions. In ancient times the art of rhetoric was born, it is the art of convincingconvincingconvincing people with the help of arguments. Great philosophers (such as Aristotle, Quintilian, Cicero) proved in their speeches that words can not only impress, charm or create dream world (fictional, made of words), but they also can persuade people to some action (i.e.: changing opinion or choosing beautiful or attractive things). All those features are characteristic for statements used by the broadcaster to persuade or to convince the recipient. Such effect is achieved by the persuasive and manipulative function of language. Their effects can be found in advertising, propaganda (or political) and media texts. During this lesson you will learn about persuasion – the art of persuading by using language, and about advertisementsadvertisementadvertisements – word‑picture texts based on persuasion.

Where you can find adverts in your surrounding? In what form? What products are advertised most often? Who appears in adverts and commercials and what does it depend on?

Exercise 2

Try to make your own definition of advert. Discuss it in class.

Exercise 3
Complete the definition with appropriate words. 1. composition, 2. emotions, 3. recipients, 4. information, 5. convincing, 6. resign from, 7. interest him, 8. recipient’s, 9. discouraging, 10. less, 11. make it neutral, 12. choose, 13. text, 14. more Advertisement is a (blank) that is supposed to catch the (blank) attention by means of an attractive graphic form (graphic and stylistic layout), stay in his memory, (blank), but also sometimes evoke (blank), that means move him. Advertisement is used to persuade, convince someone to (blank) something (or to buy something), so it has to impress someone, although it may also contain interesting and important (blank). Informing is (blank) important than (blank).
Exercise 4

Use the Polish language dictionary and find the definition of the word “persuasion”. Think in what situations people use persuasion. Discuss it with your colleague.

Advertises are not new invention – their history is connected with the history of trade, when the merchants on the main squares or marketplaces “shouted out” the advantages of goods they sell. The English word “advertisement” comes from Old French “avertir „ meaning: “to make aware”, while in Polish the word “reklama” stems form Latin verb clamo, clamare, that means “to shout”.

Exercise 5
What do you think: how did the adverts look like in the past? Were they different from today's examples? In what way?
What do you think: how did the adverts look like in the past? Were they different from today's examples? In what way?

To convince the recipient to purchase a product or service, different linguistic measures are used. What linguistic techniques can you notice in the adverts you know. How are the products described? How is the potential client addressed?

Read the fiches presenting examples of different linguistic techniques used in advertisements. Try to name the rules demonstrated in these examples. Then, check if you were right.

Does any slogan seem ingenious? What slogans do you remember from the adverts you know? Why these? Slogans are the most important element of every advertising text. They should be short and easy to remember.

Exercise 6

What interesting means of persuasionmeans of persuasionmeans of persuasion can you notice in the quoted slogans? Write your answers below.

  • „Sip of inspiration” (tea advertisement)

  • “Moments that connect” (mobile phones network advertisement)

  • “Everyday low prices” (supermarket chain slogan)

  • “All of Poland read to kids” (public campaignpublic campaignpublic campaign slogan)

  • “Have you won? Do you fight? Do you support? Let’s deal with cancer” (health campaign slogan)

  • “Collect codes and receive awards” (commercial brand advertisement)

What interesting means of persuasion can you notice in the quoted slogans? Write your answers below.

Wykonaj ćwiczenie zgodnie z poleceniem.

As you may notice in the previous exercise – not all advertisements persuade people to purchase goods or services. Some campaigns were created to promote important ideas and attitudes.

Do you know any public campaigns? What do you think about their effectiveness? What ideas should be promoted more often?

Exercise 7
Wybierz jedno nowe słowo poznane podczas dzisiejszej lekcji i ułóż z nim zdanie.
Wybierz jedno nowe słowo poznane podczas dzisiejszej lekcji i ułóż z nim zdanie.
Exercise 8

Work in groups and create graphic similar to these from the previous exercise. You can use your favourite books or search for titles on the Internet.

Exercise 9

Think about a social attitude or important idea that you would like to promote and create a slogan for it.


advertisement, slogan, persuasion, public campaign, pictogram

Exercise 10
Translate: 1. advertisement 2. slogan 3. persuasion 4. convincing 5. commercial 6. public campaign 7. word play 8. means of persuasion


Nagranie słówka: advertisement


Nagranie słówka: slogan


Nagranie słówka: persuasion


Nagranie słówka: convincing


Nagranie słówka: commercial

spot reklamowy

public campaign
public campaign
Nagranie słówka: public campaign

kampania publiczna

word play
word play
Nagranie słówka: word play

gra językowa

means of persuasion
means of persuasion
Nagranie słówka: means of persuasion

środki perswazji