Subject: Safe water

Author: Zyta Sendecka

Target group

4th grade student of elementary school.

Core curriculum

Cele kształcenia – wymagania ogólne

I. Wiedza.

1. Opanowanie podstawowego słownictwa przyrodniczego (biologicznego, geograficznego, z elementami słownictwa fizycznego i chemicznego).

II. Umiejętności i stosowanie wiedzy w praktyce.

3. Analizowanie, dokonywanie opisu, porównywanie, klasyfikowanie, korzystanie z różnych źródeł informacji (np. własnych obserwacji, badań, doświadczeń, tekstów, map, tabel, fotografii, filmów, technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych).

III. Kształtowanie postaw – wychowanie.

3. Właściwe reagowanie na niebezpieczeństwa zagrażające życiu i zdrowiu.

4. Doskonalenie umiejętności dbałości o własne ciało, jak i najbliższe otoczenie.

Treści nauczania – wymagania szczegółowe

IV. Ja i moje ciało. Uczeń:

6. opisuje podstawowe zasady dbałości o ciało i otoczenie.

V. Ja i moje otoczenie. Uczeń:

5. podaje zasady zachowania się i udzielania pierwszej pomocy w wypadku ugryzienia, użądlenia, oraz spożycia lub kontaktu z roślinami trującymi;

6. rozpoznaje rośliny trujące oraz zwierzęta jadowite i inne stanowiące zagrożenie dla życia i zdrowia;

Lesson objective

Students list hazards resulting from improper use of water supply and sewerage systems.

The criteria for success

  • you will explain the rules for safe handling of hot water;

  • you will explain how to avoid slipping on a wet floor.

Key competences

  • communication in the mother tongue;

  • communication in foreign languages;

  • mathematical competence and basis competences in science and technology; 

  • digital competence;

  • learning to learn;

  • social and civic competences.

Methods/forms of work

Working with text, laboratory work and indirect observation.

Individual activity and activity in groups.

Teaching aids

  • abstract;

  • interactive whiteboard or traditional blackboard;

  • tablets/computers;

  • bowl;

  • water;

  • plastic bag;

  • eraser;

  • cotton cloth;

  • worksheets;

  • fever thermometer.

Lesson plan overview


  1. The teacher specifies the subject of the lesson, the lesson objectives in a language the student understands, and the criteria for success.

  2. The teacher asks the students to identify the dangers they face when water is leaking from pipes. The teacher stresses out that the answers should concern threats to people's safety and not damage to their homes.


  1. The teacher divides the students into groups, max. 5 students each. Each team receives: a bowl, water, a plastic bag, an eraser and a cotton cloth. The students check which materials prevent slipping, working according to the instructions from the abstract (“Observation 1”).

  2. After completing the observations, the students present their conclusions. The teacher asks the students to read in the abstract the summary of “Observation 1” and confront it with their observations.

  3. Students do interactive exercise no. 1 in the form of an individual activity.

  4. The teacher distributes worksheets to the students (Appendix 1). The teacher asks a volunteer student to measure the temperature of his/her body using a fever thermometer. The students write the readout
    down in the worksheets.

  5. The teacher plays the film and asks the students to note down while watching it the temperature of boiling water and water vapour.

  6. The selected student writes the readouts on the board.

  7. The teacher asks the students about the dangers of hot water and water vapour produced during boiling.

  8. The teacher asks the students to name the rules for safe handling of hot water and to explain how to avoid slipping on a wet floor.


  1. Students do interactive exercise no. 2 in the form of an individual activity.

Appendix 1









The following terms and recordings will be used during this lesson


nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

para wodna – gazowy stan skupienia wody

nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

wrzenie – zmiana stanu skupienia z cieczy w gaz; zachodzi w całej objętości cieczy i w określonej temperaturze

Texts and recordings

nagranie abstraktu

Safe water

In a bathroom, you can easily slip on a wet floor. Therefore, when leaving this room, make sure that the taps are turned off, preventing the floor from being flooded. Do not throw materials or substances into the toilet bowl that would prevent water from draining and cause flooding. If water spills on the floor, wipe it off. In a damp and poorly ventilated apartment, molds harmful to our health may develop.

Scalding with hot water is also dangerous. When making tea, you must pour hot water into the cup carefully. Do not place the cup of hot tea on the edge of a table so as not to knock it off or scald yourself. You should also look out for hot pots and steam that escapes while cooking.

  • Gas and electric home appliances are safe if they are in working order and used as intended, away from water.

  • Handle with care hot water, hot appliances and cookware as well as the steam created while cooking, to avoid scalding.