
What is the purpose of a map and a plan?

Source: www.pexels.com, licencja: CC 0.

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Before you start you should know
  • that you need to prepare the necessary equipment before going on a trip.

You will learn
  • to explain what a plan and a map are for;

  • to indicate how a plan differs from a map.

nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu

What is a plan?

If you look at the surface of the Earth from a great height, you will see houses, streets, fields and forests. A planplanplan depicts a small area or another object viewed from above after applying appropriate reduction in size. Plans usually show small areas, e.g., cities, villages or even individual neighborhoods and buildings. On a plan we can see, in great detail, the area we are interested in. Its surface is often divided into squares marked with letters and numbers. This makes it easier to find, for example, the street or other places you are looking for. On the back of a plan there is usually a list of streets and other characteristic points of a given town or area.

What is a map?

mapmapmap is the image of the Earth's surface (or part of it) seen from above, which is depicted in reduced size on a plane and by means of graphic symbols. Contrary to a plan, it can show both large areas, e.g., countries, continents or the entire surface of the Earth, and small areas, e.g., villages. Unlike a plan, a map always has a graticule. Its upper edge usually represents the north. However, it is difficult to present all the objects on a map, as it would become completely illegible. If you want to get a more detailed picture, you use plans.

Because our planet has a shape similar to that of a sphere, it is not possible to present its surface perfectly on a plane. Distortions, such as in the shape of continents, can therefore occur on maps showing large areas.

Presentation of the Earth's surface on a plane
Observation 1

Checking if it is possible to show the surface of a sphere on a plane.

You will need
  • orange,

  • knife,

  • marker pen.

  1. Draw a triangle on the surface of the orange so that the length of each side is 2 cm.

  2. Ask an adult to peel the orange so that the triangle is intact.

  3. Try to place the piece of the peel with the drawn triangle so that its entire surface rests on the table. Can this be done without damaging the skin? If you manage to press the peel this way, will the triangle still have the same shape?

Task 1

Before you watch the movie „Map on oranges”, write down the research question and the hypothesis. Note your observations while watching the movie, and finally – note conclusions.

Analysis of the experiment. Research question (Uzupełnij). Hypothesis (Uzupełnij). Observations (Uzupełnij). Conclusion (Uzupełnij).
Film przedstawia, jak z pomarańczy można zrobić fragmenty kuli ziemskiej. Do wykonania potrzebujemy pomarańczę, globus, nożyk i marker.
Selected types of maps

A map can depict various objects, phenomena or even processes. These can include, for example, land relief, location of fields, forests and houses, as well as the location of industrial plants and areas where different species of animals and plants can be found.

Exercise 1
Mark the following statements as true or false. A plan represents a land area in more detail than a map. Możliwe odpowiedzi: True, False. A map is a representation of the Earth’s surface seen from above. Możliwe odpowiedzi: True, False. A map differs from a plan in terms of the size of the sheet of paper on which it is printed. Możliwe odpowiedzi: True, False. On a map, all the objects can be presented, such as trees and buildings. Możliwe odpowiedzi: True, False
Exercise 2
Ćwiczenie wymień, jakie elementy zawiera mapa.
Source: licencja: CC 0.
Task 2.1
Wyjaśnij, w jaki sposób można wykorzystać w codziennym życiu zawarte w abstrakcie informacje.
Wyjaśnij, w jaki sposób można wykorzystać w codziennym życiu zawarte w abstrakcie informacje.
Map of the Old Town in Zamość
Source: Krzysztof Jaworski, MaKa, commons.wikimedia.org, licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.


  • A plan is an image of a small area seen from above with an appropriate reduction in size.

  • A map differs from a plan in that it contains a graticule and is usually oriented so that its upper edge determines the north.


map, plan, objects

Exercise 3
Match the pairs: English words with Polish definition. map Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. rzut przedmiotu, pomieszczenia lub terenu widzianego z góry, różniący się od mapy tym, że zwykle przedstawia mały obszar, 2. odwzorowanie powierzchni Ziemi lub jej fragmentu przedstawione na płaszczyźnie plan Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. rzut przedmiotu, pomieszczenia lub terenu widzianego z góry, różniący się od mapy tym, że zwykle przedstawia mały obszar, 2. odwzorowanie powierzchni Ziemi lub jej fragmentu przedstawione na płaszczyźnie


Nagranie słówka: map

mapa – odwzorowanie powierzchni Ziemi lub jej fragmentu przedstawione na płaszczyźnie

Nagranie słówka: plan

plan – rzut przedmiotu, pomieszczenia lub terenu widzianego z góry, różniący się od mapy tym, że zwykle przedstawia mały obszar