The secrets of language

Source: licencja: CC 0.

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You will learn
  • what are the different ways of communicating

  • how to notice the differences between spoken and written Polish

  • what are the functions of a language

  • how to create consistent oral statements

  • how to use dictionaries

nagranie abstraktu

Before the lesson

Arrange a short note that supplements the following text:

Language is the best way to communicatecommunicatingcommunicate. With the help of the language, people express their thoughts, say them or write them down. But not only! Thanks to the language you can...

Language functions

Language is a code – a set of symbols which can be meaningfully combined by means of grammar. To be a competent language user, you need to be capable of deciphering these symbols and using them to create meaningful combinations. These symbols correspond to phones in speech and letters in writing. Being a multi‑purpose tool, language enables establishing and maintaining contact with various people, providing information, describing the world, expressing emotions (euphemisms, hyperboles) and influencing others (e.g. sloganssloganslogans and advertising taglines).

Sometimes language is also called an “archive” of customs, social change and linguisticlinguistic (language) codelinguistic remnants of the past. This results from the fact that many of the words and grammatical forms used today are evidence of language history. You can find detailed information on old word forms and the origin of words in etymological dictionaries or old texts. By using various expressions to describe the surrounding reality, people develop a linguistic image of the world. A great deal of societies’ cultural and spiritual wealth is locked up in proverbs, set phrases and idioms. They also reflect a community's common knowledge about the world, and even stereotypes. Language is also an artistic medium and serves a magical purpose – it helps create new worlds.

Exercise 1

● What functions does the language perform?
● What does the knowledge of different languages give to us?
● Is the language only sounds and letters?
● How else can you communicate?
● What modern communication methods do you know?
● How did people communicate in old times?

You have already learned that words often serve people to express emotions and feelings.

Exercise 2
Translate: 1. surprise, 2. astonishment, 3. hope, 4. fatigue, 5. anger, 6. fear
Exercise 3

Write down Polish words that can express:
● sadness
● dejection
● excitement


Language can also be used to persuade someone to do something. Then we are talking about the persuasive function of language.

Exercise 4

Find in the internet resources and watch two commercials on the internet. Make note of the advertising terms used in them. What do you think about them? What do you think makes them recognizable and memorable? Do you think that they effectively encourage you to buy products offered by the company?

  • McDonald’s. „I’m lovin’ it”

  • Nike. „Just do it!”

Such advertising phrases have their name. These are slogans. Some of them are transferred to colloquial language and function in it as sayings.

Exercise 5

Not only products and services can be advertised. Advertising slogans can also promote important public campaigns or encourage positive actions. In pairs think of advertising slogans to encourage:
● reading books,
● adoption of animals from shelters.

Write them down and then share them with the others.

In order for the slogan to be remembered, its creators use various linguistic means. They often come up with rhymed slogans, they also use comparisons and metaphors.

Exercise 6

Read the text by Jerzy Bralczyk in lesson „Jakie zagadki kryje w sobie język” about one of the well‑known pre‑war advertising slogans and follow the instructions.

  1. Consider and answer why metaphors are useful in advertising texts, phrases and slogans.

  2. Explain why the rhyme „kiwi – ożywi” was used in the advertising slogan.

  3. Consider what role in the popularity of the advertising slogan the form of the singular used in it played („will refresh the shoe”).

We have discussed only some language functions. In the future you will learn more about them, and now play a game that will help you to remember language phrases.

Korzystając z dostępnych źródeł, poszukaj związków frazeologicznych związanych z głową i plecami.1
Korzystając z dostępnych źródeł, poszukaj związków frazeologicznych związanych z głową i plecami.
Przypomnij sobie tytuł abstraktu, wysłuchaj nagrania i spróbuj zaproponować własny temat dla dzisiejszej lekcji.


language, communication, language functions, advertising, persuasionpersuasionpersuasion


Nagranie słówka: slogan


Nagranie słówka: persuasion


Nagranie słówka: communicating

komunikowanie się

linguistic (language) code
linguistic (language) code
Nagranie słówka: linguistic (language) code

kod językowy