AU.31.3 Calculating the prices and documenting the implementation of transport processes
Transport and forwarding documentation
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny na portalu
The film shows two people talking about transport and forwarding documentation. They also address the issues of transport and forwarding procedures, the most common transport documents for various branches of transport in the context of international records.Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch osób na temat dokumentacji transportowej i spedycyjnej. Poruszane są także kwestie procedur w transporcie i spedycji, najczęściej spotykane dokumenty transportowe dla różnych gałęzi transportu w aspekcie zapisów międzynarodowych.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny na portalu
The film shows two people talking about transport and forwarding documentation. They also address the issues of transport and forwarding procedures, the most common transport documents for various branches of transport in the context of international records.Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch osób na temat dokumentacji transportowej i spedycyjnej. Poruszane są także kwestie procedur w transporcie i spedycji, najczęściej spotykane dokumenty transportowe dla różnych gałęzi transportu w aspekcie zapisów międzynarodowych.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Film dostępny na portalu
The film shows two people talking about transport and forwarding documentation. They also address the issues of transport and forwarding procedures, the most common transport documents for various branches of transport in the context of international records.Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch osób na temat dokumentacji transportowej i spedycyjnej. Poruszane są także kwestie procedur w transporcie i spedycji, najczęściej spotykane dokumenty transportowe dla różnych gałęzi transportu w aspekcie zapisów międzynarodowych.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.

Film dostępny na portalu
The film shows two people talking about transport and forwarding documentation. They also address the issues of transport and forwarding procedures, the most common transport documents for various branches of transport in the context of international records.Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch osób na temat dokumentacji transportowej i spedycyjnej. Poruszane są także kwestie procedur w transporcie i spedycji, najczęściej spotykane dokumenty transportowe dla różnych gałęzi transportu w aspekcie zapisów międzynarodowych.
After watching the film, entitled, “Transport and forwarding documentation”, fill in the gaps with correct words or phrases. Use the word bank. Po obejrzeniu filmu „Dokumentacja transportowa i spedycyjna”, uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami lub frazami. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
transport process, inland waterway bill of lading, customs document, shipping, law, bill of lading, waybill, national
I’m starting a job in a ............................................................ company.
Could you explain to me the documentation that is obligatory in the ............................................................?
Transport documentation is divided into ............................................................ and international.
A CMR ............................................................ is in force in road transport.
A TIR carnet is a ............................................................ that must be purchased by the carrier that carries the load.
The shipping document for ship transport is called .............................................................
Transport documents are regulated by the .............................................................
The waybill in inland waterway transport is called the .............................................................
After watching the film, entitled, “Transport and forwarding documentation”, decide If the sentence is true or false. Po obejrzeniu filmu „Dokumentacja transportowa i spedycyjna”, zadecyduj, czy podane zdania są prawdziwe czy fałszywe.
The speaker asks her friend to explain to her the documentation that is obligatory in the transport process., Transport documents are regulated by the law., A CIM waybill is in force in road transport., A inland waterway bill of lading is the waybill in force in sea transport., Shipping documentation is closely related to the means of transport., A TIR carnet is a customs document that must be purchased by the carrier that carries the load., Transport documentation is divided into European and international., One of the speakers is starting a job in a shipping company.
TRUE | |
After watching the film, entitled, “Transport and forwarding documentation”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po obejrzeniu filmu „Dokumentacja transportowa i spedycyjna”, połącz w pary polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
list przewozowy, dokumentacja krajowa, zlecenie spedycyjne, proces transportowy, transport samochodowy, firma spedycyjna, rodzaje transportu, dokumentacja międzynarodowa, umowa przewozu, dokumentacja transportowa
shipping company | |
transport process | |
shipping order | |
transport documentation | |
national documentation | |
international documentation | |
means of transport | |
road transport | |
waybill | |
contract of carriage |
Transport documents

Film dostępny na portalu
The animation schematically presents the basic information about drawing up transport documents.Animacja w schematyczny sposób przedstawia podstawowe informacje dotyczące sporządzania dokumentów przewozowych.
After watching the animation, entitled, “Transport documents”, decide if the sentence is true or false. Po obejrzeniu animacji „Dokumenty przewozowe”, zadecyduj czy podane twierdzenia są prawdziwe, czy nie.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Transport documents are indispensable to conduct transport activity. | □ | □ |
A waybill/consignment note is the same document as the contract of carriage. | □ | □ |
As a result of preparing a large number of documents for every load, attempts are made to standardize templates. | □ | □ |
The number of paper documents is constantly limited via applying electronic documents in accordance with international standards. | □ | □ |
Regardless of the chosen means of transport, the same transport documents will be needed. | □ | □ |
The CIM and SMGS waybills are in force in rail transport. | □ | □ |
More than 2 types of transport documents are in force in sea transport. | □ | □ |
Transport documents don’t include information about the place and time of loading. | □ | □ |
After watching the animation, entitled, “Transport documents”, fill in the gaps with correct words or phrases. Use the word bank. Po obejrzeniu animacji „Dokumenty przewozowe”, uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami lub frazami. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
mate’s receipt, standardize templates, confirmation of handing over, transport documents, CMR waybill, transport activity, SMGS waybill, place of loading
Transport documents are indispensable to conduct .........................................................
A waybill/consignment is the ........................................................ the load to the carrier.
As a result of preparing a large number of documents for every load, attempts are made to ........................................................ and simplify their issuing.
Depending on the chosen means of transport, different ........................................................ will be needed.
The CIM waybill and the ........................................................ are in force in rail transport.
The ........................................................ and the TIR carnet are in force in road transport.
A few documents are in force in sea transport: the sea waybill, the bill of lading, the cargo list, the booking note, the charter, the notice of readiness, the ........................................................ and the shipping manifest.
Waybills/consignment notes should include information about the time and .........................................................
After watching the animation, entitled, “Transport documents”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po obejrzeniu animacji „Dokumenty przewozowe”, połącz w pary polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
dane nadawcy, opakowania, dokument załadunkowy, ocena stanu dostarczonego towaru, czas i miejsce załadunku, czas i miejsce rozładunku towaru, rodzaje transportu, stan ilościowy i jakościowy towaru, przewoźnik
loading paper | |
details of the sender | |
place and time of loading | |
quantitative and qualitative product status | |
packaging | |
carrier | |
means of transport | |
place and time of unloading | |
assessment of the quality of the delivered product |
Assessment of the quality of shipping and transport services
The text presents a conversations between a representative of a shipping company and the company’s regular client. It refers to the quality of the services offered by the forwarder.
Tekst przedstawia rozmowę przedstawiciela firmy spedycyjnej z ich stałym klientem. Dotyczy ona jakości świadczonych usług przez spedytora.
Employee: Good morning. Chris May. I’m calling from the shipping company. You are a regular client of ours. I would like to conduct a qualityquality assessment survey ofof our servicesservices. Could you please spare me 5 minutes?
Client: Good morning. Yes, I have some time now.
Employee: On the scale from 1 to 5, how would you rate the process of placing a shipping service orderprocess of placing a shipping service order?
Client: 5, without any doubts. Your employees are competent. They possess knowledge about current offerscurrent offers and always offer good advice. I receive the specifications and cost calculationscost calculations of the service after every phone conversation. As a result, I am able to determine which transport option is most beneficial, considering the applying time and price factorstime and price factors***.***
Employee: Thank you. How would you rate the transport process?
Client: In the past, I would give it a 5, but recently you failed to meet the terms of the contractmeet the terms of the contract***.***
Employee: Could you please elaborate?
Client: The timely delivery of the shipmentdelivery of the shipment to the contractor the following day was important for me. The courier was late as much as 4 hours. As a result, the shipment was delivered a day later.
Employee: I understand. I have one more question. How would you rate our information system, which supports the process of informing the clients about the stages of the transport processstages of the transport process?
Client: You need to type in the consignment noteconsignment note number in order to log into the system. It’s easy to make a mistake!
Employee: Which functions of the information system are most important for you?
Client: Mainly the possibility of tracking the shipmenttracking the shipment***. As a result, I have a sense of control over the situation and can inform the contractors about the*** estimated timeestimated time of the delivery of the shipment.
Employee Thank you. So, how would you rate it, on the scale from 1 to 5?
Client: I rate your information system 4 out of 5. I admit that the possibility of receiving notificationsreceiving notifications via text messages would be useful.
Employee: That’s a good idea. I will pass it on to my superior. Thank you for your time.
Client: No problem, goodbye!
Employee: Goodbye!
After reading the text, entitled, “Assessment of the quality of shipping and transport services”, put the dialogue in the correct order. Po przeczytaniu tekstu „Ocena jakości usług spedycyjno – transportowych”, ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- Could you please elaborate?
- I have one more question. How would you rate our information system, which supports the process of informing the clients about the stages of the transport process?
- No problem, goodbye.
- Thank you for your time.
- The courier was late as much as 4 hours. As a result, the shipment was delivered a day later.
- In the past, I would give it a 5, but recently you failed to meet the terms of the contract.
- I rate your information system 4 out of 5.
- Good morning. Yes, I have some time now.
- Good morning. I’m calling from the shipping company. I would like to conduct a quality assessment survey of our services.
- How would you rate the transport process?
Annual reports of a shipping company
The material presents an email from the president of the management board of a shipping company to the directors of the company’s departments.
Materiał zawiera treść maila prezesa zarządu firmy spedycyjnej do kluczowych dyrektorów w firmie.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for sending the annual reportsannual reports of your departments’ activities. I will now briefly present their results.
The Commercial Department has presented data concerned with the sales of our shipping servicessales of our shipping services in the country and abroad. The results have exceeded our sales goalsales goal by as much as 42%. Unfortunately, the increase in the sales was not tantamount to company profit increase. Ms. CFO, Jane Black, has presented the financial reportfinancial report of our company. The report shows that despite the increase in the sales of our transport services, our company has recorded 12% lossesrecorded 12% losses, in comparison to the previous year.
The analysis of this matter indicates that such a state of affair has resulted from problems with our human resourceshuman resources. During the said period of time, 4 employees have retired and 2 have been on leaves longer than 3 months.
During the said period of time, we failed to recruit and train new staff members. Employee shortages have resulted in the decrease of the quality of customer servicequality of customer service and in delivery delays. This, in turn, has resulted in client complaintsclient complaints. This has been reported by Ms. Barbra Miles, responsible for the Quality Department.
Ms. Miles’s report indicates that our employees have been executing their shipping orders hastily, which has resulted in mistakes concerning delivery datesdelivery dates and means of transport. The drivers have been receiving incomplete CMR, CIM and AWB waybillswaybills.
Dissatisfied clients have been filing complaintsfiling complaints, and the company has been forced to pay compensation for the financial losses resulting from the damage of the goods sustained as a result of delays in transportdelays in transport.
Do you have any suggestions as to how this problem can be solved? I invite you to a meeting on 10.01.2018 in order to discuss the scope of works for the following year.
Mary Mint
After reading the text, entitled, “Annual reports of a shipping company”, decide if the sentence is true or false. Po przeczytaniu tekstu „Raporty roczne z działań firmy spedycyjnej”, zadecyduj, czy podane zdania są prawdziwe, czy fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The email refers to the annual report of the shipping company’s activities. | □ | □ |
The company has recorded an increase in the sales of its services in the country and abroad. | □ | □ |
The results haven’t exceeded the set sales goal. | □ | □ |
The increase in the sales has influenced the increase of the company’s profits. | □ | □ |
The financial report indicates that the company has recorded losses. | □ | □ |
The company’s problems result in employee shortages. | □ | □ |
The quality of customer service in the company has markedly improved. | □ | □ |
The company doesn’t meet the delivery deadlines. | □ | □ |
Cost calculations of a transport and shipping service
The material presents an email from a representative of a shipping company to a client. It contains an offer of a transport and shipping service, as well as answers to the client’s questions.
Materiał zawiera treść maila przedstawiciela firmy spedycyjnej do klienta. Zawiera on ofertę usług transportowo- spedycyjnych, a także odpowiedzi na pytania klienta.
Dear Mr. Oak,
In response to our telephone conversation, I would like to present an offer of a shipping and transport serviceshipping and transport service for your company.
You asked about the possibility of transporting 1 tone of apples from Radom to Wuhan in China. I have prepared the cost and transport time calculationscost and transport time calculations.
The first option assumes the collecting of the goodscollecting of the goods from Radom and transporting them by car to the airport in Warsaw. From here, the goods will be transported by plane directly to the airport in Wuhan, China. From here, they will be transported by car to the chosen place in Wuhan. The total costtotal cost of the transport is $ 9 450 and will last 3 days.
The second option assumes the collecting of the goods from Radom and transporting them by car to Lodz, from where they will be transportedtransported to Chengdu, China. The goods will be collected by the carrier in Chengdu and transported by car to the chosen place in Wuhan. The total cost of the transport is $ 5 940 and will last 17 days.
In both cases, the price includes the insuranceprice includes the insurance of the goods to up to $ 5000 000, in the case of unfortunate collisions or thefts. The price does not, however, include the costs of customs servicescustoms services and the custom duties.
With your comfort in mind, we provide access to our online system thanks to which you can monitor the shipmentmonitor the shipment. You will receive notification of the deliverynotification of the delivery of the shipment to the final recipientfinal recipient via email.
Should you have any questions or doubts, please contact me via email or phone.
Mick Trevors.
After listening to the audio recording, entitled, “Transport costs”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po przeczytaniu tekstu „Kalkulacja kosztów usługi transportowo – spedycyjnej”, połącz w pary polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
kalkulacja kosztów, cena zawiera ubezpieczenia, odbiorca końcowy, monitorowanie przesyłki, przetransportować, powiadomienie o doręczeniu, koszt całkowity, obsługa celna, usługi transportowo-spedycyjne, odbiór towaru
transport and shipping services | |
cost calculations | |
collecting of the goods | |
total cost | |
transport | |
price includes the insurance | |
customs services | |
monitor the shipment | |
notification of the delivery | |
final recipient |
Transport costs

Film dostępny na portalu
The material presents a conversation between employees of a shipping company. The conversation refers to the topic of calculating transport costs for an offer for a client.Materiał przedstawia rozmowę pracowników firmy spedycyjnej na temat wyliczenia kosztów transportu w ramach oferty przygotowywanej dla klienta.
After listening to the audio recording, entitled, “Transport costs”, fill in the gaps with correct words or phrases. Use the word bank. Po wysłuchaniu nagrania „Koszty transportu”, uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami lub frazami. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
tariff system, goods transportability, value, estimating transport costs, rates, level of demand, competition, price levels
I got new tasks concerned with .....................................................
When estimating transport costs, I have taken into account the weight of the goods, their volume, the distance of the relocation, and the .....................................................
I have also considered its .....................................................
The conditions of the market have a big influence on .....................................................
The .................................................... and supply have a big influence on price levels, as well as the level of the competition.
Have you analyzed the ....................................................?
When estimating transport costs, use the .....................................................
We have fixed .................................................... for certain elements.
After listening to the audio recording, entitled, “Transport costs”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po wysłuchaniu nagrania „Koszty transportu”, połącz w pary polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
taryfikator, poziom popytu, odległość przemieszczania, rodzaj środka przewozowego, poziom cen, analiza konkurencji, podatność transportowa towaru, charakter przewozu, oszacowanie kosztów transportu, poziom podaży
estimating transport costs | |
means of transport | |
specifications of the transport | |
goods transportability | |
tariffs | |
distance of the relocation | |
price levels | |
level of demand | |
level of supply | |
analysis of the competition |
After listening to the audio recording, entitled, “Transport costs”, decide if the sentence is true or false. Po wysłuchaniu nagrania „Koszty transportu”, zadecyduj, czy dane twierdzenia są prawdziwe, czy nie.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Helen has received a new task concerned with monitoring the transport process. | □ | □ |
When estimating transport costs, the goods transportability should be taken into account. | □ | □ |
When estimating transport costs, Helen took into account the competitions’ offers. | □ | □ |
Tom suggests using the tariff system. | □ | □ |
The rates are constantly negotiated in the tariff system. | □ | □ |
When estimating the costs, Helen took into account the weight of the goods. | □ | □ |
When estimating transport costs, the branch of transport isn’t important. | □ | □ |
Helen used the tariffs. | □ | □ |
Price list of shipping services

After analyzing the “Price list of shipping services” document, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po zapoznaniu się z dokumentem „Cennik usług spedycyjnych”, połącz w pary polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
doręczenia przesyłki, doręczenie gwarantowane, próba doręczenia, pobieranie należności, cennik usług spedycyjnych, przesyłki paczkowe, opłaty dodatkowe, ubezpieczenie przesyłek, usługi dodatkowe, dokumenty zwrotne
price list of shipping services | |
parcel shipments | |
additional services | |
return documents | |
collecting receivables | |
shipment insurance | |
delivery guaranteed | |
shipment delivery | |
additional charges | |
delivery attempt |

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem
akceptacja ceny i realizacja przewozu
różnicowanie stawek
opłaty dodatkowe
usługi dodatkowe
transport lotniczy
analiza konkurencji
raport roczny
ocena stanu dostarczonego towaru
nota bukingowa
gałąź transportu
szczyt przewozowy
transport samochodowy
lista ładunkowa
skargi od klientów
pobieranie należności
podjęcie przesyłki
odbiór towaru
potwierdzenie zawarcia umowy o przewóz
umowa przewozu
kalkulacja kosztów
opłata za przewóz
aktualna oferta
dokument celny
obsługa celna
opóźnienia w transporcie
próba doręczenia
terminy dostaw
doręczenie gwarantowane
dane nadawcy
udostępnienie elektronicznej kopii potwierdzenia dostawy
odległość przemieszczania
przewidywany czas
oszacowanie kosztów transportu
zgłosić reklamację
odbiorca końcowy
raport finansowy
przesyłki drobnicowe
przepakowanie towaru
podatność transportowa towaru
dostawa towaru do drzwi
zasoby ludzkie
żegluga śródlądowa
konosament żeglugi śródlądowej
transport śródlądowy
dokumentacja międzynarodowa
międzynarodowy transport drogowy
poziom popytu
poziom podaży
załadowanie towaru
dokument załadunkowy
kwit sternika
rodzaj środka przewozowego, rodzaje transportu, środek transportu
dotrzymanie warunków umowy
metody wyznaczania cen
monitorowanie przesyłki
dokumentacja krajowa
serwis krajowy
nota gotowości
powiadomienie o doręczeniu
system umowny
paletyzacja /formułowanie/ przesyłki
przesyłki paczkowe
czas i miejsce załadunku
czas i miejsce rozładunku
kalkulacje cenowe
cena za usługę przewozową
cena zawiera ubezpieczenia
poziom cen
cennik usług spedycyjnych
proces zamawiania
jakość obsługi klienta
jakość usług
stan ilościowy i jakościowy towaru
transport kolejowy
wysokość stawki przewozowej
otrzymywanie powiadomień
zanotować stratę
dokumenty zwrotne
zwrot palet
trasa przewozu
cel sprzedażowy
sprzedaż usług spedycyjnych
doręczenie sobotnie
transport morski
morski list przewozowy
przesłanie do klienta elektronicznej kopii etykiety
ubezpieczenie przesyłek
doręczenie przesyłki
firma spedycyjna
manifest ładunkowy
zlecenie spedycyjne
charakter przewozu
etapy procesu transportowego
przechowanie przesyłki na magazynie
system taryfowy
czynniki czasowe i kosztowe
czas przewozu
karnet TIR
koszt całkowity
śledzenie przesyłki
usługi transportowo‑spedycyjne
dokumentacja transportowa
dokumenty przewozowe
proces transportowy
technologia transportu
rodzaj ładunku
podatność transportowa
obowiązuje od dnia
transport wodny
list przewozowy
waga ładunku