1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film presents a dialogue between two flight attendants about technical issues in aircraft. Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch stewardes, które rozmawiają na temat usterek w samolotach.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film presents a dialogue between two flight attendants about technical issues in aircraft. Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch stewardes, które rozmawiają na temat usterek w samolotach.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film presents a dialogue between two flight attendants about technical issues in aircraft. Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch stewardes, które rozmawiają na temat usterek w samolotach.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film presents a dialogue between two flight attendants about technical issues in aircraft. Film przedstawia rozmowę dwóch stewardes, które rozmawiają na temat usterek w samolotach.
On the basis of the film “Landing gear issues”, decide which statement is true, and which is false.
Na podstawie filmu „Problemy z podwoziem”, zdecyduj, czy podane zdania są prawdziwe, czy fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
One of the cabin crew members has heard about a dangerous incident on one of the planes of the Super Flight airline. | □ | □ |
The captain refused to report technical issues to the ATC controller. | □ | □ |
The situation was difficult because it was an intercontinental flight. | □ | □ |
The landing gear position indicator was showing that the landing gear was up, but it wasn’t true. | □ | □ |
The problem was solved quickly and there was no need to call the proper services to check it. | □ | □ |
The same aircraft had already had issues with the same part a few days earlier. | □ | □ |
The crew landed safely every time. | □ | □ |
After the incident, the crew had some time to relax. | □ | □ |
On the basis of the film “Landing gear issues”, fill in the gaps in the sentences. Use the word bank.
Na podstawie filmu „Problemy z podwoziem”, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
strut, keep a cool head, towing, mobile staff, cabin crew, runway, rough flight, fuselage
They had to fix the front .................................. of the airplane not a long time before.
The previous issues resulted from the plane landing on the front part of the ...................................
The aircraft stood on the .................................. for a long time afterwards.
The technicians had to fix the airplane first before ...................................
It was a horror for all the ...................................
The whole .................................. tried hard to keep the passengers calm.
Everyone had to ...................................
It was a ...................................

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation presents bird strikes and methods of preventing similar incidents. Animacja dotyczy zderzenia samolotu z ptakiem i zapobiegania podobnym incydentom.
On the basis of the animation “Aviation collisions”, fill in the gaps in the sentences. Use the word bank.
Na podstawie animacji z lektorem „Kolizje w przestrzeni powietrznej”, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
Civil Aviation Authority, radars, repaired, turboshaft engine, tower, entering the runway, take-off run, nose
The moment you receive the take-off clearance from the tower, you may start the .................................................
The ................................................ is responsible for traffic in the manoeuvring area and the aerodrome airspace.
Before ................................................ , the pilot has to contact the tower.
Every bird strike in Poland must be reported to the .................................................
Research has shown that bird strike incidents mostly destroy the engine and the ................................................ of the airplane.
Sometimes, as a result of a collision between an airplane and a bird, the animal is sucked into the .................................................
This results in big financial losses because the airplane must be .................................................
Airport ................................................ are used to protect airplanes from bird strikes, and to detect bird moment in the airport area.
On the basis of the animation “Aviation collisions”, decide which statement is true, and which is false.
Na podstawie animacji z lektorem „Kolizje w przestrzeni lotniczej”, zdecyduj, które z poniższych wypowiedzi są prawdziwe, a które fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Tower is the less common name for Air Traffic Control Services. | □ | □ |
A bird strike is a minor threat to flight safety. | □ | □ |
The Civil Aviation Authority examines bird strike events. | □ | □ |
Research has shown that bird strikes mostly occur in the evening and during the night. | □ | □ |
There is no special airport equipment to protect aircraft from bird strikes. | □ | □ |
A METAR report is a weather report used in aviation meteorology and weather forecasting. | □ | □ |
METAR reports are usually issued every hour by civilian weather stations, or every 30 minutes by military weather stations. | □ | □ |
A METAR report cannot contain data other than about temperature, pressure, dew point temperature, wind direction and speed, precipitation, cloud cover and base height, and visibility. | □ | □ |
On the basis of the animation “Aviation collisions”, match the following words/phrases with their translations.
Na podstawie animacji z lektorem „Kolizje w przestrzeni powietrznej”, połącz poniższe słowa/zwroty i ich tłumaczenia.
nose, turboshaft engine, military weather station, entering the runway, take-off run, pressure, civilian weather station, dew point, METAR report, visibility
rozbieg do startu | |
wjazd na drogę startową | |
dziób | |
silnik turbinowy | |
depesza METAR | |
stacja cywilna | |
stacja wojskowa | |
ciśnienie | |
punkt rosy | |
widzialność |
The hypertext material presents the basic rules for fueling airplanes with passengers on board.
Hipertekst dotyczy podstawowych zasad tankowania samolotu z pasażerami na pokładzie.
Fueling an airplane with passengers on board
1. Particular safety measures must be taken when fueling an airplane with passengers on board.
2. An airplane with passengers on board can be fueled using the pressure fueling methodpressure fueling method only.
3. The captain of the airplane, or another person appointed by the ***carrier,******carrier,*** decides to fuel the airplane with passengers on board. The decision is forwarded to the airport rescue and firefighting services.
4. The fueling is supervised by the airport rescue and firefighting Services. Vehicles of the rescue and firefighting services must not be in the ***fueling area.******fueling area.*** In case of ***spillage,******spillage,*** the fueling must be stopped, the spillage area secured, and the passengers evacuated. Their safety is a priority.
5. The fueling vehiclefueling vehicle operator is responsible for proper airplane fueling, and the cabin crew is responsible for the safety of the passengers on board.
6. Airplane fueling and airplane defuelingairplane defueling is prohibited:
I. in enclosed spaces,
II. when the main enginesmain engines are running (except for the engine of the airplane propulsion systempropulsion system),
III. when the radarradar and HF radio stationradio station are running,
IV. at a distance shorter than 25m from airplanes with running engines,
V. during thunderstorms and strong winds (over 20 m/s),
VI. at a distance shorter than 50m from sparking devices and open fire,
VII. during the refilling of oxygen tanks,
VIII. in any other dangerous situation.
On the basis of the hypertext document “Airplane fueling”, decide which statement is true, and which is false.
Na podstawie hipertekstu „Tankowanie samolotu”, zdecyduj, które wypowiedzi są prawdziwe, a które fałszywe.
Fueling an airplane with passengers on board is not allowed under any circumstances., The fueling vehicle operator is responsible for proper airplane fueling and for the safety of passengers on board., The captain of the airplane and no other person can make the decision to fuel an airplane with passengers on board., An airplane with passengers on board can be pressure-fueled only., In case of spillage, the passengers must be evacuated as soon as possible for the sake of their safety., The decision to fuel an airplane with passengers on board is forwarded to the Airport Rescue and Firefighting Services., Airplane fueling and defueling is prohibited when the engines are running, except for the engine of the aircraft propulsion system., The vehicles of the Rescue and Firefighting Services must not be in the fueling area.
TRUE | |

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The audio material is a fragment of a TV show All about flying. The host interviews a ground controller. Nagranie prezentuje fragment programu telewizyjnego „Wszystko o lataniu”. Prowadząca przeprowadza wywiad z koordynatorem ruchu naziemnego.
On the basis of the audio recording “Ground controller”, choose the correct answers.
Na podstawie nagrania audio „Kontroler ruchu naziemnego”, wybierz prawidłową odpowiedź.
announces a short break, communicates with the aircraft captain on the radio during the whole flight, ends the program, an airport service controller, carry out maintenance tasks, next to the taxiing aircraft, invites a second guest, a guest at a TV show about aviation, marshalling wands, flags, flashlights and hand signals, a captain of one of the Polish airlines, directs aircraft to their parking stands, radars, radio and navigation equipment, a guest at a radio show about aviation, a guest at a conference about aviation, a ground controller, a ATC tower controller at one of the Polish airports, an air traffic controller, behind the taxiing aircraft, controls weather conditions in the aerodrome environment, in front of the taxiing aircraft, park the airplane in the right place, a marshaller at one of the Polish airports, facilitate boarding, information from the METAR system
Victor Mueller is .......................................................................................................................................................
Victor Mueller is .......................................................................................................................................................
In short, a marshaller .......................................................................................................................................................
A marshaller is also called .......................................................................................................................................................
During the docking procedure, the marshaller often uses .......................................................................................................................................................
A special vehicle with a "Follow me” sign on its roof drives .......................................................................................................................................................
Marshallers use a special docking system to .......................................................................................................................................................
After talking to Victor Mueller, the host .......................................................................................................................................................
On the basis of the audio recording “Ground controller”, fill in the gaps in the sentences. Use the word bank.
Na podstawie nagrania audio „Kontroler ruchu naziemnego”, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
first, marshaller, docking, passenger boarding bridge, save, time, send, jet bridge
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is Adam Jay. It’s .................................................. for a new episode of our show, “All about flying”.
Directing aircraft to their parking stands is known as ...................................................
Marshallers .................................................. special cars to every airplane.
A gate position is equipped with a ...................................................
It is also known as a ...................................................
In the case of gate positions, the .................................................. uses a special guidance system integrated with the bridge.
Thanks to the system, it is possible to .................................................. a lot of time.
The system also ensures safer docking. After all, safety comes ...................................................

Scrabble and Type a word

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/DGtZTxzBB

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/DGtZTxzBB
zespół napędowy
statek powietrzny
linia lotnicza
kontroler ruchu lotniczego
jednostka ładunkowa
stacja cywilna
wyłączać silnik
roztankować samolot
punkt rosy
zatrzymanie awaryjne
obrót silnika
wjazd na drogę startową
tarcza sygnalizacyjna
autocysterna paliwowa
stanowisko kontaktowe
koordynator ruchu lotniczego naziemnego
widzialność pozioma
silnik główny
depesza meteorologiczna METAR
depesza METAR
stacja wojskowa
personel latający
cofać się
schodzić niżej
lecieć poziomo
wchodzić wyżej
zatrzymanie zwykłe
metoda ciśnieniowa
widzialność zasadnicza
strefa tankowania
pas startowy
droga startowa
zmiejszać prędkość, zwalniać
stanowisko postojowe
uruchamiać silnik
rozbieg do startu
silnik turbinowy
pałka świetlna
kierunek wiatru