1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film shows a job interview for a post in the marine power plant crew. Film przedstawia rozmowę o pracę w służbie maszynowej statku.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film shows a job interview for a post in the marine power plant crew. Film przedstawia rozmowę o pracę w służbie maszynowej statku.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film shows a job interview for a post in the marine power plant crew. Film przedstawia rozmowę o pracę w służbie maszynowej statku.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The film shows a job interview for a post in the marine power plant crew. Film przedstawia rozmowę o pracę w służbie maszynowej statku.
After watching the film “Marine power plant”, fill in the gaps in the sentences. Use the word bank. Po obejrzeniu filmu „Siłownia statku”, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
move, marine power plant, the waterproof part of the hull, energy systems, direct drive propulsion system, geared drive propulsion system, secondary systems, drive system
A .............................................................. is an assembly of machines and equipment which produces heat, electricity and mechanical energy.
A marine power plant is located in ...............................................................
The .............................................................. is the main part of a power plant.
It provides the energy to .............................................................. the ship.
Other .............................................................. in a power plant are secondary.
.............................................................. provide the energy for all devices and receivers on a ship.
When the propulsion system is based on a slow speed engine, the propeller drive is usually a ...............................................................
When the main propulsion system is based on medium speed engines, gears reduce the number of revolutions from the engine. It's called a ...............................................................
After watching the film “Marine power plant”, decide which of the following sentences are true, and which are false.
Po obejrzeniu filmu „Siłownia statku”, zdecyduj, które z poniższych twierdzeń są prawdziwe, a które fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
It's the candidate's first interview. | □ | □ |
The recruiter wants to test the candidate's knowledge. | □ | □ |
The candidate is not invited to the next stage of the interview. | □ | □ |
The recruiter asks the candidate about the commands given by the captain of a ship. | □ | □ |
The candidate is well-prepared. | □ | □ |
The candidate gives the correct answer to the question about the marine power plant, but does not give the right answer to the question about main drive systems. | □ | □ |
The candidate knows the difference between the main drive system and secondary systems. | □ | □ |
The candidate does not know what machines can be found outside the power plant. | □ | □ |

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The animation shows auxiliary energy systems and marine power plant installations. Animacja przedstawia pomocnicze zespoły energetyczne oraz instalacje siłowni okrętowych.
After watching the animation “Auxiliary energy systems”, fill in the gaps in the sentences. Use the word bank.
Po obejrzeniu animacji z lektorem „Pomocnicze zespoły energetyczne”, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
auxiliary machines, electric energy, main drive system, powered directly by the engines, waste heat boilers, auxiliary boilers, bilge water treatment systems, room heating, independent from the main engines
To ensure proper operation, a marine power plant has to serve more functions than provide the ship's ...................................................................
There's also a need for .................................................................. , heat and energy provided by gases and fluids with elevated pressure.
If the main drive consists of slow speed piston engines or medium speed engines with low rotation speed, the electricity supplied to .................................................................. , e.g. pumps and compressors needs to be produced, as these elements are independent from the main engines.
These elements are ...................................................................
In the case of high and medium speed engines with high rotation speed, auxiliary machines do not require independent electricity supply, as they are ...................................................................
Steam has many functions, e.g. lubrication oil, fuel and heavy fuel oil heating, fresh water production or ...................................................................
If a ship has a combustion engine, .................................................................. usually produce steam at low engine speeds and during halts.
During normal operation of the main engines, .................................................................. produce steam.
The remaining auxiliary machines are used for environmental protection. They include sewage treatment and waste combustion machines, as well as ...................................................................
After watching the animation “Auxiliary energy systems”, match the following words/phrases with their translations.
Po obejrzeniu animacji z lektorem „Pomocnicze zespoły energetyczne”, połącz poniższe terminy z ich tłumaczeniami.
environmental protection, evaporator, treatment system, auxiliary boiler, fresh water, heat energy, bilge water, waste heat boiler
kocioł pomocniczy | |
kocioł utylizacyjny | |
wyparownik | |
woda słodka | |
oczyszczalnia | |
woda zęzowa | |
ochrona środowiska | |
energia cieplna |
Marine power plant classification
The hypertext is an excerpt from a radio interview. The reporter is interviewing a ship captain.
Hipertekst przedstawia fragment wywiadu w radio. Dziennikarz prowadzi rozmowę z kapitanem statku.
Reporter: Welcome back. Today we're hosting captain Adam Nowak. Before the break we were talking about auxiliary energy systems. I'd like to ask you about the classification of marine power plants. How do we group them?
Captain: There are many grouping criteria. The first classification is based on the type of fuel used. Conventional power plantsConventional power plants use dieseldiesel or heavy fuelheavy fuel, while nuclear power plantsnuclear power plants produce steam. The next classification is based on the working agent.
Reporter: Could you tell us more about it?
Captain: Of course. SteamSteam is the working agent in steam power plantssteam power plants, while in combustion power plantscombustion power plants, the working agent is burned. There are also combined power plantscombined power plants, with both steam and exhaust gasesexhaust gases used as working agents.
Reporter: Sounds interesting.
Captain: And it's just the beginning! The next group is a large one. As regards engine types, there are power plants with ***combustion piston engines,******combustion piston engines,*** combustion turbines, steam turbines, turbo‑jet engines and combined power plants.
m95e5dc9c893af74c_1497279762480_0Reporter: This does seem like a rather large group.
Captain: Indeed. There are two smaller groups left.
Reporter: I'm sure our listeners can't wait to hear about them.
Captain: When it comes to the method of transmitting energy to propellerspropellers, there's a geared drive propulsion system and a direct drive propulsion system. The last classification is based on the number of propellers. There are multi‑shaft and single‑shaft plants.
Reporter: You're an expert in your field.
Captain: Thank you.
Reporter: Let's move on to our next topic.

Film dostępny na portalu epodreczniki.pl
The recording is a monologue of a sailor working in an inland waterway navigation museum. The sailor discusses marine boilers. Nagranie przedstawia fragment wypowiedzi marynarza pracującego w muzeum żeglugi śródlądowej. Marynarz opowiada o kotłach okrętowych.
After listening to the audio recording “Marine boilers”, fill in the gaps in the sentences. Use the word bank.
Po odsłuchaniu nagrania audio „Kotły okrętowe”, uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
forced circulation, waste heat boiler, oil, marine boiler, circulating pump, exhaust pipe, steam, separator
The sailor talks about a .....................................
Waste heat boilers are located on the main engine .....................................
La Mont is the name of the most popular type of .....................................
Waste heat boilers rely on .....................................
But then, during a halt, only an .................................... -fired auxiliary boiler is needed.
Water circulation is possible due to a .....................................
The steam and water mixture reaches a tank and undergoes separation. This tank is called a .....................................
Boilers fired with oil and waste gas from the engine may also produce .....................................
After listening to the audio recording “Marine boilers”, decide which of the following sentences are true, and which are false.
Po odsłuchaniu nagrania audio „Kotły okrętowe”, zdecyduj, które z poniższych twierdzeń są prawdziwe, a które fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
In a ship with a combustion engine, boilers do not produce steam. | □ | □ |
Circulating pump is another name of a waste heat boiler. | □ | □ |
In winter, the demand for heating steam is much lower than in summer. | □ | □ |
Only part of the water drawn by a circulating pump evaporates in a waste heat boiler. | □ | □ |
The effectiveness of a waste heat boiler is not enough to meet the ship's demand for heating steam during a voyage. | □ | □ |
The heating surface of boilers fired with waste gas can be divided into an upper compartment and a bottom compartment. | □ | □ |
The sailor explains water circulation using the La Mont pump as an example. | □ | □ |
The two heating methods in boilers with oil and waste gas from the engine cannot be used together. | □ | □ |
After listening to the audio recording “Marine boilers”, match the Polish words/phrases with their translations.
Po odsłuchaniu nagrania audio „Kotły okrętowe”, połącz polskie terminy z ich tłumaczeniami.
marine boiler, combustion engine, water circulation, waste gas, oil burner, liquid fuel fired boiler, circulating pump, exhaust pipe, heating steam, separator
kocioł okrętowy | |
silnik spalinowy | |
przewód wydechowy | |
para grzewcza | |
kocioł opalany | |
cyrkulacja wody | |
pompa obiegowa | |
separator | |
gaz odlotowy | |
palnik olejowy |


Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/Df3Saq6Wi

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/Df3Saq6Wi
urządzenie klimatyzacyjne
osłona pochłaniająca promieniowanie
kocioł pomocniczy
maszyna pomocnicza
układ pomocniczy
oczyszczalnia wody zęzowej
statek towarowy
pompa obiegowa
kocioł o opalaniu kombinowanym
siłowania kombinowana
silnik spalinowy
tłokowy silnik spalinowy
siłownia spalinowa
siłownia konwencjonalna
olej napędowy
napęd główny bezpośredni
rejs krajowy
uklad napędowy
wyparownik wody słodkiej
przewód wydechowy
napęd główny pośredni
para grzewcza
olej ciężki
jednostka szybka
rejs międzyrodowy
kocioł opalany
napęd główny
kocioł okrętowy
siłownia statku
silnik średnioobrotowy
siłownia jądrowa
reaktor jądrowy
palnik olejowy
statek pasażerski
elektrownia okrętowa, elektrownia statku
przekładnia redukcyjna prędkości
żegluga regularna
silnik wolnoobrotowy
para wodna
kocioł parowy
wytwornica pary
siłownia parowa
turbina parowa
maszyna sterowa
jednostka zanurzalna
pompa zasilająca
łożysko oporowe
gaz odlotowy
kocioł utylizacyjny
cyrkulacja wody
wciągarka pokładowa