Carrying out works related to the installation, assembly and operation of gas pipelines and gas installations
Construction of a gas connection
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RCOukBoaNy2xU
Budowa przyłącza gazowego
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1TC35heNwD6A
Budowa przyłącza gazowego
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RgsWSosRVUj9R
Budowa przyłącza gazowego
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R14QMkFzAgry6
Budowa przyłącza gazowego
Put the dialogue in the correct order. Ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- How do we connect to the gas pipeline?
- I can see that the walls of the excavation already have a formwork?
- Through a y-branch which is already mounted and cup ended.
- I brought the necessary materials and tools in the car. Once you have unloaded everything, come to my office for a welding machine to polyethylene pipes.
- No, it has to be installed. Inside the cabinet must be also the main valve, regulator and a gas meter.
- No.
- Has a cabinet for gas been installed on the building?
- In the project design they marked a change to a steel pipe 1,5 m from the building.
- Do you have any more questions?
- Yes, they have already been protected and the surveyor marked the axis of the gas pipeline.
- Today I have a task for you: connecting this building to gas network. You will be laying gas supply from polyethylene pipes in the excavation.
- In what pipe will we build the connection to the building?
After listening to the dialogue mark the correct answer. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The gas cabinet is installed on the building. | □ | □ |
The connection is done through a y-branch. | □ | □ |
The gas supply will be lied in the excavation from polyethylene pipes. | □ | □ |
In the project design they marked a change to a steel pipe 2,5 m from the building. | □ | □ |
A surveyor marked the axis of the gas pipeline. | □ | □ |
Polyethylene pipes for a gas connection are welded. | □ | □ |
The walls of the excavation are not protected. | □ | □ |
The technical acceptance will be carried out next week. | □ | □ |
Match polish names with their English equivalents.Połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
gazomierz, reduktor, szafka gazowa, rura polietylenowa, przyłącze gazowe, rura stalowa, kurek główny, trójnik siodłowy
polyethylene pipe | |
steel pipe | |
gas cabinet | |
gas connection | |
y-branch | |
regulator | |
gas meter | |
main valve |
Tools for building a gas network and installing a gas installation
Complete the sentences by choosing the right expression or word from the phrases mentioned below:Uzupełnij zdania wybierając odpowiednie określenie lub wyraz z wymienionych poniżej:
drill, welder, Tap, soldering torch, pipe threader, pipe bender, angle grinder, vise
1. To give pipes their appropriate position at any angle we use a .............................. . (giętarka)
2. A .............................. provides stability in pipe processing. (imadło)
3. A .............................. is used to cut grooves on the outside part of the pipe. (gwintownica)
4. To cut pipes we use an .............................. . (szlifierka kątowa)
5. A .............................. is used to cut holes. (wiertarka)
6. To connect copper pipes we use .............................. . (palniki do lutowania)
7. .............................. is used to cut a groove on the inside surface of the pipe. (gwintownik)
8. Polyethylene pipes are most easily and cheaply connected by means of a .............................. . (zgrzewarka)
Gas network equipment and protection

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1RSOYx4fxxHn
Uzbrojenie i zabezpieczenie sieci gazowej
After watching the film and listening to the speaker’s comments choose the correct answer. Po obejrzeniu filmów i wysłuchaniu komentarza lektora zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Dehydrators collect liquefied gas from a gas network. | □ | □ |
A gas meter protects against the increase of pressure. | □ | □ |
Cathodic protection protects against stray voltage. | □ | □ |
Y-branch is put in points where possible leakage might appear. | □ | □ |
Gas turbinemeter has an impeller rotating with the speed proportional to the quantity of the flowing gas. | □ | □ |
Gas station protects against excessive decrease or increase of pressure. | □ | □ |
Bleed and drainage system protects against corrosion. | □ | □ |
Y-branch is used as a connection to a polyethylene gas network. | □ | □ |
Complete the sentences with the expressions in brackets.Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami w nawiasach.
gas turbinemeter, dehydrator, y-branch, Cathodic protection, stray voltage, Gas station, gas network, rotary displacement gas meter
1. A .......................................................... is used as a connection to a polyethylene gas network. (trójnik siodłowy)
2. .......................................................... protects against stray voltage. (ochrona katodowa)
3. A .......................................................... collects liquefied gas from a gas network. (odwadniacz)
4. A .......................................................... is equipped with a figure-eight shape impeller which measure equal amounts of gas with every rotation. (gazomierz rotorowy)
5. An impeller in a .......................................................... rotates with the speed proportional to the quantity of the flowing gas. (gazomierz turbinowy)
6. .......................................................... protects against excessive decrease or increase of pressure. (stacja gazowa)
7. Cathodic protection protects against .......................................................... . (prądy błądzące)
8. Bleed and drainage system vents the .......................................................... . (gazociąg)
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Ułóż słowa w poprawnej kolejności tak, aby powstały zdania.
1. tools / you / Did / this / take / the / from / box? ..........................................................................
2. Can / change / my / order? / I ..............................................
3. Will / remember / with / you / the / order / care? / handle / to ................................................................................................
4. does / it / much / How / cost? ............................................
5. always / clothing? / protective / I / wear / Should ....................................................................................
6. you / are / What / doing? ......................................
7. yet? / Have / fitter / called / the / you ..............................................................
8. to / me / like / repair? / you / What / would ..................................................................
Complete the text with prepositions. Uzupełnij tekst przyimkami.
under, between, opposite, above, below, into, behind, top
1. Who put the strap wrench ................ pipes? (pod)
2. Nail the screw ................ the line. (poniżej)
3. Can you smooth uneven edges ................ the pipe? (powyżej)
4. Remember to put all the tools ................ the toolbox. (do)
5. Draw a straight line ................ the two nails. (pomiędzy)
6. Repeat the procedure in the ................ direction. (przeciwnym)
7. Who left the pipe-cutting shears ................ the door? (za)
8. Place the last pipe on the ................ of this structure. (górze)
Change sentences into Reported Speech. Zamień zdania na mowę zależną.
1. The fitter said: “I will come and see what I can do.” The fitter said that ............................................................................ .
2. Tom said: “We have a three-shift system.” Tom said that ............................................................ .
3. Kevin said: “I am in charge of ten assembly workers.” Kevin said that ................................................................................ .
4. Sue asked me: “What does your job involve?” Sue asked me ........................................ .
5. I asked my boss: “Do we do overtime?” I asked my boss .................................... .
6. I asked Liam: “Are you on the early shift today?” I asked Liam .......................................................................... .
7. I asked the shop assistant: “How many people does your company employ?” I asked the shop assistant ........................................................................ .
8. I told Michael: “Go inside the warehouse immediately!” I told Michael .................................................................... .
/əˈdʒʌs.tə.bəl spæn.ər/ [noun, countable] klucz nastawny
/bliːd ənd dreɪ.nɪdʒ sɪs.təm/ [noun, countable] zespół zaporowo – upustowy
/kæthetaədik prəˈtek.ʃən/ [noun, uncountable] ochrona katodowa
/diː.haɪˈdreɪtər/ [noun, countable] odwadniacze
/ɡæs kæb.ɪ.nət/ [noun, countable] szafka gazowa
/ɡæs kəˈnek.ʃən/ [noun, countable] przyłącze gazowe
/ɡæs netwɜːk/ [noun, countable] sieć gazowa
/ɡæs paɪplaɪn/ [noun, countable] gazociąg
/ɡæs steɪ.ʃən/ [noun, countable] stacja gazowa
/ɡæs tɜː.baɪnmiː.tər/ [noun, countable] gazomierz turbinowy
/ɡæs wel.dɪŋ tɔːtʃ/ [noun, countable] palniki do spawania gazowego
/ɡruːv plaɪ.əz/ [noun, plural szczypce do rur typ „żabka”
/ɪmˈpelər/ [noun, countable] wirnik
/lɪkwəfaɪd ɡæs/ [noun, uncountable] skroplony gaz
/meɪn vælv/ [noun, countable] kurek główny
/mʌŋ.ki rentʃ/ [noun, countable] klucz francuski
/paɪp kʌtə/ [noun, countable] obcinarka krążkowa
/paɪp- kʌt.ɪŋ ʃɪəz/ [noun, plural] nożyce do cięcia rur
/plʌm.ər rentʃ/ [noun, countable] klucz szwedzki
/reɡ.jə.leɪ.tər/ [noun, countable] reduktor
/rɪŋ spæn.ər/ [noun, countable] klucz oczkowy
/rəʊ.tər.i dɪˈspleɪs.mənt ɡæs miː.tər/ [noun, countable] gazomierz rotorowy
/səʊl.də.rɪŋ tɔːtʃ/ [noun, countable] palnik do lutowania
/stiːl paɪp/ [noun, countable, singular] rurę stalową
/stræp rentʃ/ [noun, countable] klucz łańcuchowy
/streɪ vɒl.tɪdʒ/ [noun, countableor uncountable] prądy błądzące
/tek.nɪ.kəl əkˈsep.təns/ [noun, uncountable] odbiór techniczny
/thetared/ [noun, countable] gwint
/wel.dər/ [noun, countable] spawarka
/waɪ- brɑːntʃ/ [noun, countable] trójnik siodłowy