Disassembly and assembly of the plumbing system
m554ee791f37bb064_1516315582267_01. Film in the standard version.
R11lzeYv3UIXr1 m554ee791f37bb064_1516315713520_02. Film with subtitles.
m554ee791f37bb064_1516315731083_0R1LPSQ14z9P3R1 m554ee791f37bb064_1517519920974_03. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.
m554ee791f37bb064_1516315855551_0R5nGHWYw9Vln11 m554ee791f37bb064_1516315946508_04. Film with narration.
m554ee791f37bb064_1516315951214_0RNVBbJmyoCteO1 m554ee791f37bb064_1516316024463_0Exercise 1
R10oSedWp0F3C1 Exercise 2
Rqwv6ZkWsjDaM1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
After listening to the dialogue choose the correct answer. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
The old plumbing system has to be disassembled.
□ |
□ |
In the project cast iron pipes are to be installed.
□ |
□ |
The plumbing installation will be disassembled within a week.
□ |
□ |
New soil stacks, drain pipes and sanitary fittings have to be installed.
□ |
□ |
The disassembly will begin from soil stacks.
□ |
□ |
Install tees, cleanouts and a vent stack on a soil stack.
□ |
□ |
The disassembly and assembly of the plumbing system will take place in a school building on Kochanowskiego street.
□ |
□ |
Toilet bowls are mounted on a frame.
□ |
□ |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 3
R1Tgu3ZFdnlMz1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Match Polish names with their English equivalents.Połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
podejście kanalizacyjne, rura wywiewna, pionowe rury spustowe, poziom, przybory sanitarne, tuleja ochronna, trójnik, czyszczak
tee |
vertical down pipes |
level |
cleanout |
drain pipe |
vent stack |
sanitary fittings |
protection sleeve |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
m554ee791f37bb064_1533903672215_0Sewerage network and plumbing system equipment
R11hH0MwUe91X1Exercise 4
R3ma9Q6I6zH741zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
After reading the text choose the correct answer. Po przeczytaniu powyższego tekstu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
An anti-flooding valve allows for one-way flow of sewage.
□ |
□ |
A cascade manhole delivers sewage from lower to upper channels.
□ |
□ |
A gate valve is helpful in cleaning channels.
□ |
□ |
A major drain serves for the collection of industrial waste.
□ |
□ |
Fans clean channels.
□ |
□ |
Storm water overflows are used to relieve the network during the maximum rain flow.
□ |
□ |
Inspection chambers cannot be installed in a place of a cross-section change.
□ |
□ |
Separators discharge sewage from one channel system to another.
□ |
□ |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 5
RNU6w96CmgQzK1 m554ee791f37bb064_1516316511245_0Sewerage network equipment
R1dA8v0BTkfDV1 RDfOz29niEXgK1 RZajWZlrYb6av1 RaSdnhxprMCEr1 RgAIuMb1KO2f21 R1d9EZ152vFLD1 RHmXXB1vSyRux1 RaOo1WXkjshAA1 m554ee791f37bb064_1516316248437_0Types of sanitary fittings in a plumbing system
R1a1UCKMTs3Gm1Exercise 6
RMLR5VeF7sWws1 m554ee791f37bb064_1516383283628_0Sanitary fittings
RzQVHqiDLmHEj1 RiJmKskL4jQZH1 RRwYmC7DxYkia1 RxrGN3WEvPpeJ1 R1StVk6VAiQyP1 RF7hzd5McifXT1 RnUPIP8fxnAnp1 RDwkHtyvt9NGq1 Exercise 7
R11ZMfcfulWdx1 m554ee791f37bb064_1516383280961_0Tasks
Exercise 8
R1amjEQBJrwK11 Exercise 9
RnAibrbszMfSY1 Exercise 10
R1A7xgikShttl1 Exercise 11
RDAc8z8WWuNaF1 Exercise 12
R1ksoU0fmbJzZ1 m554ee791f37bb064_1516384819599_0Dictionary
anti‑flooding valveanti‑flooding valve
/æntɪ flʌdɪŋ vælv/ [noun, countable] zasuwa przeciwzalewowa
cascade manholecascade manhole
/kæˈskeɪd mænhəʊl/ [noun, countable] studzienka kaskadowe
cast iron pipecast iron pipe
/kɑːst aɪən paɪp/ [noun, countable] rura żeliwna
/kliːn aʊt/ [noun, countable] czyszczak
compact floor‑standing toilet bowlcompact floor‑standing toilet bowl
/kəmˈpækt flɔː stændɪŋ tɔɪlɪt bəʊl/ [noun, countable] miska ustępowa kompaktowa stojąca
/dreɪn/ [noun, countable] przewód odpływowy
drain pipedrain pipe
/dreɪn paɪp/ [noun, countable] podejście kanalizacyjne, rura spustowa
/fæn/ [noun, countable] przewietrznik
/fɪtɪŋz/ [noun, plural] armatura
gate valvegate valve
/ɡeɪt vælv/ [noun, countable] zasuwa nożowa
inspection chamberinspection chamber
/ɪnˈspekʃən tʃeɪmbə/ [noun, countable] studzienka rewizyjna
low level toilet cisternlow level toilet cistern
/ləʊ levəl tɔɪlɪt sɪstən/ [noun, countable] miska ustępowa z dolnopłukiem
major drainmajor drain
/meɪdʒə dreɪn/ [noun, countable] wpust podwórzowy
plumbing systemplumbing system
/plʌmɪŋ sɪstəm/ [noun, countable] instalacja kanalizacyjne
protection sleeveprotection sleeve
/prəˈtekʃən sliːv/ [noun, countable] tuleja ochronna
rainwater sewagerainwater sewage
/reɪnwɔːtə sjuːɪdʒ/ [noun, uncountable] ścieki opadowe
rainwater sewer networkrainwater sewer network
/reɪnwɔːtə sjuːə netwɜːk/ [noun, countable] sieć ogólnospławna
sanitary fittingssanitary fittings
/sænɪtəri fɪtɪŋz/ [noun, plural] przybory sanitarne
secondary drainsecondary drain
/sekəndəri dreɪn/ [noun, countable] kanał boczny
sewerage networksewerage network
/sjuːərɪdʒ netwɜːk/ [noun, countable] sieć kanalizacyjna
shower tubshower tub
/ʃaʊə tʌb/ [noun, countable] brodzik
soil stacksoil stack
/sɔɪl stæk/ [noun, countable] pion kanalizacyjny
squat toiletsquat toilet
/skɒwt tɔɪlɪt/ [noun, countable] miska ustępowa turecka
storm water overflowstorm water overflow
/stɔːm wɔːtə əʊvəˈfləʊ/ [noun, countable] przelew burzowy
/tiː/ [noun, countable] trójnik
toilet bowltoilet bowl
/tɔɪlɪt bəʊl/ [noun, countable] miska ustepowa
vent stackvent stack
/vent stæk/ [noun, countable] rura wywiewna