Carrying out works related to the installation, assembly and operation of water supply network and water supply system
Installation of pipes and taps in a water supply system
Montaż odgałęzień i baterii w instalacji wodociągowej
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RC51AwukVwGtd
Montaż odgałęzień i baterii w instalacji wodociągowej
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1A0zSPug8NUw
Montaż odgałęzień i baterii w instalacji wodociągowej
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1505PSydL7sM
Montaż odgałęzień i baterii w instalacji wodociągowej
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RchTm0RiAuxkz
Montaż odgałęzień i baterii w instalacji wodociągowej
Put the dialogue in the correct order. Ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- No, a different team is just finishing their installation.
- Will the wash basins be replaced too?
- No, you will have to close the valves on risers and remove water before the works start.
- What kind of taps?
- Roman, today together with Charles you will be replacing bathroom taps and pipes from risers of cold and hot water subsystems.
- These are upright washbasin taps, single lever. Take 12 taps and necessary connectors, pipes and extra tools by voucher from the warehouse.
- We left the installation filled with water to carry on the tightness test of the plumbing installation.
- Yes. Only risers and tees will be left. You will have to connect the horizontal pipes.
- According to the project, I would like you to install pressed tees and connect polyethylene pipes with an aluminum insert.
- Is water to risers closed?
- Ok, so go to work and keep me updated on problems and work performance.
- Thank you. Will the supply system be changed for cold or hot water?
After listening to the dialogue choose the correct answer. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The tees have been installed. | □ | □ |
The pipes are made of polyethylene with an aluminum insert. | □ | □ |
The pipes are made of polyethylene with an aluminum insert. | □ | □ |
The pipes are made of polypropylene. | □ | □ |
Pipe connections are made by welding. | □ | □ |
Single lever, upright washbasin taps will be mounted. | □ | □ |
The pipes to taps are installed. | □ | □ |
A technical acceptance will take place next week. | □ | □ |
Match Polish names with their English equivalents.Połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
bateria umywalkowa, zawór, trójnik zaprasowany, odgałęzienie, pion, zgrzewanie, poziom, złączka
pressed tee | |
plumb | |
level | |
welding | |
horizontal pipes | |
wash basin tap | |
valve | |
connector |
Equipment of a water supply network
Uzbrojenia sieci wodociągowej
After reading the above text mark the correct answer. Po przeczytaniu powyższego tekstu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Underground gates have a casing from a protection tube. | □ | □ |
The function of a hydrant is to close and open the flow of water. | □ | □ |
Return valves keep the water flow only in one direction. | □ | □ |
Street water pumps regulate water pressure. | □ | □ |
Reduction valves are used to measure temperature. | □ | □ |
Safety valves protect the tubes against excessive pressure. | □ | □ |
Street water pumps are used to put out fires. | □ | □ |
Gates with a diameter bigger than 500mm are located in manholes. | □ | □ |
Complete the sentences by choosing the right expression or word from the phrases mentioned below:Uzupełnij zdania wybierając odpowiednie określenie lub wyraz z wymienionych poniżej:
Gates, Street water pumps, hydrants, Return valves, Reduction valves, Water meters, Safety valves, Manometers
1. .................................... are used to close or open the water flow. (zasuwy)
2. .................................... protect the tubes against excessive pressure. (zawory bezpieczeństwa)
3. .................................... are installed between high and low pressure zones. (zawory redukcyjne)
4. The function of .................................... is to draw water during a fire and to draw water for building purposes and flushing streets. (hydranty)
5. .................................... serve residents who don’t have water supply installation or are used in case of a breakdown. (zdroje uliczne)
6. .................................... are mounted only at the pumping stations. (manometry)
7. .................................... are installed on water extractions, on arterial pipes and on connectors. (wodomierze)
8. .................................... keep the flow only in one direction. (zawory zwrotne)
Types of taps in a water supply installation
Rodzaje baterii w instalacji wodociągowej

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RQ1CR9jt3vFT0
Rodzaje baterii w instalacji wodociągowej
Sink taps
Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. Uzupełnij zdania wpisując poprawne zaimkami osobowe.
1. The project manager has promised to help ............ . (they)
2. Do you like Mike? No, I don’t like ............ . (he)
3. Who did it? Sir, I swear it wasn’t ............ . (I)
4. Don’t tell ............ what she should do! (she)
5. Before I employ you I must watch how ............ cooperate with others. (you)
6. Can you help ............ ? (we)
7. Can you do ............ a favour? (I)
8. Don’t say a word now and listen to ............ , please! (we)
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
use, Are, arranges, to prepare, Is, Are, needs, Are, Am, prepares, Is , Be, preparing, deliver, Am, need, delivering, to need, arrange, uses, using, Is, arranging, delivers,
1. A workman .................... special equipment to install an upright double lever sink tap.
2. You .................... gate valves to perform all the necessary repairs around the water supply system.
3. A project manager and a workman .................... a meeting for Monday.
4. A workman .................... a cost estimate after a telephone conversation.
5. .................... a client satisfied with sink tap repairs?
6. .................... workmen busy in three days?
7. A supplier .................... all types of valves every Monday.
8. .................... aluminum inserts out of stock?
/əˈlu·mə·nəm ɪnˈsɜːt/ [noun, countable] wkładka aluminiowa
/ɑːˈtɪə.ri.əl paɪp/ [noun, countable] przewód magistralny
/dɪˈstrɪb.juːtɪŋ paɪp/ [noun, countable] przewód rozdzielczy
/ˈdreɪ.nɪdʒ ˈsɪs.təm/ [noun, countable] system odwodnienia
/ɪˈkwɪp.mənt/ [noun, uncountable] uzbrojenie
/ˈfɪt.ɪŋ/ [noun, countable] armatura
/flændʒd/ [adjective] kołnierzowy
/ɡeɪt vælv/ [noun, countable] zasuwa odcinająca
/ɡraʊnd ˈhaɪ.drənt/ [noun, countable] hydrant nadziemny
/ˈlev.əl/ [adjective] poziomy
/ˈmæn.həʊl/ [noun, countable] studzienka
/ˈmeʒ.ərɪŋ ɪˈkwɪp.mənt/ [noun, uncountable] uzbrojenie pomiarowe
/plʌm/ [adjective] pionowy
/prest tiː/ [noun, countable] trójnik zaprasowany
/prəˈtek.ʃən tʃuːb/ [noun, countable] rura ochronna
/ˈpʌb.lɪk ˈwɔː.tər səˈplaɪ ɪˈkwɪp.mənt/ [noun, uncountable] uzbrojenie czerpalne
/pʌmpɪŋ ˈsteɪ.ʃən/ [noun, countable] pompownia
/rɪˈdʌk.ʃən vælv/ [noun, countable] zawór redukcyjny
/rɪˈtɜːn vælv/ [noun, countable] zawór zwrotny
/ˈraɪ.zər paɪp/ [noun, countable] pion wodociagowy
/ˈseɪf.ti vælv/ [noun, countable] zawór bezpieczeństwa
/striːt ˈwɔː.tər pʌmp/ [noun, countable] zdrój uliczny
/ˈtræn.zɪt paɪp/ [noun, countable] przewód tranzytowy
/ˈʌp.raɪt ˈdʌb.əl ˈliː.vər ˈbɑːtheta.tʌb tæp/ [noun, countable] bateria wannowa stojąca dwuuchwytowa
/ˈʌp.raɪt ˈdʌb.əl ˈliː.vər sɪŋk tæp/ [noun, countable] bateria zlewozmywakowa stojąca dwuuchwytowa
/ventɪŋ ˈsɪs.təm/ [noun, countable] system odpowietrzenia
/wɔːl ˈmaʊn.tɪd ˈsɪŋ.ɡəl ˈliː.vər sɪŋk tæp/ [noun, countable] bateria zlewozmywakowa jednouchwytowa ścienna
/wɔːl ˈmaʊn.tɪd ˈsɪŋ.ɡəl ˈliː.vər wɒʃ ˈbeɪ.sən tæp fɔːr kənˈsiːld ˌɪn.stəˈleɪ.ʃən/ [noun, countable]
bateria umywalkowa ścienna jednouchwytowa podtynkowa
/wɔːl ˈmaʊn.tɪd ˈthetaɜː.mə.stætik ʃaʊər tæp/ [noun, countable] bateria natryskowa ścienna termostatyczna
/wɔːtər səˈplaɪ sɪstəm/ [noun, countable] instalacja wodociągowa