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Deciduous forests that drop leaves for the winter

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Before you start you should know
  • the different climate and landscape zones present on Earth;

  • the characteristic features of the eternally green equatorial forest, savannahs, steppes and Mediterranean landscape;

  • that deciduous trees in our country shed their leaves for winter.

You will learn
  • to describe the climatic conditions of the temperate zone;

  • to describe temperate deciduous forests;

nagranie abstraktu

Deciduous forest landscape

The temperate deciduous forests zone has developed to the north of the Mediterranean vegetation zone. It can be found virtually all over Europe, in Asia and North America. Its climateclimateclimate is characterised by distinctive four seasons of the year. The amount of rainfall in each of these seasons is similar. Temperatures vary and depend largely on distance to the coast. In winter, temperature drops to 0°C in the marine climate region or below –20°C in the continental climate region. Due to days growing shorter and frost, plants are not able to absorb a large amount of water from the soil, as it has the form of snow or ice. Therefore, deciduous trees and shrubs that must limit evaporation (loss of water) shed their leaves in autumn, whereas herbaceous plants lose all their above‑ground components.

Before humans changed environmental conditions by felling a major part of deciduous trees, forests dominated the landscape. They covered nearly all terrain apart from high mountains, sandy dunes and marshy river valleys. Climatic and soil conditions made it possible for deciduous forests dominated by such species of trees as oak, beech and hornbeam to grow. Next to them grow birches, maples and ashes. These forests have a multi‑layered structure; under the tree layer (often with a small number of coniferous trees mixed in, e.g. spruces, larches) grows a rich understory and undergrowth. Deciduous forests in the far east of Asia and in North America also include species of trees that don’t appear in European forests, e.g. magnolias and liriodendron.

Temperate deciduous forest zone
Source: Aleksandra Ryczkowska, Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne Wiking, licencja: CC BY 3.0.

Nearly the entire surface of Poland is located in the temperate deciduous forest zone. The distance from the westernmost point and easternmost point in Poland as well as northernmost and southernmost point in Poland covers only several hundred kilometres, but it’s still possible to observe certain climatic differences and, in consequence, differences species composition of forests. Distance to the Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea as well as location in the centre of Europe is of major importance. The impact of the continental climate is more prominent as you head east, especially northeast. It’s colder there and annual air temperature amplitudes are higher. As a result, the share of species resistant to extreme cold increases.

The development of agriculture in the last 1–2 thousand years resulted in more and more forests being felled and replaced with cropland. In addition, in the last 200 years the manufacturing and construction industry’s demand for wood has significantly increased. Nearly all old deciduous forests have been felled and faster‑growing coniferous forests have been planted in their place. At present, over 30% of Poland’s surface is covered by forests, however their species composition is not adequate to natural conditions. These are primarily economic (production) forests planted by foresters to be felled when they grow to an appropriate size. Original deciduous and mixed forests are nearly all gone and the remaining small patches (like Białowieża Forest) deserve to be closely protected.

Task 1

List four most common species of trees in the nearest forest. How many deciduous trees is among them?


For years, measures have been taken to increase the forest area in Poland and their area keeps growing. Ever since it was discovered that planting single‑species coniferous forests can lead to environmental disasters, such as the spread of tree diseases or pests, the share of deciduous trees in freshly‑planted forests is on the increase.

Tree species in Polish forests
Source: Dariusz Adryan, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Grafika przedstawia cztery zdjęcia. Na pierwszym zdjęciu widoczny jest pręgowiec amerykański siedzący na skale w pozycji wyprostowanej; w przednich łapach trzyma ogryzionego orzecha. Druga fotografia przedstawia szopa przemieszczającego się na gałęzi drzewa. Trzecia fotografia przedstawia kojota idącego po śniegu; w tle pnie drzew. Czwarta fotografia przedstawia jelenia kanadyjskiego stojącego na polanie; w tle górskie zbocze porośnięte drzewami, lekko przysypane śniegiem. Każda z fotografii ma dołączony opis: 1. Pręgowiec amerykański Wszystkożerny z przewagą roślin. Żyje najczęściej na ziemi, a na drzewa wchodzi bardzo rzadko. Zakłada pod ziemią rozległe i skomplikowane korytarze. Tunele te, z wieloma wejściami, osiągają długość do 10 m., 2. Szop Wszystkożerny. Unika otwartych przestrzeni. Dziuple w starych drzewach oraz jaskinie skalne są najczęściej wybierane na schronienia służące do snu, zimowego letargu i wychowywania młodych., 3. Kojot Drapieżnik. Potrafi samodzielnie kopać nory, jednak znacznie częściej korzysta z opustoszałych nor i kryjówek innych zwierząt. Szybko przystosowuje się do nowych warunków życia., 4. Jeleń kanadyjski Jeden z największych ssaków lądowych w Ameryce Północnej i Azji Wschodniej.
Animal life in American temperate deciduous forests
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Exercise 1
Ćwiczenie podaj przyczynę podobieństwa dzikich zwierząt na różnych kontynentach a zamieszkujących lasy liściaste zrzucające liście na zimę. Indicate the reason for the similarities between wild animals living on various continents and those inhabiting temperate deciduous forests. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Migration between continents., 2. Adaptation to existing conditions., 3. Escaped from a farm and turned feral.


  • Temperate climatetemperate climateTemperate climate is characterised by four distinctive seasons. In these conditions, temperate deciduous forests have appeared.

  • Deciduous forests border the steppe, Meditteranean vegetation and coniferous forests.

  • The greater part of coniferous forests in Europe has been felled in the past.

  • At present, coniferous trees are the most commonly found trees in Polish forests. Only small patches of the original wilderness that covered Poland have survived.


deciduous forest, temperate climate, winter


nagranie słowa climate

klimat – całość zjawisk pogodowych (temperatura, opady, wiatr) występujących na danym obszarze przez długi okres

temperate climate
temperate climate
nagranie słowa temperate climate

klimat umiarkowany – dobre warunki dla roślin przystosowanych do okresów zimna i mrozów