
Does mature mean adult?

Source: http://pixabay.com, licencja: CC 0.

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Before you start you should know
  • that adolescence is the transitional period between childhood and adulthood.

You will learn
  • to determine whether a sexually mature person is an adult;

  • to explain the difference between sexual maturity and psychological and social maturity.

Wysłuchaj nagrania abstraktu i zastanów się, czego jeszcze chciałbyś się dowiedzieć w związku z tematem lekcji.

Does mature mean adult?

As a result of adolescence, adolescents reach sexual maturitysexual maturitysexual maturity, meaning that they are ready to reproduce. However, before starting a family it is essential to also reach psychological and social maturitysocial maturitysocial maturity. Psychological maturitypsychological maturityPsychological maturity means the capacity to make independent and responsible decisions, and behaving in such a way, so as not to harm others. A person who is socially mature is able to secure appropriate living conditions, is ready to start a family and take care of them. Only a person who is physically, psychologically and socially mature can be called an adult.

The parents are helping their child cope with everyday difficulties
Source: Tomorrow Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Fotografia przedstawia dorosłego mężczyznę oraz nastoletniego chłopca stojących do siebie przodem i naśladujących bokserskie pozy. Father and son. Na ilustracji są napisy 1. Father: age 40, manages a large bank. Interests: sightseeing tours., 2. Son: age 14. A pupil. Interests: skateboarding, computer games.
Father and son
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Exercise 1
Per adult is considered to be the person that stands maturity: Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. sexual, 2. civic, 3. electoral, 4. emotional, 5. legal age, 6. social, 7. psychological
Exercise 2
Decide which statements concerning adolescence are true and which are false.. During adolescence, boys often have trouble controlling the pitch of their voice.. Możliwe odpowiedzi: True, False. Hoarseness in boys requires frequent visits to the doctor.. Możliwe odpowiedzi: True, False. In girls, significant changes in the way the voice sounds can be observed.. Możliwe odpowiedzi: True, False. Spots appear on the face in both genders.. Możliwe odpowiedzi: True, False


  • Adolescence is a time where a person's body reaches sexual maturity.

  • An adult is characterised by sexual, psychological and social maturity.

  • Only a person who is physically, psychologically and socially mature may be called an adult.


sexual maturity, psychological maturity, social maturity


sexual maturity
sexual maturity
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

dojrzałość płciowa – gotowość do rozmnażania.

psychological maturity
psychological maturity
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

dojrzałość psychiczna – zdolność do podejmowania samodzielnych i odpowiedzialnych decyzji

social maturity
social maturity
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

dojrzałość społeczna – zapewnienie sobie odpowiednich warunków do życia oraz gotowość do założenia rodziny i dbania o nią.