Estimation of road works
Types of costs estimates
Rodzaje kosztorysów
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RoLmt8ZDTTNLU
Rodzaje kosztorysów
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/Rm2CjeGSqDLV3
Rodzaje kosztorysów
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RfubBvFfWxi0I
Rodzaje kosztorysów
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RC8PrHl322AMW
Rodzaje kosztorysów
Put the dialogue in the correct order.Ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- The time limit is very short.
- I think you need to compare this bill of quantities with the documentation very carefully, because it happens that a cost estimator sometimes makes a mistake and omits some cost item.
- Yes, he did. We were sent the investment cost estimate together with the technical documentation. Now I will have to make a tender cost estimate.
- Of course. Mistakes happen, Annie. But I think that the settlement of this contract will be based on the as-built bill of quantities, which is prepared on the basis of the quantity survey of works.
- Yes, I am. This morning I got the technical documentation to read.
- Did the investor send an investment cost estimate?
- Yes, I have, but it’s not certain yet. The tender is to be held in one month.
- Are you going to prepare the tender documentation?
- Yes, I know. But I have the investment cost estimate, so I can use the bill of quantities on the basis of which it was drawn up.
- Karol! Have you heard that we have a very large order for a new route between Łódź and Konstantynów?
After watching the film mark the correct answer. Po obejrzeniu filmu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Annie will make a tender cost estimate for a new route between Łódź and Konstantynów. | □ | □ |
Karol will prepare the tender documentation. | □ | □ |
The investment cost estimate was submitted together with the technical documentation. | □ | □ |
The as- built bill of quantities is made on the basis of the bill of quantities. | □ | □ |
The tender cost estimate is made based on the quantity survey of works. | □ | □ |
The tender for a new route between Łódź and Konstantynów is to be held in two weeks. | □ | □ |
If the scope of works decreases or increases, Karol will have to make a replacement cost estimate. | □ | □ |
When preparing the tender cost estimate, Karol will use the bill of quantities prepared for the investment cost estimate. | □ | □ |
Match the Polish terms with their English equivalents.Połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
kosztorys zamienny, przedmiar robót, przetarg, kosztorys ofertowy, pozycja kosztorysowa, obmiar robót, kosztorys powykonawczy, kosztorysant, kosztorys inwestorski
tender cost estimate | |
investment cost estimate | |
as- built bill of quantities | |
replacement cost estimate | |
bill of quantities | |
quantity survey of works | |
cost estimator | |
cost estimate item | |
tender |
Methods and basics of cost estimation
Metody i podstawy kosztorysowania

Complete the text with the phrases in brackets. Uzupełnij tekst wyrażeniami w nawiasach.
cost price, detailed calculation, technical specification, simplified calculation, bill of quantities items, cost estimation, catalogues of single unit pricing, single unit pricing
1. A more accurate method of cost estimation is a .................................................................. . (kalkulacja szczegółowa)
2. .................................................................. is a way of valuating construction facilities and construction works. (kosztorysowanie)
3. To make a cost estimate calculation, it is necessary to know .................................................................. or quantity survey items of works. (jednostki przedmiarowe)
4. In the simplified calculation, we calculate the .................................................................. as the sum of products of bill of quantity items or quantity survey items and their unit prices and we add the goods and services tax to them. (cena kosztorysowa)
5. We can prepare a cost estimate using one of the methods: the method of .................................................................. We can prepare a cost estimate using one of the methods: the method of (kalkulacja uproszczona)
6. .................................................................. relates to labour, materials and equipment as well as technological transport means. (jednostkowe nakłady rzeczowe)
7. Single unit pricing is included in .................................................................. or it is determined individually. (katalogi nakładów rzeczowych)
8. When calculating the cost price, the .................................................................. of the execution and acceptance of construction works should be taken into account. (specyfikacja techniczna)
Match Polish terms with their English equivalents.Połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
specyfikacja techniczna, jednostki przedmiarowe robót, kalkulacja szczegółowa, kalkulacja uproszczona, jednostkowe nakłady rzeczowe, katalog nakładów rzeczowych, jednostki obmiarowe robót, kosztorysowanie
detailed calculation | |
simplified calculation | |
catalogue of single unit pricing | |
technical specification | |
single unit pricing | |
bill of quantities items | |
quantity survey items | |
cost estimation |
The catalogue of single unit pricing
Katalog nakładów rzeczowych
The cost price and the cost structure
Cena kosztorysowa i struktura kosztów

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RrAam8nbUJ2zV
Cena kosztorysowa i struktura kosztów
R1awjyzDF97Dm1 cost price

After watching the animation and listening to the commentary, mark the correct answer. Po obejrzeniu animacji i wysłuchaniu komentarza lektora zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Indirect costs are related to the direct execution of the construction works. | □ | □ |
Direct costs include wages of workers. | □ | □ |
Indirect costs include the costs of equipment which will be used in the construction works. | □ | □ |
Indirect costs include general construction costs, for example, the costs of development and liquidation of a construction site. | □ | □ |
The calculated profit is the surplus of costs of the execution of works over the revenue. | □ | □ |
The calculated profit can be determined by amount or by percentage. | □ | □ |
The contractor has to pay the total value of the goods and services tax. | □ | □ |
Goods and services tax is a separate calculation component included in the cost price. | □ | □ |
Translate the words in brackets into English and drag the appropriate ones.Przetłumacz słowa w nawiasach na język angielski i przeciągnij odpowiednie wyrażenie.
calculated profit, construction works, direct costs, development and liquidation of a construction site, a contractor and an investor, cost of equipment, management costs, calculation component
1. Direct costs are related to the direct execution of the ...................................................................................................... . (roboty budowlane)
2. The ...................................................................................................... is the expected surplus of the contractor’s revenue over the costs of the execution of works. (zysk kalkulacyjny)
3. Goods and services tax is a separate ...................................................................................................... included in the cost price. (składnik kalkulacyjny)
4. The cost of the ...................................................................................................... is included in the general construction costs. (zagospodarowanie i likwidacja placu budowy)
5. The direct cost is the ...................................................................................................... which will be used in the construction works. (koszt pracy sprzętu)
6. Depending on the arrangements between ...................................................................................................... , the calculated profit can be determined by amount or percentage. (wykonawcą a inwestorem)
7. Indirect costs include the ...................................................................................................... . (koszty zarządu)
8. The cost of materials delivered by the contractor together with the purchase and delivery costs of these materials are classified as ...................................................................................................... . (koszty bezpośrednie)
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the words in brackets.Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.
1. The wages of our workers are the .............. (high) in our line of business.
2. The detailed calculation is .......................... (accurate) than the simplified calculation.
3. The goods and services tax is ............ (low) than other costs.
4. This is the ........................ (precise) cost calculation I could find.
5. The cost of equipment was .............. (small) than it was predicted.
6. We have ............ (little) time to prepare a cost estimate than we actually need.
7. This is the ............ (bad) profit we have ever made.
8. The new order is much ............ (large) than the previous one.
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną opcję z listy.
many, this, what, hour, these, is, the, some, --, they, time, them, theirs, an, those, --, this, be, are, which, a, who, which, few
1. The detailed calculation consists of a ............ elements.
2. This is not my cost estimate. It must be ............ .
3. What ............ do we sign a contract tomorrow?
4. The investment work ............ in progress.
5. Unforeseen problems may appear in ............ first stage of our work.
6. Could I see a tender cost estimate of ............ investment project?
7. The employee ............ prepared this quantity survey of works is away on business.
8. What is the location of the company ............ won the tender?
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences..Wybierz właściwe słowa, aby uzupełnić zdania.
Do, Will, Is, much, are, many, any, had, Could, Mr Browns’, was, were, Mr Brown’s, How, many, plenty, much, has, Shall, Have, Who, Mr Brown, What, is
1. ........................ points should I include in the quantity survey of works?
2. How ........................ types of cost estimates are there?
3. Whose investment cost estimate is it? It is ........................ .
4. What ........................ the time limit of our project?
5. ........................ you help me to draw up this bill of quantities?
6. When ........................ the contract settled?
7. ........................ I send you an investment cost estimate today?
8. How ........................ time do you need to hold this tender?
Complete the sentences with prepositions by dragging them from the box below to the appropriate gaps. Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi przyimkami przeciągając je z ramki poniżej we właściwe miejsca.
at, with, in, on, from, out, up, of, into, to, by, with
1. The tender will be held ............ one month.
2. He has drawn ............ an investment cost estimate.
3. The investment cost estimate was submitted ............ the technical documentation.
4. Generally, there are two methods ............ calculation.
5. When making the cost estimate calculation, acceptance of construction works should be taken ............ account.
6. Materials are provided ............ the contractor.
7. The sum of profit depends ............ the arrangements between the contractor and the investor.
8. Let’s look ............ the list of costs together.
/əsˈbɪlt bɪl əv kwɒntɪtiz/ [Noun, countable] kosztorys powykonawczy
/bɪl əv kwɒntɪtiz/ [Noun, countable] przedmiar robót
/bɪl əv kwɒntɪti ʌɪtəm/ [Noun, countable] jednostka przedmiarowa
/kalkjʊleɪtɪd prɒfɪt/ [Noun, countable] zysk kalkulacyjny
/kalkjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n kəmˈpəʊnənt/ [Noun, countable] składnik kalkulacyjny
/kənˈtraktə/ [Noun, countable] wykonawca
/kɒst ɛstɪmət ʌɪtəm/ [Noun, countable] pozycja kosztorysowa
/kɒst ɛstɪˈmeɪʃ(ə)n/ [Noun, unconuntable] kosztorysowanie
/kɒst ɛstɪmeɪtə/ [Noun, countable] kosztorysant
/kɒst prʌɪs/ [Noun, countable] cena kosztorysowa
/diːteɪld kalkjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ [Noun, unconuntable] kalkulacja szczegółowa
/dɪˈvɛləpm(ə)nt/ [Noun, unconuntable] zagospodarowanie
/dʌɪˈrɛkt kɒst/ [Noun, countable] koszt bezpośredni
/ɡʊdz ən səːvɪsɪs taks/ [Noun, countable] VAT
/ɪndʌɪˈrɛkt kɒst/ [Noun, countable] koszt pośredni
/ɪnˈvɛstm(ə)nt kɒst ɛstɪmət/ [Noun, countable] kosztorys inwestorski
/leɪbə/ [Noun, unconuntable] robocizna
/manɪdʒm(ə)nt kɒsts/ [Plural, noun] koszty zarządu
/kwɒntɪti səːveɪ ʌɪtəm/ [Noun, countable] jednostka obmiarowa
/kwɒntɪti səːveɪ əv wəːks/ [Noun, countable] obmiar robót
/rɪˈpleɪsm(ə)nt kɒst ɛstɪmət/ [Noun, countable] kosztorys zamienny
/rɛvənjuː/ [Noun, countable] przychód
/rəʊd fəˈsɪlɪti/ [Noun, countable] obiekt drogowy
/rəʊd wəːks/ [Plural, noun] roboty drogowe
/sɪmplɪfʌɪd kalkjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ [Noun, unconuntable] kalkulacja uproszczona
/sɪŋɡ(ə)l juːnɪt prʌɪsɪŋ/ [Noun, unconuntable] jednostkowy nakład rzeczowy
/ˈsəːpləs/ [Noun, countable] nadwyżka
/tɛknɪk(ə)l spɛsɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ [Noun, countable] specyfikacja techniczna
/tɛndə kɒst ɛstɪmət/ [Noun, countable] kosztorys ofertowy
/tɛndə dɒkjʊmɛnˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ [Noun, unconuntable] dokumentacja przetargowa