Commissioning the assessment of the surface condition Zlecenie na wykonanie oceny stanu nawierzchni
m4562f427fb31abb2_1516315582267_0 1. Film in the standard version.
R9m1ezFoZkINE 1 Procedura pozyskiwania dokumentów ewidencyjnych w urzędzie
Procedura pozyskiwania dokumentów ewidencyjnych w urzędzie
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R9m1ezFoZkINE
Commissioning the assessment of the surface condition
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Procedura pozyskiwania dokumentów ewidencyjnych w urzędzie
m4562f427fb31abb2_1516315713520_0 2. Film with subtitles.
m4562f427fb31abb2_1516315731083_0 R1P3qbPnH4FW6 1 Procedura pozyskiwania dokumentów ewidencyjnych w urzędzie
Procedura pozyskiwania dokumentów ewidencyjnych w urzędzie
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1P3qbPnH4FW6
Commissioning the assessment of the surface condition
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Procedura pozyskiwania dokumentów ewidencyjnych w urzędzie
m4562f427fb31abb2_1517519920974_0 3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.
m4562f427fb31abb2_1516315855551_0 RMinxbL8StLCm 1 Procedura pozyskiwania dokumentów ewidencyjnych w urzędzie
Procedura pozyskiwania dokumentów ewidencyjnych w urzędzie
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RMinxbL8StLCm
Commissioning the assessment of the surface condition
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Procedura pozyskiwania dokumentów ewidencyjnych w urzędzie
m4562f427fb31abb2_1516315946508_0 4. Film with narration.
m4562f427fb31abb2_1516315951214_0 R42OtZkJBVjKY 1 Procedura pozyskiwania dokumentów ewidencyjnych w urzędzie
Procedura pozyskiwania dokumentów ewidencyjnych w urzędzie
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R42OtZkJBVjKY
Commissioning the assessment of the surface condition
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Procedura pozyskiwania dokumentów ewidencyjnych w urzędzie
m4562f427fb31abb2_1516316024463_0 Exercise 1
RLbQuQUQ9mZbe 1 zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Put the dialogue in the correct order: Ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności:
Good morning.
Is it urgent?
Not only. We have to make a complete assessment of the surface condition.
We have got a new order for the assessment of the pavement technical condition of the road section between Wałcz and Jastrów.
I see. I have to carry out the assessment only of the bearing capacity and surface condition.
What is the testing range?
You have to carry out a visual assessment on the selected hectometer which is in the worst technical condition.
Come in, Marek. Please sit down.
Of course. According to the order, we need to determine the class of the surface condition.
In this case, except the visual assessment, I also need to measure the rut depth, evenness and roughness.
Yes, you are going to Wałcz next week.
Sir, you wanted to see me.
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 2
R1DYcv8wYajzV 1 zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
After listening to the above dialogue, mark the correct answer. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Marek has to make the assessment of the surface on the selected hectometre which is in the best technical condition.
The company has recently bought new measuring devices.
Apart from the visual assessment, Marek also needs to measure the depth of ruts.
You don’t need to measure the roughness or evenness to determine the class of the surface.
Marek is going to Wałcz in two weeks.
The measuring device, which determines the friction coefficient, is used to evaluate the surface roughness.
The surface of the road, which Marek will examine, has a lot of damage.
Marek has to make only the assessment of the bearing capacity and the surface condition.
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 3
RacdwZqGWW1xp 1 zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Match the Polish terms with their English equivalents. Połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
stan techniczny nawierzchni, ocena wizualna, szorstkość, ocena nośności, równość, współczynnik tarcia, koleina
assessment of bearing capacity
visual assessment
friction coefficient
pavement technical condition
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
m4562f427fb31abb2_1516316511245_0 Machines used for repairs and maintenance of roads Maszyny wykorzystywane do prac przy remoncie i utrzymaniu dróg
RE7qaeylrrAPz 1 zadanie
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 4
R5PnvGjr3lEPe 1 zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Complete the sentences by translating phrases in brackets. Uzupełnij zdanie tłumacząc wyrażenia w nawiasach.
road marking machine, street sweeper, recycler, asphalt milling machine, patcher, asphalt and concrete pavement, partial repairs, road cutter machine
1. A .......................................................... is a device used for repeated heating and processing of broken bituminous surfaces. (recykler)
2. The machine used to repair the loss in the road surface and cracks is called a .......................................................... . (remonter)
3. A .......................................................... is a machine that enables cutting long sections of asphalt and concrete surfaces. (przecinarka drogowa)
4. The road cutter is used to cut the surface in .......................................................... of roads. (remonty cząstkowe)
5. The machine used to keep the roads tidy is called a .......................................................... . (zamiatarka)
6. A .......................................................... is used to paint markings on the roadway. (maszyna do znakowania dróg)
7. An asphalt paver is a road machine for laying the .......................................................... . (nawierzchnia asfaltobetonowa)
8. A .......................................................... is a construction machine used to remove layers of specific thickness from the surface. (frezarka do asfaltu)
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Przejdź do poprzedniej ilustracji
Przejdź do następnej ilustracji
RPozQMqRdymaM 1 Ilustracja przedstawia malowarkę.
road marking machine
R1VHuozaMyXNG 1 Ilustracja przedstawia zamiatarkę.
street sweeper
RlfbPaynPtlxI 1 ILustracja przedstawia pługopiaskarkę.
snow plough
R11xiGoAD7CGd 1 Ilustracja przedstawia frezarkę do asfaltu.
asphalt milling machine
Ra0FxhGNWrjbv 1 Ilustracja przedstawia przecinarkę drogową.
road cutting machine
R1WABDdGKBXTK 1 Ilustracja przedstawia rozściełacz do asfaltu.
asphalt paber
R7kvVyOvWP5ha 1 Ilustracja przedstawia odśnieżarkę.
snow blower
Exercise 5
R19EiWlSoqKxw 1 zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Match Polish terms with their English equivalents. Połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
recykler, frezarka do asfaltu, rozściełacz do asfaltu, pługopiaskarka, skrapiarka, zamiatarka, odśnieżarka, maszyna do znakowania dróg, przecinarka drogowa, remonter
road marking machine
street sweeper
snow plough
asphalt milling machine
road cutter machine
gussasphalt mixer
snow blower
asphalt paver
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
m4562f427fb31abb2_1516316248437_0 Securing road works in the road lane Zabezpieczenia robót prowadzonych w pasie drogowym
R9DUNgXgOJW7o 1 Zabezpieczenia robót prowadzonych w pasie drogowym
Zabezpieczenia robót prowadzonych w pasie drogowym
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R9DUNgXgOJW7o
Securing road works in the road lane
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Zabezpieczenia robót prowadzonych w pasie drogowym
Exercise 6
RFpoEhqkzkoYs 1 zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Fill in the gaps in the text using the words from the brackets. Uzupełnij luki w tekście korzystając ze słówek z nawiasów.
high visibility vests, traffic fences, surface works, traffic lights, warning lights, road works, no entry, narrowing of a road
1. Proper marking of the site of .......................................... affects the safety of both road workers and road users. (roboty drogowe)
2. The road works sign is the basic road sign warning about .......................................... . (roboty nawierzchniowe)
3. Works that cause the exclusion of one part of the road from the traffic should be marked with a sign informing about the .......................................... . (zwężenie drogi)
4. Portable .......................................... are used to control alternating one way traffic. (sygnalizatory świetlne)
5. Road machines should be marked at night with traffic fences and .......................................... . (światła ostrzegawcze)
6. .......................................... in white and red stripes are used to separate the road works site. (zapory drogowe)
7. If the road works are carried out with the closure of the road for traffic, the entry should be closed and marked with the .......................................... sign. (zakaz wjazdu)
8. The road workers are safer when they are more visible on the road, so they must wear orange .......................................... . (kamizelki odblaskowe)
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 7
RDEFPTBEPbeRA 1 zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
After watching the film and listening to the commentary, mark the correct answers. Po obejrzeniu filmów i wysłuchaniu komentarza lektora zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
If the road works are carried out with the closure of the road, the entry should be closed and marked with a ‘no entry’ sign.
Traffic fences in white and red stripes are used to block off the road works site.
The road lane can also be separated with portable traffic cones.
Portable traffic cones are used as a sign informing about surface works.
The road works that cause the exclusion of one part of the road from traffic should be marked with a warning sign about the narrowing of the road.
Road workers must wear green high visibility vests during their work.
For alternating one way traffic, portable traffic lights are used.
Road workers don’t have to wear protective helmets when carrying out the road works.
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
m4562f427fb31abb2_1516383280961_0 Tasks Exercise 8
R12yTAHyOv3ir 1 zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami czasowników w nawiasach.
1. We ...................... (buy) new measuring devices recently.
2. The director said that they ............ (have) a new order.
3. The employee ............ (have) to carry out a visual assessment of the road.
4. I ................ (measure) the rut depth and evenness last week.
5. Mark ................ (go) away on business in two weeks.
6. The engineer asked if I ............................ (determine) the friction coefficient yet.
7. A road cutter .............. (enable) cutting long sections of asphalt.
8. ............ road workers
............ (have) to wear protective helmets?
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 9
RkwMQDHq1TtCU 1 zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
begun , was , closed , are , is , close , has been , closes , were , has , be , begin , began , made , makes , lay , make , is , be , lie , been , were , is , laid
1. A complete assessment of the surface condition has been ................ .
2. New equipment ................ bought last year.
3. The road must ................ repaired as soon as possible.
4. Asphalt is {} with an asphalt paver.
5. A few hours ago they ................ the construction of the road surface.
6. The road surface will ................ removed.
7. Markings ................ being painted on the road now.
8. The entry should be ................ .
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 10
R2RI3iJovTLIB 1 zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. Wybierz właściwe słowa, aby uzupełnić zdania.
little , That , many , Mr Thompson’s , Thompsons’ , their , third , Check , much , Mr Thompsons’ , they , What , These , This , Checks , them , our , we , Checked , How , Who , us , the third , three times
1. .............................. the bearing capacity and the surface condition of this road.
2. This is .............................. time we have renovated this section of the road.
3. .............................. is the result of your assessment?
4. .............................. machines are necessary to start the renovation works.
5. A lot of work is waiting for .............................. .
6. How .............................. asphalt do we need to order?
7. Is this snow blower .............................. ? No. it is our machine.
8. Do you want .............................. to heat and process this bituminous surface?
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 11
RADF4Wom5lJKi 1 zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Complete the sentences with prepositions by dragging them from the box below to the appropriate gaps. Uzupełnij zdania poprawnymi przyimkami przeciągając je z ramki poniżej we właściwe miejsca.
in , into , out , off , to , on , at , with , from , about , for , of
1. We have to carry ............ renovation works.
2. I need a device ............ measuring evenness and roughness.
3. All devices are ............ good working order.
4. Heated bituminous emulsions are sprinkled ............ the surface.
5. Warning signs inform drivers ............ the narrowing of the road.
6. The road lane can also be separated ............ portable traffic cones.
7. What machines do we have ............ our disposal?
8. Traffic fences in white and red stripes are used to block ............ the site of road works.
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 12
R6mNs067QGSxk 1 zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
m4562f427fb31abb2_1516384819599_0 Dictionary alternating one‑way traffic alternating one‑way traffic
/ɔːltəneɪtɪŋ wʌn weɪ trafɪk/ [noun, uncountable ] ruch wahadłowy
asphalt milling machine asphalt milling machine
/ˈasfəlt mɪlɪŋ məˈʃiːn/ [noun, countable ] frezarka
asphalt paver asphalt paver
/asfəlt peɪvə/ [noun, countable ] rozściełacz do asfaltu
bearing capacity bearing capacity
/ˈbɛːrɪŋ kəˈpasɪti/ [noun, uncountable ] nośność
binder binder
/bʌɪndə/ [noun, uncountable] lepiszcze
bituminous emulsion bituminous emulsion
/bɪˈtjuːmɪnəs ɪˈmʌlʃ(ə)n/ [noun, uncountable ] emulsja asfaltowa
evenness evenness
/ˈiːv(ə)nnəs/ [noun, uncountable ] równość
friction coefficient friction coefficient
/frɪkʃ(ə)n kəʊɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nt/ [noun, countable ] współczynnik tarcia
gussasphalt mixer gussasphalt mixer
/gʌs ˈasfəlt mɪksə/ [noun, countable ] skrapiarka
hectometer hectometer
/hɛktə(ʊ)ˌmiːtə/ [noun, countable ] hektometr
high visibility vest high visibility vest
/hʌɪ vɪzɪˈbɪlɪti vɛst/ [noun, countable ] kamizelka odblaskowa
loss loss
/lɒs/ [noun, countable, uncountable] ubytek
measuring device measuring device
/mɛʒərɪŋ dɪˈvʌɪs/ [noun, countable ] urządzenie pomiarowe
narrowing narrowing
/narəʊɪŋ/ [noun, countable ] zwężenie
patcher patcher
/patʃə/ [noun, countable ] remonter
recycler recycler
/riːˈsʌɪklə/ [noun, countable ] recykler
road cutter machine road cutter machine
/rəʊd ˈkʌtə məˈʃiːn/ [noun, countable ] maszyna do cięcia dróg
road marking machine road marking machine
/rəʊd mɑːkɪŋ məˈʃiːn/ [noun, countable ] maszyna do znakowania dróg
roughness roughness
/rʌfnəs/ [noun, uncountable ] szorstkość
rut rut
/rʌt/ [noun, countable ] koleina
snow blower snow blower
/snəʊ bləʊə/ [noun, countable ] odśnieżarka
snow plough snow plough
/snəʊ plaʊ/ [noun, countable ] pługopiaskarka
street sweeper street sweeper
/striːt ˈswiːpə/ [noun, countable ] zamiatarka
surface condition surface condition
/səːfɪs kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ [noun, uncountable ] stan nawierzchni
technical condition technical condition
/tɛknɪk(ə)l kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ [noun, uncountable ] stan techniczny
testing range testing range
/tɛstɪŋ rendʒ/ [noun, countable ] zakres badań
to commission to commission
/kəˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ [verb regular ] zlecać
traffic cone traffic cone
/trafɪk kəʊn/ [noun, countable] pachołek
traffic fence traffic fence
/trafɪk fɛns/ [noun, countable ] zapora drogowa
visual assessment visual assessment
/vɪzjʊəl əˈsɛsmənt/ [noun, uncountable ] ocena wizualna
R1WJDOepWwCA5 1 .
Source: ORE, licencja: CC0.