Organizing road and engineering works
Interviewing for a job
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1. Film in the standard version.

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2. Film with subtitles.

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3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

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4. Film with narration.

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Put the dialogue in the right order.Ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- Good morning. My name is Jan Nowak. I have been invited for a job interview.
- Good morning. Please, come in. Take your seat, please.
- Recently I have worked as a construction engineer on the construction site of the A2 highway and I have really learned a lot.
- Yes, I know. But did you make schedules?
- You have successfully completed the initial verification.
- Did you also make the balance of earthworks?
- I am happy to hear that.
- I prepared operational schedules of equipment for earth and surface works myself.
- You don’t have much experience, that’s why I wanted to talk to you about the scope of your potential responsibilities.
- l was involved in making an employment schedule as well as delivery schedules.
After listening to the above dialogue mark the correct answer. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Mr Nowak worked at the construction site of the A2 highway. | □ | □ |
Mr Nowak worked as a construction manager. | □ | □ |
Mr Nowak made the balance of earth masses himself. | □ | □ |
In his previous work Mr Nowak made the operational schedule of earthwork equipment himself. | □ | □ |
Mr Nowak was accepted for the job. | □ | □ |
One of Mr Nowak’s responsibilities would involve making schedules. | □ | □ |
Mr Nowak made a general construction schedule himself. | □ | □ |
Mr Nowak was involved in making an employment schedule as well as delivery and material consumption schedules. | □ | □ |
Match English terms with their Polish equivalents.Połącz angielskimi terminy z ich polskie odpowiednikami.
Roboty ziemne, Roboty nawierzchniowe, Harmonogram dostaw i zużycia materiałów, Harmonogram ogólny budowy, Harmonogram zatrudnienia, Dokumentacja techniczna, Bilans robót ziemnych, Harmonogram pracy sprzętu
Surfacing works | |
Earthworks | |
Employment schedule | |
Operational schedule of equipment | |
Schedule of deliveries | |
General construction schedule | |
Technical documentation | |
Balance of earthworks |
Engineering structures related to the road construction
Obiekty inżynierskie związane z budownictwem drogowym
Complete the text with the phrases in brackets. Uzupełnij tekst wyrażeniami w nawiasach.
Viaducts, tunnel, under pass, bridge, engineering structures, footbridge, culverts, large excavation
1. Together with the road network, ............................................ , needed to provide required traffic conditions, are constructed. (obiekty inżynieryjne)
2. ............................................ are built over land obstacles, such as roads, railways, gorges or valleys. (wiadukty)
3. A type of an engineering structure the design of which allows to overcome a water obstacle is called a ............................................ . (most)
4. An ............................................ is a facility which gives pedestrians the opportunity to cross the road, the street or the intersection of these roads under the ground. (przejście podziemne)
5. A ............................................ is an equivalent of a viaduct, but it is intended only for pedestrian traffic. (kładka dla pieszych)
6. Bridge structures constructed through the embankment are called ............................................ . (przepusty)
7. A ............................................ is an engineering structure in the form of a long underground or an underwater corridor. (tunel)
8. There are two methods of building tunnels: by making a ............................................ or by drilling. (metoda odkrywkowa)
Selection od machines and tools for road works
Dobieranie maszyn i narzędzi do wykonywania robót drogowych

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RH5hkVB2C0eui
Dobieranie maszyn i narzędzi do wykonywania robót drogowych
Match the machine to the appropriate group.Przyporządkuj maszynę do odpowiedniej grupy.
<span lang="en">paver laying machines</span>, <span lang="en">bulldozers</span>, <span lang="en">curb laying machines</span>, <span lang="en">rollers</span>, <span lang="en">scrapers</span>, <span lang="en">aggregate paver finishers</span>, <span lang="en">machine for road shoulders</span>, <span lang="en">graders</span>, <span lang="en">joint brushes</span>, <span lang="en">joint brushing machines</span>, <span lang="en">asphalt paver finishers</span>, <span lang="en">excavators</span>, <span lang="en">profilers</span>, <span lang="en">concrete paver finishers</span>, <span lang="en">rollers</span>
Machines for road works | |
Machines for making subbases and spreading aggregate | |
Machines used to perform surfacing works | |
Machines for paving and laying curbs |
Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami czasowników w nawiasach.Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. The candidate .......................... (complete) the initial verification with success.
2. His current duties .............. (involve) making a balance of earthworks.
3. At the moment the workers .................... (pave) the surface manually.
4. Next month they ...................................... (finish) another section of the highway.
5. A footbridge ............ (be) similar to a viaduct, but it is intended only for pedestrian traffic.
6. What ............ basic engineering structures .............. (include)?
7. Recently I ...................... (work) as a construction engineer.
8. Why ............ the engineer .............. (not prepare) an operational schedule of equipment yesterday?
Choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
equipments, such, was, is, equipment, whom, who, an, being, whose, which, so, me, whose, these, were, I, has been, are, a, whom, it, who, my, who, like, some equipment
1. The general construction engineer made ............................ responsible for the equipment.
2. The bulldozer ............................ is parked next to the excavator is broken.
3. The ............................ must be removed from the site today.
4. The candidate ............................ CV you are reading has just called.
5. There ............................ two methods to construct a tunnel.
6. In order to spread some aggregate, we must use ............................ aggregate paver finisher.
7. Machines ............................ as scrapers, graders and rollers are used for road works.
8. Technical documentation of the project ............................ delivered yesterday.
9. The construction manager to ............................ we emailed the general construction schedule has rejected it.
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.Wybierz właściwe słowa, aby uzupełnić zdania.
is, Is there, Are there, allows, were, did, have, do, are, does design, Have you ever worked, is, does, does allow, designed, There are, do allow, did design, was, do, were, are, Do you ever work, Did you ever work
1. What technologies ........................................ the road construction involve?
2. ........................................ many culverts which go through this embankment?
3. What ........................................ the length of this footbridge?
4. Who ........................................ the viaduct which is the longest in Europe?
5. How deep ........................................ engineers have to drill before every construction of a tunnel?
6. How many sections of the highway ........................................ workers complete last week?
7. What type of an engineering structure ........................................ to overcome a water obstacle?
8. ........................................ on a construction site of a highway?
Put the words in each line in the correct order so that they form sentences. Ułóż słowa w odpowiedniej kolejności, tak aby powstały zdania.
1. your / is / of / responsibilities. / This / scope ..............................................................................
2. job / a / have / for / I / invited / interview. / been ..................................................................................
3. your / please. / seat / Take ............................................
4. can / work / week. / You / your / next / start ....................................................................
5. much / you / have / Do / experience? ........................................................
6. am / to / I / you / happy / that. / hear ................................................
7. earthworks? / you / balance / a / Can / of / make ............................................................................
8. job. / lot / learned / I / this / excavated / in / a / have ....................................................................
/bal(ə)ns (ə)v əːthetawəːks/ [noun, countable] bilans robót ziemnych
/bʊldəʊzə/ [noun, countable] spycharka
/kɒmpaktə/ [noun, countable] zagęszczarka
/kʌlvət/ [noun, countable] przepust
/kəːb leɪɪŋ məˈʃiːn/ [noun, countable] układarka do krawężników
/əːthetawəːks/ [noun, countable] roboty ziemne
/ɛmˈplɔɪm(ə)nt skɛdjuːl /ʃɛdjuːl/ [noun, countable] harmonogram zatrudnienia
/ɛndʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ strʌktʃə/ [noun, countable] obiekt inżynieryjny
/flʌdpleɪn/ [noun, countable] teren zalewowy
/fʊtbrɪdʒ/ [noun, countable] kładka dla pieszych
/dʒɛn(ə)r(ə)l kənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n skɛdjuːl /ʃɛdjuːl/ [noun, countable] harmonogram ogólny budowy
/ɡreɪdə/ [noun, countable] równiarka
/ɪnʌnˈdeɪʃn brɪdʒ/ [noun, countable] most nad terenem zalewowym
/dʒɔɪnt brʌʃ/ [noun, countable] szczotka do zamulania spoin
/dʒɔɪnts brʌʃɪŋ məˈʃiːn/ [noun, countable] maszyna do mechanicznego wypełniania spoin
/nɔɪz barɪə/ [noun, countable] ekran akustyczny
/ɒpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n(ə)l skɛdjuːl/ʃɛdjuːl (ə)v ɪˈkwɪpm(ə)nt/ [noun, countable] harmonogram pracy sprzętu
/kɪtʃɪn peɪvə fɪnɪʃə/ [noun, countable] rozściełacz
/rɪˈteɪnɪŋ wɔːl/ [noun, countable] ściana oporowa
/rəʊd ʃəʊldəz məˈʃiːn/ [noun, countable] maszyna do wykańczania (profilowania) poboczy
/skɛdjuːl /ʃɛdjuːl (ə)v dɪˈlɪv(ə)riz (ə)n məˈtɪərɪəlz kənˈsʌm(p)ʃ(ə)n / [noun, countable] harmonogram dostaw i zużycia materiałów
/skreɪpə/ [noun, countable] zgarniarka
/span/ [noun, countable] przęsło
/səːfɪsɪŋ wəːks/ [noun, countable] roboty nawierzchniowe
/kənˈstrʌkt/ [regular verb] wznosić, budować
/drɪl/ [regular verb] drążyć
/sprɛd aɡrɪɡət/ [verb irregular] rozściełać kruszywo
/ʌndəpɑːs/ [noun, countable] przejście podziemne
/vʌɪədʌkt/ [noun, countable] wiadukt