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Factors shaping the climate of Poland

Source: domena publiczna, [online], dostępny w internecie: www.pixabay.com.

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Before you start you should know
  • what weather and climate are;

  • what the components of weather and climate are;

  • how to read information from climate charts;

  • what the climate‑shaping factors are;

  • what the climate zones and types of climate are.

You will learn
  • to explain the influence of particular climate‑shaping factors on the climate of Poland;

  • to read from the map the names of air masses shaping the climate of Poland;

  • to show the relationship of a certain type of weather with an inflowing mass of air;

  • to read the main barric centers shaping weather in Poland from climate maps

nagranie abstraktu

Climate‑shaping factors

The prevailing transitional moderate warm climate climateclimateclimate is characterized by quite high variability of weatherweatherweather throughout the year. Winters can be both frosty and mild, and summers – hot or rainy. The reason for this is the location of Poland between the zones of influence of various climate‑creating factors. The following factors are the most important for our climate:

  • location in medium latitudes (54°50'–49°00') – moderate zone, reached by a certain amount of heat;

  • a relatively short distance from the Atlantic Ocean, which mitigates the climate, i.e. warms it in the winter, cools it in the summer; it also increases the amount of rainfall; in addition, the warm North Atlantic Current mitigates winters, especially in western Poland;

  • relative proximity of the Eurasian compact mainland, which makes our climate harsher, i.e. it is frosty in the winter, hot in the summer; it also reduces the amount of rainfall;

  • latitudinal system of geographical regions facilitating the movement of air masses along the west‑east direction (no terrain obstacles in the form of mountains).

Types of climate in Europe
Source: tylko do użytku edukacyjnego na epodreczniki.pl, [online], dostępny w internecie: www.epodreczniki.pl.
Task 1
Do the exercise below.
Do the exercise below.
The climate prevailing in Poland is: Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. moderate warm transitional, 2. moderate cool transitional, 3. moderate maritime warm, 4. moderate maritime cool

Analyze the infographic below. It presents the factors that shape the weather in Poland. On the map marked examples of places where the factor is important.

Ilustracja przedstawia czynniki kształtujące pogodę w Polsce. Na mapie zaznaczono przykłady miejsc, w których czynnik jest ważny. Umieszczone są na niej następujące informacje: 1. Mazury, Surface waters Lakes reduce the air temperature in summer and increase the humidity of this area., 2. Północno-podlaskie, Swampy areas Lower the air temperature in summer and increase the humidity of this area., 3. Bałtyk, Baltic Sea the areas located directly above it, have winters with higher temperatures, because the Baltic Sea "gives away" the heat accumulated during the warm months., 4. Karpaty, Mountains The increase in altitude above sea level reduces the average annual air temperature and increases the annual sum of precipitation., 5. Wschodnie rejony Pojezierza Mazurskiego, The impact of continental air masses Hot, dry summers, very cold winters., 6. Pojezierze Pomorskie, The impact of oceanic air masses Increased humidity, cooler summers and warmer winters than areas located in the eastern part of the country.
Source: Mareklug, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Task 2
Omów w jaki sposób tworzy się niż atmosferyczny.
Omów w jaki sposób tworzy się niż atmosferyczny.
Wykonaj zadanie zgodnie z poleceniem.

The movement of air masses and its consequences

The weather in a given place is shaped mainly by incoming air massesair massair masses. Air reaches Poland from various directions and at different frequencies. The atmospheric pressure distribution and distribution of the main baric centersbaric centrebaric centers – high and low pressure zones. The air generally flows from highs to low. However, this is not a straight‑line movement. Various factors, including Earth's rotation and the resulting so‑called Coriolis force, make the air move almost parallel to the isobarisobarisobar, spinning around the baric centers. Interestingly, this whirling movement differs in the northern and in the southern hemisphere.

The inflow of certain air masses to Poland is mainly determined by two large, permanent baric centres – Azores High (the name comes from the Azores archipelago in the Atlantic) and Icelandic Low . Their location and size change throughout the year, which has a significant impact on the movements of the air masses.

If the Azores High is more developed and closer to Europe, it directs to us warmer air from the south‑west directions. Often the cloudless, so‑called high‑pressure, weather. On the other hand, if the Icelandic Low is deep and located above Northern Europe, it draws the cold and humid Atlantic air to us, which is usually accompanied by strong winds.

The mutual location of the Azores High and the Icelandic Low means that moist, polar marine air masses most frequently flow to Poland the from the Atlantic Ocean. In winter, they bring warming and snow or rainfall, and in the summer – cooling and rainfall. The dry polar continental air coming to us from the east bring frost in winter and heat and drought in the summer. Northern cold arctic air masses are particularly harsh in winter, when they bring a bitter frost. Rare warm masses of Tropic air from the south in summer bring strenuous heat, and thaw in the winter.

Exercise 1
Wysłuchaj nagrań słówek w słowniczku i naucz się ich prawidłowej wymowy.
Task 3

Completing these exercises will help you organize the knowledge gained during classes.

Exercise 2
Check if you remember what the abbreviations mean: mT Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Arctic air, 2. tropical continental air, 3. maritime tropical air, 4. continental polar air cT Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Arctic air, 2. tropical continental air, 3. maritime tropical air, 4. continental polar air cP Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Arctic air, 2. tropical continental air, 3. maritime tropical air, 4. continental polar air A Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Arctic air, 2. tropical continental air, 3. maritime tropical air, 4. continental polar air
Exercise 3
Przypomnij sobie tytuł abstraktu, wysłuchaj nagrania i spróbuj zaproponować własny temat dla dzisiejszej lekcji.


  • Poland is in the zone of moderate climates, including warm transitional climate. This is determined by our location in middle latitudes and between the Atlantic Ocean and the compact land of Eurasia.

  • The weather in Poland is most affected by the air masses reaching it.

  • The movement of air masses results from the distribution of baric centers; The Azores High and Icelandic Low are of the greatest importance for Poland.

  • Moving air masses affect air temperatures, precipitation, winds, storms, fogs and other weather phenomena.


high, low, air masses, climate


Nagranie słówka: weather

pogoda - stan atmosfery w danej chwili

Nagranie słówka: climate

klimat - przeciętne, powtarzające się corocznie stany atmosfery występujące na danym obszarze, określone na podstawie wieloletnich obserwacji i pomiarów składników pogody

air mass
air mass
Nagranie słówka: air mass

masa powietrza - część atmosfery znajdująca się przy powierzchni Ziemi, posiadająca charakterystyczne cechy fizyczne, w szczególności wilgotność i temperaturę

baric centre
baric centre
Nagranie słówka: baric centre

ośrodek baryczny - część atmosfery przy powierzchni Ziemi o wyraźnie podwyższonym (wyż) lub obniżonym (niż) ciśnieniu atmosferycznym

Nagranie słówka: isobar

izobara - linia na mapie łącząca punkty o tej samej wartości ciśnienia atmosferycznego