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Topic: Grammar test

  1. Aims

    • to check student’s knowledge on wish and if only, conditionals, modal verbs, phrasal verbs with go and get, colours and vocabulary based on words laugh and happy.

  2. Skills

    • is able to identify modal verbs, conditionals, if only and wish;

    • is able to use different grammar and lexical structures.

  3. Methods/techniques Individual work with a grammar test.

  4. Teaching aids/equipment A test for each student.

  5. Stages of the lesson

    1. Warm‑up

      1. Greeting the class

      2. Distributing the test – a copy for each student.

      3. Reminding students to sign their tests.

      4. Explaining the instructions to each exercise.

      5. Starting the test.

    2. Main stage.

      1. Students write the grammar and vocabulary test.
        Teacher observes the class.

    3. Final stage.

      1. At the end of the lesson teacher collects the tests.

      2. A brief discussion on what was the most and the least difficult task.

  6. Bibliography 1. Prodromou L., „Rising Star. An Intermediate Course”, Student’s Book, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2001
    2. Prodromou L., „Rising Star. An intermediate Course”, Teacher’s Book, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2001
    3. Rising Star Test Booklet, Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 2001

  7. Time 45 min


    I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given in brackets. Do not change the word given. Use between two and five words, including the word given.

    1. Students at university are allowed to miss some lessons. (may)
    Students at university __________________________________.

    2. It is a good idea for you to write her a letter. (should)
    You_________________________________________ a letter.

    3. Ice melts if it isn’t in the fridge. (keep)
    If __________________________________________in the fridge, it melts.

    4. Only people who are 16 can take part in the competition. (have to)
    You _______________________________________ to take part in the competition.

    5. I don’t have time to go to the concert. (had)
    If_________________________________________, I’d go to the concert.
    II. Complete the sentences using the correct phrasal verb with go and get.

    1. Although the police chased them, they managed to _____________.
    2. They don’t make much money but they have enough to ________________.
    3. That milk smells as if it will ______________.
    4. It was a shock but you will __________________.
    5. When you ____________________, please shut the door.

    III. Complete these sentences using the correct form of laugh and happy. 1. The teacher made a funny remark and all the students started .
    2. We had a great time – I have never _________________ so much in my life!
    3. We couldn’t hear the comedian because the _____________ was so loud!
    4. Cheer up! Why are you looking so
    5. The __________________ day of my life was when I got my university degree.
    6. _________________ and health are the two most important things in life.
    7. Listening to the birds singing in the trees makes me very _____________.
    8. The Lyalls next door have been ________________ married for over 30 years.
    9. Your offer of $ 10 for this bike is just ______________________. You can’t be serious!
    10. I’ll tell you a joke. It’ll really make you ______________.

    IV. Complete these sentences using a suitable colour word in each space.

    1. Have you seen a ghost? Your face is as _________________ as a sheet!
    2. His hair used to be brown but he dyed it jet_________________.
    3. The sea was brilliant ________________ on the lovely summer’s day.
    4. I was so embarrassed! My face was as _______________________as a beetroot.
    5. You must be freezing. Your hands are __________________ with cold.

    V. Choose the correct tense in these sentences.

    1. I wish I have/had studied harder when I was at school.
    2. If only I would not have/ had not forgotten to bring my wallet with me!
    3. If you had studied law, you would/will have become a lawyer.
    4. We wouldn’t have/had got wet if we had taken an umbrella with us.
    5. You would have looked better at the party if you had worn/wore your red dress.


    1. may miss some lessons
    2. should write her
    3. you don’t keep ice
    4. have to be sixteen
    5. I had time

    1. get away
    2. get by
    3. go off
    4. get over
    5. go out

    1. laughing
    2. laughed
    3. laughter
    4. unhappy
    5. happiest
    6. happiness
    7. happy
    8. happily
    9. laughable
    10. laugh

    1. white
    2. black
    3. blue
    4. red
    5. blue

    1. had studied
    2. had not forgotten
    3. would have become
    4. wouldn’t have got
    5. had worn


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