
Basic programmes in operating systems



Core curriculumm0356aa4637ba2179_1528449076687_0Core curriculum

Grades IV‑VI

III. Using the computer, digital devices and computer networks. The student:

1) describes the functions of the basic elements of the computer and peripheral devices.


45 minutes

General objectivem0356aa4637ba2179_1528449523725_0General objective

Using the computer.

Specific objectivesm0356aa4637ba2179_1528449552113_0Specific objectives

1. Identifying programmes built in operating systems.

2. Using programmes according to their purpose.

Learning outcomesm0356aa4637ba2179_1528450430307_0Learning outcomes

The student:

- identifies programmes built in operating systems,

- describes the functionality of programmes built in operating systems.


1. Discussion.

2. Learning through observation.

Forms of workm0356aa4637ba2179_1528449514617_0Forms of work

1. Individual work.

2. Class work.

Lesson stages


The teacher begins the lesson with a short discussion about computer programmes.

- What is a computer programme?
- What is the purpose of a computer programme?
- Can you use the computer without computer programmes?
- Does every programme need to be installed by you or are there programmes that are installed along with the operating system?

Operating systems are systematically equipped with applications enabling additional functionality of the system. These programmes are installed along with an operating systemoperating systemoperating system on the initiative of a software provider. They can be divided into:

- utility softwareutility softwareutility software,
- application softwareapplication softwareapplication software,
- entertainment software.


Utility softwareutility softwareUtility software is a software designed to manage a computer system.

Application softwareapplication softwareApplication software is a software that supports performing specific tasks and finding solution to the problems of the user of a computer system. The application softwareapplication softwareapplication software includes:

- office applications,
- web browsers and graphics and audio editors,
- multimedia programmes,
- programmes supporting electronic mail, calendars and the management of contacts.

[Interactive graphics 1]

Notepad is a simple text editortext editortext editor which was included already in the first version of the Windows system. It does not enable text formatting. As it does not add formatting tags to files, it is perfectly suitable for the edition of plain text files, e.g. system configuration files, programme files.

Wordpad is a text editortext editortext editor that enables applying the basic options of text formatting. It is available in the Windows systems from Windows 95 onwards. It supports files saved in the RTF file format as a standard. From the version included in Windows 7 onwards it also supports the Office Open file formats: XML and ODF.

Calculator is an application used to perform calculations on the computer. It offers several modes. The standard mode enables performing simple calculations. More advanced functions, like the trigonometric functions, exponentiation etc, are available in the scientific mode. The programmer mode offers numerical base conversions. The latest versions of the application enable new functions, e.g. unit conversion and currency conversion.

Paint is a simple graphics editorgraphics editorgraphics editor for creating and processing raster graphics. It supports BMP files and can save and read graphics saved in compressed JPG, GIF or PNG files. Currenly in new Windows version Paint is replaced by Paint 3D, which offers many new brushes and tools that enable creating 2D and 3D drawings.

Windows Media Player is an application used to play multimedia files:  video and audio. It supports standard music and video files typical for the computer and can also play classic CDs. It does not support DVD and Blu‑Ray. In order to play some file formats it is necessary to install additional codecs.

[Interactive graphics 2]

In the case of the Linux operating systems the situation is different. These systems are available in forms called Linux distributions. Each of them includes a different set of software. Of course the basic Windows applications have their most popular counterparts in these sets.

In the case of the Ubuntu distribution they are:

Gedit – a simple text editortext editortext editor which does not enable text formatting. Its big advantage is a syntax colouring, for instance during writing the code of web pages in HTML. It also offers the spellcheck function.

LibreOffice – a default office suite installed in Linux, a counterpart of Microsoft Office, including the LibreOffice Writer text editor, the LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet, the LibreOffice Impress presentation editor, and the LibreOffice Draw graphics editorgraphics editorgraphics editor.

Calculator, an application for performing calculations in Linux, is very extensive and offers many modes. The basic mode enables performing elementary calculations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and extraction of a root. The advanced mode is complemented with scientific functions like the trigonometric functions, logarithms and modulus. The financial mode enables currency conversion in accordance with the exchange rates downloaded from the internet. The programming mode offers numerical base conversions and logical functions. The calculator also enables unit conversion for various applications, such as: area, volume, weight, time, temperature, digital data and currency.

Gimp – an advanced graphics editorgraphics editorgraphics editor which is used to edit raster graphics. It enables for instance photo manipulation.

Rhythmbox – an application for playing audio files. It supports many popular music file formats, e.g. mp3, m4a. The programme enables also burning CDs, displaying album covers and creating playlists.

Task 1

The students working in pairs learn the applications available on the computer. They create a list of the software in a text editortext editortext editor. Then they compare their observations with one another and answer the questions:

- Are the applications on their computers different from the software discussed during the lesson?
- Are they built‑in applications or have they been installed by the software administrator of the computer lab?

Task 2

The students write down in WordPad the names of the applications built in the operating system. They complete the list with a short description of the functionality of the software and graphics with the icon of each programme.m0356aa4637ba2179_1527752256679_0The students write down in WordPad the names of the applications built in the operating system. They complete the list with a short description of the functionality of the software and graphics with the icon of each programme.

Lesson summarym0356aa4637ba2179_1528450119332_0Lesson summary

Every operating system has a set of built‑in application software. By using it you can write a text, draw a picture, perform calculations, play music, watch a film. Each operating system has its own set of such programmes.m0356aa4637ba2179_1527752263647_0Every operating system has a set of built‑in application software. By using it you can write a text, draw a picture, perform calculations, play music, watch a film. Each operating system has its own set of such programmes.

Selected words and expressions used in the lesson plan

operating systemoperating systemoperating system

built‑in applicationbuilt‑in applicationbuilt‑in application

application softwareapplication softwareapplication software

utility softwareutility softwareutility software

text editortext editortext editor

graphics editorgraphics editorgraphics editor

operating system1
operating system

system operacyjny

wymowa w języku angielskim: operating system
utility software1
utility software

oprogramowanie narzędziowe

wymowa w języku angielskim: utility software
application software1
application software

oprogramowanie użytkowe

wymowa w języku angielskim: application software
text editor1
text editor

edytor tekstu

wymowa w języku angielskim: text editor
graphics editor1
graphics editor

edytor graficzny

wymowa w języku angielskim: graphics editor
built‑in application1
built‑in application

aplikacja wbudowana

wymowa w języku angielskim: built‑in application