
Graph of a quadratic functionquadratic functionquadratic function written in the vertex formvertex formvertex form



Core curriculummb6961081e3291f51_1528449076687_0Core curriculum

I. Functions. The student:

7) sketches the graph of the quadratic function given by a formula;

8) interprets the coefficients found in the quadratic functionquadratic functionquadratic function formula in the standard, vertex and factored form (if any);

9) determines the quadratic function formulaformulaformula based on the information about this functionfunctionfunction or its graph.


45 minutes

General objectivemb6961081e3291f51_1528449523725_0General objective

Reasoning and argumentation. Recognizing regularities, similarities and analogies, formulating conclusions based on them and justifying their correctness.

Specific objectivesmb6961081e3291f51_1528449552113_0Specific objectives

1. Communicating in English, developing mathematical and basic scientific‑technical and IT competence, forming of learning skills.

2. Preparing a graph of the functiongraph of the functiongraph of the function f(x) = a(x – p)Indeks górny 2 + q.

3. Determining the properties of the functionfunctionfunction f(x) = a(x – p)Indeks górny 2 + q based on its graph.

Learning outcomesmb6961081e3291f51_1528450430307_0Learning outcomes

The student:

- prepares a graph of the functiongraph of the functiongraph of the function f(x) = a(x – p)Indeks górny 2 + q,

- determines the properties of the functionfunctionfunction f(x) = a(x – p)Indeks górny 2 + q based on its graph.


1. Problem‑based discussion.

Forms of workmb6961081e3291f51_1528449514617_0Forms of work

1. Work individual.

2. Work in small groups.

Lesson stages


Discussion - how the function formulaformulaformula changes when the graph is shifted along the OX axis and along the OY axis.

Students illustrate their statements with examples using the previously acquired knowledge.

They should remind that
If you shift the graph of function y = f(x) by:
- p (p > 0) units to the right along the OX axis then you get
the graph of the function y = f(x - p),
- p (p > 0) units to the left along the OX axis then you get
the graph of the function y = f(x + p),
- q (q > 0) units up along the OY axis then you get the graph
the function y = f(x) + q,
- q (q > 0) units down along the OY axis then you get
the graph of the function y = f(x) - q.
mb6961081e3291f51_1527752263647_0If you shift the graph of function y = f(x) by:
- p (p > 0) units to the right along the OX axis then you get
the graph of the function y = f(x - p),
- p (p > 0) units to the left along the OX axis then you get
the graph of the function y = f(x + p),
- q (q > 0) units up along the OY axis then you get the graph
the function y = f(x) + q,
- q (q > 0) units down along the OY axis then you get
the graph of the function y = f(x) - q.


Work in groups.

The students' task is to find a function formulaformulaformula of the graph that is obtained as a result of shifting the function graph f(x) = axIndeks górny 2 first along the OX axis, and then along the OY axis.

Task – group 1
- Find a formula of the functionfunctionfunction g which graph was obtained as a result of shifting the graph of the functionshifting the graph of the functionshifting the graph of the function f(x) = 2xIndeks górny 2 by 3 units to the right along the OX axis.

- Find a formulaformulaformula of the function h which graph was obtained as a result of shifting the graph of the function g by 4 units down along the OY axis.

Task – group 2
- Find a formula of the functionfunctionfunction g which graph was obtained as a result of shifting the graph of the functionshifting the graph of the functionshifting the graph of the function f(x) = -2xIndeks górny 2 by 3 units to the left along the OX axis.

- Find a formula of the function h which graph was obtained as a result of shifting the graph of the functiongraph of the functiongraph of the function g by 4 units up along the OY axis.

The groups present the results. Students formulate together a conclusion.


Shifting the graph of the function y = axIndeks górny 2, where a≠0, by p units along the OX and q units along the OY axis results in a graph of the function y = a(x – p)Indeks górny 2 + q.
The teacher informs that the formula is called the vertex form of a quadratic equation.
mb6961081e3291f51_1527752256679_0Shifting the graph of the function y = axIndeks górny 2, where a≠0, by p units along the OX and q units along the OY axis results in a graph of the function y = a(x – p)Indeks górny 2 + q.
The teacher informs that the formula is called the vertex form of a quadratic equation.

The students apply the acquired knowledge in exercises.

Determine the formulaformulaformula of the function which graph was obtained as a result of shifting the graph of the functionfunctionfunction y = 4xIndeks górny 2 by 3 units to the left along the OX axis and then by 5 units down along the OY axis.

The graph of the function  y=-38x-32+6 was obtained as a result of shifting the graph of the functionshifting the graph of the functionshifting the graph of the function y = axIndeks górny 2 by p units along the OX axis and q units along the OY axis.

Find the numbers a, p, q.

The students work individually using computers.

Open the applet and observe how the p and q numbers in the quadratic functionquadratic functionquadratic function formulaformulaformula vary depending on the change of the coordinates of the parabola’s vertex, which is the graph of this functionfunctionfunction.

[Geogebra applet]

The conclusion that the students should draw:

The parabola ist the graph of the function y = a(x – p)Indeks górny 2 + q, where a≠0. The parabola is congruent to the graph of function. The parabola’s vertex is the point W(p, q).mb6961081e3291f51_1527712094602_0The parabola ist the graph of the function y = a(x – p)Indeks górny 2 + q, where a≠0. The parabola is congruent to the graph of function. The parabola’s vertex is the point W(p, q).

The teacher writes the formulas of three quadratic functions in the vertex formvertex formvertex form.

Volunteers sketch graphs of these functions and discuss their most important properties. They use their knowledge of the properties of the corresponding quadratic functions like y = axIndeks górny 2.

Sketch the graph of a given functionfunctionfunction and discuss its properties.

a) y = (x - 4)Indeks górny 2 - 1,

b) y = - (x + 1)Indeks górny 2,

c) y = 4 - 3(2 + x)Indeks górny 2.

An extra task
Determine the formulaformulaformula of the quadratic functionquadratic functionquadratic function f in the vertex formvertex formvertex form assuming that for the argument (- 5) the function has the maximum valuevaluevalue (- 8) and the point A (-3, -9) lies on the graph.

Lesson summarymb6961081e3291f51_1528450119332_0Lesson summary

Students perform consolidating exercises. Then they summarize together the activities, formulating conclusions to be remembered:

- Shifting the graph of the functionshifting the graph of the functionShifting the graph of the function y = axIndeks górny 2, where a≠0, by p units along the OX and q units along the OY axis results in a graph of the functiongraph of the functiongraph of the function y = a(x – p)Indeks górny 2 + q.

- The formulaformulaformula y = a(x – p)Indeks górny 2 + q, where a≠0 is known as the vertex formvertex formvertex form of a quadratic functionquadratic functionquadratic function.

- The ordered pair (p, q) is the vertex of the parabolavertex of the parabolavertex of the parabola y = a(x – p)Indeks górny 2 + q, where a≠0.

Selected words and expressions used in the lesson plan



graph of the functiongraph of the functiongraph of the function

quadratic functionquadratic functionquadratic function

shifting the graph of the functionshifting the graph of the functionshifting the graph of the function


vertex formvertex formvertex form

vertex of the parabolavertex of the parabolavertex of the parabola

quadratic function1
quadratic function

funkcja kwadratowa

wymowa w języku angielskim: quadratic function
vertex form1
vertex form

postać kanoniczna funkcji kwadratowej

wymowa w języku angielskim: vertex form


wymowa w języku angielskim: formula


wymowa w języku angielskim: function
graph of the function1
graph of the function

wykres funkcji

wymowa w języku angielskim: graph of the function
shifting the graph of the function1
shifting the graph of the function

przesunięcie wykresu funkcji

wymowa w języku angielskim: shifting the graph of the function


wymowa w języku angielskim: value
vertex of the parabola1
vertex of the parabola

wierzchołek paraboli

wymowa w języku angielskim: vertex of a parabola