
Writing with the use of the computer


LevelEtap edukacyjnyLevel


Etap edukacyjny

Core curriculumPodstawa programowaCore curriculum

Grade IV - VII

II. Programming and solving problems by using the computer and other digital devices. The student:

3) develops and presents solutions to problems by using basic applications (a text and image editor, a spreadsheet, a programme for creating a multimedia presentation) on the computer or in a cloud to demonstrate the following skills:

b) creating text documents: selecting fonts, formatting paragraphs, inserting illustrations, headings and shapes, creating tables and bulleted and numbered lists.

Podstawa programowa


45 minutes


General objectiveCel ogólnyGeneral objective

To create documents in a text editor.

Cel ogólny

Specific objectivesCele szczegółoweSpecific objectives

1. To use a text editor.

2. To edit text.

Cele szczegółowe

Learning outcomesEfekty uczeniaLearning outcomes

1. The student enters the text into a text document.

2. The student uses the principles of writing correctly in a text editor.

Efekty uczenia

MethodsMetody kształceniaMethods

1. Learning through observation.

2. Flipped classroom.

Metody kształcenia

Forms of workFormy pracyForms of work

1. Individual work.

2. Class work.

Formy pracy

Lesson stages

IntroductionWprowadzenie do lekcjiIntroduction

Before the lesson the students gather information about text editors and their applications. During the lesson they exchange the information and formulate conclusions.

- What is a text editor?

- What is it used for?

- What functions does it offer to its users?

Definition: Text editorm7ee36f1408432534_1527747296908_0Text editor

A type of computer programme for entering, editing and formatting text. In expanded applications graphics, images, charts and tables can be added to the text. Text editors offer many additional useful features, e.g. spellcheck function.m7ee36f1408432534_1527747296908_0A type of computer programme for entering, editing and formatting text. In expanded applications graphics, images, charts and tables can be added to the text. Text editors offer many additional useful features, e.g. spellcheck function.

Definition: Formatting textm7ee36f1408432534_1527752887802_0Formatting text

To define the specific required format of text.m7ee36f1408432534_1527752887802_0To define the specific required format of text.

Definition: Editing textm7ee36f1408432534_1527752874805_0Editing text

To modify the text in order to correct the errors and make adjustments.m7ee36f1408432534_1527752874805_0To modify the text in order to correct the errors and make adjustments.

Wprowadzenie do lekcji

ProcedureRealizacja lekcjiProcedure

Realizacja lekcji

A few text editors can often be installed on the computer. For example, the Windows operating system comes with two built‑in simple text editors: Notepad and Wordpad. Notepad does not enable text formatting, therefore it can be of use for short notes. The extension of the files created in this editor is TXT. Wordpad enables a basic formatting of text; however, its functions are very limited. The extension of the Wordpad files is RTF. Both text editors offer few features and therefore the user most often equips the computer with a professional office software suite including a text editor. Various solutions are available: commercial, e.g. Microsoft Word, and free, e.g. Open Office or Libra Office.

The text cursor is a flashing vertical line visible in the document workspace which indicates where the new text will be placed when entered.

A paragraph is a part of the text containing several sentences, which deals with a particular idea. While writing on the computer you should use the same writing principles which you apply when writing in a notebook. When you type in the text which is too long for one line, it will be automatically wrapped into the next line while typing. The ENTER key should be pressed only at the end of the paragraph.

[Slide Show] Typing the text requires the skill of using the keyboard.

While writing on the computer use the basic writing principles:

- do not write the whole text in CAPITAL LETTERS,

- separate the words in a sentence with one space, by pressing the space bar only once,

- place a space AFTER punctuation marks { . , : ; ? !}, never before them,

- place a space BEFORE the opening bracket and the quotation mark, never after them,

- place a space AFTER the closing bracket and the quotation mark, never before them,

- use the ENTER key only when you want to start a new idea, when you want to end one paragraph and start another one or insert an empty line.

Checking the spelling.

If the text editor includes a spell checker, it marks potential spelling errors with a red wavy line. It is important to check spelling because spelling and grammatical errors can negatively influence the message the author tries to convey.

During the edition the document is stored in the main memory of the computer. When the computer is switched off or in the case of failure, the content of the memory is deleted. Therefore, remember to save your document as a file (some editors have the autosave feature).

We use text editors for home and office applications. If you want to publish a book or a newspaper, it requires a more professional tool – a programme for desktop publishing (DTP).

Lesson summaryPodsumowanie lekcjiLesson summary

Before creating a document think about the page layout which is the most appropriate for it. A private letter, business correspondence, an invitation, an advertisement or a school newsletter – they all require a different text layout. Official letters should written in an appropriate formal style and have appropriate content. The graphic form of the document is as important as its content!

Podsumowanie lekcji

Selected words and expressions used in the lesson plan

text editortext editortext editor



editing textediting textediting text


formatting textformatting textformatting text



spell checkingspell checkingspell checking




wymowa w języku angielskim: document


wymowa w języku angielskim: editing
editing text1
editing text

redagowanie tekstu

wymowa w języku angielskim: editing text


wymowa w języku angielskim: formatting
formatting text1
formatting text

formatowanie tekstu

wymowa w języku angielskim: formatting text


wymowa w języku angielskim: paragraph


wymowa w języku angielskim: space
spell checking1
spell checking

sprawdzanie pisowni

wymowa w języku angielskim: spell checking
text editor1
text editor

edytor tekstowy

wymowa w języku angielskim: text editor

obszar roboczy

wymowa w języku angielskim: workspace