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Maturation in boys

Source: licencja: CC 0.

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Before you start you should know
  • that adolescence is a transition period between childhood and adulthood.

You will learn
  • discuss changes in the boys' bodies during puberty;

  • discuss the importance of hygiene during puberty.

Wysłuchaj nagrania abstraktu i zastanów się, czego jeszcze chciałbyś się dowiedzieć w związku z tematem lekcji.

Maturation in boys

Adolescence (maturation)maturationAdolescence (maturation) in boys it starts at around age 12 -16. Then the shoulders and chest grow. The arms, legs, hands and feet grow especially fast. The facial features change and the facial hair appears on it. Hair grows under the arms as well as pubic hair growth. They can also grow hair on the chest. Testicles and penis increase in size. In boys, especially at the beginning of adolescence, there are so‑called wet dreamswet dreamswet dreams. When ejaculation occurs, or the release of the semen outside the body. Wet dreams are proof that sperm production has started in the testes.
During puberty in boys, as a result of the strong growth of the larynx, there is voice changevoice changevoice change. It consists in changing the sound of the voice from a child’s to a man’s. The boys' voice change usually lasts about two years and is very easily noticeable. It is characterized by a breaking of voice during speaking and difficulties in controlling its height (changing into high and low sounds) and frequent hoarseness.

Ilustracja interaktywna składa się z pięciu zdjęć. Hygiene during puberty. Przy każdym z obrazków jest opis: 1. Wash your whole body every day., 2. Wash your face with appropriate means. Do not remove pimples yourself., 3. Use deodorants, 4. Eat foods that affect blood production., 5. Wear clean, comfortable clothing
Hygiene during puberty
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Exercise 1
Wskazać zmiany które, zachodzą w okresie dojrzewania u chłopców. Among the changes listed below during puberty, indicate those that apply to boys. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. The shoulders and chest grow., 2. There are frequent changes in moods., 3. They grow pubic hair., 4. There is frequent voice and hoarseness caused by voice change., 5. Facial hair appears., 6. Breasts grow., 7. The intensity of experiencing feelings and emotions increases., 8. The hips, thighs, buttocks are rounded., 9. Menstruation begins., 10. Hair grows under the arms.
Exercise 2
Wybierz, które zdania są prawdziwe, a które fałszywe. Select which sentences are true and which are false.. Boys and girls begin to mature at the same age.. Możliwe odpowiedzi: True, False. Wet dreams are an uncontrolled ejaculation.. Możliwe odpowiedzi: True, False. In the maturing boys, legs and feet grow especially fast.. Możliwe odpowiedzi: True, False
Exercise 3
Jednokrotny wybór. Wskaż zachowania sprzyjające higienie okresu dojrzewania. Indicate behaviors conducive to hygiene during puberty. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. independent removal of pimples, 2. eating sweets, 3. shower everyday, 4. wearing dirty clothes
Source: licencja: CC 0.


  • The period of puberty is the time when the human body reaches sexual maturity.

  • During puberty, many changes take place in boys' bodies (eg bones grow rapidly, pubic hair appears, sweat is increased, voice mutation).

  • Changes in the body during puberty are triggered by sex hormones.

  • In boys, especially at the beginning of adolescence, there are so‑called wet dreams.


maturation, wet dreams, voice change


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

dojrzewanie – okres życia człowieka, podczas którego w organizmie zachodzą zmiany związane z funkcjonowaniem układu rozrodczego; dojrzewanie dotyczy zarówno rozwoju fizycznego, jak i psychicznego

wet dreams
wet dreams
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

polucja – uwolnienia nasienia na zewnątrz organizmu

voice change
voice change
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

mutacja głosu – zmiana brzmienia (barwy) głosu z dziecięcego na męski