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Measuring the height

Source: licencja: CC 0.

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Before you start you should know
  • that a plan and a map show smaller areas as seen from above;

  • that heights can be shown on the map by means of contours;

  • that there are relative and absolute heights.

You will learn
  • determine the relative heights on the map;

  • determine relative heights in the field “roughly” and by measurement.

Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu

Measuring the height of a hill

The relative heightrelative heightThe relative height can be measured in two ways. The first one requires the use of a contour map, i.e. one on which the contours are marked. To calculate the relative height of the hill you are interested in, first you have to find it on the map, then read the absolute heightabsolute heightthe absolute height of its top and subtract the absolute height of the hill foot from this value. In this way, the relative height of the hill is obtained.

Ilustracja przedstawia sposób pomiaru wysokości względnej i bezwzględnej wzgórza. Na ilustracji pokazano wzgórze, po prawej stronie stoku wzgórza znajduje się kotlina, po lewej stronie stoku wzgórza znajduje się podnóże, na którym stoi dom. Na lewo od domu, poniżej podnóża góry, zaznaczono linią poziom morza. Linia poziomu morza biegnie przez całą ilustrację. Na rysunku wzgórza zaznaczono wysokość bezwzględną, która jest poprowadzona od linii poziomu morza do szczytu góry i wynosi tutaj sto osiemdziesiąt metrów nad poziomem morza. Wysokość bezwzględna od poziomu morza do podnóża wynosi sto dziesięć metrów nad poziomem morza. Wysokość względną wzgórza obliczmy, odejmując od wysokości bezwzględnej wzgórza, sto osiemdziesiąt metrów nad poziomem morza, m.n.p.m wysokość bezwzględną podnóża, sto dziesięć metrów nad poziomem morza. Otrzymujemy wynik siedemdziesiąt metrów wysokości względnej wzgórza.
Relative height calculation
Source: autor, licencja: CC BY 3.0.

The second way to determine the relative height is to measure it yourself. It is not difficult at all. All you need is a simple levelling instrument.

Measuring the relative height
Observation 1

Determining the relative height of any hill.

You will need
  • school’s levelling instrument,

  • rocks,

  • string,

  • straight stick,

  • tape measure,

  • classmate’s help (measurement should be performed in pairs).

  1. At the foot of the hill, drive the school’s levelling instrument in. Make sure that it is exactly upright.

  2. Align the horizontal arm of the levelling instrument directly on the slope of the hill.

  3. Turn the horizontal arm of the levelling instrument towards the hill, point it to the left of the slope, and then ask your friend to mark the place you are aiming at with a rock.

  4. Mark the position on the right side of the hill in the same way by turning the horizontal arm of the levelling instrument slightly to the right. Then mark a few points between them.

  5. Use string to connect the areas marked with the levelling instrument.

  6. Move the levelling instrument to the place marked with the rock. Repeat the previous steps creating another contours.

  7. The last one that requires measurement of the height can be smaller than 1 m, and if this is the case, place a straight stick on top of the hill. Aim the levelling instrument at the stick and ask the classmate to mark the point on the stick you are aiming at.

  8. Use the tape to measure the length of the stick from the top of the hill to the mark and subtract the measurement result from 1 meter. You will get the height from the last contour to the top of the hill.

  9. When you add all the results, you get the sum of the measurements, i.e. the relative height of the hill from its foot to its top.

Measuring the relative height of the hill
Source: Andrzej Bogusz, licencja: CC BY 3.0.

You can determine the relative height of the hill and the contours with simple instruments. Make sure the levelling instrument is correctly set – otherwise the measurement will be erroneous.

How to measure the height in the field

Now let's assume that we want to determine the relative height of a tree or a building. We will not find it in the maps. If we look at a modern building, we can assume that its floor is about 3 meters high. For example, a four‑storey building with a ground floor is about 15 m high. If we want to know the height of a tree growing in a city, we can compare it to a house standing next to it. What if there is no house nearby? On a sunny day, you can easily calculate the height of any high element in the field from the shadow.

Grafika przedstawia żółty trzypiętrowy budynek, z oknami- trzy na każdym piętrze, dwa na parterze pomiędzy drzwiami wejściowymi. Po prawej stronie stoi człowiek. Od szczytu budynku i od sylwetki człowieka poprowadzone są skośne przerywane linie ku podłożu. Tło grafiki jest niebieskie z zarysem budynków miasta. Na grafice umieszczono opisy: 1-Measure the shadow length of the building. 2- Measure the length of your shadow with the tape measure. 3- Calculate how many times your shadow is shorter than that of a high object. For example, if your shadow is 1 m long and the shadow length of the building is 20 m long, your shadow is shorter than the 20 m long shadow of the building: 1 m = 20 times. 4- Multiply the result by your height. If you are e.g. 140 cm tall, then 20 x 140 cm = 2800 cm = 28 m
Calculating the height of any high field element based on the shadow
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.
Measuring the relative height
Observation 2

Measuring the height of the church tower in relation to the land surface.

You will need
  • tape measure.

  • Measurement should be performed on a sunny day.

  1. Measure the length of your shadow with the tape measure.

  2. Measure the shadow length of the church tower.

  3. Calculate how many times your shadow is shorter than that of the tower. For example, if the length is

  4. Multiply the result by your height. If you are e.g. 140 cm tall, then 20 x 140 cm = 2800 cm = 28 m


You do not need to climb the tower to measure its relative height. However, shadow measurement may be inaccurate.

Exercise 1
On this day, the shadow of the 2 m tall basketball player was 4 m long, while the shadow cast by the Eiffel Tower was 648 m long. What is the height of the Eiffel Tower? Choose the correct answer. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. 162 m, 2. 324 m, 3. 648 m, 4. 972 m


  • Heights can be measured in the field with a simple instrument – a levelling instrument.

  • The height of some objects, such as trees, can be measured “roughly” by the length of the shadow they cast.


contour, relative height, absolute height


absolute height
absolute height
nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

wysokość bezwzględna – wysokość mierzona od poziomu morza; wynik odczytuje się bezpośrednio z mapy (bez obliczeń) i podaje się go w metrach nad poziomem morza (w skrócie: m n.p.m.)

relative height
relative height
nagranie dźwiękowe słówka

wysokość względna – wysokość mierzona z dowolnego miejsca, np. od podnóża wzniesienia do jego wierzchołka