Work organization during harvest

1. Film in the standard version.

moduł 16.1

2. Film with subtitles.

moduł 7.3

3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

moduł 7.3

4. Film with subtitles and narration.

moduł 16.1
Exercise 1
ćwiczenie 1

Usual Good Farming Practice

moduł 16.1, Usual Good Farming Practice means management standards including environmental protection, each rational farmer should meet. Following the usual good farming practice is the condition for receiving financial support resulting from Common Agricultural Policy instruments. Fertilizers should be used and stored in a way that is safe for the environment and without causing any harm to humans or animals. Wastewater and municipal waste are used to improve the soil, but may contain heavy metals and pathogenic organisms. Special care should be taken when using them, and only those that comply with the parameters specified in regulations are to be used. The farmer may only use pesticides at his farm that have been authorized for marketing and use.Pesticides applied improperly can cause damage to plants, soil, water and air pollution and pose a risk to human and animal health.Excessive grazing can cause water pollution and permanent damage to turf. In turn, land burning is a threat of the uncontrolled spread of fire and kills many small, useful animals, thus killing the ecosystem. Farmers are required to maintain cleanliness and order on the farm and to have facilities for collection of municipal waste. Farmers whose farms are located in protected areas are obliged to comply with the recommendations and orders resulting from their conservation plans. Incompetent farming leads to soil degradation, resulting in reduction of the organic substance, deteriorates the physical, chemical, aquatic and biological soil properties. Discharging wastewater to the soil and water causes the transfer of pollutants at considerable distances. The consequence is the systematic deterioration of the quality of surface and underground waters.

The organization of row tobacco production

moduł 16.1
Exercise 2
moduł 16.1

Grass seed production

A Dialogue between a farmer (F) and a representative (R) of a company working on a seed plantation contract farming market. The representative proposes to open a grass seed plantation, explains seed production technology and the rules of the seed contract; he indicates the place of the grass for seeds in the crop rotation. He encourages the farmer to cooperate by presenting additional terms of the offer.

F: Good morning.

R: Good morning. Thank you for taking the time to familiarize yourself with the proposal of our seed company.

F: I am considering the possibility of growing grass for seeds.

R: This cultivation has recently given plantation ownersm773233d3433e202d_1498577988620_0plantation owners great economic benefits.

F: It’s not just the economics that interests me. It is said that grass cultivation helps improving soil properties.

R: Yes, grass leaves a good site for successive plantsm773233d3433e202d_1498578014514_0successive plants.

F: What species would you suggest to me? Does it depend on the soil class?

R: Grasses grown for seeds should be sown intorich soilsm773233d3433e202d_1498578038313_0rich soils, fertilem773233d3433e202d_1498578050922_0fertile, not too acidic, with a thick topsoilm773233d3433e202d_1498578097767_0topsoil.

F: I have a field with such properties. Recently, I have carried out maintenance of the irrigation ditchm773233d3433e202d_1498578122701_0ditch draining the excess water from this area.

R: Very good.

F: So what should I do when choosing the species?

R: The period of time which you can withdraw your field from crop rotation is important.

F: Why?

R: Grasses for seeds are usually grown in three‑year cyclesm773233d3433e202d_1498578135069_0three‑year cycles: one year of sowing and two years of harvest. Ryegrassm773233d3433e202d_1498578158059_0Ryegrass is cultivated in one- and two‑year short‑term cyclesm773233d3433e202d_1498578177948_0short‑term cycles.

F: I use crop rotation according to Good Farming Practicem773233d3433e202d_1498578200466_0Good Farming Practice.

R: I suggest ryegrass.

F: I have a field where I grew peas in the last growing season. Will it be useful for grass?

R: It's a bad forerunner. There may be a lot of nitrogen in the soil, which will causelodgingm773233d3433e202d_1498579248850_0lodging.

F: What are you suggesting?

R: I suggest the post after crucifer plants.

F: Could it be a rape seed field?

R: Yes of course.

F: What guarantee do I have that I will sell the crop?

R: We will sign a contract with you. An additional income will be generated by the sale of straw, which is aby‑productm773233d3433e202d_1498578220355_0by‑product.

F: I'm afraid that the grass seed collection will interfere with other works.

R: It won’t, because the seeds are collected before the grain harvest.

F: It's a good news! With a large area of land I have to organize the use of labor and machinery properly.


Cultivation contract

The text is an example of a cultivation contract for production and delivery of rape seeds. It contains standard contract components, specifies the time it is concluded for, delivery conditions, seed quality, payments.

Cultivation contract

Concluded on 1.03.2017 in Krosno between:

MARALI Sp. z o.o [Ltd.]]

Hereinafter referred to as Contractorm773233d3433e202d_1498579942841_0Contractor,

and Jan Nowak

Hereinafter referred to as the Producer.

§ 1

1. The Producer undertakes to produce and deliver to the Contractor the following agricultural productm773233d3433e202d_1498580229257_0agricultural product: winter rape seed coming from 6 hectares belonging to the Manufacturer by 1.08.2017.

2. The Contractor undertakes to collect the above product and pay the unit pricem773233d3433e202d_1498579974670_0unit price: 1500 PLN / 1 tonne: one thousand five hundred zloty per tonne.

§ 2

Paymentm773233d3433e202d_1498580002261_0Payment will be made within 14 days of delivery to the Contractor.

§ 3

1. The Manufacturer is obliged to deliver the product to the Contractor’scollection centrem773233d3433e202d_1498580014549_0collection centre at his own expense.

2. The Contractor shall provide the Producer with free soil testingm773233d3433e202d_1498580033121_0soil testing along with fertilizer recommendationsm773233d3433e202d_1498580053319_0fertilizer recommendations and shall supply certified seed.

3. Sowing different seeds authorizes the Contractor to withdraw from the contract.

4. The Contractor is authorized to supervise the performance of the contract, in particular: - inspection of the plantation statusm773233d3433e202d_1498580084242_0inspection of the plantation status, - evaluation of fat content of the seeds.

§ 4

1. The parties agree on the following responsibilitym773233d3433e202d_1498580097049_0responsibility rules: - for the absence of the product delivery the Producer will pay the Contractor acontractual penaltym773233d3433e202d_1498580116142_0contractual penalty of 30% of the value of the product, - for unreasonable refusal to accept the product the Contractor will pay the Producer a contractual penalty of 30% of the value of the product.

2. The Producer is not obliged to pay a contractual penalty if failure to comply is a consequence of circumstances for which he is not liable.

3. Product crop insurance is the responsibility of the Producer.

§ 5

All the amendments to this agreement shall be made in writing or else shall be null and void.

§ 6

In matters not covered by this agreement, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.

§ 7

This agreement is made in two identical copies.



Exercise 3
moduł 16.1

The first day on a farm

The text presents a conversation between a student writing his thesis (D) on a large farm with an administrative secretary (S). The conversation relates to the current state of the farm, its equipment.

D: Good morning. I am happy to be able to write a thesis relating to your farm.

S: Good morning. I will gladly provide you with the information you need.

D: I am most interested in the way work on a large farm is organized.

S: What data do you need?

D: What is the surface of the farm?

S: We currently use 200 physical hectares, but it is 230 hectares in comparative fiscal hectaresm773233d3433e202d_1498580715046_0comparative fiscal hectares.

D: It means that you have good soil.

S: Yes, most of them fall into thegood wheat soilm773233d3433e202d_1498580740459_0good wheat soil, and very good rye soilm773233d3433e202d_1498580766007_0very good rye soilclasses. These are lands of the II and III soil classm773233d3433e202d_1498580779296_0soil class.

D: What is the land use structurem773233d3433e202d_1498580810346_0land use structure?

S: The arable land occupies 180 hectares, and 20 hectares are meadows.

D: Meadows? Do you run animal production?

S: Until recently, dairy cattle were kept on the farm. The decrease in profitability caused the livestock department to be liquidated.

D: How are grasslandsm773233d3433e202d_1498580822696_0grasslands currently used?

S: They are harvested once a year, according to the requirements of the Good Agricultural Conditionm773233d3433e202d_1498578200466_0Good Agricultural Condition. Hay is sold.

D: What is the cultivation patternm773233d3433e202d_1498579904537_0cultivation pattern?

S: Cereals occupy 140 hectares. They are: wheat, barley and maize for grain. The remaining surface is sown with winter rape seed.

D: More than 75% of crops are cereals ... Maybe you should improve crop rotation.

S: I do not know if our machinerym773233d3433e202d_1498581289743_0machinery allows for it.

D: Please check the technical condition of the machines.

S: Some are worn out and obsolete.

D: And what is the land layoutm773233d3433e202d_1498581370212_0land layout of your farm?

S: The layout is compact. I will send the map to you by email.

D: Are all the lands owned by the farm?

S: No, 20 hectares are leasedm773233d3433e202d_1498581383392_0leased.

D: What is theemployment situationm773233d3433e202d_1498581406683_0employment situation?

S: We have 5 employees under employment contract, and, during harvest, we employ 2 additional contract workersm773233d3433e202d_1527592335152_0contract workers.

D: The purpose of my diploma thesis is to evaluate the production effects so the data obtained will be very valuable to me.

Exercise 4
ćwiczenie 2

Potato production

moduł 16.1
Exercise 5
moduł 16.1


Look at the map of land layout on the farm. Describe what you can see.


Please refer to the information in the Register of Procedures. Remember the items listed


The picture shows two pie charts that depicts land use structure and cultivation patterns on a farm.

Look at the graphs. Examine the data contained therein.

Exercise 6
moduł 16.1
Exercise 7
moduł 16.1


moduł 16.1


acid soil (n. C, U) ˈæsɪd sɔɪl
acid soil (n. C, U) ˈæsɪd sɔɪl

gleba kwaśna

acreage (n. C, U) ˈeɪkərɪdʒ
acreage (n. C, U) ˈeɪkərɪdʒ


authorised for marketing (phrase) 'ɔ:θəraizd fɔː ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ
authorised for marketing (phrase) 'ɔ:θəraizd fɔː ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ

dopuszczone do obrotu

bacterial disease (n. C, U) bækˈtɪəriəl dɪˈziːz
bacterial disease (n. C, U) bækˈtɪəriəl dɪˈziːz

choroba bakteryjna

barometer (n. C) bəˈrɒmɪtə
barometer (n. C) bəˈrɒmɪtə


buying (n. U) ‘baɪɪŋ
buying (n. U) ‘baɪɪŋ


by‑product (n. C) ˈbaɪˌprɒdʌkt
by‑product (n. C) ˈbaɪˌprɒdʌkt

plon uboczny

chemical protection (n. U) ˈkemɪkəl prəˈtekʃᵊn
chemical protection (n. U) ˈkemɪkəl prəˈtekʃᵊn

ochrona chemiczna

Civil Code (n. C) ˈsɪvəl kəʊd
Civil Code (n. C) ˈsɪvəl kəʊd

Kodeks cywilny

collection centre (n. C) kəˈlekʃᵊn ˈsentə
collection centre (n. C) kəˈlekʃᵊn ˈsentə

punkt skupu

combine operator (n. C) kəmˈbaɪn ˈɒpəreɪtə
combine operator (n. C) kəmˈbaɪn ˈɒpəreɪtə


Common Agricultural Policy (n. C) ˈkɒmən ˌægrɪˈkʌltʃərəl ˈpɒləsi
Common Agricultural Policy (n. C) ˈkɒmən ˌægrɪˈkʌltʃərəl ˈpɒləsi

Wspólna Polityka Rolna

comparative fiscal hectare (n. C) kəmˈpærətɪv ˈfɪskəl ˈhekteə
comparative fiscal hectare (n. C) kəmˈpærətɪv ˈfɪskəl ˈhekteə

hektar przeliczeniowy

contract farming (n. U) ˈkɒntrækt ˈfɑːmɪŋ
contract farming (n. U) ˈkɒntrækt ˈfɑːmɪŋ


contractor (n. C) kənˈtræktə
contractor (n. C) kənˈtræktə


contractual penalty (n. C) kənˈtræktʃuəl ˈpenəlti
contractual penalty (n. C) kənˈtræktʃuəl ˈpenəlti

kara umowna

cultivation pattern (n. C) kʌltɪˈveɪʃᵊn ˈpætən
cultivation pattern (n. C) kʌltɪˈveɪʃᵊn ˈpætən

struktura zasiewów

darnel (n. usually U) ˈdɑ:nəl
darnel (n. usually U) ˈdɑ:nəl


direct sowing (n. U) daɪˈrekt ˈsəʊɪŋ
direct sowing (n. U) daɪˈrekt ˈsəʊɪŋ

siew bezpośredni

ditch (n. C) dɪtʃ
ditch (n. C) dɪtʃ

rów melioracyjny

dryer (n. C) ˈdraɪə
dryer (n. C) ˈdraɪə


drying (n. U) ˈdraɪɪŋ
drying (n. U) ˈdraɪɪŋ


employment situation (n. C) ɪmˈplɔɪmənt ˌsɪtjuˈeɪʃᵊn
employment situation (n. C) ɪmˈplɔɪmənt ˌsɪtjuˈeɪʃᵊn

stan zatrudnienia

fertile soil (n. C, U) ˈfɜːtaɪl sɔɪl
fertile soil (n. C, U) ˈfɜːtaɪl sɔɪl

gleba urodzajna

fertilizer recommendations (n. plural) ˈfɜːtɪlaɪzə ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃᵊns
fertilizer recommendations (n. plural) ˈfɜːtɪlaɪzə ˌrekəmenˈdeɪʃᵊns

zalecenia nawozowe

Good Agricultural Practice (n. C) ɡʊd ˌægrɪˈkʌltʃərəl ˈpræktɪs
Good Agricultural Practice (n. C) ɡʊd ˌægrɪˈkʌltʃərəl ˈpræktɪs

Dobra Praktyka Rolnicza, Dobra Kultura Rolna

good wheat soil (n. C, U) ɡʊd wiːt sɔɪl
good wheat soil (n. C, U) ɡʊd wiːt sɔɪl

kompleks pszenny dobry

grasslands (n. plural) ˈɡrɑːs.lændz
grasslands (n. plural) ˈɡrɑːs.lændz

użytki zielone

hand collection (n. U) hænd kəˈlekʃᵊn
hand collection (n. U) hænd kəˈlekʃᵊn

zbiór ręczny

heavy metal (n. C) 'hevi ˈmetəls
heavy metal (n. C) 'hevi ˈmetəls

metal ciężkie

land layout (n. C) lænd ˈleɪaʊt
land layout (n. C) lænd ˈleɪaʊt

rozłóg pól

land use structure (n. C) lænd juːz ˈstrʌktʃə
land use structure (n. C) lænd juːz ˈstrʌktʃə

struktura użytkowania

large‑scale (adj) ˌlɑ:dʒ 'skeɪᵊl
large‑scale (adj) ˌlɑ:dʒ 'skeɪᵊl


lease (n. C) liːs
lease (n. C) liːs


lodging (n. U) ˈlɒdʒɪŋ
lodging (n. U) ˈlɒdʒɪŋ


machinery (n. U) məˈʃiːnəri
machinery (n. U) məˈʃiːnəri

park maszynowy

management standards (n. plural) ˈmænɪdʒmənt ˈstændədz
management standards (n. plural) ˈmænɪdʒmənt ˈstændədz

standardy gospodarowania

maturation of leaves (n. U) mætʃəˈreɪʃᵊn ɒv liːvz
maturation of leaves (n. U) mætʃəˈreɪʃᵊn ɒv liːvz

dojrzewanie liści

mechanical planting (n. U) mɪˈkænɪkəl plɑːntɪŋ
mechanical planting (n. U) mɪˈkænɪkəl plɑːntɪŋ

sadzenie mechaniczne

mineral fertilization (n. U) 'mɪnərəl ˌfɜːtɪlaɪˈzeɪʃᵊn
mineral fertilization (n. U) 'mɪnərəl ˌfɜːtɪlaɪˈzeɪʃᵊn

nawożenie mineralne

mound (n. C) maʊnd
mound (n. C) maʊnd


operator (n. C) ˈɒpəreɪtə
operator (n. C) ˈɒpəreɪtə


organic matter (n. U) ɔːˈɡænɪk ˈmætə
organic matter (n. U) ɔːˈɡænɪk ˈmætə

materia organiczna

pathogenic organism (n. C) ˌpæθəˈdʒenɪk 'ɔ:gənɪzəms
pathogenic organism (n. C) ˌpæθəˈdʒenɪk 'ɔ:gənɪzəms

organizm chorobotwórczy

payment (n. U) ˈpeɪmənt
payment (n. U) ˈpeɪmənt


pest (n. C) pest
pest (n. C) pest


physical hectare (n. C) ˈfɪzɪkəl ˈhekteə
physical hectare (n. C) ˈfɪzɪkəl ˈhekteə

hektar fizyczny

plant (n. C) ˈplɑːnt
plant (n. C) ˈplɑːnt


plantation state inspection (n. C) plænˈteɪʃᵊn steɪt ɪnˈspekʃᵊn
plantation state inspection (n. C) plænˈteɪʃᵊn steɪt ɪnˈspekʃᵊn

lustracja stanu plantacji

planter (n. C) ˈplɑːntə
planter (n. C) ˈplɑːntə

sadzarka, plantator

production effect (n. C) prəˈdʌkʃən ɪˈfekt
production effect (n. C) prəˈdʌkʃən ɪˈfekt

efekt produkcyjny

protection plan (n. C) prəˈtekʃᵊn plæn
protection plan (n. C) prəˈtekʃᵊn plæn

plan ochrony

responsibility (n. C, U) rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti
responsibility (n. C, U) rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti


rich soil (n. C, U) rɪtʃ sɔɪl
rich soil (n. C, U) rɪtʃ sɔɪl

gleba żyzna

seed orchard (n. C) siːd ˈɔːtʃəd
seed orchard (n. C) siːd ˈɔːtʃəd

plantacja nasienna

seed potato (n. C) siːd pəˈteɪtəʊ
seed potato (n. C) siːd pəˈteɪtəʊ


seedling (n. C) ˈsiːdlɪŋ
seedling (n. C) ˈsiːdlɪŋ


seedlings production (n. U) ˈsiːdlɪŋs prəˈdʌkʃᵊn
seedlings production (n. U) ˈsiːdlɪŋs prəˈdʌkʃᵊn

produkcja sadzonek

short‑term cycle (n. C) ˌʃɔːtˈtɜːmˈsaɪkl
short‑term cycle (n. C) ˌʃɔːtˈtɜːmˈsaɪkl

cykl krótkotrwały

soil class (n. C) sɔɪl klɑːs
soil class (n. C) sɔɪl klɑːs

klasa bonitacyjna

soil testing (n. U) sɔɪl testɪŋ
soil testing (n. U) sɔɪl testɪŋ

próba glebowa

sort (v.) sɔːt
sort (v.) sɔːt


sorting (n. U) sɔːtɪŋ
sorting (n. U) sɔːtɪŋ


sprinkler (n. C) ˈsprɪŋklə
sprinkler (n. C) ˈsprɪŋklə


sprinkling (n. U) ˈsprɪŋklɪŋ
sprinkling (n. U) ˈsprɪŋklɪŋ


stubble (n. U) 'stʌbəl
stubble (n. U) 'stʌbəl


succeeding plant (n. C) səkˈsiːdɪŋ ˈplɑːnt
succeeding plant (n. C) səkˈsiːdɪŋ ˈplɑːnt

roślina następcza

three year cycle (n. C) θriː jɪə ˈsaɪkl
three year cycle (n. C) θriː jɪə ˈsaɪkl

cykl trzyletni

topsoil (n. U) ˈtɒpsɔɪl
topsoil (n. U) ˈtɒpsɔɪl

warstwa orna

transport to the dryer (phrase) ˈtrænspɔːt tə ðə ˈdraɪə
transport to the dryer (phrase) ˈtrænspɔːt tə ðə ˈdraɪə

transport do suszarni

transportation of raw materials (phrase) ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʃᵊn ɒv rɔː məˈtɪəriəlz
transportation of raw materials (phrase) ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʃᵊn ɒv rɔː məˈtɪəriəlz

transport surowca

tuber (n. C) ˈtʃuːbə
tuber (n. C) ˈtʃuːbə


unit price (n. C) ˈjuːnɪt praɪs
unit price (n. C) ˈjuːnɪt praɪs

cena jednostkowa

Usual good farming practice (n. C) ˈjuːʒuəl gʊd ˈfɑːmɪŋ ˈpræktɪs
Usual good farming practice (n. C) ˈjuːʒuəl gʊd ˈfɑːmɪŋ ˈpræktɪs

Zwykła dobra praktyka rolnicza

vegetative propagation (n. U) ˈvedʒɪtetɪv ˌprɒpəˈɡeɪʃᵊn
vegetative propagation (n. U) ˈvedʒɪtetɪv ˌprɒpəˈɡeɪʃᵊn

rozmnażanie wegetatywne

very good rye soil (n. C, U) ˈveri ɡʊd raɪ sɔɪl
very good rye soil (n. C, U) ˈveri ɡʊd raɪ sɔɪl

kompleks żytni bardzo dobry

viral disease (n. C, U) ˈvaɪrəl dɪˈziːz
viral disease (n. C, U) ˈvaɪrəl dɪˈziːz

choroba wirusowa

waste (n. U) weɪst
waste (n. U) weɪst


wastewater (n. U) 'weɪˌstwɔtə
wastewater (n. U) 'weɪˌstwɔtə


wastewater sludge (n. U) 'weɪˌstwɔtə slʌdʒ
wastewater sludge (n. U) 'weɪˌstwɔtə slʌdʒ

osady ściekowe

work organization (n. U) wɜːk ˌɔgənəˈzeɪʃᵊn
work organization (n. U) wɜːk ˌɔgənəˈzeɪʃᵊn

organizacja pracy

workforce (n. group singular) ˈwɜːkfɔːs
workforce (n. group singular) ˈwɜːkfɔːs

siła robocza

zero tillage (n. U) ˈzɪərəʊ 'tɪlɪdʒ
zero tillage (n. U) ˈzɪərəʊ 'tɪlɪdʒ

uprawa bezorkowa