Organization of works related to the assembly of gas installation
A technical acceptance and a tightness test of a gas installation
Odbiór techniczny i próba szczelności instalacji gazowej
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1OdOrPpCpqho
Odbiór techniczny i próba szczelności instalacji gazowej
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1Ijlcrg9aw7j
Odbiór techniczny i próba szczelności instalacji gazowej
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R15rJUDDXFJVy
Odbiór techniczny i próba szczelności instalacji gazowej
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R134YhFmBuXjy
Odbiór techniczny i próba szczelności instalacji gazowej
Put the sentences in the correct order to make the logical dialog. Ułóż zdania w odpowiedniej kolejności aby powstał logiczny dialog.
- Yes, I have a confirmation of my implementing powers, registration in the chamber of engineers.
- The Commission has signed the protocol.
- Yes, the tightness test is positive, the manometer hasn’t shown any pressure decrease for 30 minutes since the pressure stabilized after filling the installation with air.
- I have already verified the installation in accordance with the project, the right location of the elements, proper assembly and the quality of the materials.
- There is also the result of the flue liners and ventilation ducts tightness test prepared by a chimney sweep and the acceptance to service.
- We are waiting now for the results of the tightness test.
- That’s good. Now we can sign the tightness test protocol for carrying out the tightness test of the gas installation to the gas meters.
- You need to write in the protocol the date of the legalization of my manometer and that it fulfills class 0.6 regulations.
- Today we are carrying out the tightness test.
- Have you prepared all the necessary documents?
- And that’s the read off via the inspector.
After listening to the dialogue choose the correct answer. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The tightness test is negative. | □ | □ |
The manometer hasn’t shown any pressure decrease for 30 minutes since the pressure stabilized after filling the installation with air. | □ | □ |
The project manager is not registered in the chamber of engineers. | □ | □ |
The connection is not in accordance with specified technical conditions. | □ | □ |
The chimney sweep authorized the use of flue liners and ventilation ducts. | □ | □ |
The manometer for a tightness test fulfills the requirements of 0.6 class. | □ | □ |
The installation pipes were painted before the tightness test. | □ | □ |
The gas installation is in accordance with the project design. | □ | □ |
Match English terms with their Polish equivalents.Połącz angielskie terminy z ich polskimi odpowiednikami.
próba szczelności, warunki techniczne, kominiarz, stabilizacja ciśnienia, uprawnienia wykonawcze, instalacja gazowa, legalizacja manometru, kanały spalinowe
tightness test | |
flue liners | |
technical conditions | |
implementing powers | |
chimney sweep | |
gas installation | |
manometer legalisation | |
pressure stabilisation |
Ventilation of rooms equipped with gas appliances
Wentylacja pomieszczeń wyposażonych w urządzenia gazowe
After reading the text choose the correct answer.Po przeczytaniu powyższego tekstu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The volume flow rate of ventilated air for a bathroom is min 70 m³/h. | □ | □ |
Using a mechanical exhaust ventilation is forbidden, if a gas appliance takes in air for combustion from the room and the flue is removed by natural ventilation through a pipe running from this appliance. | □ | □ |
The height of a room with a gas installation is min 2.2 m. | □ | □ |
The height of a room with a gas installation is min 2.5 m. | □ | □ |
The volume of the rooms with gas appliances with a closed combustion chamber is min 6.5 m³. | □ | □ |
The volume of the rooms with gas appliances with an open combustion chamber is min 6.5 m³. | □ | □ |
Kitchens without an outer window should have a mechanical exhaust ventilation. | □ | □ |
A mechanical ventilation must be used in higher than 9-storey buildings. | □ | □ |
Uzupełnij zdania wybierając odpowiednie określenie lub wyraz z wymienionych poniżej.Complete the sentences by choosing the right expressions or phrases mentioned below.
The volume flow rate, mechanical exhaust ventilation, mechanical, closed combustion chamber , open combustion chamber , ventilated air, flue system, air outlets
1. To maintain the required air quality, its exchange should be ensured through a natural ventilation and a ............................................................ from gas devices. (odprowadzenie spalin)
2. The volume of the rooms with gas appliances with a ............................................................ is min 6.5 m³. (zamknięta komora spalania)
3. The volume of the rooms with gas appliances with an ............................................................ shouldn’t be smaller than 8m3. (otwarta komora spalania)
4. A ............................................................ ventilation must be used in higher than 9-storey buildings. (mechaniczna)
5. Using a ............................................................ is forbidden if a gas appliance takes in air for combustion from the room and the flue is removed by natural ventilation through a pipe running from this appliance. (wentylacja mechaniczna wyciągowa)
6. In rooms with tight windows, if gas boilers or water heaters are being installed, it is necessary to install special ............................................................ . (nawiewniki powietrza)
7. The volume flow rate of ............................................................ for a kitchen with an outer window and a gas cooker should equal 70 m³/h. (powietrze wentylowane)
8. ............................................................ of ventilated air for a bathroom 50 m³/h. (strumień objętości)
Brazing of copper gas installation
Lutowanie twardej instalacji gazowej z miedzi

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RNBkPQQnRLklY
Lutowanie twarde instalacji gazowej z miedzi
After watching the film choose the correct answer.Po obejrzeniu filmów i wysłuchaniu komentarza lektora zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Solder gets capillarily between a pipe socket and a pipe. | □ | □ |
Deburrer is used to expand the pipe. | □ | □ |
Cooling the connector with water finishes the process of brazing. | □ | □ |
You clean the outside part of the pipe with a pipe brush. | □ | □ |
Solder is applied to a cold connector. | □ | □ |
Deburrer removes unevenness that appeared while cutting. | □ | □ |
Soft solder is used in brazing of gas installation. | □ | □ |
You clean the inside part of the pipe socket with a pipe brush. | □ | □ |
Tools used in copper pipes brazing
Urządzenia do lutowania rur miedzianych
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective or the adverb: Uzupełnij zdania wpisując odpowiedni stopień przymiotnika lub przysłówka:
1. That was ...................... gas explosion we have ever heard. (LOUD)
2. These gas heaters should be stored in ............ conditions than this warehouse. (GOOD)
3. This is .................................. technique of brazing I have ever used. (ACCURATE)
4. You must wear ear protection because it’s .............. than in the other areas. (NOISY)
5. This gas boiler is ................ quality we produce. (GOOD)
6. Working on this gas installation is ............................ than I expected. (DIFFICULT)
7. This water heater is .............. than that one. (HEAVY)
8. It’s .............. to buy these materials in a warehouse than in a shopping center. (CHEAP)
Complete the sentences with verbs in the Past Simple tense or the Past Continuous tests. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w czasie Past Simple lub Past Continuous.
1. I ............................ the cookers, while Tom ........................ the installation. (connect, check)
2. While the workman ........................ the tightness of the installation, he ............ a loud noise. (check, hear)
3. After performing all the works, the Technical Inspection ............ the decision permitting the tanks exploitation. (issue)
4. It ............ possible to position the cooker in relation to other shelves. (be)
5. While they .......................... out our tests in laboratories, the researchers
.................. past results. (carry, analyse)
6. The investor ...................... how to prepare a schedule of the tank construction. (not know)
7. The technicians ............ paint the liquefied gas tanks white to reflect sunrays. (have to)
8. Tom ............ to check the tightness of connectors. (forget)
Change the sentences into passive voice. Zamień zdania ze strony czynnej na stronę bierną.
1. The builder used these wires to connect all the metal parts.
These wires .................. to connect all the metal parts.
2. Manufacturers choose plastic containers for many different reasons.
Plastic containers .................... for many different reasons.
3. Tomorrow the gas fitters will install the open combustion chamber.
The open combustion chamber ...................... tomorrow.
4. The gas fitter should remove unnecessary ventilation debris.
Unnecessary ventilation debris .................................. .
5. John has installed a wood-burning fireplace in my living room.
A wood-burning fireplace .................................... in my living room.
6. A businessman will prepare a cost estimate for Monday.
A cost estimate ................................ for Monday.
7. You must read a manual before you try to repair it yourself.
A manual ........................ before you try to repair it yourself.
8. You mustn’t use this jigsaw if you don’t wear protective goggles.
This jigsaw .............................. if you don’t wear protective goggles.
Complete the sentences with Present Simple or Present Continuous. Uzupełnij zdania w czasie Present Simple lub Present Continuous.
1. Sorry, I'm busy at the moment. I .................... on my report. (WORK)
2. Do you .................... what I'm saying? (UNDERSTAND)
3. I ........................ him to understand. (NOT EXPECT)
4. You can’t enter the board. The bag ............ more than 25 kilos. (WEIGH)
5. He ............ always ...................... my work! (CRITICIZE)
6. Look outside the window. It .................... dark. (GET)
7. I ............ with you. (AGREE)
8. What are you doing? I ...................... the parcel to make sure it is not too heavy. (WEIGH)
Match the right halves of the sentences.Połącz poprawne połowy zdań.
<span lang="en">you won't get wet. </span>, <span lang="en">you'll feel better in the morning. </span>, <span lang="en">you won't get lost. </span>, <span lang="en">you'll see better. </span>, <span lang="en">you won't feel lonely. </span>, <span lang="en">you'll feel warmer. </span>, <span lang="en">you'll know how to make the installations. </span>, <span lang="en">you won't be hungry. </span>
If you put the light on, | |
If you turn on the electric heater, | |
If you have something to eat, | |
If you go to bed earlier, | |
If you take an umbrella today, | |
If you ask the manager about the instructions you don't understand, | |
If you use a map, | |
If you buy a cat or a dog, |
Insert the words from brackets in the sentences. Umieść słowa w nawiasach w zdaniach.
1. Kitchens without outer windows should a mechanical exhaust ventilation. (have) ..........................................................................................................................................................
2. If gas boilers or water heaters are installed, it is to mount special air outlets. (necessary) ........................................................................................................................................................................................
3. A properly functioning flue system safety in the house. (ensures) ..............................................................................................................................
4. The manometer shown any pressure decrease. (hasn’t) ..................................................................................................
5. You need write in the protocol the date of the legalization of my manometer. (to) ..............................................................................................................................................................
6. We are waiting the results of the tightness test. (for) ..................................................................................................
7. The Commission has the protocol. (signed) ..............................................................................
8. Do you confirm the connection in accordance with specified technical conditions? (performing) ......................................................................................................................................................................................
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
our, ours, their, , ours, he, ours, Mine, Your, our, theirs, her, hers, his, My, yours, our
1. Here are the pictures of ............ objects that we've built so far.
2. ............ assurance will be enough for me.
3. I'll tell you briefly about ............ activities.
4. ............ neighbour used your services.
5. They founded ............ company over 10 years ago.
6. This modern equipment is ............ .
7. Can I take a look at ............ projects?
8. I'd like to contact ............ contractors.
/eə aʊtlet/ [noun, countable] nawiewnik powietrza
/eə kwɒləti/ [noun, uncountable] czystość powietrza
/breɪzɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] lutowanie twarde
/breɪzɪŋ tɔːtʃ/ [noun, countable] palnik do lutowania twardego
/klɒtheta fɔ paɪp ˈkliːnɪŋ// [noun, countable] czyścik do rur
/kəˈnekʃən/ [noun, countable] przyłącze
/diːˈbəːr ər/ [noun, countable] gratownik
/ɪkˈspænd/ [verb] kielichować
/fluː laɪnə/ [noun, countable] kanał spalinowy
/fluː sɪstɪm/ [noun, countable] odprowadzenie spalin
/ɡæs bɔɪlə/ [noun, countable] kocioł gazowy
/ɡæs dɪˈvaɪs/ [noun, countable] urządzenie gazowe
/hɑːd sɒldə/ [noun, uncountable] lut twardy
/ɪmplɪmentɪŋ paʊərz/ [noun, countable] uprawnienia wykonawcze
/ɪnteɪk ɪɡˈzɔːst mɪˈkænɪkəl ventəˈleɪʃən/ [noun, uncountable] mechaniczna wentylacja nawiewno‑wywiewna
/mɪˈkænɪkəl ɪɡˈzɔːst ventəˈleɪʃən/ [noun, uncountable] wentylacja mechaniczna wyciągowa
/nætʃərəl ventəˈleɪʃən/ [noun, uncountable] wentylacja grawitacyjna
/əʊpən kəmˈbʌstʃən tʃeɪmbər/ [noun, countable] otwarta komora spalania
/paɪp/ [noun, countable] przewód gazowy
/paɪp brʌʃ/ [noun, countable] szczotka do rur
/paɪp sɒkɪt/ [noun, countable] kielich rury
/paɪpkʌtə/ [noun, countable] obcinarka krążkowa
/ˌredʒɪˈstreɪʃən ɪn ðə tʃeɪmbər ɒv ˌendʒɪˈnɪərz/ [noun, uncountable] wpis do izby inzynierów
/ruːm ventəˈleɪʃən/ [noun, uncountable] wentylacja pomieszczeń
/ˈteknɪkəl əkˈseptəns/ [noun, uncountable] odbiór techniczny
/ventəˈleɪʃən dʌkt/ [noun, countable] kanał wentylacyjny
/vɒljuːm fləʊ reɪt ɒv ventəleɪt eə/ [noun, countable] strumień objętości powietrza wentylowanego
/wɔːtə hiːtə/ [noun, countable] grzejnik wody