Organization of works related to the operation of gas network
A tightness test and technical acceptance of a gas installation
Próba szczelności i odbiór techniczny gazociągu
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R1DR5TNbg3yYX
Próba szczelności i odbiór techniczny gazociągów
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R108F9RcVtTk6
Próba szczelności i odbiór techniczny gazociągów.
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/R108F9RcVtTk6
Próba szczelności i odbiór techniczny gazociągów.
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RNFefHNXFMTYN
Próba szczelności i odbiór techniczny gazociągów
Put the sentences in the correct order to make the logical dialog.Ułóż zdania w odpowiedniej kolejności aby powstał logiczny dialog.
- That’s good. The supervision inspector has arrived and will sign the reports.
- Do you have a report of checking the tightness of a welded connection?
- Good morning. Stanislaw, have you prepared a gas connection for a tightness test?
- Good. The performance met the requirements mentioned in the specification, which I confirmed yesterday in the report.
- Yes, I do remember that. All the connections were tight and passed the soaped water test.
- Yes, let’s see if we have all the necessary documents for a final inspection.
- Yes. All the entries are in the construction log.
- Yes. I prepared the report for signing after checking the tightness yesterday. The result was positive.
- Yes, sir. I’ve marked the site. Have a look. The boards: „Risk of explosion. No entry.” are 4 m away from the excavation.
- Yes, we closed the gas pipeline, left connectors for manometers and the air inlet.
After listening to the dialogue mark the correct answer.Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The tightness test result of welded connectors was negative. | □ | □ |
Connectors for manometers and for air have been left on a gas pipeline. | □ | □ |
The final inspection commission will take place in 2 days. | □ | □ |
The entries in the construction log are incomplete. | □ | □ |
The polyethylene gas pipeline withstood the pressure of 0.1 MPa. | □ | □ |
The measuring position for a tightness test must be prepared. | □ | □ |
A site for a tightness test is not marked. | □ | □ |
The gas pipeline is to be backfilled with a layer of 30cm and joints are to be uncovered. | □ | □ |
Match Polish terms with their English equivalents.Połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
area cross-section, investor supervision, welded connectors, technical acceptance, measuring position, tightness test, levelling, connectors for manometers
próba szczelności | |
odbiór techniczny | |
stanowisko pomiarowe | |
króćce do manometru | |
nadzór inwestorski | |
niwelacja | |
przekrój terenu | |
złącza zgrzewane |
Starting‑up gas pipelines
Uruchamianie gazociągów
After reading the text mark the right answer. Po przeczytaniu powyższego tekstu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
A gas pipeline must be filled with gas, even if it is not immediately commissioned. | □ | □ |
Starting-up and filling gas network is done after tightness tests and technical acceptance. | □ | □ |
The date and time of air removal must be consulted with local authorities, a gas supplier and a receiver. | □ | □ |
Vents are installed at the beginning of a branch. | □ | □ |
Air removal starts from the main gas pipeline. | □ | □ |
Local authorities acquire control of ready to use network. | □ | □ |
You must not use odourless gas in distribution gas pipelines. | □ | □ |
You must not remove the air and discharge gas networks during lightening. | □ | □ |
Gas station tools
Urządzenia stacji gazowej

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/Rr1dZu3LiDTCM
Urzadzenia stacji gazowej
After watching the film mark the correct answer.Po obejrzeniu filmu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
A quick-closing valve instantly closes the gas flow when pressure exceeds the allowable value. | □ | □ |
A pressure regulator increases pressure. | □ | □ |
A rotary displacement gas meter measures precisely the volume of gas. | □ | □ |
A gas pre-heater reduces gas pressure. | □ | □ |
A shut-off safety valve is closed manually. | □ | □ |
In an injecting gas odorization system an odorizing medium is pumped by means of an injector pump into a gas pipeline. | □ | □ |
In a contact gas odorization system an odorizing medium is pumped by means of a pump. | □ | □ |
A particle filter cleans natural gas from tiny mechanical impurities. | □ | □ |
Complete the sentences with the words or phrases mentioned below.Uzupełnij zdania wybierając odpowiednie określenie lub wyraz z wymienionych poniżej.
contact odorization system, injecting gas odorization system, rotary displacement gas meter, shut-off safety valve, Gas pre-heaters, particle filter, quick-closing valve, pressure regulator
1. A ................................................................ cleans natural gas from tiny mechanical impurities. (filtr przeciwpyłowy)
2. A ................................................................ reacts more slowly than a quick-closing one, but it works when unacceptable pressure value is detected. (odcinający zawór bezpieczeństwa)
3. ................................................................ in gas stations ensure proper functioning of reduction flow devices. (podgrzewacze gazu)
4. In an ................................................................ an odorizing medium is pumped by means of an injector pump into a gas pipeline. (nawanialnia wtryskowa)
5. A ................................................................ is meant for reducing pressure. (reduktor ciśnienia)
6. A ................................................................ measures precisely the volume of gas. (gazomierz rotorowy)
7. In a ................................................................ the regulation of gas odorization is caused by pressure difference between odorizing channels. (nawanialnia kontaktowa)
8. A ................................................................ instantly closes the gas flow when pressure reaches the allowable value. (zawór szybkozamykający)
Gas station tools
Urządzenia stacji gazowej
Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Present Perfect Simple tense or the Past Simple tense. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w czasie Present Perfect Simple lub Past Simple.
1. We .............................. a failure in the ventilation system. (just, find)
2. The maintenance department ...................... the functioning of the ventilation pipes this week. (check)
3. The apprentice .............. the operating pressure yesterday. (check)
4. The designer .................................. the plan where to install the injecting gas odorization system. (just, finish)
5. The client .................. the meeting with the designer last Monday. (schedule)
6. ............ you ............................ a rotary displacement gas meter in this place? (ever, install)
7. The accident in the sedimentation basin ............ place two days ago. (take)
8. I .............................. anyone installing a vent in this type of system. (never, see)
9. A workman ............ on his protective clothing and went inside the warehouse. (put)
Complete the correct forms of irregular verbs. Wpisz poprawne formy czasowników nieregularnych.
1. teach - taught - ............
2. shoot - ............ - shot
3. ............ - ran - ............
4. fight - ............ - ............
5. ............ - ............ - had
6. win - ............ - won
7. take - took - ............
8. ............ - shook – shaken
9. drive - drove - ............
10. bring - .............. - brought
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.
1. We specialize in the installation .................................... . (gas pre-heaters)
2. I've got photos ................................................ . (the reduction station)
3. .................. calculations will be enough for me. (Manager)
4. The ditch outlet allows the discharge ........................ . (rainwater)
5. The dimensions .................................................................... have been selected by the designer. (the quick-closing safety valves)
6. What are the .................. instructions? (manager)
7. Here is the ................ equipment. (workers)
8. We solve problems at the stage .................................. . (implementation)
Drag and drop numbers.Przyporządkuj liczebniki.
<span lang="en">fourteenth</span>, <span lang="en">thirteenth</span>, <span lang="en">thirty-two</span>, <span lang="en">tenth</span>, <span lang="en">sixth</span>, <span lang="en">ten</span>, <span lang="en">a hundred</span>, <span lang="en">thirty-second</span>, <span lang="en">four</span>, <span lang="en">six</span>, <span lang="en">fourth</span>, <span lang="en">ninety-third</span>, <span lang="en">ninety-three</span>, <span lang="en">a hundredth</span>, <span lang="en">thirteen</span>, <span lang="en">fourteen</span>
Cardinal numbers | |
Ordinal number |
Choose the correct option from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
mustn’t, ought to, will, can’t, mustn’t, should, can’t, , will, can’t, must, should, would, will, must, should , shouldn’t, will, can’t , can, can’t, needn’t, can, will, mustn’t
1. You ...................... touch the welding machine when it is in operation.
2. We ...................... install another hydraulic jack if you agree.
3. You ...................... always follow safety regulations.
4. You ...................... leave the heating system on when go home.
5. You ...................... start installing any valves without proper tools.
6. I ...................... inform all the workers about health and safety regulations before you enter the warehouse.
7. I ...................... order more jacking pipes if I were you.
8. I ...................... look at the price of air outlet safety valves in the catalogue tomorrow.
Choose the correct form. Wybierz prawidłową formę.
tiredly, , tidy , cleverly, quickly, careful , carefully, carefully, careful , terrible , good, quick , tired , well , tidily, clever
1. John held the hammer .................. .
2. Tom is a .................. workman.
3. I ran .................. to the warehouse.
4. You look .................. . Didn’t you sleep well?
5. I speak English .................. .
6. That was a .................. answer.
7. He put the connectors away .................. .
8. He is a .................. fitter.
Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Ułóż słowa w poprawnej kolejności tak, aby powstały zdania.
1. put / Who / the / jack / hydraulic / table? / under / the
2. the / the / line. / screw / Nail / below
3. edges / above / Can / smooth / window? / you / uneven / the
4. to / tools / toolbox. / put / all / Remember / the / the / into
5. a / straight / two / nails. / line / between / Draw / the
6. the / direction. / procedure / Repeat / in / opposite
7. left / door? / felt / paper / the / Who / behind / the
8. the / pile. / last / of / on / the / pipe / top / Place / this
Change sentences into Reported Speech. Zamień zdania na mowę zależną.
1. The builder said: “I will come and see what I can do.”
The builder said that .......................... and see what he could do.
2. Tom said: “We have a three-shift system.”
Tom said that ................ a three-shift system.
3. Kevin said: “I am in charge of ten assembly workers.”
Kevin said that ................................ of ten assembly workers.
4. Sue asked me: “What does your job involve?”
Sue asked me ........................................ .
5. I asked my boss: “Do we do overtime?”
I asked my boss .................. overtime.
6. I asked Liam: “Are you on the early shift today?”
I asked Liam .................. on the early shift that day.
7. I asked the shop assistant: “How many people does your company employ?”
I asked the shop assistant ........................................................................ .
8. I told Michael: “Go inside the warehouse immediately!”
I told Michael ............ to the warehouse immediately.
/eə ɪnlet/ [noun, countable] doprowadzenie powietrza
/eə aʊtlet seɪfti vælv/ [noun, countable] wydmuchowy zawór bezpieczeństwa
/æz bɪld sɜːveɪɪŋ ɪnvəntri/ [noun, countable] powykonawcza inwentaryzacja geodezyjna
/bæriə fɪtɪŋ/ [noun, plural] armatura zaporowa
/bləʊ ðə ˈpaɪplaɪn/ [verb] przedmuchać rurociągu
/brɑːntʃ/ [noun, countable] odgałęzienie
/bʌt weldɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] zgrzewanie doczołowego
/kəˈnektə/ [noun, countable] króciec
/kənˈstrʌkʃən lɒɡ/ [noun, countable] dziennik budowy
/kɒntækt əʊdərɪzeɪʃən sɪstɪm/ [noun, countable] nawanialnia kontaktowa
/ɪˈlektrəfjuːʒən weldɪŋ/ [noun, countable] zgrzewanie elektrooporowego
/end kʌp/ [noun, countable] zaślepka
/entri / [noun, countable] wpis
/ɡæs priː hiːtə/ [noun, countable] podgrzewacz gazu
/ɪnˈdʒektɪŋ ɡæs əʊdərɪzeɪʃən sɪstɪm/ [noun, countable] nawanialnia wtryskowa
/levəlɪŋ ðə bɒtəm ɒv ði ekskəˈveɪʃən/ [noun, uncountable] niwelacja dna wykopu
/meʒərɪŋ pəˈzɪʃən/ [noun, countable] stanowisko pomiarowe
/nætʃərəl ɡæs ʌndəˈteɪkɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] przedsiębiorstwo gazownicze
/əʊdələs ɡæs/ [noun, uncountable] gaz bezwonny
/pɑːtɪkəl fɪltə/ [noun, countable] filtr przeciwpyłowy
/preʃə dɪfərəns/ [noun, countable] różnica ciśnień
/kwɪk- kləʊzɪŋ seɪfti vælv/ [noun, countable] szybkozamykający zawór bezpieczeństwa
/rɪˈdʌkʃən steɪʃən/ [noun, countable] stacja redukcyjna
/rɪˈdʌkʃən- meʒərɪŋ steɪʃən/ [noun, countable] stacja redukcyjno – pomiarowa
/rəʊtəri dɪsˈpleɪsmənt ɡæs miːtə/ [noun, countable] gazomierz rotorowy
/stɑːtɪŋ ʌp/ [noun, uncountable] rozruch
/vent/ [noun, countable] odpowietrznik