Organization of a gas pipeline construction
Organizacja budowy gazociągu
mfd1de14f541b6a6e_1516315582267_01. Film in the standard version.
RNCJNPa8HHAat1 mfd1de14f541b6a6e_1516315713520_02. Film with subtitles.
mfd1de14f541b6a6e_1516315731083_0R15ZUkomfmPRn1 mfd1de14f541b6a6e_1517519920974_03. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.
mfd1de14f541b6a6e_1516315855551_0RbXL5hTarXSul1 mfd1de14f541b6a6e_1516315946508_04. Film with narration.
mfd1de14f541b6a6e_1516315951214_0Rs60vwRkDaTw11 mfd1de14f541b6a6e_1516316024463_0Exercise 1
RincPnXfrMilc1 Exercise 2
RGuZKaiGo5bRb1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
After listening to the dialogue choose the correct answer.Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
A welding machine is not necessary.
□ |
□ |
A crew wagon will arrive and will be connected to electricity network.
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□ |
The excavation will take place on one side of the road.
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□ |
Czeslaw will be responsible for delivering pipes and a hydraulic jack.
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□ |
Czeslaw will prepare the excavator.
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□ |
Jurek will be responsible for marking the excavation site.
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□ |
The excavation for a gas connection will be open.
□ |
□ |
They will install polyethylene gas connection.
□ |
□ |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
mfd1de14f541b6a6e_1533903672215_0Classification of gas networks
Klasyfikacji sieci gazowych
RJ53ofBuRPXdm1Exercise 3
RJP7iVWUsTkMN1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
After reading the text choose the correct answer. Po przeczytaniu powyższego tekstu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
In a branched gas network gas flows to recipients from both sides.
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A gas connection is measured from a tee of a gas network distribution system to the main valve of the installation.
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A lower pressure gas pipeline contributes to operating pressure ≤ 10 kPa.
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In a ring gas network gas flows to recipients from one side.
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A gas connection is a part of a pipe which connects gas network with the installation in the building.
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High pressure gas pipeline works at pressure 0,5 – 1,6 MPa.
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□ |
A mixed gas network consists of ring and branched elements.
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□ |
A transmission gas network transfers gas from the excavation area to the gas recipient area.
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□ |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 4
R1PF6xIzjqMWh1 mfd1de14f541b6a6e_1516316248437_0Choosing anticorrosive protection for gas pipelines
Dobieranie zabezpieczeń antykorozyjnych gazociągów
R19NemuKKGMLi1Exercise 5
RN3dWSKlRx9pD1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
After watching the film choose the correct answer. Po obejrzeniu filmów zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
In a stray voltage mitigation stray voltage is led from a gas pipeline to buses.
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□ |
Insulating bands Raychem have bad dielectric properties.
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□ |
In a cathodic protection a gas pipeline is connected to a power supply and becomes a cathode.
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□ |
Three-layer anticorrosive polyethylene 3 LPE coating is not neutral for the environment.
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Three-layer anticorrosive polypropylene 3 LPP coating is characterized by low thermal resistance.
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□ |
In a sacrificial protection the anode with more electronegative properties e.g. magnesium, protects the gas pipeline.
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□ |
Polyurethane external insulation is not used for underground pipes.
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□ |
Three-layer anticorrosive polypropylene 3 LPP coating is characterized by high mechanical resistance.
□ |
□ |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
mfd1de14f541b6a6e_1516316511245_0Anti‑corrosion protection
Zabezpieczenia antykorozyjne
R1CJBxMn84U6W1 RsZy4jtxHQiIX1 RJf2fyr92T8Wt1 R1NIRRbLhZGDh1 Rf97bWyO1xdXh1 Rh8yEgDnwrDYv1 R1dgG77vpgh2A1 R2UXtpP8GUbUv1 RwurVs2j5jayd1 mfd1de14f541b6a6e_1516383280961_0Grammar
Exercise 6
R1bIwmPLMgnBo1 Exercise 7
RCUsHB43ovkxQ1 Exercise 8
R9Fd8r7kIAeYN1 Exercise 9
R14DxFoI3gPuC1 Exercise 10
R1bS0Oxt2enIc1 Exercise 11
RuyWoDvEwLvxn1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Match the cardinal and ordinal numbers into pairs.Połącz liczebniki główne i porządkowe z ich zapisanymi odpowiednikami
<span lang="en">thirty three </span>, <span lang="en">twentieth </span>, <span lang="en">thirteen</span>, <span lang="en">five</span>, <span lang="en">fourteen</span>, <span lang="en">third </span>, <span lang="en">second </span>, <span lang="en">first </span>
5 screws |
13 mixed gas networks |
33 try squares |
14 construction logs |
come on 3rd of May |
the 2nd reduction-measuring station |
the 1st contact odorization system |
the 20th particle filter |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 12
R3QWIlFGCGGLl1 Exercise 13
RA88robp3jN3j1 Exercise 14
R1R89wLsfd9Yi1 mfd1de14f541b6a6e_1516384819599_0Dictionary
anticorrosive heat‑shrink bandanticorrosive heat‑shrink band
/æntɪkəˈrəʊsɪv hiːt ʃrɪŋk bænd/ [noun, countable] opaska antykorozyjna termokurczliwa
basic anticorrosive black tapebasic anticorrosive black tape
/beɪsɪk æntɪkəˈrəʊsɪv blæk teɪp/ [noun, uncountable] taśma zasadnicza ochrony antykorozyjnej czarna
branched gas networkbranched gas network
/brɑːntʃt ɡæs netwɜːk/ [noun, countable] rozgałęziona sieć gazowa
/bʌsl/ [noun, countable] szyna prądu
construction logbookconstruction logbook
/kənˈstrʌkʃən lɒgbʊk/ [noun, countable] dziennik budowy
construction permitconstruction permit
/kənˈstrʌkʃən pəˈmɪt/ [noun, uncountable] pozwolenie na budowę
crew wagoncrew wagon
/kruː wæɡən/ [noun, countable] barakowóz
/krɒs sekʃən/ [noun, countable] przekroj terenu
distributing gas pipelinedistributing gas pipeline
/dɪˈstrɪbjuːtɪŋ ɡæs ˈpaɪp‑laɪn/ [noun, countable] gazociąg rozdzielczy
electric resistance welding machineelectric resistance welding machine
/ɪˈlektrɪk rɪˈzɪstəns weldɪŋ məˈʃiːn/ [noun, countable] zgrzewarka elektrooporowa
gas distribution networkgas distribution network
/ɡæs dɪstrəˈbjuːʃən netwɜːk/ [noun, countable] sieć gazowa rozdzielcza
grounding anodegrounding anode
/ɡraʊndɪŋ ænəʊd/ [noun, countable] anoda uziemiająca
hydraulic jackhydraulic jack
/haɪˈdrɒlɪk dʒæk/ [noun, countable] przeciskarka hydrauliczna
jacking pipejacking pipe
/dʒækɪŋ paɪp/ [noun, countable] rura przeciskowa
mechanical protection yellow tapemechanical protection yellow tape
/mɪˈkænɪkəl prəˈtekʃən jeləʊ teɪp/ [noun, uncountable] taśma ochrony mechanicznej żółta
mixed gas networkmixed gas network
/mɪkst ɡæs netwɜːk/ [noun, countable] mieszana sieć gazowa
non‑excavation methodnon‑excavation method
/nɒn ekskəˈveɪʃən meθəd/ [noun, countable] metoda bezwykopowa
one stage pressureone stage pressure
/wʌn steɪdʒ preʃə/ [noun, uncountable] jednostopniowe ciśnienie
operating pressureoperating pressure
/ɒpəreɪtɪŋ preʃə/ [noun, uncountable] ciśnienie robocze
polyurethane external insulationpolyurethane external insulation
/pɒlɪˈjʊərəθeɪn ɪkˈstɜːnl ɪnsjəˈleɪʃən/ [noun, uncountable] poliuretanowa izolacja zewnętrzna
primer primer
/praɪmə/ [noun, uncountable] podkład gruntujący
ring gas networkring gas network
/rɪŋ ɡæs netwɜːk/ [noun, countable] pierścieniowa sieć gazowa
sacrificial protectionsacrificial protection
/sækrɪˈfɪʃəl prəˈtekʃən/ [noun, uncountable] ochrona protektorowa
supervision inspectorsupervision inspector
/suːpəˈvɪʒən ɪnˈspektə/ [noun, countable] inspektor nadzoru
supplying gas pipelinesupplying gas pipeline
/səˈplaɪɪŋ ɡæs ˈpaɪp‑laɪn/ [noun, countable] gazociąg zasilający
tee of a gas network distribution systemtee of a gas network distribution system
/tiː əv ə ɡæs netwɜːk dɪstrəˈbjuːʃən sɪstɪm/ [noun, countable] trójnik gazociągu rozdzielczego
three‑layer anticorrosive polyethylene 3 lpe coatingthree‑layer anticorrosive polyethylene 3 lpe coating
/θriː leɪə æntɪkəˈrəʊsɪv pɒlɪˈjʊərəθeɪn θriː el piː iː kəʊtɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] antykorozyjna trójwarstwowa izolacja polietylenowa 3 lpe
three‑layer anticorrosive polypropylene 3 lpp coatingthree‑layer anticorrosive polypropylene 3 lpp coating
/θriː leɪə æntɪkəˈrəʊsɪv pɒlɪˈprəʊpəliːn θriː el piː piː kəʊtɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] antykorozyjna trójwarstwowa izolacja polipropylenowa 3 lpp