Organizowanie i prowadzenie robót związanych z budową obiektów gospodarki odpadami
Budowa składowiska odpadów komunalnych
Construction of a landfill
1. Film in the standard version.
2. Film with subtitles.
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.
4. Film with narration.
Elementy budowlane składowiska odpadów
Zasady budowy składowisk odpadów
Obiekty gospodarki odpadami
Typical waste management facilities
Match the definitions with the correct expressions. Przyporządkuj definicje do odpowiednich zwrotów i wyrażeń.
a pipe network through which effluent from the landfill is discharged, a place of municipal waste collection, building elements, equipment of the sorting plant, a natural filter material, a place for processing biodegradable waste, a place where waste collected selectively is sorted, a kind of foil that resists water, a material sealing the bottom of the landfill, a building object, a place to clean the air coming from the ventilation hall, a pipe network that removes air pollution from the sorting hall or composting plant
landfill | |
landfill drainage | |
geomembrane | |
sorting plant | |
hall ventilation | |
biofilter | |
composting plant | |
storage bays | |
gravel | |
clay |
Match the sentences halves.Dopasuj połówki zdań.
<span lang="en">waste cannot be recycled.</span>, <span lang="en">because it acts as a sealing layer.</span>, <span lang="en">we can make the barrier layer.</span>, <span lang="en">after placing drainage pipes.</span>, <span lang="en">you select the technology.</span>, <span lang="en"><span lang="en">that we should chose the equipment now.</span></span>, <span lang="en">he can start clearing the land.</span>, <span lang="en">you can use protective foil.</span>
The problem is that | |
I will complete the documentation if | |
The contractor asked when | |
When the terrain is levelled, | |
Geomembrane is important | |
He is saying | |
If you cover the area with clay, | |
We have to secure the drainage |
Drag and dropPrzeciągnij brakujące elementy z sekcji dolnej do górnych
<span lang="en">forty</span>, <span lang="en">eleven</span>, <span lang="en">eleventh</span>, <span lang="en">three</span>, <span lang="en">third</span>, <span lang="en">nineteen</span>, <span lang="en">twelve</span>, <span lang="en">thirty-eight</span>, <span lang="en">first</span>, <span lang="en">twelfth</span>, <span lang="en">fifth</span>, <span lang="en">ninth</span>, <span lang="en">ninety-five</span>, <span lang="en">second</span>, <span lang="en">fifty</span>, <span lang="en">fifty-third</span>
Cardinal numbers | |
Ordinal numbers |
/eər ˌpjʊərɪfɪˈkeɪʃn/ [noun, uncountable] oczyszczanie powietrza
/ˈbæriər ˈleɪər/ [noun, countable, singular] warstwa nieprzepuszczalna
/ˈbaɪəʊˈfɪltər/ [noun, countable, singular] biofiltr
/ˈkɒmpɒstɪŋ plɑːnt/ [noun, countable, singular] kompostownia odpadów
/ˈkɒŋkriːt ˈstɔːrɪdʒ beɪ/ [noun, countable, singular] boks betonowy
/ˈdreɪnɪdʒ paɪp/ [noun, countable, singular] rura drenarska
/ˈefluənt/ [noun, uncountable] odcieki
/ɪˈlektrɪkl ˈenədʒi/ [noun, uncountable] energia elektryczna
/ˈfɪltər ˈleɪər/ [noun, countable, singular] warstwa filtracyjna
/dʒiɒˈmembreɪn/ [noun, uncountable] geomembrana
/ˈhæzədəs weɪst/ [noun, countable, singular] odpady niebezpieczne
/hiːt/ [noun, uncountable] energia cieplna
/lænd ɪɡˌzæmɪˈneɪʃn/ [noun, countable, singular] badanie terenu
/ˈlændfɪl/ [noun, countable, singular] składowisko odpadów
/ˈlændfɪl ˈdreɪnɪdʒ/ [noun, uncountable] drenaż składowiska
/ˈlevlɪŋ ðə təˈreɪn/ [noun, uncountable] wyrównanie terenu
/pəˈluːʃn/ [noun, uncountable] zanieczyszczenie
/ˈsiːlɪŋ ˈleɪər/ [noun, countable, singular] warstwa uszczelniająca
/ˈsiːlɪŋ əv ðə ˈlændfɪl/ [noun, uncountable] uszczelnienie składowiska
/sɪˈlektɪv kəˈlekʃn/ [noun, uncountable] selektywna zbiórka
/ˈsɔːtɪŋ plɑːnt/ [noun, countable, singular] hala sortowni, sortownia odpadów
/ˈweɪst/ [noun, uncountable] odpady
/ˈweɪst kəˈlekʃn/ [noun, uncountable] gromadzenie odpadów
/weɪst ɪnˌsɪnəˈreɪʃn plɑːnt/ [noun,countable, singular] spalarnia odpadów
/weɪst ˈmænɪdʒmənt/ [noun, uncountable] gospodarka odpadami