
Oxides: naming and use

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Before you start you should know
  • the properties of oxygen;

  • the use of oxygen;

  • how to define combustion;

  • how to write the synthesis reaction of metal and non‑metal oxides;

  • what oxides are and how they are produced;

  • examples of oxides.

You will learn
  • to name oxides;

  • to correctly write molecular and structural formulas of selected metal and non‑metal oxides basing on their names;

  • to name the oxide basing on its molecular formula;

  • to indicate those oxides that can be found in nature;

  • what the uses of oxides are;

  • to describe the physical properties of selected oxides (e.g. calcium oxide, aluminum oxide, iron oxides, carbon oxides, silicon dioxide, sulfur oxides).

Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu 

Naming of oxides

Oxides are binary compounds with oxygen where the oxidation state of oxygen is OIndeks górny -II. Oxygen in chemical compounds is always divalent. Other elements may have different valency number and form one or more oxides (alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, fluoride have only valence of 1). In the names of oxides, the word “oxide” must be preceded by the name of the element that binds to oxygen.

The name is composed of the cation name and the word oxide.
NaIndeks dolny 2O sodium oxide
CaO calcium oxide
SnO tin(II) oxide or stannous oxide
SnOIndeks dolny 2 tin(IV) oxid

Oxides of non‑metals are named by stating the name of the element first, followed by the word oxide. Numeral prefixes are used where necessary:

NO nitrogen oxide or nitrogen monoxide
NIndeks dolny 2OIndeks dolny 5 dinitrogen pentoxide
ClIndeks dolny 2O dichlorine oxide
ClIndeks dolny 2OIndeks dolny 5 dichlorine pentoxide

Some elements form only one type of oxide. In these cases, the use of numerical prefixes is not necessary:
AlIndeks dolny 2OIndeks dolny 3 aluminum oxide
SiOIndeks dolny 2 silicon oxide

To derive a formula for an oxide, write the symbols of the elements together with indices according to the numerical prefix that indicates the number of specified atoms in the molecule. If a given element forms more than one oxide, then its valency number should also be specified by Roman numeral in brackets.

Example: dinitrogen oxide NIndeks dolny 2O

In the case of metal oxides, where the numerical prefixes are not usually used, we have to obey the rule of electroneutrality.

boron oxide BIndeks dolny 2Indeks górny IIIOIndeks dolny 3Indeks górny II → BIndeks dolny 2OIndeks dolny 3
diarsenic pentaoxide AsIndeks dolny 2Indeks górny VOIndeks dolny 5Indeks górny II → AsIndeks dolny 2OIndeks dolny 5

Naming of oxides
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Task 1

Watch the presentation. Note how the names of oxides are created.

Examples of oxides

Elemental symbol

Valence number
in compounds

Molecular formula of oxide

Oxide name




magnesium oxide




monosulfur dioxide or sulfur dioxide




monosulfur trioxide or sulfur trioxide




carbon monoxide




monocarbon dioxide or carbon dioxide




nitrogen dioxide




dinitrogen trioxide




dinitrogen pentoxide




copper(I) oxide




copper(II) oxide




iron(III) oxide


Uses of oxides

Metal and non‑metal oxides are widely used. Some oxides are found in nature. They include:

  • metal oxides: iron, aluminum;

  • non‑metal oxides: hydrogen (water), silicon (main component of sand), carbon, nitric.

Na zdjęciu rdzawy proszek - tlenek żelaza trzy. Iron(III) oxide occurs in the form of a mineral - hematite. Due to its red color, it can be used as a pigment in the production of paints and varnishes. Na zdjęciu ciemnoszary proszek, tlenek glinu, Aluminum oxide occurs in the form of a mineral - corundum. Gemstones are used in jewelery, while aluminum oxide, due to its high hardness, is used for polishing and as an abrasive. Na zdjęciu biały proszek, tlenek wapnia. Calcium oxide is used for the production of cement and masonry mortars (quicklime) and in laboratories for the drying of liquids and gases. It is also used in the production of artificial fertilizers.
Task 2

Look at the interactive illustration and remember uses of several oxides.

Grafika przedstawia zastosowanie tlenków: 1. Zdjęcie farb w puszkach. diarsenic trioxide (arsenic), very strong poison, the ingredient of a rat trunk, enamel and paints, used also for the preservation of hides and skins and wood, 2. Zdjęcie kartek papierów. sulfur dioxide a bleaching and disinfection agent used in the production of paper and wine, 3. Zdjęcie betonowego bloczku. magnesium oxide for use in the manufacture of castings, cement and refractories, 4. Zdjęcie szklanki. silicon dioxide for use in the manufacture of glass, mortar, cement and ceramics, and to obtain silicon, 5. Zdjęcie nabojów z tlenkiem azotu jeden. nitrous oxide laughing gas used for local anesthetization and as a chemical food additive, 6. Zdjęcie gaśnicy. carbon dioxide for use in the manufacture of carbonated beverages and as a fire extinguishing agent, 7. hasło główne grafiki, use of oxides.
Exercise 1
Wybierz jedno nowe słowo poznane podczas dzisiejszej lekcji i ułóż z nim zdanie.
Exercise 2
Pair the molecular formula with the oxide name. es o dwa Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. manganese four oxide, 2. calcium oxide, 3. iron three oxide, 4. sulfur dioxide, 5. nitric oxide, 6. silicon monoxide ce o dwa Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. manganese four oxide, 2. calcium oxide, 3. iron three oxide, 4. sulfur dioxide, 5. nitric oxide, 6. silicon monoxide es i o Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. manganese four oxide, 2. calcium oxide, 3. iron three oxide, 4. sulfur dioxide, 5. nitric oxide, 6. silicon monoxide ef e dwa o trzy Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. manganese four oxide, 2. calcium oxide, 3. iron three oxide, 4. sulfur dioxide, 5. nitric oxide, 6. silicon monoxide en o Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. manganese four oxide, 2. calcium oxide, 3. iron three oxide, 4. sulfur dioxide, 5. nitric oxide, 6. silicon monoxide em en o dwa Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. manganese four oxide, 2. calcium oxide, 3. iron three oxide, 4. sulfur dioxide, 5. nitric oxide, 6. silicon monoxide
Exercise 3
Write the name of the oxide based on formula. 1. pe cztery o dziesięć Tu uzupełnij, 2. el i dwa o dwa Tu uzupełnij, 3. es o trzy Tu uzupełnij, 4. ce o dwa Tu uzupełnij, 4. en dwa Tu uzupełnij, 5. ef e dwa o trzy Tu uzupełnij, 6. a gie dwa o Tu uzupełnij, 7. a el dwa o trzy Tu uzupełnij, 8. ce u o Tu uzupełnij

Naming of peroxides

Metal peroxides
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY 3.0.


  • Oxides are compounds of oxygen with other elements. Oxides are formed as a result of synthesis reactions, oxidation reactions of decomposition reactions and reduction reactions.

  • Names of all oxides in English are formed and read from left to right. First you mention the name of the element that reacts with oxygen, and then you use the term “oxide”.

  • If a given element forms more than one oxide, then its valency number should also be specified by Roman numeral in brackets.

  • Metal and non‑metal oxides are widely used.

  • Some oxides are found in nature.

Grafika przedstawiająca tablicę szkolną, na której znajdują się zdania do dokończenia. Finish selected sentences. 1 It was easy for me (uzupełnij). 2 It was difficult for me (uzupełnij). 3 Today I learned (uzupełnij). 4 I understood that (uzupełnij). 5 It surprised me (uzupełnij). 6. Today I found out (uzupełnij). 7. I was interested in (uzupełnij). 8. I still have to repeat (uzupełnij).
Source: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.


oxygen, oxides, use of oxides, synthesis reaction, combustion, naming of oxygens, metal oxide, non‑metal oxide


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka 

tlenek – związek, w którym tlen jest związany z innym pierwiastkiem chemicznym, np.: K2O, MgO, SiO2, SO3, Cl2O7

hydrogen peroxide
hydrogen peroxide
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka 

nadtlenek wodoru (HIndeks dolny 2OIndeks dolny 2, woda utleniona) – najprostszy nadtlenek (związek z pojedynczym wiązaniem tlen‑tlen); jest stosowany jako utleniacz, środek wybielający i antyseptyczny