Performing works related to the regulation of natural watercourses
Ordering a company website
Zamówienie strony internetowej firmy
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RVfHWiz1e5gPN
Film przedstawia zamówienie strony internetowej firmy.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RCEGN54meOOCH
Film przedstawia zamówienie strony internetowej firmy.
3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RYCcpcoOV75JA
Film przedstawia zamówienie strony internetowej firmy.
4. Film with narration.

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RlbWNX9ZmO1La
Film przedstawia zamówienie strony internetowej firmy.
Put the sentences in the correct order to make the logical dialog.Ułóż zdania w odpowiedniej kolejności aby powstał logiczny dialog.
- Of course. I will also send a catalogue of products for strengthening river beds and slopes.
- Hello, Jan Nowak speaking. I'm calling to order a website design for my company.
- We have several dredgers and excavators with various attachments.
- Do you have photographic documentation of the work your company has already done?
- My company clears river beds, water reservoirs, and removes obstacles from them.
- What does your company do?
- So you handle maintaining natural watercourses in due condition
- And do you have any pictures of how the employees strengthen, for instance the riverbank or mountain stream bank?
- I'd also like to enquire what machines and equipment your company has at its disposal.
- Yes. We carry out ongoing technical condition inspections of riverbanks and natural watercourse river bed strengthening. We carry out works related to the repair or replacement of damaged slope strengthening elements.
- This information is very general. I'd need more specific details regarding the scope of your services.
- Yes. I'll send you photos of earthworks and dredging related to the regulation of natural watercourses made by my company.
- We carry out works related to watercourse regulation.
After watching the movie, select the correct answer. Po obejrzeniu filmu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Mr.Nowak wants to order a website design for his company. | □ | □ |
Mr. Nowak will send a catalogue of products for strengthening river beds and slopes. | □ | □ |
Mr.Nowak's company deals with natural watercourse regulation works. | □ | □ |
Mr. Nowak will send the materials related to the website tomorrow. | □ | □ |
The IT specialist asked Mr. Nowak if he had any photographic documentation of the works carried out by his company so far. | □ | □ |
After having received the materials, the IT specialist will need two weeks for preliminary website design. | □ | □ |
Mr. Nowak's company doesn't deal with ongoing inspections of technical conditions of slope, riverbank and natural watercourse riverbed strengthening. | □ | □ |
Mr. Nowak will send you photos of earthworks and dredging related to the regulation of natural watercourses. | □ | □ |
Types of regulation and hydrotechnical works
Rodzaje budowli regulacyjnych i hydrotechnicznych
Match English terms with their Polish equivalents.Połącz angielskie terminy z ich polskimi odpowiednikami.
stopień, żłób, przetamowanie, erozja denna, zapora przeciwrumowiskowa, próg, przekop, ostroga
groin | |
rerouting | |
bottom erosion | |
debris flow barrier | |
sill | |
barrage | |
channel | |
canal |
Complete the sentences with the words. Uzupełnij luki w tekście korzystając z zasobu słówek.
river course, rerouting, Canals, channels, slope, barrages and sills, Debris flow barrier, river groins
1. ...................................... are built in order to run river routes rationally. (przekopy)
2. Canals shorten the ...................................... , but may also cause increased bottom erosion. (bieg rzeki)
3. Canals are made simultaneously with ...................................... strengthening. (skarpa)
4. After having built the canals, it is necessary to carry out ...................................... that directs the water to the canal closing the old riverbed. (przetamowanie)
5. Other regulation structures in the river beds are ...................................... , longitudinal dams and crossbars (ostrogi)
6. ...................................... is done perpendicularly to the flow of the stream, and it is an obstacle to water and water-borne material. (zapora przeciwrumowiskowa)
7. The mountain stream regulation system includes ...................................... , which capture the water of a stream in a channel covered with concrete or stones (żłoby)
8. For stream regulation, transverse structures are used to reduce the longitudinal decline of their stream beds. These structures are ...................................... . (stopnie i progi)
Materials used for river and mountain stream engineering
Materiały stosowane do regulacji rzek i potoków górskich
Complete the sentences with the words. Uzupełnij luki w tekście korzystając z zasobu słówek.
brushwood fascine, natural stone, rock fillings, debris flow barriers, pickets and piles, fascine fencings, asphalt mixtures, strengthening slopes
1. Bundles made of wattle branches are called wattle fascine bundles made of branches of trees or shrubs are called ........................................ . (faszyna leśna)
2. Wiepens, ........................................ , fascine rollers and fascine mattresses are made for regulation works (płotki faszynowe)
3. For regulation works, ........................................ are used to seal slopes and a bottom, to complete rock fillings and for paving. (mieszanki asfaltowe)
4. Concrete used for ........................................ can be in the form of plates, blocks or bricks. (umacniania skarp)
5. Concrete debris can be used in the same way as ........................................ . (kamień naturalny)
6. Wood in the form of ........................................ is used to construct fascine structures and fascine strengthening. (paliki i pale)
7. Natural stone is used to make ........................................ , protecting fascine structures and to load mattresses and fascine rollers. (narzuty)
8. Natural stone is used to make barrages, sills, retaining walls and ........................................ as well as paving the slopes. (przegrody rumowiskowe)
Machines for maintenance works, dredging works and river channel clearing
Maszyny do wykonywania robót regulacyjnych i pogłębiarskich oraz czyszczenia koryt rzeki

Film dostępny pod adresem /preview/resource/RuNt5W4yuqQcF
Film przedstawia maszyny do wykonywania robót regulacyjnych i pogłębiarskich oraz czyszczenia koryt rzeki.
Mark the correct answer after watching the video. Po obejrzeniu filmu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
To remove silt on large rivers, we use excavators equipped with an extension arm with a mower. | □ | □ |
It is not allowed to let the bed of channelized rivers overgrow because it causes water accumulation and blocks its flow. | □ | □ |
Vegetation should be removed from channelized rivers by slope mowers. | □ | □ |
Slope mowers are mowers equipped with an extension arm with a mowing mechanism. | □ | □ |
On large rivers, pump dredgers are used to deepen the river bed. | □ | □ |
On large rivers, bucket ladder dredgers are used for levee slope mowing. | □ | □ |
When watercourses are smaller, you can use a dragline excavator. | □ | □ |
Some dredgers are equipped with attachments that allow it to support against the slope, or to float. | □ | □ |
Complete the sentences with the words. Uzupełnij luki w tekście korzystając z zasobu słówek.
clamshell excavator, levees, excavators, deepen the river bed, Slope mowers, water accumulation, bucket ladder dredgers, dredgers
1. On large rivers, pump dredgers are used to remove silt and ............................................ . (pogłębianie koryta)
2. To deepen smaller watercourses, you can use ............................................ equipped with proper attachments. (koparki)
3. Dragline excavator ............................................ are used for watercourse deepening. (koparka z osprzętem chwytakowym)
4. Some ............................................ are equipped with attachments that allow it to support against the slope, or to float. (pogłębiarki)
5. For mowing river slopes and ............................................ , we use special mowers equipped with an extension arm with a mowing mechanism. (wały przeciwpowodziowe)
6. ............................................ are used for river slope mowing. (kosiarki skarpowe)
7. On large rivers, ............................................ are used to deepen the river bed. (pogłębiarki wieloczerpakowe)
8. It is not allowed to let the bed of channelized rivers overgrow because it causes ............................................ and blocks its flow. (piętrzenie wody)
Write down the given number in words.Wpisz podane cyfry słownie.
1. There are ................ boxes in the warehouse. (13)
2. We need to order ............ units. (40)
3. There are .............. excavators in the area. (15)
4. We have completed ............ construction projects so far. (30)
5. Can you hand me a box with ............ piles? (50)
6. We need .................... pipes for this pipeline. (65)
7. I earn ........................ dollars a day. (98)
8. The price for works accounts to .................. dollars. (100)
Choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
-, -, s, s, s, s, -, s, -, -, -, -, s, s, s, -
1. River regulation ............ affects its shape.
2. The client ............ knows the date of launching construction works.
3. The slope ............ are protected.
4. We need twenty pile ............ .
5. Equipment ............ will be delivered tomorrow.
6. The first project ............ is urgent.
7. I’d like to realise this project ............ .
8. We've built 15 reservoir ............ .
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.
1. We ............ (be) using a variety of grass mix.
2. The company ............ (have) built 15 facilities.
3. ............ (do) he know how to build this facility?
4. The client .............. (do not) know the date of the launch of works.
5. They ............ (do not) need to evaluate the ground.
6. He ............ (have not) carried out regulation works yet.
7. We ............ (be not) approving projects.
8. This company .............. (do not) clean up the area.
Put the words in each line (1-8) in the correct order so that they form sentences. Ułóż słowa w odpowiedniej kolejności, tak aby powstały pytania.
1. Can / form / we / the / slope / now? ....................................................
2. they / built / barrages / Have / yet? / any ..................................................................
3. going / to / meet / again / Are / to / agree / on / the / details? / we ......................................................................................................
4. you / a / Will / look / at / the / project? / take ..........................................................................
5. you / show / Can / the / project? / me ........................................................
6. the / Has / company / any / facilities? / built ..........................................................................
7. it / necessary / Is / to / the / ground? / evaluate ..............................................................................
8. protect / these / elements / designed / to / the / slopes? / Are ....................................................................................................
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the words in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania i uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.
1. The excavation must .............. (be do) according to the project.
2. The area needs ........................ (be shape) appropriately.
3. The edges of the watercourse ...................... (be secure).
4. The area should .......................... (be clean up).
5. The slopes can .............. (be sow) with grass.
6. The project has .......................... (be approve) already.
7. All works should ............................ (be carry out) within 18 months.
8. As a rule, maps ........................ (be prepare) by surveyors.
Choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
the, a, The, A, -, a, A, an, A, -, The, a, -, -, a, -
1. ............ works are conducted by specialized companies.
2. ............ earthworks will be carried to protect ecosystems.
3. ............ these facilities also allow recreation.
4. The company has built ............ 15 levees so far.
5. You can handle the construction of ............ levee.
6. River regulation has ............ impact on water transport.
7. ............ barrage is built across the river.
8. It is necessary to evaluate ............ ground.
Put the words in each line in the correct order so that they form sentences. Ułóż słowa w odpowiedniej kolejności, tak aby powstały zdania.
1. the / company / What / specialize / in? / does ........................................................................
2. these / What / facilities / do / allow? ..............................................................
3. earthworks? / Who / conducts ................................................
4. we / Do / to / determine / have / the / riverbed / throughput? ................................................................................................
5. we / When / do / do / finishing / works? ............................................................
6. surveyors / What / prepare? / do ....................................................
7. do / begin / How / the / construction / of / a / channel? / you ................................................................................................
8. you / water / facilities? / Do / build ............................................................
Choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
she, he, I, them, they, him, We, They, we, me, me, her, Us, us, Them, I
1. Introduce ............ to the assumptions of the project.
2. ............ are constructing a levee.
3. Call ............ in case of any doubts.
4. Call ............ when you chose the materials.
5. Can you visit ............ today?
6. Send ............ exact schematic.
7. ............ want to scoop out mud.
8. Notify ............ about the launch date.
Put the words in each line (1-8) in the correct order so that they form sentences. Ułóż słowa w odpowiedniej kolejności, tak aby powstały zdania.
1. The / problem / is / we / need / to / deepen / the / river / bed. / that ........................................................................................................
2. I / will / complete / the / documentation / you / select / the / technology. / if ..............................................................................................................................
3. when / The / contractor / asked / he / can / start / clearing / the / land. ..................................................................................................................
4. We / need / to / get / a / permit / we / start / the / works. / before ......................................................................................................
5. watercourses / are / smaller, / you / can / use / a / dragline / excavator. / When ..................................................................................................................................
6. that / He / is / saying / we / should / chose / the / equipment / now. ........................................................................................................
7. It / is / not / allowed / to / let / the / river / bed / overgrow / it / causes / water / accumulation. / because ..........................................................................................................................................................................
8. we / work / on / large / rivers, / pump / dredgers / are / used / to / deepen / the / river / bed. / If ......................................................................................................................................................
Choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
can, needs, may, needs, has to, must, have to, has, need, must, can, must, can, has to, ought, needn't, can, need, must, mustn't, have to, have, has, need
1. How .............. I help you?
2. Contractors .............. start the works.
3. They .............. construct a levee.
4. We .............. to deepen the river bed.
5. You .............. to order wattle fascine.
6. Do we .............. to use bucket ladder dredgers?
7. Does he .............. to take a look at the project?
8. We .............. examine the slopes.
Choose the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź z listy.
How, When, What, Whom, Which, Who, Where, Who, Where, Who, Who, What, When, Why, When, Whose, How, Who, Whose, Why, Who, Who, What, What
1. ............ are you working next week?
2. ............ do we start work?
3. ............ brings the tools?
4. ............ is the equipment?
5. ............ documentation do we need?
6. ............ is the man over there? - That’s our new manager.
7. ............ does this machine work?
8. ............ do we report to?
Read the sentences and complete them with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Przeczytaj zdania I uzupełnij je poprawnymi formami wyrazów w nawiasach.
1. It will require excellent work organization'. He said that it ............ (will) require excellent work organization.
2. Excavated material will cover the whole area'. He said that excavated material ............ (will) cover the whole area.
3. You can use fascine'. The manager has told us that we ............ (can) use fascine.
4. We have to limit the environmental impact'. He said that we ............ (have to)limit the environmental impact.
5. We must stick to the deadlines'. The manager is saying that we ............ (must) stick to the deadlines.
6. We'll prepare the schedule'. They have told us that they ............ (will) prepare the schedule.
7. Many technologies allow earthworks'. He is saying that many technologies ............ (allow) earthworks.
8. We are cleaning up'. They said that they ............ (are) cleaning up.
/ˈbærɑːʒ/ [noun, countable, singular] stopień (rzeczny)
/belt kənˈveɪə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] przenośnik taśmowy
/ˈbrʌʃwʊd fæs' siːn/ [noun, uncountable] faszyna leśna
/ˈbʌkɪt ˈlædə(r) ˈdredʒə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] pogłębiarka wieloczerpakowa
/kəˈnæl/ [noun, countable, singular] przekop
/ˈtʃænl/ [noun, countable, singular] żłób
/ˈklæmʃel ˈekskəveɪtə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] koparka z osprzętem chwytakowym
/ˈdebriː fləʊ ˈbæriə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] zapora przeciwrumowiskowa
/'dræɡlaɪn ˈekskəveɪtə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] koparka z osprzętem zbierakowym
/ˈdredʒə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] pogłębiarka
/ˈdredʒə(r) ˈkʌtə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] refuler
/dredʒ ɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] roboty pogłębiarskie
/ fæs' siːn ˈfensɪŋ/ [noun, countable, singular] płotek faszynowy
/ fæs' siːn ˈmætrəs/ [noun, countable, singular] materac faszynowy
/ fæs' siːn ˈrəʊlə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] walec faszynowy
/ˈɡeɪbiən ˈmætrəs/ [noun, countable, singular] materac gabionowy
/ˈhɒbɪŋ ˈkʌtə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] frez ślimakowy
/ˈhɒpə(r) bɑːdʒ/ [noun, countable, singular] szalanda
/ˈpɪkɪt/ [noun, countable, singular] palik
/paɪl/ [noun, countable, singular] pal
/pump ˈdredʒə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] pogłębiarka ssąca
/ˌriːˈruːt ɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] przetamowanie
/rɪˈteɪnɪŋ wɔːl/ [noun, countable, singular] mur oporowy
/ˈrɪvə(r) ɡrɔɪn/ [noun, countable, singular] ostroga
/rɒk ˈfɪlɪŋ/ [noun, countable, singular] narzut (kamienny)
/sɪl/ [noun, countable, singular] próg (rzeczny)
/sləʊp ˈməʊə(r)/ [noun, countable, singular] kosiarka skarpowa
/sɒd/ [noun, uncountable] darnina
/ˈwɒtl fæs' siːn/ [noun, uncountable] faszyna wiklinowa
/'weɪ pən/ [noun, countable, singular] kiszka faszynowa