The picture below shows a girl who is looking at her notebook. She’s writing an article for the school newspaper. Read the text to find out who works in the school newspaper and how it is prepared.
Poniższa ilustracja przedstawia dziewczynę, która przegląda swój zeszyt z notatkami. Pisze artykuł do szkolnej gazetki. Przeczytaj tekst, aby dowiedzieć się, kto pracuje w gazetce szkolnej oraz w jaki sposób jest przygotowywana.
Read the headlines and choose the correct answer.
Przeczytaj poniższe nagłówki i wybierz prawidłowe odpowiedzi.
Read the text to learn more about a school newspaper. Does your school have one?
Przeczytaj tekst dotyczący gazetki szkolnej. Czy twoja szkoła ma taką gazetkę?
Let’s Start Our School Newspaper!1.
An editorial boardeditorial board is a group of people who are in charge ofare in charge of a newspaper. It should includeinclude students but also a teacher who will managemanage all the work. The editorial board makes decisions about what’s inside the newspaper and meets regularly to discuss the latest eventsevents. The editorial board decides on the title of the school newspaper. It will also decide who is going to write articles for the paper. They can be reportersreporters or journalistsjournalists. Journalists usually researchresearch and collectcollect news, write articlesarticles and include their own opinions in their work. Reporters are types of journalists who reportreport the news and interviewinterview people.
Both reporters and journalists should be students who are good at writing and interested in school life. They shouldn’t be afraid to expressexpress their opinions, interview students or school staffstaff and report school stories. The editorial board has to choose the editor of the newspaper. The editoreditor is the boss of the newspaper and makes decisions about what is going to be in the newspaper and what’s going to be on the front pagefront page of the newspaper. They also supervisesupervise the work of journalists and reporters and check their articles for facts, grammar, spellingspelling and punctuation.
The whole team should decide on the most important topics they are going to covercover in their articles. They could be about lessons and school stuff, extra activities for students, trips, competitionscompetitions and important school events. The articles can also be about local life, e.g. students can write stories about local celebrities or authoritiesauthorities. Also, journalists can have columnscolumns with self‑help tips like preventingpreventing addictions and bullying, or how to study better.
Not all the sections in school newspapers have to containcontain serious information. They don’t always have to contain breaking newsbreaking news and current school problems. Students want to have some entertainment and relaxing information. That’s why it’s good if they include things like puzzles, comics, surveyssurveys and contestscontests with prizes. They may also include guest articles from staff or teachers about their lives and interests.
The editorial board should also decide on the format of their newspaper. You can write in a document and print it on a school printer. The easiest way seems to be to publish it online in a digitaldigital format on a school’s officialofficial website or as a blog. You can also print it and displaydisplay it on the walls around the school.
Match each paragraph with the correct title. There is one extra title which you don’t need to use.
Połącz kolejne akapity z właściwymi tytułami. Jeden element nie będzie ci potrzebny.
Read the test again and choose all the correct answers. There may be more than one correct answer in each point.
Ponownie przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz wszystkie prawidłowe odpowiedzi. W każdym punkcie może być więcej niż jedna poprawna odpowiedź.
Drag the verbs below to the correct places to complete the sentences.
Przeciągnij poniższe czasowniki we właściwe miejsca w zdaniach.
Read the sentences and choose the correct word.
Przeczytaj zdania, a następnie wybierz właściwy wyraz.
Answer the questions. Your answers should be one sentence long.
Odpowiedz jednym zdaniem na każde z poniższych pytań.
What would you like to read about in a school newspaper?
Would you like to be a journalist for your school newspaper? Why? Why not?
Is it important for a school to have its own newspaper? Why? Why not?
/ ər ɪn 'tʃɑ:dʒ ɒv / / bi ɪn 'tʃɑ:dʒ ɒv /
kierują, zarządzają [kierować, zarządzać]
/ ˈɑːtɪkl̩z / / ˈɑːtɪkl̩ /
artykuły [artykuł]
/ ɔːˈthetaɒrətiz / / ɔːˈthetaɒrəti /
władze [władza]
/ ˈbreɪkɪŋ njuːz /
wiadomości z ostatniej chwili
/ kəˈlekt /
/ ˈkɒləmz / / ˈkɒləm /
kolumny [kolumna]
/ ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn̩z / / ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn̩ /
zawody [konkurs]
/ kənˈteɪn /
/ ˈkɒntests / / ˈkɒntest /
konkursy [konkurs]
/ ˈkʌvə /
tu: zajmować się, relacjonować
/ ˈdɪdʒɪtl̩ /
/ dɪˈspleɪ /
/ ˈedɪtə /
/ ˌedɪˈtɔːrɪəl bɔːd /
/ ɪˈvents / / ɪˈvent /
wydarzenia [wydarzenie]
/ ɪkˈspres /
tu: wyrażać
/ frʌnt peɪdʒ /
pierwsza strona
/ ɪnˈkluːd /
/ ˈɪntəvjuː /
przeprowadzać wywiady
/ ˈdʒɜːnəlɪsts / / ˈdʒɜːnəlɪst /
dziennikarze [dziennikarz]
/ ˈmænɪdʒ /
/ əˈfɪʃl̩ /
/ prɪˈventɪŋ / / prɪˈvent /
zapobieganie [zapobiegać]
/ rɪˈpɔːt /
tu: relacjonować
/ rɪˈpɔːtəz / / rɪˈpɔːtə /
reporterzy [reporter]
/ rɪˈsɜːtʃ /
tu: badać, szukać
/ ˈspelɪŋ /
/ stɑːf /
personel, pracownicy
/ ˈsuːpəvaɪz /
/ səˈveɪz / / səˈveɪ /
ankiety [ankieta]
Źródło: GroMar Sp. z o.o., licencja: CC BY‑SA 3.0