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Renaissance in Europe

The Creation of Adam
Source: Michelangelo, The Creation of Adam, circa 1512, fresco, Sistine Chape, domena publiczna.

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You will learn
  • to explain the terms: renaissancerenaissancerenaissance and humanismhumanismhumanism;

  • to define the characteristics of the Renaissance period;

  • who the following figures were: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Jan Gutenberg;

  • the impact of the invention of Jan Gutenberg on lives of people.

Nagranie abstraktu

In the 13th century, interest in antiquity began to grow in Italy. This marked the beginning of the Renaissance, i.e. the rebirth of ancient culture. It was referred to in architecture, sculpture, painting and literature. Man became the focus of interest for artists and thinkers. With time, Renaissance ideas became popular throughout Europe (Renaissance reached its peak at the end of the 15th century and in the 16th century). The invention of printprintprint by Jan Gutenberg had a huge impact on the dissemination of these ideas. His first book to be printed was the Bible. The most important figures of the Renaissance include: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rafael Santi and Erasmus of Rotterdam.

Task 1

Read the text below and think about the answers to the following questions:

  • Why was the new era called Renaissance?

  • How it differed from the previous one – the Middle Ages?

Ducal Castle, Szczecin
Source: © A.Savin, licencja: CC BY-SA 3.0.

In 1453 Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire (called Byzantium), was conquered by the Turks. This meant the end of this state’s existence. Many Byzantine scholars left their homeland and moved to safer Italy. The scholars brought ancient Roman and Greek manuscripts and scientific treatises with them. This aroused a fascination with antiquity in Italy. It became fashionable to study Greek philosophy and read Roman works in Latin. The ancient architecture was admired. The result was an extraordinary development of art modeled on antique works. For this reason, a new era in the history of culture was called a Renaissance, literally meaning „Rebirth” in French.

Task 2
Basing on the information below, justify in writing in a few sentences why scholars from Byzantium were choosing to move to Italian cities.
Basing on the information below, justify in writing in a few sentences why scholars from Byzantium were choosing to move to Italian cities.
Italia and Byzantium ca. 1400
Source: Krystian Chariza i zespół.
Task 3
Wymyśl pytanie na kartkówkę związane z tematem abstraktu.
Wymyśl pytanie na kartkówkę związane z tematem abstraktu.
Exercise 1
Indicate the features of the Renaissance Palazzo Medici. Tick the correct answers. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Tall windows with sharp arches., 2. Almost flat roof., 3. A rectangular courtyard decorated with a fountain, sculptures and exotic plants., 4. Moat and other elements presenting defensive features., 5. The windows similar in shape to rectangular ones, topped with gentle arches.
Task 4

The illustrations below depict two Italian writers and humanists. How can you know that the presented men are writers?

Task 5
Search the internet and list the most famous works of Leonardo da Vinci.
Search the internet and list the most famous works of Leonardo da Vinci.
Exercise 2

Artists of the Renaissance period considered ancient works and the harmony of the human body to be the models of beauty. They tried to combine these features and refer to ancient art in their works. You have already learned about two great artists of the Renaissance era – Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo and their wonderful works. It was not only them, however, who left their mark on the history of their time.

Dopasuj twórcę do jego dzieła. Twórcy: Sandro Botticelli Rafael Santi Titian Piero della Francesca Pieter Bruegel Dzieła: Narodziny Wenus Szkoła ateńska Adam i Ewa Wieża Babel Portret Battisty Sforza
Task 6

The Renaissance artists were also inspired by biblical themes. Read the information about the painting „The Tower of Babel” by Pieter Breugel the Elder.

Ilustracja przedstawia obraz Wieża Babel. Wieża jest w trakcie budowy, ale sięga już chmur. Składa się z koncentrycznych kręgów, z których każde kolejne piętro jest nieco węższe od poprzedniego. Wieża, choć nieukończona, zaczyna się już pochylać się w lewą stronę. Na ilustracji widoczne są dopiski. 1. The painter was inspired by the history of the Tower of Babel. God opposed this Tower and in order to prevent it from being completed, he confused the tongues of the people and divided them into nations. 2. The tower in the painting resembles the Roman Coliseum in shape and architecture. 3. In the left bottom corner of the painting you can probably see King Nimrod, one of the Babylonian monarchs, who came to assess the progress of the construction of. 4. Numerous references to this painting can be found in contemporary popular culture. This painting can be seen, for example, on the cover of Civilization III game box, and "The Small Tower of Babel" on the cover of the CD of the punk band Brygada Kryzys.
Pieter Bruegel the Elder, The Tower of Babel, 1563, The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna
Source: domena publiczna.
Task 7

Find in the Internet and watch the educational film devoted to Pieter Bruegel's painting “The Tower of Babel”. What is the place of man in the human work of creation that is to be equal to God? What impression has this painting made on the viewers? What have they noticed?

Exercise 3
Count how many "a" fonts you need to assemble and print the following sentence at one time:
The invention of print enabled many more people to learn to read and write.
Możliwe odpowiedzi: A. 7, B. 6, C. 5, D. 4
Exercise 4
Which of the sentences are true, and which are false? The fall of Constantinople is considered the end of antiquity. Athens’ Parthenon became one of the models for Renaissance architects. The printing font was invented by Jan Gutenberg. The Renaissance is also called enlightenment. Michelangelo is the author of the sculpture of David. The Lady with an Ermine was painted by Raphael Santi. All those who could read Latin were called humanists. The motto of the humanists was " I am a human being, I think nothing human alien to me".


renaissance, print, Michelangelo, Jan Gutenberg


Byzantine empire
Byzantine empire
Nagranie słówka: Byzantine empire

Bizancjum – inaczej Cesarstwo Wschodniorzymskie, państwo ze stolicą w Konstantynopolu, istniejące po upadku Cesarstwa Zachodniorzymskiego. Istniało do 1453 roku kiedy upadło przez podbój Turków.

Nagranie słówka: renaissance

renesans – epoka nazywana odrodzeniem sztuki i nauki, trwająca w Europie od XV do połowy XVII wieku (w niektórych krajach europejskich). W czasie jej trwania nastąpił wzrost zainteresowania antykiem i ludzkim ciałem.

Nagranie słówka: dome

kopuła – element architektoniczny o kształcie półkolistym charakterystyczny dla epoki renesansu.

Nagranie słówka: patronage

mecenat – opieka wpływowych i bogatych miłośników nauki i sztuki nad artystami. Wspomagają oni finansowo artystów zatrudniając ich w swoich posiadłościach lub zlecając tworzenie dzieł sztuki, np. obrazów, rzeźb.

Nagranie słówka: humanism

humanizm – główny prąd intelektualny epoki renesansu powstały we Włoszech w XV wieku. Zakładał, że człowiek i jego ziemskie życie jest najwyższą wartością.

Renaissance Man
Renaissance Man
Nagranie słówka: Renaissance Man

człowiek renesansu – określenie osoby wszechstronnie wykształconej, posiadającej rozległą wiedzę z różnych dziedzin nauki.

Nagranie słówka: print

druk – wielokrotne odbijanie, powielanie obrazu i treści na materiale, np. papierze. Nazywa się tak również każdą kopię czy odbitkę.

Nagranie słówka: font

czcionka – pojedynczy znak drukarski dający w druku odbitkę litery, cyfry lub znaku.