Fishing on a lake
Based on the film, decide which answer is correct. Na podstawie filmu, zdecyduj, która z odpowiedzi jest poprawna.
freeze, counted and flooded, crates, generator, stick to the water vegetation, Peter net, water in bags and pond, coastal, in a turbulent manner, chill, water temperature, permit, thick, provisions, water vegetation, a special container, tench, water tanks, shallow ponds, hygiene, livewell, a special landing net, fishing trap, catch, whitefish, eel, zander, pike, feed on yolk sac, thin, tanks, male - milters, female spawners, whitefish, plastic containers, tench, whitefish, tench, a small dish with known capacity
Boats and equipment will be prepared in accordance with the safety rules and .................................................................. of work.
In the coastal zone, they should catch pike and .................................................................. using the fishing traps.
Until 30 April, the .................................................................. protection period is in force.
Peter net is used to catch .................................................................. and zander.
It was impossible to catch this winter under the ice, because the ice was too ..................................................................
To be able to fish using power .................................................................. , you need to complete a course for electric fishing
At the harbor several .................................................................. must be prepared with water for keeping the fish caught live.
With short-term storage of fish before sale, it is enough to .................................................................. them.
After watching the film, decide whether the sentence is true or false. Po obejrzeniu filmu zdecyduj czy zdanie jest prawdziwe czy fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The fishers will sail out to the lake tomorrow afternoon. | □ | □ |
The fishers want to fish using traps for pike and tench in the coastal zone. | □ | □ |
In accordance with the provisions of the Act on Inland Fishing, a protection period for pike is in force until 31 May. | □ | □ |
Despite the protection period, you can get permission to catch spawners to obtain stocking material. | □ | □ |
The fishers will also fish with a Peter net for whitefish and zander in the water column. | □ | □ |
In winter, the ice was too thick and they could not fish. | □ | □ |
One of fishers was on the course where he/she received a fishing permit for a power generator. | □ | □ |
European eel cannot be fished with aggregate, and then be used for stocking. | □ | □ |
Zander and pike will be waiting for spawning in the livewell located on the flowing water. | □ | □ |
Production of stocking material
Based on the animation, decide which answer fills the gap in the sentence. Na podstawie animacji z lektorem zdecyduj, która z odpowiedzi najlepiej uzupełnia luki w zdaniach.
obtaining spawners, Mature spawners, Glass fry, obtaining desired spawners, full maturity, controlled embryonic development, stocking waters, glass fry, stocking open waters, hatching of larvae, incubation apparatus, Open waters, Mature spawners, obtaining spawners, shallow ponds, desired species, stocking of fish, estuaries, Fertilised spawn, transport standards, fertilised spawn, hatching of larvae, stocking centre, Glass fry
The stocking material produced under artificial conditions is intended for .................................................................
The production of the stocking material starts at the moment of ................................................................ of the desired species of fish.
Spawners are kept in livewells until .................................................................
................................................................ are carried to the spawning grounds or eggs and milt are collected and spawning is carried out.
................................................................ is transferred to incubation equipment or to shallow ponds in which larvae can hatch and grow freely.
Eel stocking material is .................................................................
Glass fry is caught in the ................................................................ of Western Europe and brought to Poland.
Fish are transported in water in accordance with .................................................................
Stocking inland waters
Tomorrow I will bring the fish from the stocking centrestocking centre and carry out the stocking of the lakesstocking of the lakes.
- Which lakes will we be stocking and with what species?
- We will stock those tanks in which we caught spawners during the spawning season. We will consider stocking as a complement to natural reproduction.
This is permanent restockingpermanent restocking. We also use them in fish species that do not have conditions for reproductionconditions for reproduction. Some reservoirs do not have a coastal zone and are characterised by good food conditions. Such tanks should be treated as a regrowth pond and stocking materialstocking material should be placed in them. We also stock with species that do not spawn in our waters, e.g. eel.
- The anglers will be happy.
- Yes, we periodically stockperiodically stock the lakes that are overexploitedoverexploited by anglers in order to restore the overfished species. We stock with endangered speciesendangered species or introduce new species.
- Can you introduce new species of fish to lakes?
- Restocking of foreign species is prohibited without obtaining the appropriate permit. Our farm, as authorised for fishingauthorised for fishing, has a permit to stockpermit to stock with new species. Before the stocking, we carry out an accurate identification of the natural conditionsnatural conditions of the lake. The typing of lakestyping of lakes for stocking makes it easier to divide lakes into fishing types. Every year, we check the population statuspopulation status of a given species and decide whether to end or continue stocking.
Based on the survival rate and the number of fish planned to be harvested from the lake, we calculate the amount of stocking material. When designing stocking, one should remember about fish species, whose common development in one tank does not yield a successful economic results. For example, do not stock the same lake with pike and zander. After stocking, please fill in the stocking protocolstocking protocol.
Based on hypertext 1, complete the gaps in sentences. Use the word bank. Na podstawie dokumentu hipertekstowego nr 1 uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
spawning, species, lake, fish, anglers, eel, conditions, permit, endangered
We will stock those tanks in which we caught spawners in the period of .....................
We also use permanent stocking in relation to .................... that do not have conditions for natural reproduction.
We also stock fish with species that do not spawn in our waters, for example .....................
Periodically, we stock the lakes that are overexploited by .....................
We stock fish with .................... species or we introduce new species.
Can new species of .................... be introduced to the lakes?
Restocking of alien species is prohibited without obtaining the appropriate .....................
Before the stocking, we carry out an accurate reconnaissance of natural .................... of the lakes.
Do not put pike and zander in the same .................... at the same time.
Fishing melioration in inland waters
- Please, prepare fishing meliorationfishing melioration in our lakes this year.
- What does melioration consists in?
- Fishing meliorations is aimed at improving the conditions of theconditions of the fish habitathabitat and affects the number of fish in lakes. They also improve the conditions for harvesting fish from lakes.
- What treatments should I do?
- Begin by fighting the excess of emerged vegetation. It causes overgrowing and mudding of shallower coastal lots and shallowing of lakesshallowing of lakes. The living conditions of the spawn and the feeding conditionsfeeding conditions for hatching and fry deteriorate. With the compact occurrence of plants, the coastal parts of the lakecoastal parts of the lake become completely inaccessible to fish. In addition, such vegetation is a serious obstacle to the use of appropriate fishing gear. By cutting out the vegetation, we will prevent overgrowing of the shores of the lakeovergrowing of the shores of the lake. We will maintain spawning grounds and feeding grounds in the coastal zone. We will also obtain places for inserting fishing equipment and fishing using net tools.
At the lake, we will build small ponds for natural fish spawning. We will spawn several species. We will start with a pike, then a zander and a bream, and finally we will spawn the tench. You just have to make sure that the ponds have a direct outflow of water to the lake. Hatched fish will flow to the lake freely.
For those fish that spawn themselves in our lakes, we will prepare artificial spawning groundsartificial spawning grounds. We will make egg collectorsegg collectors at the bottom and suspended spawning groundssuspended spawning grounds. We will prepare egg collectors from plant bedding and coniferous branches. Please make the suspended spawning grounds from the branches of spruce and wicker. We can make floating spawning groundsfloating spawning grounds.
By creating additional and appropriate substrates for natural spawning, we will increase fish reproduction and thus increase the yield of the lakeyield of the lake.
Based on the hypertext “Fishing melioration in inland waters”, connect Polish terms with their English counterparts. Na podstawie hipertekstu „Melioracje rybackie w wodach śródlądowych”, połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
krześliska, sztuczne tarliska, tarliska zawieszone, produkcja jeziora, tarliska pływające, melioracje rybackie, spłycanie jezior, warunki środowiska, żerowiska
shallowing of lakes | |
feeding grounds | |
artificial spawning grounds | |
egg collectors | |
floating spawning grounds | |
yield of the lake | |
suspended spawning grounds | |
fishing meliorations | |
conditions of the habitat |
Fishing types of lakes
The Director of the Water Management Board announces a tender for the following fishing districts offered up for fishing usefishing use:
1. Lake Wielkie in the Warta river catchmentriver catchment. It is a vendace‑type lakevendace‑type lake with an average depth of over 20 m. The thermal system of the lake is stabilized. In the abyssal zoneabyssal zone, hard bottomhard bottom, sandy coastal parts. Characteristic species composition of the fish: vendace, whitefish, roach, bream, perch, eel, pike. The yield of the lake should be approx. 34 kg/ha.
2. Lake Małe in the Odra river catchment. It is a bream‑type lake with a depth of 12 m. The bottom in the bottom and coastal parts is covered with mud. The coastal zonecoastal zone is strongly developed. Characteristic composition of fish species: bream, tench, roach, rudd. The yield of the lakeyield of the lake should be 34 kg/ha.
3. Lake Średnie in the Warta river catchment. It is a zander‑type lake with a depth of 6 m to 12 m. The emerged vegetationemerged vegetation is very strongly developed, especially the reed. The water of the lake is poorly transparent. The submerged vegetationsubmerged vegetation is poor. A characteristic composition of fish species: bream, tench, zander, eel. The lake's productivity is high, with a full development it should reach 38 kg/ha.
4. Lake Głębokie in the Warta river catchment. It is a tench‑pike lake with a depth of up to 6 m. The bottombottom is very muddymuddy. Vegetation emerged and submerged is developed very strongly. The lake heats up quickly. From May to November, the water temperature at the bottom does not fall below 10 degrees Celsius. Lake yield up to 40 kg/ha.
5. Lake Długie in the Warta river catchment. The fishing districtfishing district covers 35 ha of water. It is a crucian‑type lakecrucian‑type lake. The lake is shallowshallow, overgrown, with silted and peaty bottom. In winter, oxygen isoxygen is often lackinglacking. The fish stock mainly includes crucian. The yield of the lake should be 20 kg/ha.
Please prepare the offers in accordance to the instructions attached to the tender documentation
Complete the gaps with the missing phrases. Use the word bank. Wstaw w wolne miejsca brakujące sformułowania. skorzystaj z banku slów.
crucian-type, Natural yield, bream-type lake, emerged vegetation, tench-pike lake, zander-type lake, coastal zone, vendace-type lake, abyssal zone
Lake Wielkie in the Warta river catchment is a .................................... with a depth of 20 metres.
In the .................................... the bottom of the Wielkie lake is hard and the coastal parts are sandy
Lake Małe in the Odra river catchment is a .................................... with a depth of 12 metres
Lake Małe has a bottom covered in mud and strongly developed ....................................
.................................... of Małe lake is 34 kg/ha.
Lake Średnie in the Warta river catchment is a .................................... with a depth from 6 to 12 metres
In lake Średnie the .................................... is strongly developed, especially reed.
The depth of the .................................... is up to 6 m, the bottom is very muddy and the emerged and submerged vegetation is strongly developed, hence such lake heats quickly.
A shallow lake with a muddy, peat bottom, heavily overgrown, with a lack of oxygen in the winter is a lake of ....................................
fishing using power generator


Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/D15y4bRIG

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/D15y4bRIG

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/D15y4bRIG
strefa głębinowa
reakcją anodową
sztuczne tarliska
uprawniony do rybactwa
przybrzeżne partie jeziora
strefa przybrzeżna
warunki do rozrodu
warunków środowiska
skrzynki z lodem
ryby śnięte
reakcja obronna
strefa elektronarkozy
roślinność wynurzona
gatunki zagrożone
warunki żerowiskowe
obwód rybacki
melioracje rybackie
protokół połowu
zestaw połowowy
użytkowanie rybackie
tarliska pływające
twarde dno
elektroda łowna (anoda)
pokrywa lodowa
brak tlenu
powierzchnia jeziora
typy jezior
ryby żywe
muliste dno
warunki przyrodnicze jezior
elektroda ujemna (katoda)
działanie pola elektrycznego
jezioro wyeksploatowane
zarastaniu brzegów jeziora
zarybianie okresowe
zarybianie stałe
pozwolenie na połowy elektryczne
zezwolenie na odłowy
zezwolenie na zarybienie
stan populacji
zlewnia rzeki
zasady bezpieczeństwa
zestaw do elektrycznych połowów ryb
płytkie jezioro
spłycanie jezior
krótkotrwałe przechowywanie
ośrodek zarybieniowy
materiał zarybieniowy
zarybianie jezior
protokół zarybień
roślinność zanurzona
tarliska zawieszone
wyłączenie napięcia
typowanie jezior
toń wodna
wydajność jeziora