Net and tools for fish harvest
Based on the film, decide which answer is correct. Na podstawie filmu zdecyduj, która odpowiedź jest poprawna.
a single fishing trap, a combined fishing trap, pond, A trammel, centre, lead ropes, a trammel, gillnet, A fishing trap, A fyke net, rims, door, net fabric, door, light, dragged, cork lines, heavy, entangling, an encircling gillnet, sinkers, weight, floater, a fishing trap
Pond equipment includes ..............................................
The client wants to buy ..............................................
The catching chambers of a fishing trap are spread on ..............................................
Fyke nets are .............................................. tools.
The float line needs to be a .............................................. rope.
.............................................. is an entangling tool.
The centre is also called a ..............................................
To build a net ourselves, we need a ..............................................
After watching the film, decide whether the sentence is true or false. Po obejrzeniu filmu zdecyduj czy zdanie jest prawdziwe czy fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
Fishing traps and fyke nets are part of pond equipment. | □ | □ |
The client is interested in fishing traps consisting of a few catching cages. | □ | □ |
The store has in stock double door fishing traps equipped with two catching cages each with one catching chamber. | □ | □ |
The heart of the fishing trap is also called throat or choke. | □ | □ |
Fishing trap is a trapping tool. | □ | □ |
Doors of the fishing trap should be short. | □ | □ |
Fyke nets cannot be used to fish under ice. | □ | □ |
Ground rope of a Peter net is made of lead rope | □ | □ |
Float line of a Peter net is the bottom rope of the tool. | □ | □ |
To sew a net by yourself, you need a centre, floaters or cork float line and weight. | □ | □ |
Making fishing gear
Choose which fragment completes the gaps in the sentences. Wybierz, który fragment najlepiej uzupełnia luki w zdaniach.
Slicing a net, top line, planting and arming, Arming a net, durability and catching yield, top and bottom line, make slanted cuts, combined, Planting a net, opposite sides, joining the net, bottom line, slanted, floaters and weights, adding weight to the bottom line, opening the eyelet, net fishing tool, make a net, side edges, slicing the net, adjacent sides, assembling floaters, edge the eyelets, top line
During the making of ................................................................ and when the net is being repaired, such works as: cutting, joining, planting and arming are carried out.
To ................................................................ we use net fabric called a centre.
In cutting, i.e. ................................................................ we distinguish three types of cuts: straight, slanted, and combined.
Straight cutting consists in cutting ................................................................ of mesh in parallel to the length or width of the net.
Slanted cutting involves cutting the ................................................................ of the mesh.
Combined cutting consists alternately of successive ................................................................ and straight cuts.
The shape of the tool depends on the method of joining and so does its ................................................................
................................................................ is attaching the net to the ropes.
Hydrotechnical constructions in the pond
- I bought carp ponds but they are neglected. At the moment, they are not suitable for fish production. It is necessary to repair the hydrotechnical constructionshydrotechnical constructions.
- Do the joints ponds an independent inflowindependent inflow?
- No, they are ponds constructed like a string of beadsconstructed like a string of beads. Water flows through the monk from one pond to another. The monksmonks are destroyed and do not keep water in the pond. The drainage pipesdrainage pipes are in better condition but the monks' water channelwater channel needs to be exchanged.
- When you replace the water channel, make two guides rowsguides rows for the valves. You can more effectively seal the monk and inhibit the escape of water from the pond. It will be possible to drain water from the bottom of the pond. Valves can regulate the water level in the pond.
- Only there will be a problem with catching fish from this pond. Behind the monk, a harvesterharvester for fry is built, but the drainage ditchesdrainage ditches are so silted that they cover the outlet of the drainage pipes. I will not be able to dehydrate the tank. I need to fix it because the system of drying ditches in the pond bottom is to collect fish during harvesting. It's good that I have my own excavator and I can clean the ditchesclean the ditches myself and dry the pond bottom.
- Will you reach the ditches on the dam with the excavator?
- Yes, it is a causewaycauseway. The width of the dam's crowndam's crown is sufficient for the excavator to pass, but the dam’s scarpsdam’s scarps are destroyed. There were no safeguards against scarps being washed away. The slope of the scarps was too steep and the ground was slipping. At the base of the dam, the burrows of animals are visible. Probably the holes are on the whole width of the dam’s bodydam’s body. Such a riddled dam will not maintain the required level of water in the pond. The loss from permeationloss from permeation will be greater than the amount of water flowing in. You will need to bring sand and clay and seal it tightly.
Based on hypertext 1 complete the gaps in the sentences. Use the word bank. Na podstawie dokumentu hipertekstowego 1 uzupełnij luki w zdaniach. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
dam, stop, level, monk, valves, inflow, water, excavator, buildings
I bought ponds, but they are neglected, it is necessary to repair .................. hydrotechnical works.
Do these ponds have an independent ..................?
Make two rows of guides to ...................
It's good that I have my own .................. and I can sort out the ditches myself.
The width of the .................. is sufficient for the excavator to pass because it is a causeway.
For .................. there is a built-in penny for fry.
The loss from permeation will be greater than the amount of incoming ...................
You can more effectively seal the monk and .................. the escape of water from the pond.
Valves can be used to adjust the .................. water in the pond.
Types of fishing boats
- Good morning I am looking for a boat for a fishing farm, I would like to ask for details.
- We have been a manufacturer of fishing boatsfishing boats for 30 years. We offer reliable and solid fishing boats for fishing on the lake and boats intended for fish ponds.
We have the following lake boatslake boats in stock:
- boats for entangling fishing gears, with a built‑in livewellbuilt‑in livewell for storing live fish. The livewell has holes in the bottom and sides ensuring constant water flow. The length of the boat is 5.5 m. The bottom and sides of the boat are smooth so as not to damage the delicate netting. The movable rowlocksrowlocks are placed on 1/3 of the length of the boat from the rear so that they do not disturb the fishing.
- Boats for trap fishing tools: for fishing traps and fyke nets up to 6 m long with built‑in livewell for keeping live fish. Rowlocks are placed at a distance of 120 cm from the livewell.
We have very popular boats for drawn tools: dragnet and seine. They are larger, with a length of at least 7.5 m to 9 m. In the bow and behind the boat are built‑in watertight boxeswatertight boxes for handy fishing equipment. At 1/3 of the length of the boat from the bow side there are bases for placing wincheswinches or liftslifts to pull up the seine. At the sternstern of the boat there is a movable roll, used to guide the line pulling the fishing toolfishing tool.
Two pairs of oarsoars can be installed on the boat, one pair 1.5 m from the bow of the boatbow of the boat, the other one at the back of the boat.
We also produce boats for pond farms.
We recommend fodder boatsfodder boats with high boardshigh boards for transporting and feeding on ponds. DisplacementDisplacement 900 kg. The material and construction solutions used for production ensure them more than 20 years of durability with minimal maintenance. We recommend them.
Based on the hypertext “Types of fishing boats”, connect the Polish terms with their English counterparts. Na podstawie hipertekstu „Typy łodzi rybackich”, połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
łodzie słępowe, wysoka burta, dziób łodzi, wyporność, oplątujące narzędzia połowu, dulki, łodzie paszowe, łodzie jeziorowe, winda do podciągania niewodu
lake boats | |
boats for entangling fishing gears | |
entangling fishing gears | |
rowlocks | |
bow of the boat | |
high board | |
fodder boats | |
displacement | |
lift to pull up the seine |
Equipment for fish hatcheries and nurseries
I will sell a stocking centrestocking centre consisting of maturing room for spawners, hatchery - incubation hall and nursery for fry.
The centre works on the principle of water recirculation. The water supply is from a deep well. The farm has an oxygen generatoroxygen generator with a capacity of 5 kg of pure oxygen per hour. The facility is equipped with an emergency power sourceemergency power source for electricity. All water circuits have constant, automatically controlled monitoring of the basic breeding parametersbreeding parameters: temperature, oxygen level, water flow. Thanks to equipping the building with tanks and installations made of polyesters, the highest sanitary standards are maintained.
The maturing room for spawnersmaturing room for spawners is equipped with two independent water cyclesindependent water cycles. Each of them is equipped with tanks for keeping spawners with adjustable temperature, oxygenation and lighting. This allows for any adjustment of the basic environmental parametersenvironmental parameters. As a result, it is possible to carry out artificial reproduction of many species of fish.
The hatcheryhatchery - the incubation hallincubation hall is equipped with two independent water cycles. Each of them has 40 pieces of Weiss incubation devicesincubation devices. The water used for incubation is disinfected with UV radiatorsUV radiators. This significantly improves the survival rate of incubation. It is possible to adjust the basic spawn incubation parametersincubation parameters depending on the requirements of individual species. At one time, about 250 litres of spawn may be incubated.
The brood fish nurserybrood fish nursery has a recirculating water flow system. Four independent circulations of water supply from several to several dozens of nursery tanksnursery tanks. Each cycle has a biofilterbiofilter for water purification, recirculation pumpsrecirculation pumps, temperature regulation, oxygenation of water, flows. At the same time, you can rear up to 4 tons of stocking materialstocking material.
If you are interested, please contact me. Phone no. ...
Complete the gaps with the missing expressions, use the word bank. Wstaw w wolne miejsca brakujące sformułowania, skorzystaj z banku słów.
oxygen generator, independent water circulation, breeding parameters, disinfected with UV rays, power source, incubation efficiency, artificial spawning, nursery tanks, the highest sanitary standards
The farm has an ............................................................ with a capacity of 5kg of pure oxygen per hour.
The facility is equipped with an emergency .............................................................
All water circuits have constant, automatically controlled monitoring of basic ............................................................ : temperature, oxygen level and water flow.
Thanks to equipping the facility with tanks and installations made of polyesters, ............................................................ are preserved.
The spawners maturing room is equipped with two .............................................................
Thanks to this, it is possible to carry out ............................................................ of many species of fish.
The water used for incubation is .............................................................
It significantly improves .............................................................
Four independent water cycles supply from several to several dozen of .............................................................
Use of the fishing equipment


Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/D15b2Jj6B

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/D15b2Jj6B

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem https://zpe.gov.pl/a/D15b2Jj6B
uzbrojenie sieci
wyporność lodzi
dziób łodzi
parametry chowu
wbudowany sadz
klatki łowne
grobla komunikacyjna
kształt gardła
odmulanie rowów
ściąganie skrzydeł przywłoki
zamknięcie toni
cięcie kombinowane
układ paciorkowy
korona grobli
korpus grobli
skarpy grobli
kozaki dwuskrzydłowe
rowy osuszające
leżak mnicha
awaryjne źródło zasilania
sieć oplątująca
narzędzia oplątujące
parametry środowiska
wędrówki ryb
łodzie rybackie
narzędzie połowu
połowy pod lodem
łodzie paszowe
kraty z dużymi oczkami
rzędy prowadnic
wysokie burty
budowle hydrotechniczne
aparaty inkubacyjne
hala inkubacji
parametry inkubacji
niezależny dopływ
niezależne obiegi wody
łączenie sieci
łodzie jeziorowe
sprzęt stawny
linka ołowiana
straty z przesiąkania
dojrzewalnia tarlaków
sprzęt sieciowy
tkanina sieciowa
baseny podchowowe
generator tlenu
obsadzanie sieci
odpowiednie zanurzenie
pompy recyrkulacyjne
płytkie partie jeziora
cięcie skośne
cięcie sieci
rozprowadzenie skrzydeł
rufa łodzi
ośrodek zarybieniowy
materiał zarybieniowy
cięcie proste
wpływanie do pułapki
łowność narzędzi
sprzęt ciągniony
sprzęt pułapkowy
promienniki UV
stojak mnicha
wodoszczelne skrzynie