
The exponential function and its properties. Transforming plots of the exponential function

Source: licencja: CC 0.

Funkcja wykładnicza i jej własności. Przekształcanie wykresu funkcji wykładniczej

Learning objectives

You will learn to identify properties of the exponential function and to draw plots of functions y=f(x-a), y=f(x)+b, y=-f(x), y=f(-x) based on the plot of the function y=f(x).

Learning effect

  • You identify properties of the exponential function and draw plots of functions y=f(x-a), y=f(x)+b, y=-f(x), y=f(-x) based on the plot of the function y=f(x).

Prepare information divided in the following way:

  1. The exponential functions – general formula, plot.

  2. Properties of the exponential function.

  3. Transformations of the plot of the function.

Check if information you prepared is the same as the following one.

1. The exponential functions – general formula, plot

The general formula of the exponential function: f(x)=ax, where xR, a is a set positive number, different than 1.

Source: GroMar, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Source: GroMar, licencja: CC BY 3.0.

2. Properties of the exponential function:

  • the domain of the function is the set of all real numbers,

  • the range of the function is the interval (0,+∞),

  • the asymptote of the function is the line y=0

  • there are no roots,

  • it is monotonic and if a>1, then the function f is increasing and if 0<a<1, then the function is decreasing,

  • it is injective, so each value is taken by only one argument,

  • the plot of the function crosses the axis Y in the point (0,1).

3. Transformation of the plot of the function:

  • By transforming the plot of the function y=f(x) by p units along the X axis in accordance with the direction of the axis, we obtain the plot of the function y=f(x-p).

  • By transforming the plot of the function y=f(x) by q units along the Y axis in accordance with the direction of the axis, we obtain the plot of the function y=f(x)+q.

  • By transforming the plot of the function y=f(x) in axial symmetry with respect to the X axis, we obtain the plot of the function y=-f(x).

  • By transforming the plot of the function y=f(x) in axial symmetry with respect to the Y axis, we obtain the plot of the function y=f(-x).

Task 1
nagranie abstraktu

Open the applet and analyse how the plot of the exponential function changes in discusses transformations.

Aplet geogebry: Przekształcenia wykresów funkcji wykładniczych. Poniżej znajduje się galeria ilustracji stanowiących alternatywę dla apletu.
Source: GroMar, licencja: CC BY 3.0.

After having completed the exercise, write down formulas of functions obtain as a result of presented transformations.

  1. By transforming the plot of the function y=ax by p units along the X axis in accordance with the direction of the axis, we obtain the plot of the function y=ax-p.

  2. By transforming the plot of the function y=ax by q units along the Y axis in accordance with the direction of the axis, we obtain the plot of the function y=ax+q.

  3. By transforming the plot of the function y=ax in axial symmetry with respect to the X axis, we obtain the plot of the function

  4. By transforming the plot of the function y=ax in axial symmetry with respect to the Y axis, we obtain the plot of the function y=a-x.

Task 2
nagranie abstraktu

Draw in one coordinate system plots of functions f(x)=3x and f(x)=(13)x. What can you say about the mutual position of plots of these functions?

Task 3
nagranie abstraktu

Draw the plot of the function f(x)=4x and identify its properties.

Task 4
nagranie abstraktu

In the drawing there is the plot of the exponential function. On separate pieces of paper, draw plots of functions after given transformations. Write formulas of obtained functions. 

a. translation by 3 units to the right along the X axis,
b. translation by 2 units up along the Y axis,
c. symmetry with respect to the X axis,
d. symmetry with respect to the Y axis.

Source: GroMar, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Task 5
nagranie abstraktu

Draw the plot of the function f(x)=2(x3)+4.


  • The general formula of the exponential function: f(x)=ax, where xR, a is a set positive number, different than 1.

  • Properties of the exponential function:

  • the domain of the function is the set of all real numbers,

  • the range of the function is the interval (0,+∞),

  • the asymptote of the function is the line y=0,

  • there are no roots,

  • it is monotonic and if a>1, then the function f is increasing and if 0<a<1, then the function is decreasing,

  • it is injective, so each value is taken by only one argument,

  • the plot of the function crosses the axis Y in the point (0,1).

  • By transforming the plot of the function y=ax by p units along the X axis in accordance with the direction of the axis, we obtain the plot of the function y=ax-p.

  • By transforming the plot of the function y=ax by q units along the Y axis in accordance with the direction of the axis, we obtain the plot of the function y=ax+q.

  • By transforming the plot of the function y=ax in axial symmetry with respect to the X axis, we obtain the plot of the function y=-ax.

  • By transforming the plot of the function y=ax in axial symmetry with respect to the Y axis, we obtain the plot of the function y=a-x.


Exercise 1
Source: GroMar, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Wersja alternatywna ćwiczenia: What transformation is presented in the graph? Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Symmetry with respect to the X axis., 2. Translation along the X axis., 3. Symmetry with respect to the Y axis., 4. Translation along the Y axis.
Source: GroMar, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 2

Draw the plot of the function

  1. f(x)=4x,xR

Then draw plots of functions:

  1. f(x)=4x-1,xR

  2. f(x)=-4x,xR

Exercise 3

Draw the plot of the function f(x)=(14)x,xR. Identify properties of this function in English.

Exercise 4
Wersja alternatywna ćwiczenia: Indicate which pairs of expressions or words are translated correctly. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. funkcja wykładnicza - exponential function, 2. asymptota wykresu funkcji wykładniczej - asymptote of the plot of the exponential function, 3. monotoniczność - monotonicity, 4. różnowartościowość - injectiveness, 5. przesunięcie wykresu funkcji wzdłuż osi OX - the plot of the function y = - ax, 6. asymptota wykresu funkcji wykładniczej - exponential function
Source: GroMar, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Interaktywna gra, polegająca na łączeniu wyrazów w pary w ciągu jednej minuty. Czas zaczyna upływać wraz z rozpoczęciem gry. Jeden ruch to odkrywanie najpierw jednej potem drugiej karty z wyrazem. Każdy wyraz jest odczytywany. Kolejny ruch to odkrywanie trzeciej i czwartej karty. W ten sposób odsłuchasz wszystkie wyrazy. Nawigacja z poziomu klawiatury za pomocą strzałek, odsłuchiwanie wyrazów enterem lub spacją. Znajdź wszystkie pary wyrazów.
Source: Zespół autorski Politechniki Łódzkiej, licencja: CC BY 3.0.


asymptote of the plot of the exponential function
asymptote of the plot of the exponential function

asymptota wykresu funkcji wykładniczej - prosta o równaniu y = 0

wymowa w języku angielskim: asymptote of the plot of the exponential function
exponential function
exponential function

funkcja wykładnicza - funkcja określona wzorem f(x)=ax, gdzie xR, a jest ustaloną liczbą dodatnią i różną od 1.

wymowa w języku angielskim: exponential function


wymowa w języku angielskim: function


wymowa w języku angielskim: injectiveness


wymowa w języku angielskim: monotonicity
symmetry along the X axis
symmetry along the X axis

symetria względem osi OX

wymowa w języku angielskim: symmetry along the X axis
symmetry along the Y axis
symmetry along the Y axis

symetria względem osi OY

wymowa w języku angielskim: symmetry along the Y axis
translation of the plot along the X axis
translation of the plot along the X axis

przesunięcie wykresu funkcji wzdłuż osi OX

wymowa w języku angielskim: translation of the plot along the X axis
translation of the plot of the function
translation of the plot of the function

przesunięcie wykresu funkcji

wymowa w języku angielskim: translation of the plot of the function


asymptote of the plot of the exponential functionasymptote of the plot of the exponential functionasymptote of the plot of the exponential function - the line y = 0
exponential functionexponential functionexponential function – a function defined by the formula f(x)=ax, where xR, a is a set positive number, different than 1