
The legislative power – the Sejm and the Senate

Source: domena publiczna.

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Before you start you should know
  • The system of government of the Republic of Poland is based on the separation of and balance between the legislative, executive and judicial powers.

  • The legislative power in Poland is vested into be vested invested in the Sejm and the Senate.

You will learn
  • You will be able to explain who can be elected to the Sejm and the Senate, and how the elections are organized.

  • You will be able to describe the internal organization of both chamberschamberchambers of the Polish parliament.

  • You will be able to explain the difference between a formal and material immunity of deputies and senators, as well as discuss the advantages and disadvantages of granting immunity to our representatives in the parliament.

  • You will be able to name and explain the functions of the parliament.

nagranie abstraktu

Poland has one of the oldest parliamentary traditions in the world. Already in the 15th century, the Polish gentrygentrygentry had the right to elect representatives to the Sejm and thusthusthus decide on the most important matters of the state.

Who is eligibleeligibleeligible to elect deputies and senators in Poland?

The Constitution of the Republic of Poland

Article 62

  1. If, no later than on the day of vote, he has attainedto attainattained 18 years of age, Polish citizen shall have the right to (...) vote for (...) representative to the Sejm and the Senate.

  2. Persons who, by a final judgement of a court, have been subjected to legal incapacitationlegal incapacitationlegal incapacitation or deprived of public or electoral rights, shall have no right to participate in a referendum nor a right to vote.

konst Source: The Constitution of the Republic of Poland.

Who is eligible to be elected as a deputy or a senator?

The Constitution of the Republic of Poland

Article 99

  1. Every citizen having the right to vote, who, no later than on the day of the elections, has attained the age of 21 years, shall be eligible to be elected to the Sejm.

  2. Every citizen having the right to vote, who, no later than on the day of the elections, has attained the age of 30 years, shall be eligible to be elected to the Senate.

  3. No person sentenced to imprisonment by a final judgement for an intentional indictable offenceintentional indictable offenceintentional indictable offence may be elected to the Sejm or the Senate.

konst1 Source: The Constitution of the Republic of Poland.

The rules of elections to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland

Tytuł: The rules of elections to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. Ilustracja interaktywna, która składa się z kilku elementów. Po lewej stronie znajduje się logo Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Po prawej – mapa Polski. Wokół nich zamieszczono następujące treści: The rules of elections to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. 1. Candidates for deputies and senators in Poland may be nominated by political parties and voters. 2. Deputies are elected in 41 districts. In each district, 7 to 19 deputies are elected. 3. The number of mandates available in a district depends on the number of citizens entitled to vote in a given electoral district. 4. Each voter selects one name of a candidate from a list to whom he would like to entrust a deputy's mandate. 5. Only those election committees which received at least a 5% support (election committees of political parties and voters) or 8% of votes (coalition election committees) in the country participate in the distribution of seats in the Sejm. 6. Committees of national minorities are exempt from the necessity of exceeding the electoral threshold. 7. After determining how many mandates the election committee has received in a specific district, the mandates are given to those candidates from the district who received the most indications on the list.
The rules of elections to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland
Exercise 1
Ćwiczenie alternatywne: Imagine that the Law and Justice party takes part in parliamentary elections together with the Civic Platform and the citizens’ movement “United for Silesia”. What is the electoral threshold such a committee will need to achieve to participate in the distribution of mandates to the Sejm? Choose one answer: 0%, 5%, 8%. Justify your answer.
Ilustracja interaktywna, w której centrum znajduje się logo Senatu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Logo Senatu składa się z orła w koronie, który opleciony jest literą "S". Pod nim znajduje się napis "Senat Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej". Wokół niego umieszczono następujące informacje: The rules of elections to the Senate of the Republic of Poland. 1. Elections to the Senate shall be held on the same date as the elections to the Sejm. 2. The elections to the Senate are carried out according to another ordinance - a majoritarian vote. 3. Senators are elected in 100 single-mandate districts. 4. Each election committee may only put up one candidate in a given district. 5. Each voter casts one vote on a candidate of his choice. 6. A senator's mandate is obtained by the candidate who received the largest number of votes in a district.
The rules of elections to the Senate of the Republic of Poland
Source: domena publiczna.

Internal organization of the Sejm and the Senate

Deputies may form parliamentary clubs and deputies’ groups based on a political principle in the Sejm. The club is composed of at least 15 deputies, and a group – of at least 3 deputies.


Organs of the Sejm

The Marshal of the Sejm is elected at the first sitting of the chamber. Usually, this function is offered to a representative of the largest parliamentary club. The Marshal defends the rights and dignity of the Sejm, represents the chamber in relations with other state organs, convenesto conveneconvenes the sittings of the Sejm and presides over the debates. In addition, the Constitution of the Republic of Poland imposesto imposeimposes some responsibilities on the Marshal that are not directly related to the work of the chamber. These include acting as the President of the Republic when he is unable to hold office or when the office of President is vacatedvacatedvacated (e.g. because of the death of the President).

The Presidium of the Sejm is composed of the Marshal and Deputy Marshal of the Sejm. The competences of the Presidium of the Sejm are quite limited. They are mainly connected with the organization of the work of the Sejm and its organs.

The Council of Elders consists of the Marshal, deputy marshals, presidents or vice presidents of the parliamentary clubs, as well as representatives of the deputies’ groups. The Council is an advisoryadvisoryadvisory body of the Sejm of a consultativeconsultativeconsultative nature.

The Committees of the Sejm are subsidiarysubsidiarysubsidiary organs of the Sejm which deal with the consideration, giving opinions and preparation of the matters that are the subject of the debates if the Sejm.

The internal organization of the Senate is almost identical to the Sejm.

You can read more about the organization of the Sejm and about the Senate on the website. English versions available.

Functions of the parliament

The legislative function consists in adoption of legal acts (statutes). This is the basic and most important function of the Sejm and the Senate.

The scrutinyscrutinyscrutiny function refers primarilyprimarilyprimarily to the government and administration subordinate tosubordinate tosubordinate to the government. The deputies may demand information on a given issue from a government member in written or oral form at a sitting of the Sejm of committee. As a consequence of assessment of the government’s functioning measures can be taken by the Sejm such as dismissaldismissaldismissal of an individual from a state post, e.g. a minister in consequence of a vote on non‑confidence. The Senate does not participate in the scrutiny function.

The creative (formative) function consists in appointing other constitutional organs of the state or persons who are members of such bodies. The powers in this respect are divided between the Sejm and the Senate, although the lower chamber has larger competence.

The European function of the parliament (since 2004) consists in the possibility of the Sejm and the Senate to influence EU legislation and is regulated in EU treaties.

To carry out parliamentary mandate it is very important to guarantee the independence of deputies and senators. To this end, all the members of Polish parliament enjoy the so‑calledso‑calledso‑called immunity.

The Constitution of the Republic of Poland

Article 105

  1. A Deputy shall not be held accountable forto be held accountable forbe held accountable for his activity performed within the scopescopescope of a Deputy's mandate during the term thereofthereofthereof nor after its completion. Regarding such activities, a Deputy can only be held accountable before the Sejm and, in a case where he has infringedto infringeinfringed the rights of third parties, he may only be proceeded against before a court with the consentconsentconsent of the Sejm.

  2. From the day of announcement of the results of the elections until the day of the expiryexpiryexpiry of his mandate, a Deputy shall not be subjected to criminal accountability without the consent of the Sejm.

  3. Criminal proceedings institutedinstitutedinstituted against a person before the day of his election as Deputy, shall be suspended at the request of the Sejm until the time of expiry of the mandate. In such instanceinstanceinstance, the statute of limitationstatute of limitationstatute of limitation with respect to criminal proceedings shall be extended for the equivalentequivalentequivalent time.

  4. A Deputy may consent to be brought to criminal accountabilityto be brought to criminal accountabilityto be brought to criminal accountability. In such instance, the provisions of paras. 2 and 3 shall not apply.

  5. A Deputy shall be neither detainedto detaindetained nor arrested without the consent of the Sejm, except for cases when he has been apprehended in the commission of an offenceapprehended in the commission of an offenceapprehended in the commission of an offence and in which his detention is necessary for securing the proper course of proceedings. Any such detention shall be immediately communicated to the Marshal of the Sejm, who may order an immediate releaseto releaserelease of the Deputy.

  6. Detailed principles of and procedures for bringing Deputies to criminal accountability shall be specified by statute.

Article 108

The provisions of Articles 103‑107 shall apply, as appropriate, to Senators.

konst2 Source: The Constitution of the Republic of Poland.
Exercise 2
Ćwiczenie alternatywne: Can you tell the difference between formal and informal immunity? Think about time and scope and enumerate differences.

The Sejm and the Senate are constitutional bodies of legislative power. Both chambers are elected by universal suffrage. The elections take place on the same day, but according to different electoral systems. The internal organization of both chambers and the legal status of deputies and senators are virtuallyvirtuallyvirtually identical. Taking into account the legislative and creative functions, competences belong to both chambers. However, the lower chamber has a stronger position. The biggest difference is in the control function. Competences in this area belong exclusivelyexclusivelyexclusively to the Sejm.

Exercise 3
Listen to the abstract recording to review the material and new vocabulary. Then do the vocabulary exercise. Explain meaning of the following words: eligible; chamber; to convene; to impose; advisory; consultative; subsidiary; scrutiny. If it's too difficult, use lesson's glossary.


the Sejm, the Senate, deputy, senator, parliamentary club, deputies’ group, the Marshal, the Presidium, the Council of Elders, committees, legislative/scrutiny/European function of the parliament, formal/material immunity, vote on non‑confidence


to be vested in
to be vested in
Nagranie słówka: to be vested in

być powierzony (w posiadaniu)

Nagranie słówka: gentry


Nagranie słówka: thus

a zatem, w ten sposób

Nagranie słówka: eligible


to attain
to attain
Nagranie słówka: to attain


legal incapacitation
legal incapacitation
Nagranie słówka: legal incapacitation


intentional indictable offence
intentional indictable offence
Nagranie słówka: intentional indictable offence

przestępstwo umyślne ścigane z oskarżenia publicznego

Nagranie słówka: chamber


to convene
to convene
Nagranie słówka: to convene


to impose
to impose
Nagranie słówka: to impose


Nagranie słówka: vacated


Nagranie słówka: advisory


Nagranie słówka: consultative


Nagranie słówka: subsidiary


Nagranie słówka: scrutiny

kontrola, nadzór

Nagranie słówka: primarily

przede wszystkim

subordinate to
subordinate to
Nagranie słówka: subordinate to


Nagranie słówka: dismissal

zwolnienie, dymisja

Nagranie słówka: so‑called

tak zwany

to be held accountable for
to be held accountable for
Nagranie słówka: to be held accountable for

zostać pociągniętym do odpowiedzialności

Nagranie słówka: scope


Nagranie słówka: thereof

odtąd, tego, z tego, od tego

to infringe
to infringe
Nagranie słówka: to infringe


Nagranie słówka: expiry


Nagranie słówka: consent


Nagranie słówka: instituted


statute of limitation
statute of limitation
Nagranie słówka: statute of limitation

przedawnienie, bieg przedawnienia

Nagranie słówka: equivalent


to be brought to criminal accountability
to be brought to criminal accountability
Nagranie słówka: to be brought to criminal accountability

zostać pociągniętym do odpowiedzialności karnej

Nagranie słówka: instance

wypadek, przypadek

to detain
to detain
Nagranie słówka: to detain


apprehended in the commission of an offence
apprehended in the commission of an offence
Nagranie słówka: apprehended in the commission of an offence

złapany na gorącym uczynku

to release
to release
Nagranie słówka: to release

zwalniać, uwalniać

Nagranie słówka: virtually

niemal, praktycznie, właściwie

Nagranie słówka: exclusively
