Window onto the world or the time stealer?

Source: licencja: CC 0.

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You will learn
  • you will determine the advantages and disadvantages of the Internetthe Internetthe Internet

  • you will justify your opinion

  • you will present the rules of behaviour on the Internet

  • you will create your own rules for using the Internet

Nagranie abstraktu

Stanisław Lem once said: “Each and every technologytechnologytechnology has an obverse of benefits and reverse of new, so far unknown worries.” It is hard to imagine today's life without the Internet, but there are pros and cons of it.

Exercise 1

Discuss in groups what the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. After discussion collect your conclusions.

Wykonaj ćwiczenie zgodnie z poleceniem.
Exercise 2

Present your conclusions to the rest of the class, add the conclusions of your colleagues to your notes.

You have probably already noticed that the Internet, just like other media, has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is very important to know how to use its resources.

Try to prepare the Decalogue of the responsible Internet user. At home ask your parents what do they think about your rules and if they would like to add anything.

Surely you use the Internet every day – now you can check if you know the main terms connected with it.

Exercise 3
Dictionary of the Internet user. Match the following words to their definitions. a hacker Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. the user’s name, 2. a person who illegally gains access to the computer systems, views files on someone else’s computer or places unwanted files, 3. an on-line discussion - the user connects to the server to which other people are connected and they can exchange information - have a chat, 4. one of the Internet viruses, very often left by a hacker; it gives access to all the data on the infected computer., 5. an unwanted correspondence sent to your e-mail or placed in the discussion groups, 6. a place where the Internet users can exchange their opinions on a specific subject., 7. etiquiette (set of rules) that applies on-line. forum Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. the user’s name, 2. a person who illegally gains access to the computer systems, views files on someone else’s computer or places unwanted files, 3. an on-line discussion - the user connects to the server to which other people are connected and they can exchange information - have a chat, 4. one of the Internet viruses, very often left by a hacker; it gives access to all the data on the infected computer., 5. an unwanted correspondence sent to your e-mail or placed in the discussion groups, 6. a place where the Internet users can exchange their opinions on a specific subject., 7. etiquiette (set of rules) that applies on-line. spam Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. the user’s name, 2. a person who illegally gains access to the computer systems, views files on someone else’s computer or places unwanted files, 3. an on-line discussion - the user connects to the server to which other people are connected and they can exchange information - have a chat, 4. one of the Internet viruses, very often left by a hacker; it gives access to all the data on the infected computer., 5. an unwanted correspondence sent to your e-mail or placed in the discussion groups, 6. a place where the Internet users can exchange their opinions on a specific subject., 7. etiquiette (set of rules) that applies on-line. login Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. the user’s name, 2. a person who illegally gains access to the computer systems, views files on someone else’s computer or places unwanted files, 3. an on-line discussion - the user connects to the server to which other people are connected and they can exchange information - have a chat, 4. one of the Internet viruses, very often left by a hacker; it gives access to all the data on the infected computer., 5. an unwanted correspondence sent to your e-mail or placed in the discussion groups, 6. a place where the Internet users can exchange their opinions on a specific subject., 7. etiquiette (set of rules) that applies on-line. netiquiette Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. the user’s name, 2. a person who illegally gains access to the computer systems, views files on someone else’s computer or places unwanted files, 3. an on-line discussion - the user connects to the server to which other people are connected and they can exchange information - have a chat, 4. one of the Internet viruses, very often left by a hacker; it gives access to all the data on the infected computer., 5. an unwanted correspondence sent to your e-mail or placed in the discussion groups, 6. a place where the Internet users can exchange their opinions on a specific subject., 7. etiquiette (set of rules) that applies on-line. trojan Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. the user’s name, 2. a person who illegally gains access to the computer systems, views files on someone else’s computer or places unwanted files, 3. an on-line discussion - the user connects to the server to which other people are connected and they can exchange information - have a chat, 4. one of the Internet viruses, very often left by a hacker; it gives access to all the data on the infected computer., 5. an unwanted correspondence sent to your e-mail or placed in the discussion groups, 6. a place where the Internet users can exchange their opinions on a specific subject., 7. etiquiette (set of rules) that applies on-line. chat Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. the user’s name, 2. a person who illegally gains access to the computer systems, views files on someone else’s computer or places unwanted files, 3. an on-line discussion - the user connects to the server to which other people are connected and they can exchange information - have a chat, 4. one of the Internet viruses, very often left by a hacker; it gives access to all the data on the infected computer., 5. an unwanted correspondence sent to your e-mail or placed in the discussion groups, 6. a place where the Internet users can exchange their opinions on a specific subject., 7. etiquiette (set of rules) that applies on-line.

Behaviours and customs that apply within a particular social group are called etiquette. Internet usersinternet userInternet users call their sets of rules “netiquettenetiquettenetiquette”.

Exercise 4
What is allowed and what is forbidden when using the Internet? Divide following into two groups, allowed and forbidden: Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. sharing your personal data, 2. laughing at people, 3. making friends, 4. listening to music, 5. learning, 6. chatting with people, 7. offending people, 8. uploading the private pictures of other people, 9. uploading photos

Do you know any valuable websiteswebsitewebsites that you can use to broaden your knowledge?

Exercise 5

Search for the educational websites that can be useful at school or can help you to broaden your interests. Choose one of them and present it to the rest of the class. Pay attention to its advantages and possibilities of use.

Grafika przedstawiająca tablicę szkolną, na której znajdują się zdania do dokończenia. Finish selected sentences. It was easy for me..., It was difficult for me..., Today I learned..., I understood that..., It surprised me...


the Internet, netiquiette, internet user, computer


the Internet
the Internet
Nagranie słówka: the Internet

internet, sieć internetowa, World Wide Web

internet user
internet user
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: internet user.

użytkownik internetu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: media.

media, środki masowego przekazu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: computer.


Nagranie słówka: website

strona internetowa

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: portal.

portal internetowy

Nagranie słówka: technology


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: hacker.


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: forum.

forum internetowe

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: spam.

spam, niechciana wiadomość internetowa

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: login.


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: blog.

blog, pamiętnik internetowy

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: netiquette.


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: e-mail.

e‑mail, mail

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: chat.

czat internetowy

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: banner.

baner reklamowy (np.w internecie)

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: virus.

wirus, także komputerowy

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka: program.

program (także: komputerowy)