how to develop your language skills to talk about mechanics in English,
the English vocabulary related to the definition of work in physics.
Task 1
Watch the slideshow „Is it the work in the sense of physics?” and answer the question.
Does the concept of work in the common sense and in the sense of mechanics coincide?
In the common sense, the concept of work is usually defined as the effort made by man to achieve some intended effect.
In the physical concept of work, we say when a force is applied to the body system that causes a shift.
Definition: Work
WorkworkWork is a physical quantityphysical quantityphysical quantity quantity which is the product of force and the displacement of the body in a direction parallel to the direction of the forcedirection of the forcedirection of the force.
where: F - the value of the force along the direction of the motion, s - the displacement of the body.
View the illustrations below and answer the questions.
Which person did a greater work?
What determines the value of the work performed by the persons presented in the individual illustrations?
In illustration 1a, the higher person made a greater work because he lifted the ball higher. In illustration 1b, a greater work was made by a person whose ball had more mass.
The value of the work depends on the height which the ball was lifted (displacement) and the mass of the ball (weight). The longer the way, the greater the work and the greater the force, the greater the work.
Exercise 2
View the illustrations below and answer the questions.
Present the forces acting on the barbell and the tourist.
Does the weightlifter do the work while holding the barbell up?
Does the boy do the work while holding a balloon?
Does the tourist do the work while going on a flat terrain with a backpack?
Do you do the work while carrying shopping?
Forces acting on a raised barbell.
Forces acting on a tourist.
In this case, there is no displacement here. The physical work is zero. The weightlifter does not do physical work.
The balloon falls down freely. The force with which the boy affects the balloon is 0. The work was not done by the boy.
The force of gravity is directed vertically downwards, the reaction force of the ground against the pressure does not allow the tourist to move in the vertical direction. The tourist does not move vertically, so he does not perform work related to vertical displacement. The tourist overcomes the distance in a horizontal direction, so his displacement is in a horizontal direction. However, the resultant of forces acting on it in the horizontal direction is equal to zero (friction forces are directed in opposite directions due to the movement of feet when walking). Since the resultant force is equal to zero, the work done by the tourist in the horizontal direction is also equal to zero.
When carrying shopping, you move in a horizontal direction, and the weight of shopping is directed vertically down. Due to the fact that the displacement and the weight are directed to each other perpendicularly and not in parallel, in the physical sense the work done is zero.
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Calculate the work that a person will do by pushing a trolley with a force of 300 N on the road of 10 m. Assume that force and displacement have the same direction.
Task 4
Peter wants to move a wardrobe and is working with the horizontalhorizontal horizontal force of 100 N, while John is pushing another wardrobe with the force of 250 N.
Is it possible that the workworkwork done by the boys is the same? Justify.
Peter has done workworkwork 4 times lesser than Jack. Which of the boys has moved a wardrobe over a larger distance? How many times greater was the distance?
Task 5
Describe the situation when the same workworkwork was done while moving the same wardrobe over the same distance but acting with different forces.
To do work in a physical sense you should:
apply force which is not equal to zero to the body,
the displacement of the body must be different from zero,
the direction of the force cannot be perpendicular to the direction of the displacement of the body.
Exercise 5
Exercise 6
You are pulling a trolley applying a horizontal force of 200 N. You moved it over the distance of 100 m.
What work did you do?
If you pulled this trolley with the force of 200 N, which formed a horizontal angle of 60 degrees, would you do more work?
W = 20000 J = 20 kJ.
Exercise 7
Create a task related to the notion of work in English.