Surveying works done before a building investment
Prace geodezyjne przygotowujące do realizacji inwestycji budowlanej
1. Film in the standard version.
R1Or8nJ5iMZ212. Film with subtitles.
RAvRz5efAEzMs3. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.
RPWr7gmR5X4kU4. Film with narration.
RQgj9TAz8XPAiExercise 1
RXe6S0gO1KRXP1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
After listening to the above dialogue, mark the correct answers. Po wysłuchaniu powyższego dialogu zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
The investor wants to commission a map for design purposes.
□ |
□ |
The company has modern instruments to perform levelling and surveying.
□ |
□ |
The tachometric survey involves the use of the sections method.
□ |
□ |
The geodetic map for design purposes is necessary to make a construction design.
□ |
□ |
It is not necessary to stabilize and mark points of the designed geodetic control network.
□ |
□ |
The points of the geodetic control network will be stations for a tachometric picture.
□ |
□ |
The designer will draw the design on the map and he will attach it to the application for the building permit.
□ |
□ |
The investor has to complete administration formalities on his own.
□ |
□ |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 2
RoSOXnWsp05wO1 Types of geodetic control networks
Rodzaje osnów geodezyjnych
R1GxfydNCLWRw1Exercise 3
RbMXVMpeY69eO1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Match English terms with their Polish equivalents.Połącz angielskimi terminy z ich polskie odpowiednikami.
poligonizacja, osnowa podstawowa, osnowa geodezyjna, triangulacja, osnowa wysokościowa, niwelacja, osnowa realizacyjna, pomiary trygonometryczno-triangulacyjne, osnowa sytuacyjna, osnowa pozioma
geodetic control network |
horizontal control network |
triangulation |
traversing |
levelling |
control network |
altitude control network |
construction control network |
basic control network |
trigonometric-tachometric surveys |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 4
R7HOTPyNMaYWK1 Surveying devices and equipment
Urządzenia i sprzęt geodezyjny
theodolite - the measurement of horizontal and vertical angles and distances
levelling instrument - for determining the elevation difference between two selected points
laser rangefinder - for distance measurement
electronic tachometer - measurement of horizontal and vertical angles and distance measurement
GPS receiver - determines coordinates of the point very fast
optical square - for right, full and straight angle sighting
distance measuring wheel - to measure short (up to 100 metres) distances
surveying pole - to mark a point in the terrain to make it visible from a large distance
benchmark - an altitude marker
prism - needed for measurementthe with tachometer
R1CpjZuUtqReL1 RUDpd2fKliOHX1 RINCidxwS1tnn1 Rxhec06eKG3LC1 RXwijQKzWVcOu1 R1H2HIwuqE1F71 R93w6ZE0kq7aJ1 RJx44ftXkhtXy1 RqK0QGnu06uiX1 RBdeNJou5Ljki RqcYG10vVqrygLevelling surveys
Wykonywanie pomiarów sytuacyjno‑wysokościowych
R1a7kP8nSHwMq R1YIP9ushSAGE1 RZhYO9gH0b6JhExercise 5
RduSLY5kBMcHB1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Match English terms with their Polish equivalents.Połącz angielskimi terminy z ich polskie odpowiednikami.
układ obrotowy, układ poziomujący, luneta, podstawa
telescope |
rotating system |
levelling system |
base |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 6
RFKncXAwxaHco1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Mark the correct answer. Zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
The levelling instrument is used for determining the elevation difference.
□ |
□ |
An optical unit consists of one lens.
□ |
□ |
The rotating system is one of the main parts of a levelling instrument.
□ |
□ |
A compensator enables self-levelling of a levelling instrument.
□ |
□ |
A tribrach is not a base of a levelling instrument.
□ |
□ |
The levelling instrument accessory equipment includes a tripod and a levelling rod.
□ |
□ |
The survey can be made with the use of only a levelling instrument, without accessories.
□ |
□ |
The field party is formed by at least two persons.
□ |
□ |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
The survey of the elevation difference between the terrain points with use of a levelling intrument
Pomiar różnicy wysokości między punktami terenu przy użyciu niwelatora
RqdI7bHz1GVt0Exercise 7
R1epJ8MWlmbmx1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
After watching the film, mark the correct answer. Po obejrzeniu filmu instruktażowego zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź
We start the measurement of the elevation difference with adjusting the tripod legs.
□ |
□ |
We fix the levelling instrument onto the tripod.
□ |
□ |
We do not need to level the levelling instrument.
□ |
□ |
First, we position the rod on the point with the known elevation, the benchmark.
□ |
□ |
We measure the elevation of this point with a levelling instrument.
□ |
□ |
The correct elevation reading does not require adjusting the focus.
□ |
□ |
We measure the elevation of the point with the unknown elevation.
□ |
□ |
You cannot calculate the elevation difference between points from the readings on the rods.
□ |
□ |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 8
RIamICLOmiz5n1 Grammar
Exercise 9
RC6aLXvLA2ajK1 Exercise 10
R1YnWqp1pVmR61 Exercise 11
R15A8qrmdkWVd1 Exercise 12
RLvOZA9NWGZEy1 Exercise 13
R1a54vofT1GkC1 Dictionary
/alidade/ [noun, countable, singular] alidada
/bɛn(t)ʃmɑːk/ [noun, countable, singular] raper
control networkcontrol network
/kənˈtrəʊl nɛtwəːk/ [noun, countable, singular] osnowa sytuacyjna
detailed control networkdetailed control network
/diːteɪld kənˈtrəʊl nɛtwəːk/ [noun, countable, singular] osnowa szczegółowa
distance measuring wheeldistance measuring wheel
/dɪst(ə)ns mɛʒərɪŋ wiːl/ [noun, countable, singular] ruletka geodezyjna
/dɒkjʊmɛnˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ [noun, uncountable] dokumentacja
elevation control networkelevation control network
/ɛlɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n kənˈtrəʊl nɛtwəːk/ [noun, countable, singular] osnowa wysokościowa
/ʌɪpiːs/ [noun, countable, singular] okular
foot screwfoot screw
/fʊt skruː/ [noun, countable, singular] śruba nastawcza
geodetic control networkgeodetic control network
/dʒiːə(ʊ)ˈdɛtɪk kənˈtrəʊl nɛtwəːk/ [noun, countable, singular] osnowa
/hɒrɪˈzɒnt(ə)l/ [adjective] poziomy
/lɛv(ə)lɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] pomiar wysokościowy
levelling instrumentlevelling instrument
/lɛv(ə)lɪŋ ɪnstrʊm(ə)nt/ [noun, countable, singular] niwelator
map for design purposes map for design purposes
/map fə dɪˈzʌɪn pəːpəsɪs/ [noun, countable, singular] mapa do celów projektowych
master mapmaster map
/mɑːstə map/ [noun, uncountable] mapa zasadnicza
optical squareoptical square
/ɒptɪk(ə)l skwɛː/ [noun, countable, singular] węglica pryzmatycznae
polar methodpolar method
/pəʊlə mɛθthetaəd/ [noun, countable, singular] metoda biegunowa
/reɪn(d)ʒfʌɪndə/ [noun, countable, singular] dalmierz
/rɪˈkɒnɪs(ə)ns/ [noun, uncountable] wywiad terenowy
/səˈveɪɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] pomiar sytuacyjny
surveying polesurveying pole
/səˈveɪɪŋ pəʊl/ [noun, countable, singular] tyczka geodezyjna
surveying rodsurveying rod
/səˈveɪɪŋ rɒd/ [noun, countable, singular] łata pomiarowa
/taˈkɒmɪtə/ [noun, countable, singular] tachimetr
tachometric linetachometric line
/taˈkɪmɪtrɪk lʌɪn/ [noun, countable, singular] ciąg tachometryczny
temporary control networktemporary control network
/tɛmp(ə)rəri kənˈtrəʊl nɛtwəːk/ [noun, countable, singular] osnowa realizacyjna
/θthetaɪˈɒdəlʌɪt/ [noun, countable, singular] teodolit
/travəsɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable,] poligonizacja
/trʌɪbrak/ [noun, countable, singular] spodarka
/trʌɪpɒd/ [noun, countable, singular] statyw
vial levelvial level
/vʌɪəl lɛv(ə)l/ [noun, countable, singular] libella