Commissioning the map for design purposes
Zlecenie opracowania mapy do celów projektowych
1. Film in the standard version.
R12JPa1Po7JVe2. Film with subtitles.
R15IB09SAp5X63. Film with pauses. Listen and repeat.
R19njQwEROeaw4. Film with narration.
Rkr1Tjk5HozmOExercise 1
R1JtYiDRVY1EG1 Surveying works
Prace geodezyjne
R1LSHnJTRYFxT1Exercise 2
RpdUCmzoaANqA1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Mark the correct answer. Zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
Designing and making geodetic surveys belongs to the scope of surveying works.
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Surveying works are a set of activities performed by a surveyor as part of the profession
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Contemporary geodesy is divided into general geodesy and surveying.
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Lower geodesy involves surveying large areas.
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Lower geodesy involves general geodesy, detailed geodesy and surveying.
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A land surveyor does not process geodetic documentation.
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Higher geodesy is the science of surveys performed on large areas, with the area of over 750 km².
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Higher geodesy surveys include the sphericity of the earth.
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One of the surveyor’s tasks is to establish and update spatial information databases.
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The scope of geodetic works is governed by the Geodetic and Cartographic Law Act.
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Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Detailed division of surveying works on the basis of their scope
Szczegółowy podział prac geodezyjnych ze względu na zakres
R1WD2q1PRpxpV1Exercise 3
RPaQYGLYsHXNO1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Match the words to make correct phrases.Połącz wyrazy, tak, aby tworzyły poprawne zwroty.
<span lang="en">control network </span>, <span lang="en">housing </span>, <span lang="en">registry </span>, <span lang="en">survey </span>, <span lang="en">development </span>, <span lang="en">works </span>, <span lang="en">method </span>, <span lang="en">system </span>, <span lang="en">management </span>, <span lang="en">needs </span>
boundary |
land |
spatial |
surveying |
investment |
residential |
information |
economic |
magnetic |
photogrammetric |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 4
RXT3EcmSBsAfO1 Detailed division of geodetic works depending on the type of survey
Szczegółowy podział prac geodezyjnych ze względu na typ pomiaru
RRs6AZi52yzAY1Exercise 5
Rr0V0EFkJvLI01zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Match the words to make correct phrases.Połącz wyrazy, tak, aby tworzyły poprawne zwroty.
<span lang="en">reference system </span>, <span lang="en">image </span>, <span lang="en">map </span>, <span lang="en">model </span>, <span lang="en">difference </span>, <span lang="en">system </span>, <span lang="en">survey </span>, <span lang="en">image </span>, <span lang="en">objects </span>, <span lang="en">coordinates </span>
digital |
field |
rectangular coordinate |
altitude |
terrain |
analogue |
geodetic |
satellite |
spatial |
location of |
Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Description of surveying works
Charakterystyka prac geodezyjnych
R1H2SjUPs7gCeExercise 6
RFNeXAaSDKlVz1zadanie interaktywne
zadanie interaktywne
Mark the correct answer. Zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.
The division of a real property is a complex geodetic and legal process and one of the basic elements of the real estate management.
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In case of new construction projects, the owner has the right to set out the boundaries of his real estate himself.
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Setting out the plot boundaries may take place when the boundaries between neighbouring properties have already been legally established.
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Setting out the boundaries in the field should take place on the basis of arrangements with property owners.
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The effect of surveying works is permanently setting the plot boundaries and preparing relevant documents.
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A plot development plan or a “map for design purposes” is necessary in case of any construction project which requires a building permit.
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A map for design purposes, in accordance with applicable laws, should also cover the surrounding area of the investment in the strip of at least 50 m.
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A map for design purposes is drawn up only in an electronic version.
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All structures requiring a building permit must be staked out by authorized geodesic units.
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After completing the construction of individual buildings, a geodetic as-built inventory must be carried out.
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Source: PŁ, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Exercise 7
R1ECZN903n9ks1 Types of surveys
Typy pomiarów geodezyjnych
R5bh6rQqEvhiM R1Zmr6tEv1nWx RAvQNMRmQfklf R101niybRPOj4 R1HBG40PLGGIR R14a8jiqNAXqrGrammar
Exercise 8
R11GLJvRYKxrO1 Exercise 9
Rr4Z424JaXSd81 Exercise 10
RhL4zhdapSnCa1 Exercise 11
RvcdrM1zOoIHL1 Exercise 12
RPX7K9lS8fu3n1 Dictionary
appraisal reportappraisal report
/əˈpreɪz(ə)l rɪˈpɔːt/ [noun, countable] operat
/baʊnd(ə)ri/ [noun, countable] granica
/kalkjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ [noun, countable] obliczenie
construction surveyingconstruction surveying
/kənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n səˈveɪɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] pomiar realizacyjny
/kɒntʊə/ [noun, countable] obrys ścian
/kəʊˈɔːdɪnəts/ [noun, countable] współrzędne
detailed surveyingdetailed surveying
/diːteɪld səˈveɪɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] pomiar szczegółowy sytuacyjny
digital imagedigital image
/dɪdʒɪt(ə)l ɪmɪdʒ/ [noun, countable] obraz numeryczny
/ˈɛksəːpt/ [noun, countable] wypis
extract from a cadastral mapextract from a cadastral map
/ɛkstrakt kəˈdastr(ə)l map:/ [noun, countable] wyrys
farm constructionfarm construction
/fɑːm kənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n/ [noun, uncountable] budownictwo zagrodowe
/dʒɪˈɒdɪsi/ [noun, uncountable] geodezja
geodetic control networkgeodetic control network
/dʒiːə(ʊ)ˈdɛtɪk kənˈtrəʊl nɛtwəːk/ [noun, countable] osnowa geodezyjna
/ɡravɪˈmɛtrɪk/ [adjective] grawimetryczny
information systeminformation system
/ɪnfəˈmeɪʃ(ə)n sɪstəm/ [noun, countable] system informatyczny
investment managementinvestment management
/ɪnˈvɛs(t)m(ə)nt manɪdʒm(ə)nt/ [noun, uncountable] obsługa inwestycji
land registryland registry
/land rɛdʒɪstri/ [noun, uncountable] ewidencja gruntów
land surveyorland surveyor
/land səˈveɪə/ [noun, countable] geodeta
/lɛv(ə)lɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] pomiar wysokościowy
/maɡˈnɛtɪk/ [adjective] magnetyczny
master mapmaster map
/mɑːstə map/ [noun, countable] mapa zasadnicza
/ərθthetaəˈfəʊtəʊmap/ [noun, countable] ortofotomapa
/dɛkfəʊtə(ʊ)ɡrəˈmɛtrɪk/ [adjective] fotogrametryczny
real estatereal estate
/reɪˈal ɛˈsteɪt/ [noun, uncountable] nieruchomość
residential constructionresidential construction
/rɛzɪˈdɛnʃ(ə)l kənˈstrʌkʃ(ə)n/ [noun, uncountable] budownictwo osiedlowe
single‑family housingsingle‑family housing
/sɪŋɡ(ə)l famɪli haʊzɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] budownictwo osiedlowe
soil classificationsoil classification
/sɔɪl klasɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ [noun, uncountable] klasyfikacja gruntów
spatial development planspatial development plan
/speɪʃ(ə)l dɪˈvɛləpm(ə)nt plan/ [noun, countable] plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego
spatial referencespatial reference
/speɪʃ(ə)l rɛf(ə)r(ə)ns/ [noun, countable] odniesienie przestrzenne
/səˈveɪ/ [noun, countable] pomiar geodezyjny
/səˈveɪɪŋ/ [noun, uncountable] miernictwo
surveying workssurveying works
/səˈveɪɪŋ wəːks/ [noun, plural] prace geodezyjne
to commissionto commission
/kəˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ [verb, regular] zlecać
to designto design
/dɪˈzʌɪn/ [verb, regular] projektować