Poles in exile. Foot voting

A group of glassworks workers - the smallest boy in the picture is from Poland and does not speak English
Source: Lewis Wickes Hine, Grupa pracowników huty szkła, 1910, fotografia, Biblioteka Kongresu USA, domena publiczna.

Link to the lesson

You will learn
  • to explain the reasons why Poles left their homeland;

  • to characterize the directions of emigrationemigrationemigration of Poles and its largest centers;

  • about the examples of the lives of emigrantsmigrantemigrants;

  • to explain the meaning of “foot votingvotingfoot voting”.

Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu.

During the partitions several million Poles left their homeland permanently. Some fled for political reasons, fearing repression after the lost national uprisings. However, most of them left the country for economic reasons, because of poverty and hunger, in order to seek a better life in foreign lands. The main directions of emigration were the United States of America, the western part of Germany, France, Brazil and deportations to the depths of Russia.

Exercise 1
Wysłuchaj nagrań słówek w słowniczku i naucz się ich prawidłowej wymowy.
Exercise 2
Wymień główne powody emigracji ludności?
Exercise 3
Complete the diagram by placing factors in the right place. push factors Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. high wages, 2. low wages, 3. thriving Polish institutions, 4. lack of hope for an improvement in the situation in the country, 5. relatives or friends who have already left and who have succeeded, 6. political persecutions, 7. freedom of speech, press, lack of censorship, 8. difficulties in providing for oneself and one's family, 9. general poverty, 10. plenty of jobs, ease of getting employed pull factors Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. high wages, 2. low wages, 3. thriving Polish institutions, 4. lack of hope for an improvement in the situation in the country, 5. relatives or friends who have already left and who have succeeded, 6. political persecutions, 7. freedom of speech, press, lack of censorship, 8. difficulties in providing for oneself and one's family, 9. general poverty, 10. plenty of jobs, ease of getting employed
Exercise 4
Dlaczego Polacy emigrowali z Polski w XIX wieku?
Dlaczego Polacy emigrowali z Polski w XIX wieku?
Emigration from Poland in the 19th century (until 1914)
Source: Krystian Chariza i zespół.


Number of Polish immigrants


60 thousand


2 million


100 thousand


300 thousand


35 thousand


7 thousand


3 thousand


5 thousand


500 thousand

Where did Poles emigrate to? Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Switzerland, 2. Russia, 3. Sweden, 4. Czech Republic, 5. Germany, 6. France, 7. USA
Task 1

Familiarize yourself with the illustration and learn more about the emigration to the US.

Ilustracja interaktywna 1. A record number of immigrants arrived in the United States at the end of the second half of the 19th century. They came mainly for economic reasons. For many Europeans who lived in poverty, America appeared to be a promised land and a country where they could take up better paid jobs and improve their social status.immigrant arriving to the United States, 2. When the large ocean liners took over the Atlantic, the trip to the United States took from 7 to 14 days on the ocean alone. But first, emigrants had to travel from various parts of the partition to Berlin and from there to one of the German or Belgian ports. The entire journey could last up to one month in total.ocean liner, 3. Emigrants could not carry large amounts of luggage with them. The reason behind that was simple – firstly, most of them were poor people who did not have much. Secondly, hard and long journeys made it impossible to take unnecessary things away. Men often traveled first and then, after finding a job and a place to live, they were joined by their wives and children.immigrant arriving at Ellis Island, 4. Traveling by large ocean liners was most often a nightmare experience. People were crammed under the deck to the limit. They were often forbidden to leave their deck and go outside so as not to disturb the comfort of the journey of rich passengers of the highest class., 5. It is estimated that from the mid-19th century, when the mass overseas emigration from Poland began, until the outbreak of World War I, over 2.5 million people emigrated to the United States. At the beginning of the 20th century, on of the largest "Polish" city, after Warsaw and Łódź, was Chicago.Chicago in early 1900s
Exercise 5
Dlaczego za cel emigracji ludność wybierała kraje Ameryki Północnej?
Exercise 6
Zastanów się jak mogło wyglądać życie polskich emigrantów w Stanach Zjednoczonych.
Zastanów się jak mogło wyglądać życie polskich emigrantów w Stanach Zjednoczonych.

Write your conclusions down in three sentences.

Exercise 7
Basing on the knowledge you learned during the lesson, tick the true statements. Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Emigration is a new phenomenon, which emerged in the 19th century., 2. The Great Emigration was the emigration of Poles after the fall of the November Uprising., 3. Foot voting is a way to express one’s will through loud stumping., 4. As a result of katorga and deportations, several hundred thousand Poles were exiled by force to the eastern borders of the Russian Empire., 5. The main direction of Polish emigration in the 19th century was Sweden, Spain and Portugal., 6. Until the outbreak of World War I in 1914, at least 2 million Poles emigrated to the United States from Poland., 7. Political emigrants are people who have become involved in political activities in the countries in which they have arrived., 8. At the beginning of the 20th century, Chicago was the third largest "Polish city" due to the large number of Poles living there.


emigration, Poles


Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

emigracja – wyjazd, opuszczenie kraju na dłuższy czas lub na stałe, może być dobrowolna lub przymusowa.

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

głosowanie – metoda podejmowania decyzji, w której uczestnicy oddają swój głos na kandydata lub decyzję.

foot voting
foot voting
Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

głosowanie nogami – opuszczenie miejsca, w którym nie czujemy się dobrze, i wybranie takiego, które będzie lepsze dla naszej przyszłości.

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

migrant – osoba zmieniająca miejsce swojego pobytu.

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

prześladowania – represje i niedogodności wymierzane osobom o innych poglądach, wierze. Często kończą się śmiercią lub brakiem możliwości normalnego życia.