Filing a warranty claim

1. Film in the standard version.

moduł 20.2

2. Film with subtitles.

moduł 20.2

3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

moduł 20.2

4. Film with subtitles and narration.

moduł 20.2
Exercise 1
moduł 20.2
Exercise 2
moduł 20.2

Goods and services

moduł 20.2, The buyer is a person who purchases goods and services.They can compare information about those goods and services in various ways, for example, by checking the offer at different points of sale.On the basis of different information they make their purchase decisions. What can the buyer take into consideration?It can be different factors, for example: price, shape, colour, size, quality, and even whether... … the buyer and seller will like each other. The seller has a great impact on the decision. What are goods?Those are material things that can be seen or touched. What goods can the buyer purchase?There are countless examples: computers, TVs, furniture, camping equipment, etc. Daily necessities such as: toothpaste, washing powder, toilet paper, magazines. Luxury good: jewellery, watches, etc. … and even an aeroplane. As you can see, there are many types of goods that the consumer can buy. What is the difference between goods and services? Services are immaterial - they cannot be seen or touched. For example, if you want a new haircut, you go to the hairdresser. When you want to wash your clothes, you visit a laundry. If you want to fix your shoes, you go to the shoemaker. Consider whether the differences between goods and services are always obvious.
Exercise 3
moduł 20.2

Ordering goods to a shop

An owner of a garden shop wants to order some goods. He is calling a new warehouse. The conversation is about pricing and delivery.

O: Good morning!

W: Good morning, how can I help you?

O: I would like to order some goodsmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498561867391_0order some goods. I run a garden shop.

W: We have alarge assortment selectionmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562242734_0large assortment selection. What exactly are you interested in?

O: I need goods from a few categories. That would be, among others, fertilizers, gardening tools, lawn mowers, seeds. I already prepared a list. I would like to know themaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562252684_0maae2ee99db24db4a_1498562252684_0pricingmaae2ee99db24db4a_1523607404030_0pricing that I can count on in case of bigger purchases.

W: We have a special offermaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562268923_0special offer for garden shops and centres. Most of all, we offer fixed and low prices. We also have a discount systemmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562276111_0discount system. We can also negotiate an extended term of paymentmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562285514_0extended term of payment. We can discuss precise pricing and discounts, once I know what exactly you would like to purchase.

O: How can I place an ordermaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562301854_0place an order?

W: After selecting the goods, you can fill an electronic form on our webpage or send the order by e‑mail. At the start, you can send the order by e‑mail and I will make a price calculationmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562252684_0price calculation for you.

O: Alright. I understand that I can count on your help with selecting the right product? I have indicated on the list, which brands I have doubts about.

W: Of course. Please send the list. I will try to help.

O: And what can you tell me about delivery?

W: Standard deliverymaae2ee99db24db4a_1498563517042_0delivery time is 7 days. With large orders, the goods are packed on europallets.

O: I understand. First, I will send you the list and ask for the pricing.

W: Alright. I will call you back, once I have the calculation ready. We will discuss the possibilities. I forgot to add that we do not accept payment in cashmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562339420_0payment in cash. It is only possible to pay by bank transfermaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562348885_0pay by bank transfer or apayment cardmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498563047023_0payment cardat the warehouse.

O: I understand. When will I receive the invoicemaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562353580_0invoice?

W: The document will arrive with the goods. I will also send you an electronic version.

O: Thank you for your help. Goodbye.

W: Thank you, as well. Goodbye.

Exercise 4
moduł 20.2
Exercise 5
moduł 20.2

Placing an order

This material shows an e‑mail correspondence regarding placing an order in a photo shop.

Good morning,

I am sending you the price calculationmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562652568_0price calculation for the photo equipment. The set includes: camera body, fixed‑focus lens, tripod, reflector, photo bag and 32 GB memory card. The total order amountmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562687856_0The total order amount is 7000 PLN net.

I can propose a 10% discountmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562705775_0discount on that price. The price after the discount will be 6300 PLN net. A 23% VAT will be added to that price. The amount to be paid will then be 7 749 PLN gross.

If you would like to order light fixtures at the same time, we will also offer you a 10% discount on them.

Please confirm your ordermaae2ee99db24db4a_1524218550468_0confirm your order.

Kind regards,

Joanna F.

Good morning,

Thank you for providing me with the valuationmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562728280_0valuation so promptly. At this time, I would like to ordermaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562301854_0order only the basic set, the total value of which after the discount is 7749 PLN gross. Please issue an invoicemaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562740419_0issue an invoice. The company informationmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562750293_0company information is in the attachement.

Best wishes,

D. G.

Good morning,

The order isready for pick‑upmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562763258_0ready for pick‑up. Please let me know if we should send it to your company or whether it will be a personal collectionmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562782882_0personal collection. Please also let me know what payment methodmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562789152_0payment method will it be.

Kind regards,

Joanna F.

Good morning,

I will collect the equipment personally. I will pay in cash. Will I be able to collect the invoice as well?

Best wishes,

D. G.

Good morning, Mrs. Dominika,

Of course, the invoice will be attached to the order.

You can collect the equipment from Monday to Saturday between 10 AM and 6 PM.

Kind regards,

Joanna F.

Exercise 6
moduł 20.2
Exercise 7
moduł 20.2
Exercise 8
moduł 20.2

Sales and collecting payment

The text regards a direct sale in a kiosk.

S: Good morning, how can I help you?

C: Good morning. I would like the newest issue of the monthly magazine for gardeners.

S: I recommend a new magazine as well - The flower of my garden.

C: May I see it?

S: Yes, of course.

C: Thank you. I will take that magazine as well.

S: Will there be anything else?

C: Yes. Two packs of chewing gum, please.

S: Will these be alright?

C: Yes, those are exactly what I wanted. Do you have any bus tickets?

S: No, we do notsellmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498563001551_0sell tickets. Will that be all?

C: Yes, thank you.

S: I can also recommendmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498563012419_0recommendyou those two candy bars at the price of one. We have a promotion today.

C: No, thank you.

S: In that case, it will be 14.50 PLN. Do you want me topackmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498563025357_0pack that?

C: Yes… And you know what, I’ll take those candy bars.

S: Of course. That will be 16.90 PLN in total. Payment in cashmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498562339420_0Payment in cash?

C: No, payment with a cardmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498563047023_0payment with a card.

S: Please place the card in the readermaae2ee99db24db4a_1498563056881_0place the card in the reader. Then please enter PINmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498563066704_0enter PIN and press the green buttonmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498563077939_0press the green button.

C: Done.

S: Here is your receiptmaae2ee99db24db4a_1498563089967_0receipt.

C: Thank you. Goodbye.

S: Goodbye.

Exercise 9
moduł 20.2
Exercise 10
moduł 20.2


Exercise 11
moduł 20.2

Fiscal cash register

Exercise 12
moduł 20.2

Sales forms

Exercise 13
moduł 20.2

Phone sales

moduł 20.2
Exercise 14
moduł 20.2
Exercise 15
moduł 20.2

Printable warranty claim

Warranty claim

Made on………….

in retail outlet……………………….. in ………………………….address……………….

1. Information of the person filing the complaint (customer)

Full name:……………………………..

Address (street, apartment, zip code, city)…………..

contact information (phone number, e‑mail address)………………

2. Information regarding the purchased product:

Product name and symbol:……………..

Purchase date:………………

Proof of purchase number (receipt, invoice, etc.)………

3. Date of defect determination:…………

4. Precise description of the defect: ………………………………………………..

5. Proposed method of handling the claim:

- repair free of charge

- product replacement with a fault‑free one

- withdrawal from the contract (refund)

6. The opinion of the Salesperson taking the claim (comments on the validity of the complaint, results of the inspection performed by the Salesperson): ……………………………………………….. …………………………………… ……………………………….



Exercise 16
moduł 20.2


moduł 20.2
moduł 20.2


additional cost (n. C) əˈdɪʃᵊnᵊl kɒst
additional cost (n. C) əˈdɪʃᵊnᵊl kɒst

dodatkowe koszty

additional payment (n. U) əˈdɪʃᵊnᵊl ˈpeɪmənt
additional payment (n. U) əˈdɪʃᵊnᵊl ˈpeɪmənt

dodatkowa opłata

alpha button (n. C), quick selection (n. U) ˈæl.fə ˈbʌtᵊn / kwɪk sɪˈlekʃᵊn
alpha button (n. C), quick selection (n. U) ˈæl.fə ˈbʌtᵊn / kwɪk sɪˈlekʃᵊn

klawisz alpha, szybkie wybieranie,

amount added to the bill (phrase) əˈmaʊnt ˈædɪd tə ðiː bɪl
amount added to the bill (phrase) əˈmaʊnt ˈædɪd tə ðiː bɪl

kwota doliczana do rachunku

buyer (n. C) ˈbaɪə
buyer (n. C) ˈbaɪə


buyer / client (n. C) ˈbaɪə / klaɪənt
buyer / client (n. C) ˈbaɪə / klaɪənt

kupujący / klient

cancel button (n. C) ˈkænsᵊl ˈbʌtᵊn
cancel button (n. C) ˈkænsᵊl ˈbʌtᵊn

klawisz anuluj

cancellation (n. C, U) ˌkænsᵊˈleɪʃᵊn
cancellation (n. C, U) ˌkænsᵊˈleɪʃᵊn


cancellation form (n. C) ˌkænsᵊˈleɪʃᵊn fɔːm
cancellation form (n. C) ˌkænsᵊˈleɪʃᵊn fɔːm

formularz rezygnacji

cashier display (n. C, U) kæʃˈɪə dɪˈspleɪ
cashier display (n. C, U) kæʃˈɪə dɪˈspleɪ

wyświetlacz kasjera

chip card reader (n. C) tʃɪp kɑːd ˈriːdə
chip card reader (n. C) tʃɪp kɑːd ˈriːdə

czytnik kart chipowych

collect the payment (phrase) kəˈlekt ðə ˈpeɪmənt
collect the payment (phrase) kəˈlekt ðə ˈpeɪmənt

inkasować należność

colour (n. C, U) ˈkʌlə
colour (n. C, U) ˈkʌlə


company information (n. U) ˈkʌmpəni ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃᵊn
company information (n. U) ˈkʌmpəni ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃᵊn

dane firmy

compare information (phrase) kəmˈpeə ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃᵊn
compare information (phrase) kəmˈpeə ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃᵊn

porównywać informacje

complaint (n. C, U) kəmˈpleɪnt
complaint (n. C, U) kəmˈpleɪnt


complaint status (n. U) kəmˈpleɪnt ˈsteɪtəs
complaint status (n. U) kəmˈpleɪnt ˈsteɪtəs

status reklamacji

confirmation of filing a complaint (n. C, U) ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃᵊn ɒv ˈfɪlɪŋ ə kəmˈpleɪnt
confirmation of filing a complaint (n. C, U) ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃᵊn ɒv ˈfɪlɪŋ ə kəmˈpleɪnt

potwierdzenie zgłoszenia reklamacji

consideration of the complaint (phrase) kənˌsɪdᵊrˈeɪʃᵊn ɒv the kəmˈpleɪnt
consideration of the complaint (phrase) kənˌsɪdᵊrˈeɪʃᵊn ɒv the kəmˈpleɪnt

rozpatrzenie reklamacji

correct button (n. C) kəˈrekt ˈbʌtᵊn
correct button (n. C) kəˈrekt ˈbʌtᵊn

klawisz popraw

customer display (n. C, U) ˈkʌstəmə dɪˈspleɪ
customer display (n. C, U) ˈkʌstəmə dɪˈspleɪ

wyświetlacz klienta

daily necessities (n. plural) ˈdeɪli nəˈsesətiz
daily necessities (n. plural) ˈdeɪli nəˈsesətiz

produkty codziennego użytku

data of person submitting the complaint (phrase) ˈdeɪtə ɒv ˈpɜːsᵊn səbˈmɪtɪŋ ðə kəmˈpleɪnt
data of person submitting the complaint (phrase) ˈdeɪtə ɒv ˈpɜːsᵊn səbˈmɪtɪŋ ðə kəmˈpleɪnt

dane reklamującego

demonstrate the goods (phrase) ˈdemənstreɪt ðə ɡʊdz
demonstrate the goods (phrase) ˈdemənstreɪt ðə ɡʊdz

demonstrować towar

determination of the defect dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃᵊn ɒv ðə ˈdiːfekt
determination of the defect dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃᵊn ɒv ðə ˈdiːfekt

określenie wady

discount (n. C, U) ˈdɪskaʊnt
discount (n. C, U) ˈdɪskaʊnt


discount system (n. C) ˈdɪskaʊnt ˈsɪstəm
discount system (n. C) ˈdɪskaʊnt ˈsɪstəm

system rabatów

enter button (n. C) ˈentə ˈbʌtᵊn
enter button (n. C) ˈentə ˈbʌtᵊn

klawisz akceptuj

enter PIN (v.) ˈentə pɪn
enter PIN (v.) ˈentə pɪn

podać pin

expanding the services (n. U) ɪkˈspændɪŋ ðiː ˈsɜːvɪsɪz
expanding the services (n. U) ɪkˈspændɪŋ ðiː ˈsɜːvɪsɪz

rozszerzenie usług

extended term of payment (phrase) ɪkˈstendɪd tɜːm ɒv ˈpeɪmənt
extended term of payment (phrase) ɪkˈstendɪd tɜːm ɒv ˈpeɪmənt

przedłużony termin płatności

file a complaint (phrase) faɪl ə kəmˈpleɪnt
file a complaint (phrase) faɪl ə kəmˈpleɪnt

złożyć reklamację

finding fault (n. U) ˈfaɪndɪŋ fɔːlt
finding fault (n. U) ˈfaɪndɪŋ fɔːlt

stwierdzenie wady

fiscal cash register (n. C) ˈfɪskᵊl kæʃ ˈredʒɪstə
fiscal cash register (n. C) ˈfɪskᵊl kæʃ ˈredʒɪstə

kasa fiskalna

function key (n. C) ˈfʌŋkʃᵊn kiː
function key (n. C) ˈfʌŋkʃᵊn kiː

klawisz funkcyjny

goods (n. plural) ɡʊdz
goods (n. plural) ɡʊdz


impact on the decision (phrase) ˈɪmpækt ɒn ðə dɪˈsɪʒᵊn
impact on the decision (phrase) ˈɪmpækt ɒn ðə dɪˈsɪʒᵊn

wpływ na decyzję

invoice (n. C) ˈɪnvɔɪs
invoice (n. C) ˈɪnvɔɪs


issuing an invoice (n. U) ˈɪʃuːɪŋ æn ˈɪnvɔɪs
issuing an invoice (n. U) ˈɪʃuːɪŋ æn ˈɪnvɔɪs

wystawienie faktury

keyboard (n. C) ˈkiːbɔːd
keyboard (n. C) ˈkiːbɔːd


large assortment selection (n. U) lɑːdʒ əˈsɔːtmənt sɪˈlekʃᵊn
large assortment selection (n. U) lɑːdʒ əˈsɔːtmənt sɪˈlekʃᵊn

duży wybór asortymentu

lock for the printer cover (n. C) lɒk fɔː ðiː ˈprɪntə ˈkʌvə
lock for the printer cover (n. C) lɒk fɔː ðiː ˈprɪntə ˈkʌvə

blokada pokrywy drukarki

luxury goods (n. plural) ˈlʌkʃᵊri ɡʊdz
luxury goods (n. plural) ˈlʌkʃᵊri ɡʊdz

dobra luksusowe

magnetic card reader (n. C) mæɡˈnetɪk kɑːd ˈriːdə
magnetic card reader (n. C) mæɡˈnetɪk kɑːd ˈriːdə

czytnik kart magnetycznych

making a delivery (n. U) ˈmeɪkɪŋ ə dɪˈlɪvᵊri
making a delivery (n. U) ˈmeɪkɪŋ ə dɪˈlɪvᵊri

realizacja dostawy

monthly costs (n. plural) ˈmʌnθli kɒsts
monthly costs (n. plural) ˈmʌnθli kɒsts

miesięczne koszty

new offer (n. C) njuː ˈɒfə
new offer (n. C) njuː ˈɒfə

nowa oferta

offer (n. C) ˈɒfə
offer (n. C) ˈɒfə


offer details (n. plural) ˈɒfə ˈdiːteɪlz
offer details (n. plural) ˈɒfə ˈdiːteɪlz

szczegóły oferty

order confirmation (n. C, U) ˈɔːdə ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃᵊn
order confirmation (n. C, U) ˈɔːdə ˌkɒnfəˈmeɪʃᵊn

potwierdzenie zamówienia

order some goods (phrase) ˈɔːdə sʌm ɡʊdz
order some goods (phrase) ˈɔːdə sʌm ɡʊdz

zamówić towar

pack (v.) pæk
pack (v.) pæk


paper outlet (n. C) ˈpeɪpə ˈaʊtlet
paper outlet (n. C) ˈpeɪpə ˈaʊtlet

wyjście papieru

paying in cash (phrase) peɪɪŋ ɪn kæʃ
paying in cash (phrase) peɪɪŋ ɪn kæʃ

płatność gotówką

paying with a card (phrase) peɪɪŋ wɪð ə kɑːd
paying with a card (phrase) peɪɪŋ wɪð ə kɑːd

płatność kartą płatniczą

payment by bank transfer (phrase) ˈpeɪmənt baɪ bæŋk trænsˈfɜː
payment by bank transfer (phrase) ˈpeɪmənt baɪ bæŋk trænsˈfɜː

płatność przelewem

payment method (n. C) ˈpeɪmənt ˈmeθəd
payment method (n. C) ˈpeɪmənt ˈmeθəd

forma płatności

person submitting a complaint (n. C) ˈpɜːsᵊn səbˈmɪtɪŋ ə kəmˈpleɪnt
person submitting a complaint (n. C) ˈpɜːsᵊn səbˈmɪtɪŋ ə kəmˈpleɪnt


personal collection (n. U) ˈpɜːsᵊnᵊl kəˈlekʃᵊn
personal collection (n. U) ˈpɜːsᵊnᵊl kəˈlekʃᵊn

odbiór osobisty

place an order (phrase) pleɪs æn ˈɔːdə
place an order (phrase) pleɪs æn ˈɔːdə

złożyć zamówienie

place the card in the reader (phrase) pleɪs ðᵊ kɑːd ɪn ðᵊ ˈriːdə
place the card in the reader (phrase) pleɪs ðᵊ kɑːd ɪn ðᵊ ˈriːdə

włożyć kartę do czytnika

point of sales (n. C) pɔɪnt ɒv seɪlz
point of sales (n. C) pɔɪnt ɒv seɪlz

punkty sprzedaży

preselection sales (n. plural) prɪsɪˈlekʃᵊn seɪlz
preselection sales (n. plural) prɪsɪˈlekʃᵊn seɪlz

sprzedaż preselekcyjna

press the green button (phrase) pres ðᵊ ɡriːn ˈbʌtən
press the green button (phrase) pres ðᵊ ɡriːn ˈbʌtən

wcisnąć zielony przycisk

price (n. C) praɪs
price (n. C) praɪs


price calculation (n. C, U) praɪs ˌkælkjəˈleɪʃᵊn
price calculation (n. C, U) praɪs ˌkælkjəˈleɪʃᵊn

kalkulacja cenowa

price terms (n. plural) praɪs tɜːmz
price terms (n. plural) praɪs tɜːmz

warunki cenowe

printer (n. C) ˈprɪntə
printer (n. C) ˈprɪntə


printer cover (n. C) ˈprɪntə ˈkʌvə
printer cover (n. C) ˈprɪntə ˈkʌvə

pokrywa drukarki

processing an order (n. U) ˈprəʊsesɪŋ æn ˈɔːdə
processing an order (n. U) ˈprəʊsesɪŋ æn ˈɔːdə

realizacja zamówienia

product replacement (n. U) ˈprɒdʌkt rɪˈpleɪsmənt
product replacement (n. U) ˈprɒdʌkt rɪˈpleɪsmənt

wymiana produktu

promotion (n. C, U) prəˈməʊʃᵊn
promotion (n. C, U) prəˈməʊʃᵊn


proof of purchase (n. U) pruːf ɒv ˈpɜːtʃəs
proof of purchase (n. U) pruːf ɒv ˈpɜːtʃəs

dowód zakupu

purchase decision (n. C) ˈpɜːtʃəs dɪˈsɪʒᵊn
purchase decision (n. C) ˈpɜːtʃəs dɪˈsɪʒᵊn

decyzja zakupowa

purchased goods (n. plural) ˈpɜːtʃəst ɡʊdz
purchased goods (n. plural) ˈpɜːtʃəst ɡʊdz

zakupiony towar

quality (n. U) ˈkwɒləti
quality (n. U) ˈkwɒləti


ready for pick‑up (phrase) ˈredi fɔː pɪkʌp
ready for pick‑up (phrase) ˈredi fɔː pɪkʌp

gotowe do odbioru

receipt (n. C) rɪˈsiːt
receipt (n. C) rɪˈsiːt


recommend (v.) ˌrekəˈmend
recommend (v.) ˌrekəˈmend


refund (v.) ˌriːˈfʌnd
refund (v.) ˌriːˈfʌnd

zwrot gotówki

repair free of charge (phrase) rɪˈpeə friː ɒv tʃɑːdʒ
repair free of charge (phrase) rɪˈpeə friː ɒv tʃɑːdʒ

nieodpłatna naprawa

retail outlet (n. C) ˈriːteɪl ˈaʊtlet
retail outlet (n. C) ˈriːteɪl ˈaʊtlet

punkt handlowy

sales form (n. C) seɪlz fɔːm
sales form (n. C) seɪlz fɔːm

forma sprzedaży

screen (n. C) skriːn
screen (n. C) skriːn


self‑service sales (n.plural) ˌselfˈsɜːvɪs seɪlz
self‑service sales (n.plural) ˌselfˈsɜːvɪs seɪlz

sprzedaż samoobsługowa

sell (v.) sel
sell (v.) sel

prowadzić sprzedaż

send the offer (phrase) send ðə ˈɒfə
send the offer (phrase) send ðə ˈɒfə

przesłać ofertę

service (n. C) ˈsɜːvɪs
service (n. C) ˈsɜːvɪs


shape (n. C, U) ʃeɪp
shape (n. C, U) ʃeɪp


size (n. C) saɪz
size (n. C) saɪz


special offer (n. C) ˈspeʃᵊl ˈɒfə
special offer (n. C) ˈspeʃᵊl ˈɒfə

oferta specjalna

technical assessment (n. C, U) ˈteknɪkᵊl əˈsesmənt
technical assessment (n. C, U) ˈteknɪkᵊl əˈsesmənt

ekspertyza techniczna

total order amount (compound noun) ˈtəʊtᵊl ˈɔːdə əˈmaʊnt
total order amount (compound noun) ˈtəʊtᵊl ˈɔːdə əˈmaʊnt

łączna kwota zamówienia

validity of the complaint (phrase) vəˈlɪdəti ɒv ðə kəmˈpleɪnt
validity of the complaint (phrase) vəˈlɪdəti ɒv ðə kəmˈpleɪnt

zasadność reklamacji

valuation (n. C, U) ˌvæljuˈeɪʃᵊn
valuation (n. C, U) ˌvæljuˈeɪʃᵊn


vending machines sales (n. plural) ˈvendɪŋməˌʃiːn seɪlz
vending machines sales (n. plural) ˈvendɪŋməˌʃiːn seɪlz

sprzedaż z automatów

warranty (n. C, U) ˈwɒrᵊnti
warranty (n. C, U) ˈwɒrᵊnti


warranty card (n. C) ˈwɒrᵊnti kɑːd
warranty card (n. C) ˈwɒrᵊnti kɑːd

karta gwarancyjna

warranty claim (n. C) ˈwɒrᵊnti kleɪm
warranty claim (n. C) ˈwɒrᵊnti kleɪm

zgłoszenie reklamacyjne

with a month advance (phrase) wɪð ə mʌnθ ədˈvɑːns
with a month advance (phrase) wɪð ə mʌnθ ədˈvɑːns

z miesięcznym wyprzedzeniem

withdrawal from the contract (n. C, U) wɪðˈdrɔːᵊl frɒm ðə ˈkɒntrækt
withdrawal from the contract (n. C, U) wɪðˈdrɔːᵊl frɒm ðə ˈkɒntrækt

odstąpienie od umowy