Factors determining the location of industry

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Before you start you should know
  • what the branches of industrial production are;

  • what causes industrial changes;

  • what changes in modern industry are.

You will learn
  • to discuss what industry deals with;

  • to divide industry into sections and divisions;

  • to enumerate the environmental factors determining the location of industry;

  • to discuss the non‑environmental factors determining the location of industry.

Nagranie abstraktu
Task 1

Specify what constitutes the industry.

What constitutes the industry? (Uzupełnij).
Exercise 1
Divide the industry into sections and divisions based on source materials: manual, e-manual and Internet resources. Extractive industry: Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. mining and quarrying, 2. metallurgy, 3. chemical industry, 4. mineral industry, 5. fuel and energy industry, 6. electromechanical industry, 7. light industry, 8. food industry, 9. wood and paper industry Processing industry: Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. mining and quarrying, 2. metallurgy, 3. chemical industry, 4. mineral industry, 5. fuel and energy industry, 6. electromechanical industry, 7. light industry, 8. food industry, 9. wood and paper industry

IndustryindustryIndustry is part of the economy. In a market economy, except in certain cases (e.g. because of strategic and defensive reasons, activation of regions, social considerations, etc.), businesses are created in order to bring profits to the owners. There are several circumstances that need to be taken into account for this to happen. They are collectively referred to as location factors.

As a result of such an analysis, an area or a place optimal for the investment is obtained. However, such an area or a place is often already occupied, thus the new factory is located in the best possible place.

General factors determining the location of industry.
Source: Dariusz Adryan, licencja: CC BY 3.0.
Porozmawiaj z sąsiadem z ławki. Podzielcie czynniki środowiskowe, które określają lokalizację przemysłu.
Source: licencja: CC 0.
Task 2

Using the manual and materials available online, divide the factors influencing location of industry into non‑environmental: technical‑economic and socio‑political factors.

Porozmawiaj z kolegą z klasy. Podzielcie czynniki wpływające na lokalizację przemysłu na czynniki inne niż środowiskowe: techniczno-ekonomiczne i społeczno-polityczne.
Exercise 2
Organize the factors influencing the location of industry. Environmental factors Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Market outlet, 2. Resource base, 3. Preferences of investors, 4. Access to water, 5. Labour resources, 6. Climatic conditions, 7. Environmental qualities, 8. Energy base, 9. State policy, 10. Scientific and research facilities, 11. Technical facilities, 12. Capital Socio-political factors Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Market outlet, 2. Resource base, 3. Preferences of investors, 4. Access to water, 5. Labour resources, 6. Climatic conditions, 7. Environmental qualities, 8. Energy base, 9. State policy, 10. Scientific and research facilities, 11. Technical facilities, 12. Capital Technical-economic factors Możliwe odpowiedzi: 1. Market outlet, 2. Resource base, 3. Preferences of investors, 4. Access to water, 5. Labour resources, 6. Climatic conditions, 7. Environmental qualities, 8. Energy base, 9. State policy, 10. Scientific and research facilities, 11. Technical facilities, 12. Capital


industry, location factors, branches of industry, industrial centres


Nagranie słówka: industry

przemysł - jest jednym z trzech , obok rolnictwa i usług, sektorów gospodarki. Obejmuje eksploatację zasobów naturalnych oraz ich przetwarzanie na produkty służące potrzebom człowieka, a także produkcję energii. Opiera się na wykorzystaniu maszyn i urządzeń oraz odpowiednich kwalifikacji pracowników.