
The rule of sum, the rule of product



Core curriculummb3128ff9791df0a8_1528449076687_0Core curriculum

XI. CombinatoricscombinatoricsCombinatorics.

The basic level. The student:

1. Calculates objects in simple combinatorics situationscombinatorics situationscombinatorics situations;

2. Objects applying rule of sumrule of sumrule of sum and rule of productrule of productrule of product (also together) for any number of activities, in situation no more difficult than:

a) calculating in how many four‑digit, odd, positive integers there is exactly one digit 1 and exactly one
digit 2,
b) calculating in how many four‑digit even, positive integers there is exactly one digit 0 and exactly one digit 1.


45 minutes

General objectivemb3128ff9791df0a8_1528449523725_0General objective

Choosing and creating mathematical models to solve practical and theoretical problems.

Specific objectivesmb3128ff9791df0a8_1528449552113_0Specific objectives

1. Calculating objectscalculating objectsCalculating objects in simple, combinatorics situations.

2. Calculating objects while using the rule of sum and rule of product.

3. Communicating in English, developing basic mathematical, computer and scientific competences, developing learning skills.

Learning outcomesmb3128ff9791df0a8_1528450430307_0Learning outcomes

The Student:

- calculates objects in simple, combinatorics situationscombinatorics situationscombinatorics situations,

- calculates objects while using the rule of sum and rule of product.


1. Flipped classroom method.

2. Discussion.

Forms of workmb3128ff9791df0a8_1528449514617_0Forms of work

1. Individual work.

2. Pairs work.

Lesson stages


Students will work using the flipped classroom method.

In order to do this, at home they prepare information about the rule of sumrule of sumrule of sum and therule of productrule of productrule of product. Their task is also to prepare an answer for the question “what is combinatoricscombinatoricscombinatorics?”


Students discuss materials prepared at home in pairs. They compare their notes and talk about any doubts.

Three volunteer teams present information by discussing the topics:

- What does cominatorics do?
- The rule of sumrule of sumrule of sum.
- The rule of productrule of productrule of product.

There should occur definitions:

- Combinatorics is the theory of defining number of elements of finite sets or structures of this elements.

- The rule of sum

The number of all possible outcomes of an experiment that involves doing one of n activities, out of which the first can end in one of kIndeks dolny 1 ways, the second – in one of kIndeks dolny 2 ways, the third – in one of kIndeks dolny 3 ways and so on till n‑th activity that can end in one of kn ways, is equal to kIndeks dolny 1

- The rule of product

The number of all possible outcomes of an experiment that involves doing n activities one by one, out of which the first can end in one of kIndeks dolny 1 ways, the second – in one of kIndeks dolny 2 ways, the third – in one of kIndeks dolny 3 ways
and so on till n‑th activity that can end in one of kIndeks dolny n ways, is equal to kIndeks dolny 1· kIndeks dolny 2 · kIndeks dolny 3·…· kIndeks dolny n.
mb3128ff9791df0a8_1527752263647_0- The rule of sum

The number of all possible outcomes of an experiment that involves doing one of n activities, out of which the first can end in one of kIndeks dolny 1 ways, the second – in one of kIndeks dolny 2 ways, the third – in one of kIndeks dolny 3 ways and so on till n‑th activity that can end in one of kn ways, is equal to kIndeks dolny 1

- The rule of product

The number of all possible outcomes of an experiment that involves doing n activities one by one, out of which the first can end in one of kIndeks dolny 1 ways, the second – in one of kIndeks dolny 2 ways, the third – in one of kIndeks dolny 3 ways
and so on till n‑th activity that can end in one of kIndeks dolny n ways, is equal to kIndeks dolny 1· kIndeks dolny 2 · kIndeks dolny 3·…· kIndeks dolny n.

Students work individually, using computers. Their task is to watch the interactive illustration, that presents ways of applying the rule of sum and the rule of product.

[Interactive illustration]

After having completed the exercise, students present results of their observations:

- if we make a few independent partial decisions that are included in one whole choice, then we multiply the number of decisions, but if we make mutually exclusive choices, then we add the number of choices.

Based on previously prepared and discussed information, students do exercises in pairs.

Task 1

How many ways of creating the timetable for one day there are, if in this day there should be one class of Polish, mathematics, history, biology, IT and English?mb3128ff9791df0a8_1527752256679_0How many ways of creating the timetable for one day there are, if in this day there should be one class of Polish, mathematics, history, biology, IT and English?

Task 2

How many four‑digit codes can be made only from digits from the set {2,4,6,7,8}, if:

a) digits can be repeated
b) each digit can be used only once.

Task 3

In a bar, there are 5 different soups, 7 main dishes and 4 kinds of drinks. How many sets made of soup, main dish and drink can we order in this bar?

The teacher evaluates students’ work and clarifies doubts.

An extra task:

How many positive integer divisors of the number 132300 are there?

Lesson summarymb3128ff9791df0a8_1528450119332_0Lesson summary

Students do the revision exercises. Then together they sum‑up the classes, by formulating the conclusions to memorise.

- The rule of sum

The number of all possible outcomes of an experiment that involves doing one of n activities, out of which the first can end in one of kIndeks dolny 1 ways, the second – in one of kIndeks dolny 2 ways, the third – in one of kIndeks dolny 3 ways and so on till n‑th activity that can end in one of kIndeks dolny n

- The rule of product

The number of all possible outcomes of an experiment that involves doing n activities one by one, out of which the first can end in one of kIndeks dolny 1 ways, the second – in one of kIndeks dolny 2 ways, the third – in one of kIndeks dolny 3 ways and so on till n‑th activity that can end in one of kIndeks dolny n ways, is equal to kIndeks dolny 1· kIndeks dolny 2· kIndeks dolny 3·…· kIndeks dolny n.
mb3128ff9791df0a8_1527752263647_0- The rule of sum

The number of all possible outcomes of an experiment that involves doing one of n activities, out of which the first can end in one of kIndeks dolny 1 ways, the second – in one of kIndeks dolny 2 ways, the third – in one of kIndeks dolny 3 ways and so on till n‑th activity that can end in one of kIndeks dolny n

- The rule of product

The number of all possible outcomes of an experiment that involves doing n activities one by one, out of which the first can end in one of kIndeks dolny 1 ways, the second – in one of kIndeks dolny 2 ways, the third – in one of kIndeks dolny 3 ways and so on till n‑th activity that can end in one of kIndeks dolny n ways, is equal to kIndeks dolny 1· kIndeks dolny 2· kIndeks dolny 3·…· kIndeks dolny n.

Selected words and expressions used in the lesson plan

calculating objectscalculating objectscalculating objects


combinatorics situationscombinatorics situationscombinatorics situations


rule of productrule of productrule of product

rule of sumrule of sumrule of sum



wymowa w języku angielskim: combinatorics
combinatorics situations1
combinatorics situations

sytuacje kombinatoryczne

wymowa w języku angielskim: combinatorics situations
rule of sum1
rule of sum

reguła dodawania

wymowa w języku angielskim: rule of sum
rule of product1
rule of product

reguła mnożenia

wymowa w języku angielskim: rule of product
calculating objects1
calculating objects

zliczanie obiektów

wymowa w języku angielskim: calculating objects


wymowa w języku angielskim: diagram