AU.31.1 Planning transport processes
Transport service order
1. Film in the standard version.

Film dostępny na portalu
The film takes place in a shipping company. The dialog refers to a transport service order.Film rozgrywa się w firmie spedycyjnej. Dialog dotyczy zlecenia usługi transportowej.
2. Film with subtitles.

Film dostępny na portalu
The film takes place in a shipping company. The dialog refers to a transport service order.Film rozgrywa się w firmie spedycyjnej. Dialog dotyczy zlecenia usługi transportowej.
3. Film with subtitles and pauses. Listen and repeat after the speaker.

Film dostępny na portalu
The film takes place in a shipping company. The dialog refers to a transport service order.Film rozgrywa się w firmie spedycyjnej. Dialog dotyczy zlecenia usługi transportowej.
4. Film with subtitles and narration.

Film dostępny na portalu
The film takes place in a shipping company. The dialog refers to a transport service order.Film rozgrywa się w firmie spedycyjnej. Dialog dotyczy zlecenia usługi transportowej.
After watching the film, entitled, “Transport service order”, fill in the gaps with correct words or phrases. Use the word bank. Po obejrzeniu filmu „Zlecenie usługi transportowej” uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami lub frazami. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
preliminary offer, weather resistant cargo, customs procedures, goods transport, packaging of goods, general costs of the transport service, transport services, cargo handling/reloading
The shipping company offers load transport, warehouse rental and ............................................................................ services.
The client is interested in .............................................................................
The owner informs the client that his company offers other ............................................................................ as well.
The company can also take care of the .............................................................................
The client wants to order the transport of 200 tons of .............................................................................
The owner of the company asks the client if she has read the company’s means of transport offer, ............................................................................ and transport documentation.
The owner will prepare a .............................................................................
The preliminary transport offer will include the delivery time and the .............................................................................
After watching the film, entitled, “Transport service order”, decide if the sentence is true or false. Na podstawie filmu „Zlecenie usługi transportowej”, zdecyduj czy twierdzenie jest prawdziwe czy nie.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The client wants to use the services of the shipping company. | □ | □ |
The transport order refers to goods handling/reloading. | □ | □ |
The company offers goods packaging and handling/reloading, and warehouse rental services. | □ | □ |
The client is interested in transport services only. | □ | □ |
The order refers to the transport of 200 tons of weather resistant cargo. | □ | □ |
The client will also use the company’s warehouse rental services. | □ | □ |
The owner will prepare a preliminary offer. | □ | □ |
The offer will include the delivery time and the general costs of the transport service. | □ | □ |
After watching the film, entitled, “Transport service order”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Na podstawie filmu „Zlecenie usługi transportowej”, połącz w pary polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
ładunek odporny na działanie czynników atmosferycznych, przewóz ładunku, wynająć magazyn, miejsce odbioru, przeładunek towaru, specyfikacja towaru, rodzaj ładunku, trasa transportu
rent a warehouse | |
cargo handling/reloading | |
goods transport | |
kind of load | |
weather resistant cargo | |
specifications of the goods | |
route of transport | |
place of receipt and acceptance |
Transport process

Film dostępny na portalu
The following animation shows the elements of the transport process and its planning. Various means of transport have been taken into account and presented.Animacja przedstawia elementy planowania i przebiegu procesu transportowego. Uwzględnione i zaprezentowane zostały różne środki transportu.
On the basis of the animation, entitled, “Transport process”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Na podstawie animacji „Proces transportowy” połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskim odpowiednikiem.
środki transportu, transport wodny, transport morski, transport powietrzny, dokumenty transportowe, transport drogowy, transport kolejowy, czas przewozu ładunku, transport śródlądowy, transport lądowy
means of transport | |
transport documents | |
time of the transport of the cargo | |
land transport | |
water transport | |
air transport | |
road transport | |
rail transport | |
sea transport | |
inland waterway transport |
On the basis of the animation, entitled, “Transport process”, fill in the gaps with correct words or phrases. Use the word bank. Na podstawie animacji „Proces transportowy”, uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami lub frazami. Skorzystaj z banku słów.
cargo, air transport, water transport, transport documents, recipient, means of transport, unloading, road and rail transport
The transport process includes loading, transport, handling, delivery and ...............................................
The main parties involved in the transport process are the supplier, the forwarder and the ...............................................
The subjects of this process are loads, the means of transport and ...............................................
Means of transport can be divided into: land, water and ...............................................
Land transport can be divided into ...............................................
.............................................. is divided into sea and inland waterway transport.
In order to choose the appropriate means of transport, information about the .............................................. is required.
The organization of the transport process is concerned with making choices concerning, among others, the ...............................................
On the basis of the animation, entitled, “Transport process”, decide if the sentence is true or false. Na podstawie animacji „Proces transportowy”, zdecyduj, czy twierdzenie jest prawdziwe, czy nie.
Water transport includes sea transport only., Means of transport can be divided into: land, water and air transport., The transport process includes loading, transport, handling, delivery and unloading., The main parties involved in the transport process are the office workers, recipients and drivers., Land transport can be divided into road and rail transport., The subjects of the transport process are the means of transport only., The organization of the transport process isn’t related to making choices concerning the means of transport and the transport route., In order to choose the appropriate means of transport, information about the vehicle’s payload and capacity, the price of the transport, and the time of the delivery of the cargo is required.
TRUE | |
Selection of the means of transport for the new product
The phone call is concerned with the selection of the means of transport for a new product to be distributed in Europe. The most crucial thing in its transportation is to reach the client quickly, minimize the costs and to take care of the appropriate protection of the product.
Rozmowa telefoniczna w sprawie doboru środków transportu do nowego produktu, który ma być dystrybuowany w Europie. Kluczowe przy jego przewozie jest szybkie dotarcie do klienta, minimalizacja kosztów oraz odpowiednie zabezpieczenie produktu.
Client: Good morning.
Employee: Good morning. Shipping companyShipping company here. How can I help you?
Client: Our company is introducing a new productproduct into the European market. What offeroffer can you suggest for this type of order?
Employee: Do you have any special requirements for theshippingshippingof this product?
Client: We would like the product to reach different, chosen places in Europe as soon as possible.
Employee: What kind of productkind of product is it?**
Client: It is a valuablevaluable, fragilefragile product.
Employee: Is it aperishableperishableproduct?
Client: No, but it requires additional safeguards.
Employee: What do you mean by additional safeguardsadditional safeguards***?***
Client: The product must not turn over. It must be transported in a vertical positiontransported in a vertical position.
Employee: Could you please give us more information? What is its weight? What are its dimensions?
Client: It is a new type of monitor. It weighs about 2 kg. It’s dimensions are 50 inches.
Employee: We will develop an offer for theshipping processshipping processbased on various means of transportmeans of transport***. We will also consider additional safeguards and*** customs procedurescustoms procedures based on current legislation.
Client: Please also consider the cost optimizationcost optimization. We would like to start with cheap transport.
Employee: I will see what I can find for you. But the time of the transport, quality and price do not always go hand in hand.
Client: This is very important for us, especially at the beginning of our business activity.
Employee: In that case, I will include it in the offer.
Client: Thank you, I’m looking forward to receiving the proposal.
Employee: Thank you as well. Goodbye.
Client: Goodbye.
After reading the text, entitled, “Selection of the means of transport for the new product”, put the dialogue in the correct order. Po przeczytaniu tekstu „Dobór transportu do nowego produktu”, ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- Good morning. How can I help you?
- We would like the product to reach different, chosen places in Europe as soon as possible.
- Thank you as well. Goodbye.
- Thank you, I’m looking forward to receiving the proposal.
- Do you have any special requirements for the shipping of this product?
- What kind of product is it?
- Good morning.
- It is a valuable, fragile product.
- In that case, I will include it in the offer.
- Our company is introducing a new product into the European market.
Cargo transport service
The text presents the content of an e‑mail informing about an offer of goods transport services.
Tekst przedstawia treść maila związanego z propozycją usługi przewozu towarów.
Good morning,
With reference to our telephone conversation, I will briefly present the key elements of the cargo transportcargo transport service.
First, it is important that this service be between two entities - the sendersender and the recipientrecipient. We start the process by choosing the right means of transport. During this stage, factors such as the kind of cargokind of cargo, season of the year and time, should be taken into account.
Usually the delivery deadlinedelivery deadline is the most important factor when selecting the means of transport. If it is short, we must be aware of the fact that the price of the transportprice of the transport can increase significantly.
After arranging the details of the carriage and signing the shipping agreementshipping agreement, we will go through the order fulfilmentorder fulfilment. The sender's cargo is loadedcargo is loaded onto the previously selected means of transport.
Please note that the load may be damageddamaged during transportation, regardless of the selected package. It can also be stolenstolen. Therefore, it is advisable to acquire cargo insurancecargo insurance.
Immediately after reaching the recipient, the load is unloadedunloaded and its quantity and quality is checked. The load is then placed in a warehouseplaced in a warehouse or directly forwarded, e.g. to a sales room.
This is just a general outline of what goes on during different stages of the cargo transport. You can observe the whole process online, via our website services.
After reading the text, entitled, “Cargo transport service”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po przeczytaniu tekstu „Usługa przewozu ładunku” połącz w pary polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.Hint: Find pars, e.g. order fulfilment - realizacja zamówienia.
umowa spedycyjna, realizacja zamówienia, załadowanie ładunku, nadawca, przewóz ładunku, odbiorca, termin dostarczenia, cena za przewóz, uszkodzić ładunek, rodzaj ładunku
cargo transport | |
sender | |
recipient | |
kind of cargo | |
date of delivery | |
price of the transport | |
shipping agreement | |
order fulfilment | |
loading of the cargo | |
damage load |
Timely delivery of cargo
The material is a fragment of internal shipping materials.
Materiał stanowi fragment materiałów wewnętrznych firmy spedycyjnej.
We are a dynamically developing company, focused on the transport servicestransport services sector.
Specialization in one sector only makes us not only efficient in what we do, but also fast in action. We also focus on the high quality of the services we deliver.
The key aspect of our business is the timely delivery of the cargotimely delivery of the cargo. It is also known as the delivery guaranteedelivery guarantee by the carrier to the destination.
The timely delivery of the cargo also influences the appropriate selection of the means of transportselection of the means of transport for the assigned task. It also affects the delivery costsdelivery costs of the load.
Delivery speedDelivery speed is another element associated with the timely delivery of the cargo. It is related both with the selected means of transport, and with the available transport infrastructuretransport infrastructure. It is also important to properly protect the loadprotect the load from damage or theft.
Failure to meet the delivery dateFailure to meet the delivery date may have very negative effects. The client may not use our services in the future, may demand compensationdemand compensation, and the transported goods may be damaged. The company may not receive further shipping ordersshipping orders as a result of negative opinions.
We continually do our utmost to increase the customer service standardsincrease the customer service standards in our company. Therefore, to increase the transparency of our processes, we have prepared a guidebook concerning our procedures. The document is available on our intranet.
Organizing the transport of a load

Film dostępny na portalu
A conversation about organizing the transport of a load.Rozmowa spedycyjna dotycząca organizowania transportu ładunków.
After listening to the audio recording, entitled, “Organizing the transport of a load”, decide if the sentence is true or false. Wysłuchaj nagrania „Organizowanie transportu ładunku” i zdecyduj czy zdanie jest prawdziwe czy fałszywe.
Prawda | Fałsz | |
The client is calling to ask about his cargo transport order. | □ | □ |
The order is currently in progress. | □ | □ |
The delivery schedule has not been agreed upon. | □ | □ |
All of the documents for shipping and invoices are prepared. | □ | □ |
The goods aren’t ready for shipping. | □ | □ |
The shipping company has received money transfer payment for the service. | □ | □ |
The transport documents are attached to the shipment. | □ | □ |
The cargo has been insured against damage and thefts, etc., as part of the service. | □ | □ |
The client will send the shipping company employee an email with his contact details. | □ | □ |
After listening to the audio recording, entitled, “Organizing the transport of a load”, match the Polish phrases with their English equivalents. Po wysłuchaniu nagrania „Organizowanie transportu ładunku”, połącz polskie terminy z ich angielskimi odpowiednikami.
faktury, harmonogram dostaw, dokumenty do wysyłki, pierwsza partia została wysłana, ubezpieczenie ładunku, zlecenie spedycyjne, zlecenie przewozu ładunku, dołączone do przesyłki, dokumenty przewozowe, towar gotowy do wysyłki
cargo transport order | |
shipping order | |
delivery schedule | |
documents for shipping | |
invoices | |
the goods are ready for shipping | |
the first shipment has already been sent | |
transport documents | |
attached to the shipment | |
cargo insurance |
After listening to the audio recording, entitled, “Organizing the transport of a load”, put the dialogue in the correct order. Wysłuchaj nagrania „Organizowanie transportu ładunku” i ułóż dialog w odpowiedniej kolejności.
- Good morning. I’m calling to find out about my cargo transport order.
- Yes, of course. I can send you the information.
- Great. I will send you an e-mail with all the data in a moment.
- Yes. It’s ZLO183/ 03/2017
- Has a delivery schedule been agreed upon?
- Good morning. Do you have the number of your shipping order?
- Goodbye.
- I’ll be waiting for the e-mail with your contact details. I will keep you updated. Goodbye.
- Your order is currently in progress.
Shipping order


Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem

Zasób interaktywny dostępny pod adresem
dodatkowe zabezpieczenia
uzgodniona cena transportu
transport lotniczy
dołączone do przesyłki
ubezpieczenie ładunku
zabezpieczenie ładunku
warunki dostawy
warunki wykonania usługi transportowej
list przewozowy
optymalizacja kosztów
standardy obsługi klienta
procedura celna
uszkodzić / ładunek
termin dostarczenia
data załadunku
data rozładunku
koszt dostarczenia
gwarancja dostarczenia
harmonogram dostaw
szybkość dostawy
czas dostawy
żądać odszkodowania
dokument do wysyłki
realizacja zamówienia
odprawa celna eksportowa
niedotrzymanie terminu dostawy
wózek widłowy
firma spedycyjna
umowa spedycyjna, zlecenie spedycyjne
proces spedycji
delikatny /ładunek/
ogólne koszty usługi
towar gotowy do wysyłki
odprawa celna importowa
transport śródlądowy
transport lądowy
ładunek odporny na działanie czynników atmosferycznych
czas przewozu ładunku
numer załadunku
załadowanie ładunku
transport morski
środki transportu
zlecić transport
pakować towar
wózek paletowy
łatwo psujący /ładunek/
pobrać towar
złożyć w magazynie
miejsce dostawy
miejsce załadunku
miejsce odbioru
wstępna oferta
przygotowanie środka transportu
przygotować dokumenty
przygotować do przewozu
przygotować przesyłkę
cena za przewóz
typ produktu
transport kolejowy
wynająć magazyn
transport drogowy
dobór środków transportowych
oferta usługi spedycyjnej
dokument przewozowy
specyfikacja towaru
skraść /ładunek/
pierwsza partia została wysłana
terminowe dostarczenie ładunku
przekazać towar do magazynu
dokumentacja transportowa
przewozić w pozycji pionowej
infrastruktura przewozowa
zlecenie przewozowe
proces transportowy
transport do miejsca docelowego
trasa transportu
usługi przewozowe
samochód ciężarowy
rodzaj ładunku
rozładunek, wyładunek
ładowność pojazdu
transport wodny