
Writing and reading decimal numbers



Core curriculumme8f8cdccb979d200_1528449076687_0Core curriculum

IV. Common and decimal fractions. The student:

7) marks and reads common and decimal fractions on the number line

9) converts common fractions of denominators being the divisor of numbers 10, 100, 1000 etc into finite decimal fractiondecimal fractiondecimal fraction using any method (simplifying or extending common fractions, dividing the numerator by the denominator, with the long method or the calculator).


45 minutes

General objectiveme8f8cdccb979d200_1528449523725_0General objective

Performing simple calculations in memory or more difficult operations using the long methods, and applying this skills in practical situations.

Specific objectivesme8f8cdccb979d200_1528449552113_0Specific objectives

1. Writing decimal numbers.

2. Reading decimal numbers.

3. Communicating in English, developing basic mathematical, computer and scientific competences, developing learning skills.

Learning outcomesme8f8cdccb979d200_1528450430307_0Learning outcomes

The student:

- Writes decimal numbers.

- Reads decimal numbers.


1. Situational analysis.

2. Educational game.

Forms of workme8f8cdccb979d200_1528449514617_0Forms of work

1. Individual work.

2. Group work.

Lesson stages


Students revise information about decimal fractions.

- Fractions of denominators 10, 100, 1000… are called decimal fractions.

- Decimal fractions can be written in two ways: as a common fractions or using a point, that is a decimal form.


Task 1
Students work individually, using computers. Their task is to watch the interactive illustration describing the composition of decimal fractiondecimal fractiondecimal fraction.

[Interactive illustration 1]

Task 2
The following table presents the decimal numeral system, used to write down numbers.

Students use the obtained information and the examples in the table.

Their task is to fill in the table.

[Table 1]

Task 3
Based on the following examples, students write down the sums in the form of decimal fractions.

Example: 3+310+51000=3+310+0100+51000=3+0,3+0,00+0,005=3,305

a. 2+210+5100+41000

b. 15+710+51000

c. 7+8100+31000

Educational game – mathematical domino

The teacher divides students into five people groups and hands out the prepared materials.

Students’ task is to correctly match the dominos as fast as possible.

[Illustration 1]

An extra task:
Students write down decimal numbers that meet the following conditions:

a. In this number, the units number is 6, the decimal numberdecimal numberdecimal number is 5 and the hundredth part number is 7.

b. In this number there are 5 digits, it is greater than 11 and smaller than 12. The decimal numberdecimal numberdecimal number is 6 and the thousandths partthousandths partthousandths part number is 8 and the hundreths parthundreths parthundreths part number is 9.

Lesson summaryme8f8cdccb979d200_1528450119332_0Lesson summary

Students do the revision exercises. Then together they sum‑up the classes, by formulating the conclusions to memorise.

- The decimal numbers are written in the decimal numeral system. Position of each digits has its own name.

- In the decimal numbers there is a point that separates whole parts from the decimal parts.me8f8cdccb979d200_1527752263647_0In the decimal numbers there is a point that separates whole parts from the decimal parts.

- In writing decimal numbers, the consecutive numbers occurring after the point mean how many decimal parts, hundredths parts, thousandths parts the fractional part consists of.me8f8cdccb979d200_1527752256679_0In writing decimal numbers, the consecutive numbers occurring after the point mean how many decimal parts, hundredths parts, thousandths parts the fractional part consists of.

Selected words and expressions used in the lesson plan

converting common fraction into decimal fractionconverting common fraction into decimal fractionconverting common fraction into decimal fraction

converting decimal fraction into common fractionconverting decimal fraction into common fractionconverting decimal fraction into common fraction

decimal fractiondecimal fractiondecimal fraction

decimal numberdecimal numberdecimal number

decimal number formdecimal number formdecimal number form

decimal partdecimal partdecimal part

hundreths parthundreths parthundreths part

thousandths partthousandths partthousandths part

decimal fraction1
decimal fraction

ułamki dziesiętny - ułamki o mianowniku 10, 100, 1000,…

wymowa w języku angielskim: decimal fraction
decimal number1
decimal number

liczba dziesiętna

wymowa w języku angielskim: decimal number
thousandths part1
thousandths part

część tysięczna

wymowa w języku angielskim: thousandths part
hundreths part1
hundreths part

część setna

wymowa w języku angielskim: hundreths part
converting common fraction into decimal fraction1
converting common fraction into decimal fraction

zamiana ułamka zwykłego na dziesiętny

wymowa w języku angielskim: converting common fraction into decimal fraction
converting decimal fraction into common fraction1
converting decimal fraction into common fraction

zamiana ułamka dziesiętnego na zwykły

wymowa w języku angielskim: converting decimal fraction into common fraction
decimal number form1
decimal number form

zapis liczby dziesiętnej – kolejne cyfry występujące po przecinku oznaczają, z ilu części dziesiątych, z ilu części setnych, z ilu tysięcznych, składa się część ułamkowa

wymowa w języku angielskim: decimal number form
decimal part1
decimal part

część dziesiętna

wymowa w języku angielskim: decimal part